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Apr 11, 2009
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So after watching the John Cena/Edge promo on friday, which by the way I thought was brilliant given they brought up their history the last three years and such, I cant help but think that after Backlash Edge may be heading in a new direction as far as his character goes. Im not saying he turns face, but Im saying that based on his expression, tone, his loss at mania and his obvious upcoming loss in LMS and his sheer bitterness towards Cena, we may see a new side of Edge come from all of this, perhaps one where he realizes hes a former shell of himself and after some self loathing just completely snaps and and has a mental breakdown of sorts.

So i guess my question is where do you see the direction of Edge going after Backlash. Do you think hell take some time off and then return in a couple of months, go to Raw and continue to play up the Vickie/Edge romance angle or something entirely new that we havent seen from edge?

This is my first thread so sorry if its a stupid topic


Aug 16, 2007
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First off, I think Edge will lose at Backlash but he will stay on SD! which will break up the Vickie/Edge angle, which is a good thing. However, i dont think Edge wil ahve a mental breakdown. THye kinda did that angle back b4 he won the first MITB ladder Match, where he went crazy over winning the Heavyweight Championship. One last match at Backlash will be good for Edge but i see him having a few smaller fueds until he gets back in the Main Event scene. The draft is tricky with what can happen. I still beleive that they are saving Edge vs. Christian for Summerslam, if Christian can win Mr. McMahon over


The promo on Friday night with cena and edge was awesome. I hate cena like edge does. But that promo was perfect, it made me want to watch the match. Although Ive shit over the fact cena vs edge part 50000 and Orton vs hhh part 40000 is happening at backlash i was not going to watch it. But these guys gave the history of their feud and cena looked cause he did not saying any cheesy lines. He spoke the truth and i loved it when edge said he hated his hat,t shirt and wrist bands cena taking them off and offering edge to hit him was good. Edge like i did a thread before about him turning face should change his character i mean its been coming now for a while he is getting stale. I think he will turn on Vickie and become a rouge face type guy. Same edge but not a guy smacking the fans hands lol. Edge should change and when he does i think it will take him even further to the top of the wwe.

Luke Flywalker

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Jan 28, 2009
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Edge just needs to be on his own, with his own creative control, AS A HEEL! Fuck all this face talk! Edge is a TOP HEEL if not THE top! His brilliance shouldn't be limited or taken in a new direction. They should take him back to where Foley was pushing him. He should go back to where he was feuding with Foley. Back to how he was feuding with Cena before.

When Edge has creative over his character and isn't held back by Vickie's creative control... he's probably one of the best at selling his character as anyone in the history of the business. Being right on the EDGE. The brink of insanity. Pushing his own and others limits and seeing who can keep their balance.

Edge is successful as a heel. He's stale with Vickie.

The problem with Edge as a face is... how do you find enough heels to replace what he does as the top heel? Who do you rightfully convert? Punk hasn't proven in WWE that he's that kinda heel to compete with a face Edge. Christian vs. Edge so close to the Matt/Jeff storyline is a fail. Edge vs. Orton would only be a safe bet at WrestleMania... don't play that one up at some bullshit like Armageddon.


I was thinking that Edge may be staying on Smackdown due to Vicky moving over to RAW...now I'm really not too sure.
-They ran this angle with Edge/Vicky for so fuckin long now it would be completely ridiculous not to run the breakup part of it. I really think both Edge and Show may move over to RAW to really tie up this one. Show will become Vicky's new pet...
-If Edge stays on Smackdown we'll be subjected to Edge/Cena 1000000. I really think it's time to build some new heels over on Smackdown. With Cena's obvious move it may be time to introduce Matt Hardy, Jericho and others as top heels over on that brand.

Edge could work quite well on RAW as a bad ass face...or even a tweener. A feud between him and Orton would be fucking immense. I do agree that Edge needs to break away from this pussy heel gimmick he's been running with over the past year or so. I really think if he stays on Smackdown he'll just continue to grow more stale.


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Aug 13, 2007
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I'm going for Cena win at backlash Edge taking time off to fix his knees and get them healed up(AKA gone loopy over not winning the title), As apparently he got fucked up knees. Then he comes back refreshed and bad arsed.


Edge will stay on SD I'm pretty sure. I'd love for him to go to Raw, but I see him stayin gon Smackdown, to get away from the Vickie thing. Not to mention, he's basically the face of SD.
I also see him staying heel. I know it would be interesting to see him as face, but WWE is in need of any major heels they can have right now, and Edge is as good as it gets. Edge won't ever turn face, or even tweener, unless WWE an establish another main event heel to take his place.

The Rated R CMStar

Seriously, fuck his time off. I won't believe those rumors until I see Edge not appearing on the WWE. Seriously, with names as HBK, Edge and Batista, those rumors of time off appear every 4 months.

As for his character, as far as I am concerned, you can keep Vickie with him, but just go back to focusing his character to the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP and not LOVE. They pulled it nicely from Armageddon 2007 to Vengeance 2008, in which Edge was all about the championship and the love deal was a sideshow, just there to get more boos for the stable. But from that point forward, love with Vickie has been the main deal, and except from the build up for Summerslam, it was far from entertaining.


What they should do if edge does turn heel is Vickie has chavo and edge heads to attack edge. For her own amusement obviously, yeah i know edge heads have been off tv for a while and nothing to do with this angle. But it can get them back into wwe with some heat if done correctly with edge. Bu then you ask yourself although edge has been cheered lately its been in Texas. So is it just Texas or people do like him? They need to make sure people feel sorry for him to boo people attacking him. Either that or keep edge on smackdown and fade out Vickie angle.


I think he's due a face turn. Is it just me who thought that the promo on Sd was trying to get abit of sympathy for him. There was no malice, he didn't attack Cena and he was trying to play the pitiful loser.

I would actually love to see Edge turn face. He has been the best(or second best if you think Orton was greater), but the greatest wrestlers of all time have to be able to play both sides. No i don't expect him to be a great face, but I would think that he can be decent. And if that fails, he can jus say he was trying to be nice but apparently the fans don't appreciate it and become heel again.

Luke Flywalker

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Jan 28, 2009
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The ONLY way I see Edge going face barring factioning back up with Christian (not even for tag title runs, just to have each other's backs, and this plan could be used with the faction as well), would be to have Edge attack everyone on some Sting-nWo type'a shit and have him randomly do bloodbaths in the WWE again. I think they'd reach a certain group of fans with a stunt like that, and it could build him as a face. Same strategy could be used to make him an even more hated heel as well.

But I think they should go with the bloodbaths again. Those fucking things were awesome, and at one point, random as fucking hitting anyone at anytime.


I need and want Edge to get rid of Vickie, get rid of any alliances, and go bad ass Edge. Great wrestler, great promo worker, great heel and sticks up for himself, no funny business. Just a down right clever and talented heel. No cheating, or anything like that. Make him look damn good. He had no friends, and is looking out for nobody but himself. Like heel Taker.