TNW = Total Non-Stop Wrestling

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Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
Backstory: It all started in late 2007 when WWE started to get more of a kid fan base. Well, it proved it didn't work. Less people were tuning in to their shows, buying their PPVs and buying their merchandise not giving WWE enough money to stay on TV. It all came crashing down when the company was bought out....... BY ERIC BISCHOFF! Eric Bischoff completely changed the name of the brand and started to bring in some WCW PPVs as well as using some WWE PPVs.

An Interview was conducted with Eric Bischoff after news got out he bought WWE.

Interviewer: First of all, thank you for your time, Eric.

Eric Bischoff: No problem, it's my pleasure.

Interviewer: You recently bought WWE and have completely changed the name to TNW. What does that stand for?

Eric Bischoff: It stands for Total Non-Stop Wrestling.

Interviewer: Now, WCW was good, but it crashed down after a while, is TNW going to be like that?

Eric Bischoff: I really hope not. You know, I'm just going to come straight out with it here, the writers killed WCW. And it all started with that Hulk Hogan poke of death to Kevin Nash. It was down right stupid and I don't blame the fans for not watching anymore. The only thing I regret is I didn't get in there fast enough to change the direction.

Interviewer: What changes are coming to TNW?

Eric Bischoff: We have no womens division and it's all just one brand. We also have pay-per-views from both WCW and WWE. We also have a roster from both WWE and TNA. The wrestlers that were in the old WCW either don't wrestle anymore, or have gotten too out of shape to wrestle and we just can't risk the health of the wrestlers that have gotten out of shape.

Interviewer: Well, Eric that was surprisngly all the time we had. Just answer this one question, when will the first show take place?

Eric Bischoff: I'm not sure yet. We'll see how everything goes. Our first show, however will be at a one time only special PPV, called "The Beginning."

Interviewer: Alright, thank you for your time, Eric.

Eric Bischoff: My pleasure.


Main Eventers:
Big Show [Face]
Chris Jericho [Heel]
Shawn Michaels [Face]
Edge [Heel]
John Cena [Face]
Kurt Angle [Heel]
Randy Orton [Heel]

The Undertaker [Face]
Batista [Face]

Christian Cage [Face]
Booker T [Face]
Jeff Hardy [Face]

Mr. Kennedy [Heel]
Finlay [Face]
Matt Hardy [Face]

Montel Vontavious Porter [Heel]
Elijah Burke [Heel]
John Morrison [Heel]
Shelton Benjamin [Heel]
Umaga [Heel]

CM Punk [Face]
Kofi Kingston [Face]

Tag Team Division:
Jesse & Festus [Face]
Shad & JTG (Cryme Tyme) [Face]
Brian Kendrick & Paul London [Face]

Deuce & Domino [Heel]
Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder [Heel]


TNW Champion:
TNW United States Champion:
TNW Tag Team Champions:


January - WrestleBash
February - Resurrection
March - WrestleBowl
April - SuperBrawl
May - Uncensored
June - The Great American Bash
July - Bad Blood
August - Brawl At The Beach
September - No Mercy
October - Online Chaos (Fans take control for one night)
November - Survivor Series
December - Unforgiven

Matches In One Time Only PPV "The Beginning":

Fatal Four Way Elimination Match for the TNW Championship
Christian Cage vs Chris Jericho vs Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels

Big Show vs Mr. Kennedy

Batista & The Undertaker vs Randy Orton & Edge

CM Punk vs Kofi Kingston

United States Championship Match
Jeff Hardy vs John Morrison vs Shelton Benjamin vs Booker T

Finlay vs Umaga

TNW World Tag Team Championship Match
Cryme Tyme vs Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder

Matt Hardy vs MVP

John Cena vs Elijah Burke

AJ Styles vs Gregory Helms (Both men one time appearances on TNW)

(Before any questions come up, I know that I had Backlash 2008 and Beyond as a BTB, but I came up with something more creative and more different, which I thought would be better as I would have a lot more freedom. I also didn't want to run TWO BTB's because it would pretty much confuse me. Just getting that out of the blue so everyone knows. And again, I got the OK from Levi.)​


Looks pretty cool, I'll make sure to review your first show.


Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
Wasn't it called, Bash at the Beach?

Yeah, but I decided to change it up a little bit there so it wouldn't be the EXACT same thing.

And BTW, everyone can predict the matches as of now. The PPV will likely be posted by tomorrow night around 10 PM, Eastern Time.


Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
The Beginning

Eric Bischoff comes on camera

Eric Bischoff: You remember WWE? Well, guess what... you can absolutely forget about it! See, I bought WWE, and I made my own creation! This here what you are watching will be the first show in TNW history, let alone first ever PPV. This here is a One Time Only pay-per-view. Guess what. Forget about WWE for now, a new company has come on your television screen. That company, is the new face of Wrestling, that company, is Total Non-Stop Wrestling! TNW!

Announcer: And now ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first ever TNW show and pay-per-view. A one time only pay-per-view, The Beginning!


The cameras search through the crowd as the fans are going wild for the first ever TNW show. The cameras then go on the announcers, Mick Foley and Joey Styles

Joey Styles: Hello ladies and gentlemen, this is the first ever TNW show and pay-per-view. Recently, Eric Bischoff bought out WWE and created a new wrestling company that he says will be the new face of wrestling!

Mick Foley: Joey, how can you not agree with the fact it my very well be the new face of wrestling. Just look at our roster for godsake!

Joey Styles: Can't disagree with you there. Lets take it to our ring announcer, Justin Roberts!

Justin Roberts: Ladies and gentlemen, I now ask you all to stand on your feet and give a round of applause to the owner of TNW, Eric Bischoff!

Eric Bischoff's music hits and he comes out to a big applause from the crowd. Eric Bischoff is smiling the entire time he comes down to the ring slapping some fans hands.

Eric Bischoff got in the ring and took a microphone.

Eric Bischoff: Just like my music says, I AM BACK!

Fans cheer.

Eric Bischoff: And I am back, better than ever! Now recently all of you in this crowd and everyone that is a fan of wrestling found out that I officially bought out WWE. Something NO ONE thought could ever be done. But man does it ever feel great to be back in wrestling again! I bleed wrestling. Ever since WCW went down the tubes I was just aching to get back in the wrestling world. And then when WWE was around, Mr. McMahon gave me a job, as Raw general manager. It was all good, everything was going fantastic, until one night in 2005. Where Mr. McMahon decided to throw me in a garbage truck, supposedly taking the trash out when really Mr. McMahon threw away the best thing that happened to WWE since the attitude era!

Fans cheer.

Eric Bischoff: You know, I know the only reason Mr. McMahon hired me was to say that a long time rival worked for him. But guess what I can say, I did the unthinkable and I bought out Mr. McMahon for the rights to WWE! Well, really TNW. Haha!

Fans start chanting "TNW! TNW! TNW! TNW!"

Eric Bischoff: And people, TNW will do something WWE didn't. Entertain you. Give the fans a right to speak. Because that's who we are! Long live TNW! TNW! TNW! TNW!

Fans start to join Eric Bischoff and chant "TNW! TNW! TNW! TNW!" again!

Eric Bischoff: Justin Roberts, take this microphone and do what you do best, be an announcer. Be the best damn announcer you can be. I'm counting on ya, kid!

