Tag team division is not what it used to be and i think wwe should and hopefully by recruiting teams from elsewhere have title matches under the tornado tag style.Would make things a whole lot more interesting.
Stopspot said:I remember that they did a fourway tag match at Over The Limit I think, Where Abraham Washington teamed with PTP, the other teams were Kidd and Gabriel, Primo and Epico and the Usos. It was a real good match and I believe that tornado matches could work with the current division if it was given enough focus (One match and a backstager on each RAW and Smackdown is in theory enough) so that all the teams have a chance to get over. And with WWE seemingly interested in more indy talent and with the tag teams down in NXT (Wyatt Family, Ohno and Kruger and Dallas and McGillicutty) I think we can get a tag team resurgence once they find the next top guy.
Pop Tatari said:That tag match was great i remember kidd done a top rope Hurricanrana to someone to the outside where the rest were fighting. If you have the right guys then they can feed off each other and make it interesting throughout.
Stopspot said:It was Primo who ate the Hurricanrana if my memory is correct. And yeah, with the right guys in it you can work magic. I see PAC/Adrian Neville as a big part of the tag division in the future. I'd call him up now and place him with Gabriel if needed.
Pop Tatari said:That would be a good combination and it would give Gabriel something to do.
Stopspot said:They are of similar size and with very similar movesets without ripping each other off so they would really compliment each other well. The only question I have is who would do the talking since Tyson did that the few times you heard them speak and I haven't heard Neville speak at all.