Did that segment remind anyone of when Orton and Edge dragged Ric Flair out back in early 2007 when Rated RKO were feuding with DX? Back then, Edge said that Ric Flair was to be his new guest on The Cutting Edge and then Orton came out and sarcastically said that Flair needed help coming through the curtain and so he and Orton dragged a bloodied and beaten Flair out to ringside, which enraged HHH (and HBK.) Kind of fitting that the tables were turned a bit here between HHH and Edge, except without the busted open part. (Damn PG.)
Also, did anyone laugh when Edge said to Daniel Bryan "I don't know if you can beat Randy Orton, I really don't, but I think you deserve a fair chance." Um, he beat him earlier this year. Guess Edge missed that episode of Raw.