Eric Bischoff walked out of the ring to a huge pop from the crowd.

Joey Styles: Well our owner tells it like it is!

Mick Foley: And now our first match of the night will be what should be a fantastic match, AJ Styles vs Gregory Helms.

Gregory Helms music hits and he comes out to a good pop from the crowd. Gregory Helms tries to avoid fans during his entrance heel heat started to grow.

Justin Roberts: First, making his way to the ring, weighing in at 216 pounds, from Raleign, North Carolina, Gregory Helms!

AJ Styles music hits and he comes out to heat from the crowd.

Justin Roberts: Now, making his way to the ring, weighing in at 215 pounds, from Gainsville, Georgia, AJ Styles!

Joey Styles: Mick, this match should be a great one.

Mick Foley: No doubt about it, Joey. These two men are great high-flyers, plus they're also good technicians.

Gregory Helms vs AJ Styles


Gregory Helms and Styles give each other props before the match. The two men start to circle the ring. They step in on each other and lock up. Styles takes Helms down in a headlock and then hits a headlock takeover. Styles continues to apply pressure. Gregory Helms then uses his legs and locks on a head scissors. Styles kicks up. Both men get up and Styles mocks Helms alter-ego by doing the hurricane pose to heat from the crowd. Gregory Helms places his hands on his hips and then looks in the crowd. Helms gives Styles a huge slap across the face. Helms pushs Styles against the ropes and irish whips him. Helms runs at Styles and hits a forearm smash on Styles. Helms then runs on the apron and climbs to the top rope. Gregory Helms hits a crossbody on AJ Styles and goes for the cover. 1...2...Styles kicks out. Both men jump to their feet. AJ Styles then hits a enziguri to Gregory Helms knocking him out practically. AJ Styles crawls on Helms for the cover. 1...2...Helms kicks out. Both men get up now and stare at each other. The fans are giving a round of an applause to both men. AJ Styles decides to be cocky by taking a bow. Helms took advantage and throws Styles shoulder first in the steel ring post to a pop from the crowd. AJ Styles gets up on the apron holding his shoulder. Gregory Helms runs off the ropes and hits a somersault powerbomb on the floor to AJ Styles to another pop.

Gregory Helms gets up holding his tail bone after the somersault powerbomb to the floor. A replay airs showing it from different angles. Helms picks Styles up and throws him in the ring. Helms follows and goes for the cover. 1...2...Styles gets the shoulder up! The fans are chanting, "This is awesome! This is awesome!" Gregory Helms gets up on his knees acknowledging the crowd. Helms picks Styles up. Helms walks behind Styles and was attempting to execute a belly to back suplex but Styles lands on his feet. Styles now turns to the corner and runs at it. He jumps up to the top rope and hits a standing moonsault to Gregory Helms in the middle of the ring. Both men were now down as Styles slowly put his arm across the chest of Helms. 1...2...Helms kicked out! Styles was in disbelief as he complains to the referee. Styles tries to prove his point but to no avail as the match continues. Styles started to walk to Helms but from nowhere Helms hits a spinning heel kick on Styles. Styles sits up holding his nose checking for blood. Styles gets up to his knees continuing to check his nose. Gregory Helms runs off the ropes and hits a huge shining wizard on Styles. Helms goes for the cover. 1...2...3!

Winner: Gregory Helms

Joey Styles: What a match that was, Foley. I hope all the matches are this good tonight because then the first ever TNW pay-per-view would be absolutely fantastic!

Mick Foley: I think the same, Joey. Now lets turn your attention to the graphic appearing on the television screen right now.

*Graphic comes up plugging the main event for tonight, Kurt Angle vs Christian Cage vs Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels*

Mick Foley: My god, will that fatal four way ever be great, and to add more to it, it's for the TNW Championship!

Joey Styles: I have a feeling that match will be just plain awesome!

Mick Foley: I guess we'll have to wait and see later on tonight. Now lets take it to Todd Grisham in the back, he's with Chris Jericho.

Chris Jericho Interview

Todd Grisham: Thank you, Foley, and man what a match that was! My guest at this time is going to take part in the main event tonight for the TNW Championship, he is Chris Jericho!

*Fans boo*

Chris Jericho: Listen to these people, Todd. You can just hear it, they're in Jericho fever. They can feel it, and they know it, I will win the TNW Championship, tonight!

Todd Grisham: Well, my question here is what brought you in to the match? I mean, obviously it was just all out of the random...

Chris Jericho: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Stop. Did you just say me being put in to the match was all at random?

Todd Grisham: Well. All the matches were...

Chris Jericho: Except for me being put in to the fatal four way match, TODD! Let me break it down like this for you, four eyes. I'm the best wrestler TNW has. People can argue that TNW has Kurt Angle, Booker T, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, Edge, John Cena, Randy Orton, but guess what. I'm better! I'm in my prime. Shawn Michaels is way out of his prime. The Undertaker is out of his prime as well. He's not the same wrestler he was in WWF. He's old and soggy like bread put in to water. Booker T? C'mon. He was never good. Kurt Angle is OK, but he's not to the level I am at. Edge, John Cena, Randy Orton? What do you want me to say about them? I'm just plain better without a shadow of a doubt which is why tonight, I am winning the TNW Championship. And there is nothing, and I mean nothing that you can do about it, Todd. There is nothing Christian Cage can do about it. And there sure as hell is nothing that Kurt Angle can do about it. And once I win the TNW Championship, and I become the first ever TNW Champion in history, TNW will never, EVER.... be the same... AGAIN!

Chris Jericho walks off the scene as the fans boo.

A video package plugging the first ever televised episode of TNW airs.

Joey Styles: Well this week surely will be a big week in the wrestling world as the first ever TNW show goes live on TV. It's going to be a huge night!

Mick Foley: Joey, I can't agree less with you there. Ever since TNW has emerged in the wrestling world, a lot of wrestling fans were waiting for this to come, and now they get it. It's going to be a fantastic night.

Joey Styles: Now, lets take it to our ring announcer, Justin Roberts to announce the next match![/B]

Justin Roberts: The following match, is a Fatal Four Way Elimination Match for the TNW United States Championship!

Shelton Benjamin's music hits and he comes out to major heat from the crowd

Justin Roberts: First, making his way to the ring, weighing in at 246 pounds, from Orangeburg, South Carolina, Shelton Benjamin!

Booker T's music hits and he comes out to a good pop from the crowd.

Justin Roberts: Now, making his way to the ring, weighing in at 253 pounds, from Houston, Texas! Booker T!

John Morrison's music hits and he comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd.

Justin Roberts: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 219 pounds, from Los Angeles, California, John Morrison!

Jeff Hardy's music hits and the roof blows off the place. The fans just errupted.

Justin Roberts: And now, making his way to the ring, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Cameron, North Carolina, JEFF HARDY!

