“She’s actually moving quite well now. But it’s slow, it really is. They do not do rehab, physical therapy, for a hip. They just tell you to walk. So the recovery time, I guess, is based on how much you get out and you move. And she’s been, you know, hasn’t really been getting out, but she’s been moving. She’s been going up the steps, she’s been going down the steps, to the bedroom, she’s been putting herself into the bed. And you got to swing the hips to get in."
“So I don’t know what the recovery time is. But as far as pain management is concerned, I’m thinking that the pain has been subsiding and she’s been able to cut down on the meds. So I would think maybe in the next couple of weeks she would be much, much better pain-wise. As far as getting around-wise, I’m not sure.”