Kayfabe Two flies in a jar

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The Gipper

The Gipper
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
The video starts as it stares at the pavement before it lifts up to see a guy aged around the beginning of 40 but it's only for a instance as the man stares at the camera as he changes some options on the camera to make it blurry and then not blurry and stuff like that before he hoists onto his shoulder as he walks down a street of popular British stores like ASDA, Bargain Booze and A chip and fish shop that has Chinese wording above the door. But none of those stores matter as the cameraman keeps moving forward through the street until it notices a bright green door with a massive body guard standing right next to the door as the camera suddenly starts to shake more as the cameraman

Cameraman: Erm...Excuse me? I was told that I would be meeting Reagan Cole here.

The bodyguard notices the man and stares at him with a stern look, one that could send chills down the spine of anyone.

Bodyguard: Are you press?

Cameraman: Erm...no?

Bodyguard: Okay, wait one second please

The bodyguard suddenly reaches into his pocket to grab a mobile phone which he dials a random number and holds the phone up and puts it on speaker mode. The cameraman edges closer to the bodyguard, so that the phone is in clear sight, and so that the person answering it can be clearly heard.

Bodyguard: Hello? Boss?

Reagan: Hey Matt, what's up?

The bodyguards name is suddenly revealed to be Matt as the clear voice of Reagan Cole is echoed from the phone to both Matt and the slightly relieved cameraman

Matt: Yea boss, there's someone here who wants to meet you.

Reagan: Have you asked who sent him?

Matt looks at the cameraman with a intrigued look on his face as the cameraman calmly replies

Cameraman: uh...I was sent by Precision to interview your group about the matches this week if that's okay? Especially that steel cage match to crown the first Survival Champion, Mr. Blake doesn't seem to like.. um.. what's his name again? Will Nulson? Nelson? Neilson?

A loud sigh is heard from the phone as Reagan realizes what he is in for.

Reagan: Seriously? Do I have to?

Cameraman: According to Mr Blake, yes sir.

Reagan: Fine. Matt, let him in. I will meet up with him at bottom of the stairs

Reagan hangs up the phone which leads to Matt putting the phone away and opening the door for the cameraman to step in and the cameraman trips on his way and almost falls down the stairs but he stops himself just beforehand to the disappointment of Reagan who can now be seen at the bottom of the stairs, The cameraman slowly and cautiously walks down the stairs as more and more of Reagan's personal "fight club" is revealed to the audience as it's basically a massive gym but there is a space in the middle where there is a big ring with it's turnbuckles sticking into the stone and two fighters are already in the circle, preparing to battle. One of the fighters, is seen as it is revealed to be Will Neilson who is putting on MMA gloves, he notices the cameraman and gives him a dirty look before standing in the corner waiting for his opponent to be ready.

Reagan: So.. you see that man in the ring? The one on the right? That's Will Neilson, former World Champion, Mr. Money in the Bank and soon to be first ever Survival Champion. He was once a goody two shoes, you know... eating cereal and saying you love the fans every opportunity you get. Now, he's changed. He's more aggressive, ruthless and bloodthirsty than ever before... it's like looking at a completely different person to one seen a few months ago.

The cameraman looks at Neilson again, a worried look on his face. He turns to Reagan before quickly turning back and noticing that the fight has begun, almost straight away Will jumps onto his opponent and floors him with a sort of ground and pound maneuver, before locking in a Dragon Sleeper like submission, the cameraman turns away again to face Reagan.

Cameraman; I can definitely tell that he has changed, that's not the Will Neilson I'd expect back in Precision Season 1. The big question I've got on my mind is.. just why did you choose to take him under your wing? Coming from an entirely different company as well, do you see a lot of potential in Will?

Reagan: Well the answer is simple...Like you said, I have been in many promotions. I have been wrestling for around 14 years! And after that period, you notice trends in the companies you go into. There's normally a guy who is like a monster, a person who is creepy in many ways, the cocky guys and of course the gm's sweethearts. The people who are the middle of a company according to the owner. When I was In IWT, it was Aids Johnson. In NGW, it was Jeffry Mason. In Exodus last year, it was Lukey. In ARK, it's Johnny Saturn. And you can't get past that guy unless you kiss up a lot behind the scenes except Neilson didn't. He simply beat Robert Blake so badly that Robert had no other choice because they were in Hell In A Cell and he couldn't even get help to back him up.

That's amazing. Ryan Blake had no other choice than to let Will Neilson, the person who nobody expected, win that match! Not only that Ryan Blake had to put the guy in a Elimination Chamber to get the title off the guy! And even then everyone had to team up to take him on! He was a easy pick for Anarchy Inc. Have you ever heard the story of the two fleas in a jar?

Cameraman: I do not believe that I have.

Reagan: It’s something I heard a while back, how did it go again? ah, yes. See, there’s these two fleas trapped in a jar right? Every day, the fleas kept trying to jump out the jar, but they hit their heads on the lid and fall back down. Then one day, without the fleas knowing, somebody came along and took the lid off the jar. Them fleas tried jumping out again, but they punked out and jumped back down cause they was scared of hitting their heads on the lid. They kept themselves from getting out cause of how many times they’d been kept down.

That's what I'm trying to stop. Neilson and Stark? They are the flies of the story. And the Blakes and the fans are that lid. They don't want either of them to succeed so they stop them. It's stupid that these so called "fans" don't see what these guys are capable of and the potential they have against people like Rogue and Vega.

Cameraman: Interesting, is it fine for me just to have a quick word with Mr. Neilson about his upcoming match against Chris Young?

Reagan: I'm sure he won't mind... go ahead.

The cameraman walks forward and goes over towards the ring, Will Neilson is sitting on the apron, MMA gloves removed. He is wearing his ring gear along with a black tank top and a cut along his nose.

Cameraman: Mr. Nuleson? Can we just ask for your opinion on your upcoming Steel Cage match with Chris Young to crown the first ever Precision Survival Champion?

Will: First thing... it's Neilson, not Nuleson. You want to get my opinion on Chris Young? Aha! Chris Young is nothing but talk, talk, talk. He's been everywhere and he's lost everywhere. What was the last thing he ever did? He even lost to Rhys Haze at Wrestle Dynasty, which puts him on a level sooooo far below me. Putting me and him inside a Steel Cage doesn't terrify me, he is saying that we will be like rats trapped inside the cell... hehe.. the only rat is him, and I'm gonna tread all over him and walk out the first ever Survival Champion.

Cameraman: Hmmmm... if I remember correctly Chris Young once became Intercontinental Champion in Exo-

Will: Excuse me? Are you doubting me? Oh now you've done it.

The cameraman backs up but seems to have bumped into someone, he turns around and Antonio Stark is standing in front of him, he takes the camera off of him and beckons to Matt, the bodyguard. Matt picks up the cameraman forcefully, and he doesn't try to fight back. Stark follows and it shows the innocent cameraman being thrown out back onto the pavement. The doors close and the camera fades to black with the last view of the ring.