Fatal Four Way Elimination Match
TNW United States Championship
Jeff Hardy vs John Morrison vs Booker T vs Shelton Benjamin


All four men were in the corners. They all state they will win the championship tonight. The bell rings. Hardy and Booker go side by side as do Benjamin and Morrison. Booker and Jeff unleash with right hands on their man. Booker gives Benjamin an axe kick to the outside and Booker quickly follows. Jeff Hardy knees John Morrison in the stomach. Jeff Hardy then gives Morrison a toe kick to the stomach. Jeff Hardy backs away from Morrison and then takes a run at him. Jeff Hardy then unleashes with rights and lefts on John Morrison. John Morrison tried to catch Hardy napping with a front kick to the face but Hardy ducked and jumped up to the top rope. Jeff Hardy then hit a whisper in the wind on John Morrison and goes for the cover. 1...2...John Morrison kicks out. Booker T runs in the ring and hits an axe kick on Hardy. Booker T posed in the middle of the ring to a pop from the crowd. Shelton Benjamin climbs to the apron and then to the top rope. Shelton Benjamin then hits a crossbody on Booker T and goes for the cover. 1...2...Booker T gets the shoulder up!

Jeff Hardy gets up. Benjamin walks to Jeff Hardy and pushes him against the ropes. Shelton Benjamin attempts a back body drop on Jeff Hardy but Jeff Hardy lands on his feet. Jeff turns to Benjamin and Benjamin did the same. Jeff Hardy kicks Shelton Benjamin in the stomach and connects with a twist of fate on Shelton Benjamin. Jeff Hardy put his arm over the chest of Benjamin for the cover. 1...2...3! Benjamin is eliminated!

Shelton Benjamin elimiated by Jeff Hardy

Jeff Hardy gets to his feet. John Morrison gets up with help of the ropes. Morrison holds his ribs as he breathes. Jeff Hardy walks towards Morrison but Morrison rakes the eyes of Hardy. Morrison executes a DDT to Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy rolls to the outside holding his head. John Morrison gets to his feet staring at Jeff Hardy. John Morrison turns around and Booker T has gotten to his feet. Both men stare at each other. The two men go face to face and talk trash to each other. John Morrison slaps Booker T and then pushes him. Booker T slaps John Morrison and then gives huge right hands to Morrison followed by chops. Booker T pushes John Morrison against the ropes and irish whips him. John Morrison bounces back at Booker and Booker hits a spinebuster on John Morrison. Booker T jumps up and runs at the ropes. Booker T bounces off and hits a knee drop to the head of John Morrison. Booker T goes for the cover.1...2...John Morrison kicks out!

On the outside Jeff Hardy gets to his feet and climbs up the apron. Jeff then goes to the corner and climbs to the top turnbuckle. Booker T gets up and finds Jeff on the top turnbuckle. Booker T walks towards the corner and Jeff Hardy hits a crossbody on Booker T. Jeff Hardy jumps up and Hardy finds Morrison getting up. Jeff Hardy goes after Morrison rights knees to the shoulder and chest. Jeff Hardy starts giving clubbing blows to the back of Morrison. Jeff Hardy pushes Morrison to the corner. Jeff Hardy starts giving right hands to the jaw of Morrison as Morrison attempts to cover his face up to block the rights. Jeff Hardy gets out of the corner and turns to Booker who hits with a superkick to the chin of Jeff Hardy. Booker T falls to his knees smiling. John Morrison runs out of the corner and hits a kick square in the chest of Booker T which knocks Booker T off his feet and to the mat. John Morrison goes for the cover. 1...2...Booker T kicks out just barely. John Morrison complains to the referee as the thought it was a slow count.

John Morrison picks Booker T's dead weight up. John Morrison puts Booker T in position and then Morrison connects with a huge swinging neckbreaker. Morrison slowly crawls on Booker T for the cover. 1...2...3!

Booker T eliminated by John Morrison

John Morrison gets to his feet as does Jeff Hardy. The two men stare at each other. Jeff starts to become stagger just trying to grasp something to get his balance back. John Morrison runs at Jeff Hardy looking to take advantage with a clothesline but Jeff Hardy ducks the clothesline attempt. John Morrison turns to Jeff Hardy and Jeff Hardy kicks John Morrison in the gut. Jeff Hardy hits a twist of fate in the corner on John Morrison. John Morrison turns on his back as he looks out of it. Jeff Hardy gets up to a huge pop from the crowd. Everyone in the audience is standing on their feet waiting for Jeff Hardy to his his swanton bomb. Jeff Hardy now goes to the apron through the middle rope. Jeff Hardy climbs to top turnbuckle. John Morrison still hasn't moved. Jeff Hardy hits a swanton bomb on John Morrison to a thunderous pop from the crowd. Jeff Hardy crawls on John Morrison for the cover. Both men are tired. The referee goes down to count the pin fall. 1...2...3!

Winner: Jeff Hardy to become first ever TNW United States Champion

Joey Styles: There you have it! A young, hard working man, and it's payed off, Jeff Hardy is the first ever TNW United States Champion and these fans are going absolutely nuts all over this arena!

Mick Foley: Yes! I love this! Great job, Jeff! You deserved this to the fullest!

Jeff Hardy posed with the fans and the championship as we go backstage.


Backstage we find Christian Cage getting ready for his match later on tonight. Kurt Angle walks in and gets boos from the crowd.

Christian Cage: What do you want, Kurt?

Kurt Angle: Calm down. I'm not here to hurt you, atleast not now.

Christian Cage: What do you want, Kurt?

Kurt Angle: Listen, tonight it's a triple threat match. That means it's three men all for themselves. Now, you and I have had our differences in TNA. We've had our matches...

Christian Cage: And let me guess. You're here to say, lets put it all behind us and work as a unit tonight.

Kurt Angle: Actually, no. I was here to say I've changed! I've gotten more aggressive. I've gotten more sadistic. And tonight, you and Chris Jericho will find out. You and I have had our matches in TNA, and tonight, it won't be the same Kurt Angle you faced in TNA, it'll be a completely different Kurt Angle. More sadistic, more sick, more twisted, and more aggressive! I'll see you out there!

Kurt Angle walked out of Christian's locker room as Christian had a smirk on his face as the camera fades to Joey Styles and Mick Foley at ringside.

Joey Styles: Well folks, up next is time for the John Cena vs Elijah Burke match. Two highly athletic superstars in TNW will be in the same ring at the same time it should be a good match.

Mick Foley: Oh, Joey, I once had a mini-match with Cena... well, it was with three other guys, it in WWE for the WWE Championship, I got F-U'd by him and believe me it hurts, it completely knocks the wind out of you, if Cena hits it in this match, he has the match won, without a doubt.

Justin Roberts: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is a singles bought scheduled for one fall!

John Cena's music hit and he comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd.

Justin Roberts: First, making his way to the ring, weighing in at 240 pounds, from West Newbury, Mass., John Cena!

Elijah Burke's music hits and he comes out to a good amount of heat from the crowd. He looks back at the stage and then starts walking to the ring confidently

Justin Roberts: And now, making his way to the ring, weighing in at 230 pounds, from Jacksonville, Florida, Elijah Burke!

