Random gimmick wrestler shot, Oh Tugboat.
Gimmicks are recycled in some way, shape or form from time to time in wrestling. As in most entertainment businesses almost everything has been done before. The key factor is to put your own individual twist on the gimmick to make it yours. WWE has seen a couple of gimmicks reused over the years. Umaga was in a sense a recycling of his uncles gimmick from their wild Samoans days. Other examples are wen Ted Dibiase Jr ran with his dads gimmick for a while (even if that in a sense can be considered a sequel) and Damian Sandow reminds people partially of Bob Backlund and Hunter Herts Helmsley.
What gimmicks from the WWE of old would you like to see return in some shape or form?
Can you pick a wrestler from the current roster to play it?
Would you introduce a new gimmick if you had the opportunity and what would it be?
Personally I would love to see Sean O'Haire's devil's advocate/Antichrist gimmick get another shot since it showed so much potential but was never given a chance on the main roster (with O'Hair being fed to Hogan in his debut). I have a problem placing it on a current roster member though but if I could dig down to NXT I think Judas Devlin fulfills the physical look, but I would have to hear him talk first.
Your thoughts?