John Cena vs Elijah Burke


The two men are in the corner. They hear the bell and the two men start to circle the ring. The two men step in on each other for the lock up. Cena takes Burke down in a headlock. Cena breaks it up and pushes Burke to the corner. Cena yelled, "You want a piece of me!? Come get some!" Burke rotates his arms as the two men continue to circle the ring. Both men hold their arms up and they step in to lock up again. Cena throws Burke down face first on the mat and starts to stomp on the back of Burke. Cena picks Elijah Burke up and gave a few right hands. Cena pushes Burke against the ropes and irish whips him. Cena then gives a back body drop to Burke as he ran back to Cena. Cena jumped up as the fans popped. Cena runs off the ropes and hit a leg drop to the chest of Burke. Cena goes for the cover. 1...2...Burke kicks out. Cena sits up looking in the crowd. Cena picks Elijah Burke up and gives a huge right hand Burke. Burke backs up from the blow and then connects with a jab at the jaw of Cena. Cena goes flying to the outside of the ring holding his jaw. Cena lands on his feet. The fans are chanting, "You got owned! You got owned!"Cena walks around the ring. He climbs up to the steel steps and walks on the apron. He gets in the ring slowly. Burke runs at Cena and hits a huge kick to the chest of Cena. Burke started stomping on the chest of Cena. Elijah Burke picked Cena up and started giving jabs to the face of Cena. Cena falls to the mat and crawls to the corner.

The referee goes to check on Cena who is bleeding from his eye and nose. Burke gives a boot to the face of Cena. Burke picks Cena up in the corner and gives a chest slap to Cena. Cena falls to his knees holding his chest as the fans are chanting, "Cena Sucks! Lets go Burke! Cena Sucks! Lets go Burke!" Elijah Burke smiles at the crowd from the support. Elijah Burke runs off the ropes and hits a running knee to the chest of Cena knocking Cena down completely. Burke goes for the cover. 1...2...Cena gets his foot on the bottom rope. Burke got on his knees and shook his head. He then smiles. He goes over the body of Cena and starts hitting lefts and rights to Cena busting him open even more. Cena uses the ropes to drag himself to the outside. Cena walks to the barricade and bends down and checks his nose and eye for blood. There is lots!

Elijah Burke climbs to the top turnbuckle and waits for Cena to turn around. After a few second Cena finally turns around. Burke jumps off the top turnbuckle and looks for a crossbody but Cena catches him in mid-air and rams Elijah Burke back first in the steel ring post. Both men now fall to the ground. Burke was screaming in pain because of his back. Cena starts to get to his feet slowly. Burke gets up as well holding his back. He walks to the barricade. Cena turns around at Burke. Cena starts running at Burke against the barricade but Elijah Burke side steps John Cena and throws him in to the fifth row of the crowd. Elijah Burke goes in to the ring to break up the count and then walks back out to the outside. Elijah Burke hops the barricade and pulls Cena out from the seats. Burke kicks Cena over and over again the chest. Elijah Burke then tucks Cena's head in between his legs and picks him up for a piledriver. Elijah Burke then drops himself and rams Cena's head in the concrete in the crowd. Elijah Burke gets up with a big smile on his face. Elijah Burke picks John Cena's dead weight up and throws him back in to the ring area. Burke hops the barricade again himself to get back in the ring area. Elijah Burke rolls in the ring again to break up the count. Elijah Burke again picks Cena's dead weight up and throws him in the ring. Cena rolls to the middle of the ring. Burke crawls in the ring and crawls to Cena for the cover. 1...2...Cena somehow gets the shoulder up! Elijah Burke is in disbelief that Cena kicked out. Elijah Burke picks John Cena up and sets him up for the Elijah Experience. Before any damage could be done, John Cena started to elbow Burke in the head over and over again until Burke got off Cena. Cena then turns Burke around while Burke was holding his jaw and lifts Burke up on his shoulders for the F-U. Instead of the F-U, John Cena hits a rolling steamboat to Elijah Burke. Cena slowly crawls to Elijah Burke for the cover. 1...2...Burke kicks out to a pop from the crowd!

Cena was now in disbelief. Cena crawls to the ropes and gets up slowly. Burke gets up as well. Burke runs at Cena, Cena runs back and hits a flying shoulder tackle on Burke. Both men shoot up right away. Burke attempts a clothesline but Cena ducks it and runs off the ropes. Cena then hits a bulldog on Elijah Burke.

Cena gets up with all this momentum on him now. The fans are booing loudly as the bloodied Cena stares all over the arena just watching the crowd boo him. Cena turns to Burke who from nowhere hits a huge martial arts kick to the side of the head. Cena goes flying in to the corner chest first holding the side of his head. Cena stares at the titantron. Elijah Burke backs in to the opposite corner and pulls down his knee pads. Burke then runs at Cena in the corner and hits an Elijah Express on Cena. Cena holds his back as he turns around to Burke all staggered. Burke brings Cena to the middle of the ring and hits a huge Elijah Experience to Cena in the middle of the ring. Elijah Burke turns Cena over on his back and goes for the cover. 1...2...3!

Winner: Elijah Burke

Aftermath: After the match Elijah Burke celebrated. He continued to mock John Cena and laughed at how bloodied he was. The cameras turned to Joey Styles and Mick Foley.

Joey Styles: Wow. I am telling you, I never expected this. I was sure John Cena would've come out on top but I was wrong.

Mick Foley: This must be a turning point in Elijah Burke's career. He just elevated himself to the next level! You have to believe that he'll be after some gold now.

Joey Styles: I can bet a lung and a kidney that he will. Ladies and gentlemen, up next the MVP vs Matt Hardy match and it's personal from the time WWE was still around.

Mick Foley: Yep, but guess what. They've always had great matches, and in a few moments, they will have another!

*Video package of MVP's success in WWE airs*

*Video package of Matt Hardy's success in WWE airs*


Backstage we find Jeff Hardy getting some water. He starts to walk back to his locker room but runs in to Elijah Burke who is in front of Jeff Hardy's door.

Jeff Hardy: Can I help you?

Elijah Burke: I just wanna ask you something, Mr. United States Champion.

Jeff Hardy: What?

Elijah Burke: You just see the best superstar in TNW beat John Cena just a few moments ago.

Jeff Hardy: The best wrestler in TNW beat John Cena just a few moments ago? Nope, doesn't ring a bell, but I just did see YOU beat John Cena a few moments ago.

Elijah Burke: Haha! Real funny. I'm serious. I just brutalized John Cena. I busted him open with a one jab!! I'd like to see you do that to John Cena. Now I'm just going to get right to the point, I want the United States Championship. After my victory over John Cena, I feel I deserve something. And it's your United States Championship!

Jeff Hardy: I'll have to think about it. Until then...

Jeff Hardy SLAPS the taste out of Elijah Burke's mouth taking Burke to the floor. Jeff then walks in his locker room and shuts the door.

Justin Roberts: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall!

Matt Hardy's music hits and he comes out to a good pop from the crowd. He slapped some hands on his way to the ring.

Justin Roberts: First, making his way to the ring, from Cameron, North Carolina, weighing in at 225 pounds, Matt Hardy!

MVP's music hits through the arena and comes out to a chorus of boos from the crowd

Justin Roberts: And now, making his way to the ring weighing in at 252 pounds, from Miami, Florida, Montel Vontavious Porter!

Matt Hardy vs MVP


The two men stare at each other as they circle the ring. They step in on each other and lock up. Matt Hardy gives MVP an arm drag. MVP rolls to the outside of the ring and kicks the steel steps. Matt Hardy runs and connects a suicide dive on MVP. Matt Hardy gets up to a pop from the crowd. The fans start to chant, "TNW! TNW! TNW!" Matt Hardy picks MVP up and rams him face first in the steel ring steps. Matt Hardy throws MVP back in the ring and goes for the cover. 1...2...MVP gets the shoulder up! Matt Hardy gets up and picks MVP up. Matt Hardy gives him a huge right hand to MVP who falls against the ropes. Matt Hardy runs off the ropes and hits a crossbody on MVP against the ropes. Both men fly over the top rope and to the floor. Matt Hardy gets up to a pop from the crowd. Matt Hardy picks MVP up. Matt Hardy rams MVP face first in the barricade. Matt Hardy then executes a dropkick to the side of the head. Matt Hardy again gets up to a pop from the crowd. Matt Hardy again picks MVP up and throws him back in the ring. MVP gets up right away and runs off the ropes. Matt Hardy gets up and MVP connects with a big boot to the jaw of Matt Hardy. MVP goes for the cover. 1...2...Matt gets the shoulder up.

MVP picks Matt Hardy up and starts handing out kicks to the hamstring. MVP irish whips Matt Hardy to the corner. MVP follows and hits a knee to the gut of Hardy. Hardy falls to his knees holding his stomach. MVP runs off the ropes and hits a big boot to the face of Matt Hardy knocking him down on his back. MVP goes down for the cover. 1...2...Matt Hardy grabs on to the bottom rope. MVP picks Matt Hardy up and throws him shoulder first in the steel ring post. Matt Hardy falls on the apron holding his shoulder. MVP heads toward the ropes and pulls Matt Hardy by the hair to pick him up. MVP backs up but remains by the ropes. MVP starts to run and looks for a big boot on Matt Hardy but Matt Hardy moves and MVP rams his boot in the steel ring post. MVP hops out of the corner and is holding his knee. Matt Hardy climbs to the top turnbuckle. Matt Hardy hits an elbow to the back of the head which knocks MVP down flat on his face.

Matt Hardy starts to gain momentum as these fans are going wild. MVP is starting to getting up but is staggered. Matt Hardy stands behind MVP just setting him up. MVP turns around slowly. Matt Hardy goes for a kick to the gut but MVP catches the foot. MVP throws it down and hits a clothesline on Matt Hardy. MVP puts his arm over the chest of Matt Hardy for the cover. 1...2...Matt Hardy gets the shoulder up. MVP was in disbelief as he jumped up to his knees. MVP starts to complain to the referee. MVP backs the referee in to the corner. Matt Hardy starts to take a run at the back of MVP but MVP moves and Matt Hardy crashes in to the referee knocking him down. Matt Hardy stares down at the referee and then turns to MVP who kicks Matt in the gut. MVP then picks Matt Hardy up in a suplex position and put Matt Hardy on the top turnbuckle. MVP climbs to the second turnbuckle and starts laying rights and left on the head of Matt Hardy. MVP puts Matt's arm over his neck for the superplex but Matt Hardy holds on to the top rope. Matt Hardy starts giving rights and left of his own on MVP. MVP then from nowhere gives a low blow to Matt Hardy. No DQ as the referee is still down. MVP then puts Matt's arm around his neck and then hits a superplex to Matt Hardy to a round of an applause from the crowd.

MVP slowly gets to his feet and shakes his head. MVP holds his neck and then twists his neck. MVP bounces off the ropes and hits the 'Ballin!' taunt before executing an elbow drop to the chest of Matt Hardy. MVP crawls on Matt Hardy for the cover. No referee. MVP gets pissed off and walks to the referee trying to wake him up. MVP starts slapping the referee but nothing came out of it. MVP gets pissed and kicks the referee to the outside of the ring. MVP turns around but Matt Hardy is up. MVP attempts a clothesline but Matt Hardy ducked it and caught MVP. Matt Hardy connects with a side effect on MVP. Matt Hardy goes for the cover. No referee. Matt Hardy is also pissed. Matt Hardy picks MVP up but MVP from nowhere rams Matt Hardy kidney first in the corner. MVP backs up and starts to unleash kicks on the side of Matt Hardy. Matt Hardy falls to his knees and put his throat on the second rope to rest. MVP runs off the ropes and jumps over Matt Hardy with Hardy's throat in to the second rope. MVP gets up and signals to the crowd it's over with his arms.

A referee runs to the ring from the backstage area. MVP yells, "It's about damn time!" The referee slides in the ring and stands behind MVP. Matt Hardy attempts a clothesline on MVP but MVP ducks and Matt Hardy clocks the referee. MVP yells, "DAMMIT!" Matt Hardy turns around and MVP hits a huge low bow to Matt Hardy. Matt Hardy falls to his knees. MVP pulls Matt Hardy to his feet and sets him up for the playmaker. MVP then spins and hits the playmaker successfully on Matt Hardy. MVP goes for the cover as he sees a new referee running down to the ring. The referee slides in the ring and counts. 1...2...Matt Hardy gets the shoulder up! MVP was in disbelief. MVP shook his head as he couldn't believe it. MVP gets up as does Matt Hardy with help of the ropes. Matt takes a run at MVP looking for a clothesline but again, MVP ducks and then pushes Matt Hardy from behind chest first in the corner. Matt Hardy turns around so his back his against the turnbuckles. MVP walks to the middle of the ring and did the 'Ballin!' taunt. MVP then runs at Matt Hardy and hits the player's boot. Matt Hardy falls to the mat and looks completely out of it. MVP falls to his knees and hooks the leg of Hardy for the cover. 1...2...3!

Winner: MVP

Aftermath: After the match MVP takes a microphone.

MVP looks at Matt Hardy. MVP walks to Matt Hardy and stands over him. MVP then bends down to talk to Matt Hardy's face.

MVP: Matt, I'm half man half amazing, and guess what, I'M BETTER THAN YOU!

MVP drops the microphone and walks to the ropes as he leaves the ring and walks to the back.


Backstage we find Edge and Orton looking for Eric Bischoff. They run in to him at the water cooler.

Randy Orton: Eric! Eric!

Edge: We have something to ask you.

Eric Bischoff: What's that?

Edge: We are the two biggest stars in TNW. We're Edge and Randy Orton. We're Rated RKO. And I find it disgusting that you put us in a match with The Undertaker and Batista tonight. First of all I've beat Batista more times than I can count, and Randy here, he's killed the legend of The Undertaker. And now you put us in a tag team match against them? What the hell is this?

Eric Bischoff: Don't you see what I did? I put two and two together. You like!?

Randy Orton: NO! We don't like it. We should be in the main event tonight and you know it.

Edge: We both hate Undertaker and Batista. We both hate being in a match with them, dammit, Eric! Change the match right now!?

Eric Bischoff: Sounds like you two are scared but whatever. And I will change the match, Edge.

Edge: We knew you were smart, Eric. I can hear it now, and your winner of the match and first ever TNW Champion, Edge!

*Randy Orton stares at Edge.*

Edge: Or Randy Orton!

Randy Orton: That's more like it.

Eric Bischoff: It seems you two have been mistaken. See, I will change the match tonight, but you're still in the tag team match against Undertaker and Batista. Only thing that's changed, is that tonight the tag team match will be a No Disqualification tag team match. Good luck, guys.

*Eric Bischoff starts to walk away.*

Edge: Dammit! This isn't fair!

*Randy Orton stares at Edge.*

Randy Orton: You and your big mouth.

Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkin's music hits as they make their way to the ring to good amount of heat from the crowd.

Justin Roberts: First, making their way to the ring, at a combined weight of 435 pounds, Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder!

Cryme Tyme's music hit and they come out to a huge pop from the fans.

Justin Roberts: And now, making their way to the ring, at a combined weight of 530 pounds, Shad and JTG, CRYME TYME!

TNW Tag Team Championship Match
Cryme Tyme vs Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder


Shad and Curt Hawkins start it out. The two men start to circle the ring teasing lock ups. Finally they step in on each other and lock up. Shad powers Hawkins to the corner. Shad gives a clean break and the fans start to cheer. Hawkins runs out of the corner wanting to take advantage but Shad hit a samoan drop on Curt Hawkins. Shad shoots up and connects with an elbow drop on the chest of Hawkins. Zack Ryder starts running along the apron and Shad hits a clothesline for his troulbes. Ryder crashes to the floor. Shad picks Hawkins up and pushes him against the ropes. Shad irish whips Hawkins and then hits a flapjack on Hawkins. Shad gets up and runs off the ropes. Shad then hits a splash to the back of Hawkins. Shad turns Hawkins on his back and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Hawkins kicks out!

Shad picks Curt Hawkins up and irish whips him to his corner. Shad takes a run at Hawkins in the corner and rams his knee in the stomach of Hawkins. Shad gives a headbutt to Curt Hawkins. Shad tags in JTG to a pop. JTG sits on the second rope and sticks his two feet up. Shad picks Curt Hawkins up in a military press position and rams him face first in JTG's shoes. JTG gets in the ring as Shad gets to the apron. JTG picks Curt Hawkins up and gives him a huge right hand. JTG then does a dance. Curt Hawkins attempts a clothesline but JTG counters and executes a DDT on Hawkins. JTG throws Hawkins in Hawkins corner. Curt Hawkins tags in Zack Ryder who leaps over the top rope to get in the ring. Zack Ryder runs at JTG but JTG connected with a big boot on Zack Ryder. JTG picks Zack Ryder up. Shad gets in the ring. JTG throws Ryder's head in between Shad's legs to a pop. Shad then picks Zack Ryder up and connects with a huge powerbomb in the middle of the ring. JTG then runs off the ropes and hits a running senton on Zack Ryder. JTG goes for the cover. 1...2...3!

Winners: JTG and Shad to become new tag champions!

Justin Roberts: Here are you winners and your first ever TNW Champions! Shad and JTG, CRYME TYME!

The fans were going absolutely nuts as Cryme Tyme celebrated with the Tag Team Championships. JTG then took a microphone.

JTG: Yo... yo.... yo... yoooooo! Listen up, homies. Man, Eric Bischoff is the owner, and he put us in this match with Ryder and Hawkins the two Edge guys. Well, I have something to tell Bischoff, Bischoff this was just to damn easy! C'mon! We want a challenge, man.

Shad: And if you don't give us a challenge, we'll bring the challenge to ourselves.

Eric Bischoff's music hits and he comes out to a thunderous ovation from the crowd.

Eric Bischoff: You two, home boys, want a challenge, huh?

Shad: Damn right!

Eric Bischoff: Alright, all you people in this crowd, by a show of how loud you can be, should I give Cryme Tyme a challenge!?

*The fans go wild*

Eric Bischoff: Then it's done! This week on the first ever televised TNW show, you, Cryme Tyme will put your TNW Tag Team Championships on the line against...... JESSE AND FESTUS!

*The fans pop at the sound of their names*

Shad and JTG nod as the camera fades.

A Kurt Angle video package airs

Shawn Michaels Interview

Todd Grisham: Hello, ladies and gentlemen, I'm Todd Grisham and my guest at this time is the showstopper, Shawn Michaels! Shawn Michaels, tonight you have the chance to become the first ever TNW Champion, thoughts?

Shawn Michaels: You know, Todd, there's this saying that no matter who you are, no matter how old you are, you can still be the best guy there is and that's what I'm going to be tonight. I'm 42 years old but I feel no older than a 27 year old! Tonight, I walk in to that ring with the TNW Championship being vacant, and when the dust is all set and clear, I will walk out as TNW Champion. No one will stand in my way. Not Kurt Angle. Not Christian Cage. And definitely not Chris Jericho.

Todd Grisham: Shawn, earlier tonight and repeatedly over Chris Jericho has trashed you about your age and how you're nothing but an old piece of trash. What are your thoughts on that?

Shawn Michaels: You know, Todd, Chris Jericho is a difficult guy to understand one minute he's your friend the next minute he's low blowing you, just like at WrestleMania 19 in WWE. But listen, Jericho, I hope you're watching this and if you are I want you to open your ears real good and listen to this. You can trash me about my age all you want. You can call me an old piece of trash but there is nothing you can take away from me and that's all the accomplishments I have gotten in my career. Listen, Jericho. You need to pull your head out of your ass. You know that you wouldn't be here if it weren't for me and don't be afraid to admit it because you know it's true. I'm the showstopper, Jericho, the heartbreak kid! You wish you can be like me. And tonight, you'll be the one down on the mat with both his shoulder down as I pin you 1...2...3 to make the "old piece of trash" become the first ever TNW Champion. Get ready, Jericho. Tonight it may be a fatal four way, but the first thing I do is take you out!

Shawn Michaels walks off the scene as Todd Grisham just watches him walk off.

Joey Styles: Well up next folks is a huge match. The worlds largest athlete, Big Show and the loudmouth, cocky and arrogant, Mr. Kennedy both make their TNW debut in a matter of moments in a match against each other.

Mick Foley: What a way for both men to start of their careers in TNW.

Mr. Kennedy's music hits and he comes out to tremendous heat from the crowd. Kennedy did his famous entrance.

Big Show's music hits and the roof blows off the place as the fans go nuts for Big Show. Show slaps some hands on his way to the ring.

Justin Roberts: Making his way to the ring, from Tampa, Florida, weighing in at 441 pounds, The Big Show!

Big Show vs Mr. Kennedy


Big Show and Mr. Kennedy stare at each other. They start to circle the ring but won't take their eyes off each other. They lock up. Big Show connects with a hip toss on Kennedy half way across the ring. Kennedy gets up and holds his back. Mr. Kennedy runs at Big Show and Big Show connects with a huge right hand to Mr. Kennedy knocking Kennedy down immediately. Kennedy rolls to the outside of the ring and holds his jaw and chin. Big Show goes over the top rope to the outside. Kennedy jumps up and hits huge right hands to the head of Big Show. Kennedy backs up and then runs back at Big Show ramming him back first in the steel ring post. Kennedy walks behind Big Show. Kennedy jumps up and hits a dropkick to the back. Big Show falls to his knees holding his back. Kennedy starts to kick the back. Big Show screams in pain. Kennedy throws Big Show in the ring. Kennedy holds his jaw before going in the ring.

Kennedy crawls to Big Show and goes for the cover. 1...2...Big Show throws Kennedy. Big Show sits up slowly. His face expression tells he's in pain. Big Show gets up with help of the ropes. Kennedy runs at Big Show who attempts a clothesline but Kennedy ducks. Kennedy runs off the ropes and hits a flying shoulder tackle to the back of Big Show. Big Show screams in pain as he falls to his knees. Kennedy runs off the ropes but Big Show catches him by the throat. Big Show lifts Kennedy in the air and hits a chokeslam on Kennedy. Both men are down in the ring. Big Show slowly crawls to Kennedy and hooks the leg. 1...2...Kennedy gets the shoulder up! Big Show gets up with a face of pain on as he holds his back. Big Show leans against the ropes to help him stand. Mr. Kennedy runs at Big Show but Big Show gives Kennedy a huge big boot.

Kennedy falls to the mat as Big Show just stares at him. Big Show holds his back. Big Show runs off the ropes slowly and attempts an elbow drop to Kennedy's chest but Kennedy moves and Big Show rams his elbow and back in the mat. Big Show rolls to his side holding his back. Mr. Kennedy runs off the ropes and hits a dropkick to the lower back of Big Show. Big Show rolls to his stomach as he screams in pain! Mr. Kennedy bounces off the ropes and hits an elbow drop to the back of Big Show. Kennedy keeps his knee on the back of Show and then locks on a chinlock. Big Show throws Kennedy and Kennedy goes flying through the middle rope to the outside!

Big Show gets crawls to the ropes and then slides out. Kennedy starts unleashing rights and left on Big Show as he got to the outside. Big Show pushes Kennedy and Kennedy rolls over the announce table. Mr. Kennedy stands up on the announce table and jumps on Big Show. Big Show catches him. Big Show then runs at the steel ring post and rams Kennedy back first. Kennedy falls to his knees and screams in pain. Big Show then grabs Kennedy by the neck and throws him in the steel ring steps. Kennedy falls on his stomach and flexes his back in pain. Big Show rolls in to the ring and back out to break up the count.

Big Show goes back to the outside and picks Kennedy up. Big Show lifts Kennedy up over his head in a military press position and throws Kennedy over the top rope and back in the ring. Big Show crawls under the bottom rope back in the ring. Kennedy holds his back in pain. Big Show picks Kennedy up and pushes him to the corner. Big Show tells the fans to "Shhhhhhh" Big Show then hits a huge chest slam. Kennedy falls to his knees hugging his chest. Big Show big boots Kennedy knocking Kennedy off his knees. Big Show then picks Kennedy up and starts slapping the back of Kennedy. Big Show throws Kennedy shoulder first in the steel ring post. Big Show pulls Kennedy by the tights out of the corner and then gives Kennedy a clubbing blow to the back.

Kennedy falls face first on the mat. Big Show runs off the ropes and hits a splash on the back of Kennedy. Big Show gets up to his knees and turns Kennedy on his back. Big Show drives his forearm in the jaw of Kennedy for the cover. 1...2...Kennedy gets the shoulder up but just barely. Big Show nods. Big Show picks Kennedy up and puts him on the top turnbuckle. Big Show climbs to the second rope. Kennedy connects with a headbutt to the stomach of Big Show. Big Show falls off the second turnbuckle and lands on his feet. Big Show is holding his stomach. Kennedy jumps off the top turnbuckle but Big Show catches Kennedy in mid-air and connects with a huge chokeslam. Big Show puts his hand on the chest of Kennedy for the cover. 1...2...3!

Winner: Big Show

Joey Styles: Well what a match that was, am I right, Mick?

Mick Foley: Oh, it was an awesome match! Big Show proved tonight why he is the best big man in the wrestling world today, possibly EVER!

A video package of Umaga airs.

Umaga's music hits and he comes out to a lot of heat from the crowd. The look on his face just looks like he wants to rib the flesh out of Finlay.

Justin Roberts: First, making his way to the ring, weighing in at 350 pounds, from the Isle Of Samoa, Umaga!

Finlay's music hits and he comes out to a good pop from the crowd. He slapped some hands on his way to the ring.

Justin Roberts: And now, making his way to the ring, from Belfast, Ireland, weighing in at 235 pounds, Finlay!

Finlay vs Umaga


Both men stare at each other as the bell rings. Umaga screams runs at Finlay. Finlay moves and starts clubbing Umaga in the back. Finlay kicks Umaga in the back of the knee. Finlay jumps on Umaga's back and locks on a sleeper hold. Umaga backs in to the corner and Finlay releases the hold. Finlay holds his back as he walks along the ropes. Umaga runs off the ropes, Finlay walks off the ropes and Umaga hit a huge spinning heel kick to Finlay. Umaga crawls to Finlay and goes for the cover. 1...2...Finlay gets the shoulder up. Umaga remains on top of Finlay in disbelief. Umaga gets up on his knees. Umaga then gets up to his feet and picks Finlay up as well. Umaga pushes Finlay against the ropes and irish whips him. Umaga bends down. Finlay runs back at Umaga and kicks him in the chest.

Umaga pops up looking angry and screams. Umaga then hits Finlay with a clothesline. Finlay goes down hard and holds the back of his head. Umaga walks to the corner and jumps up to the second turnbuckle. Umaga again screams and attempts a headbutt but Finlay moves and Umaga drives his own head in the mat. Finlay gets up and dropkicks the side of the head. Umaga rolls on to his back. Finlay runs off the ropes and hits a splash on Umaga. Finlay stays on Umaga for the cover. 1...2...Umaga throws Finlay across the ring. Umaga sits up slowly with a deranged look on his face. Umaga gets up. Finlay runs at Umaga. Umaga hits a powerslam on Finlay. Umaga gets up and slaps his thighs. Umaga screams. Umaga runs off the ropes and hits a splash on the chest of Finlay. Umaga goes for the cover. 1...2...Finlay got his foot on the bottom rope.

Umaga gets up slowly staring at Finlay. Umaga screams and sticks up his thumb. Umaga holds Finlay and hits a samoan spike on Finlay. Umaga then jumps up high in the air and hits a HUGE splash on Finlay. Umaga then goes for the cover. 1...2...3!

Winner: Umaga

Joey Styles: Well, definitely in this match Umaga showcased his power on Finlay.

Mick Foley: Damn right there, Joey. Man, Umaga brutalized Finay.

Joey Styles: And up next is the No Disqalification tag team match. Undertaker and Batista vs Edge and Randy Orton. It's going to be a great match.

*Video package of Rated RKO airs*

*Video package of The Undertaker/Batista feud from WWE in 2007*

Rated RKO's music hits and they come out to tons of heat from the crowd.

Justin Roberts: First, making their way to the rings, at a combined weight of 485 pounds, Edge and Randy Orton, Rated RKO!

Batista's music hits and he comes out to a good pop from the crowd.

Justin Roberts: Now, making his way to the ring, weighing in at 290 pounds, from Washington, DC, BATISTA!

The Undertaker's music hits and the fans just erupt giving out the loudest pop of the night for Undertaker. The building literally shook.

Justin Roberts: And now, Batista's partner, weighing in at 295 pounds, from Death Valley, The Undertaker!

No Disqualification Tag Team Match
The Undertaker & Batista vs Rated RKO


Batista and Randy Orton start it out. Batista and Randy Orton start to circle the ring. Edge runs in the ring and jumps Batista from behind. The Undertaker runs in the ring and starts brawling with Edge. The two exchange rights and lefts. The Undertaker gives a huge right hand to Edge and then a big boot. Edge goes through the middle rope to the outside of the ring. Randy Orton gets in the ring with a steel chair and hits Undertaker in the stomach and chest with it. Randy Orton then drops the steel chair and executes a dropkick to the side of the head which knocks Undertaker to the outside of the ring. The Undertaker goes crashing chin first in the barricade. Undertaker turns around and found Edge running up the steel steps and then spears Undertaker to the floor. Both men are down.

In the ring Randy Orton takes the steel chair and puts it between the second and top turnbuckle. Randy Orton turns around and Batista spears Orton out of his boots. Batista jumps up to a pop from the fans. Edge runs in the ring with a baseball bat in hand and hits Batista in the stomach with it. Batista falls to his knees and holds his stomach. Edge runs off the ropes but unexpectedly The Undertaker pulls Edge's leg from the bottom rope and falls face first on his apron. The Undertaker rolls in the ring and runs off the ropes. The Undertaker then hits a leg drop on the back of the head.

The Undertaker then turns Edge on his back and goes for the cover. 1...2...Randy Orton breaks it up after he hits The Undertaker in the back with a trash can. Randy Orton walks to Batista and starts giving huge right hands. Randy Orton goes to the outside of the ring and pulls out a street sign, a kendo stick and two tables. Randy Orton sets up table up on the outside and then turns around. Randy Orton sees The Undertaker run to the ropes. The Undertaker leaps over the top rope looking to hit Randy but Randy Orton moves out of the way and Undertaker crashes through the table. The fans are chanting, "Holy sh*t! Holy sh*t!" Randy Orton leans against the apron as he has a sick and twisted smile on his face. Randy Orton takes the base of the steel steps and throws them in the ring with trouble because of the weight. Edge drags them to the middle of the ring and tells Randy to get another chair.

Randy searches under the ring and throws a chair in the ring. Edge catches it up. Edge turns around and from nowherer Batista lifted Edge up on his shoulder and brings him to the corner. Batista drives his shoulder in the gut of Edge over and over. Randy Orton finally runs in the ring and kicks Batista in the stomach. Edge starts clubbing Batista in the back as Orton takes the kendo stick and hits Batista in the back. Randy Orton drags Batista and rams him face first in the base of the ring steps that are in the ring. Randy then stomps on the head of Batista against the steel steps. Batista looks out of it. Edge then takes the steel chair and holds it above his head. The Undertaker then runs in the ring and punches Edge in the stomach. Undertaker gave huge rights and lefts to Orton backing him in the corner. Undertaker turns around and Edge clocks him in the head with the steel chair. Edge goes down for the cover. 1...2...Undertaker gets the shoulder up.

Batista starts to get up again. Edge runs at Batista and gives him a big boot. Batista falls back against the ropes. Edge walks to Batista and starts giving huge rights to Batista. The Undertaker sits up. Randy Orton then runs off the ropes in front of Undertaker and kicks Undertaker dead in the chest. Undertaker goes right down holding his chest. Randy Orton rolls to the outside of the ring and pulls out more tables. This time pulls out two more and he didn't even set up the second one he pulled out earlier. Randy Orton takes one of the tables and sets them up against the barricade. Randy Orton then heads towards the other table and picks it up. Randy throws it in the ring. The Undertaker sits up and sees the table. Randy rolls in the ring and runs at 'Taker who gives a big boot to Randy. Randy falls in the corner and uses the ropes to help him stand. The Undertaker then takes the table and sets it up in the corner. The Undertaker turns around and hits a clothesline on Edge.

The Undertaker walks towards Randy and Randy pokes Undertaker in the eye. Randy Orton picks up the steel chair and clocks The Undertaker in the head again with the steel chair. The Undertaker is busted open profusely. The Undertaker crawls to the ropes. Batista gets up completely now but is staggered. Randy Orton runs at Batista and Batista hits a huge spinebuster to Orton. Edge runs out of the corner and Batista spinebusters him. Batista then takes the steel chair and hit Orton in the back with it. Batista then throws the chair to the ground. Batista finds Undertaker who is getting up slowly using the ropes. The bloodied Undertaker gets to his feet with help of the ropes. The Undertaker turns around and finds Batista. Batista then picks Undertaker up and hits a spinebuster on The Undertaker and on the steel chair. The crowd didn't like that. The fans started to chant, "You sold out! You sold out! You sold out!"

Batista turns around and Edge clocks him in the head with the kendo stick. Batista falls right down to the mat. Edge brings both steel chair in the ring and looks at them both. Randy starts to get up but holds his back and is staggered against the ropes. Edge takes one of the steel chairs and puts it on the steel steps. Randy Orton then pulls Batista by his head and put them on the steel chair and steel steps. Edge then took the other chair and held it up over his head. Edge then hit a con-chair-to on Batista. Edge and Randy both laughed. Edge and Randy pushed the steel steps out of the ring to clear the path. Edge gave instructions to Orton as Orton nods. Orton picks Batista up and holds him for Edge who is in the corner and getting ready. The Undertaker sits up. Orton and Edge turn their attention to him.

The bloodied deadman stares at both, Edge and Randy Orton. Undertaker walks towards Orton. The Undertaker then hit a big boot on Batista to a big pop from the crowd. Randy Orton just stares at the fallen Batista and The Undertaker looking over him as the fans are going wild. Edge then runs out of the corner and spears Randy Orton on purpose! The Undertaker turns around in disbelief as he can't even believe Edge speared Randy. Edge got up and ACTED like it was an accident. Edge turns around and Undertaker catches Edge by the throat. The Undertaker then connects with a huge chokeslam to Edge in the middle of the ring and on the steel chair. The Undertaker then signaled the end was near by slashing his throat. Edge gets up staggered after the chokeslam. Edge turns around and Undertaker picks him up. The Undertaker walks towards a steel chair. The Undertaker then connects the tombstone to Edge on the steel chair and drops Edge on his back carelessly. The Undertaker then put Edge's arms on his own chest for the cover. 1...2...3!

Winners: The Undertaker and Batista

Aftermath: After the match Batista is getting up with help of the ropes. The Undertaker is standing behind Batista. The two men start brawling. The brawl spills to the outside and they continue to brawl. Security guards run down to the ring to break it up. Batista screams, "I'll get you!" to The Undertaker. The fans are going wild for the brawl. The Undertaker punches the security guards and takes a run at Batista. Undertaker and Batista fall down as they exchange blows. Referees, management and security guards were pulling them apart. The fans applauded as they enjoyed it. The Undertaker walks up the rampway and won't take his eyes of Batista. Batista runs through security guards and Undertaker and Batista continue to brawl. Undertaker chokes Batista and then throws him over the barricade to the crowd. The referee guide Undertaker to the back as the fans were going wild for The Undertaker. The Undertaker stopped on the top of the rampway before walking to the back and held his arm up to a loud thunder noise in the arena as he walks to the back now. Batista gets up holding the back of his head and looks furious.

Joey Styles: That was a wild match and that was a wild brawl!

Mick Foley: Batista and Undertaker hate each other. In the coming weeks on TNW, they're going to want to jump down each other's throats!

*CM Punk video package airs*

Justin Roberts: The following bought is scheduled for one fall!

Kofi Kingston's music hits and he comes out to some cheers from the crowd, but not a whole lot. He slaps some hands on his way to the ring

Justin Roberts: First, making his way to the ring, from Jamiaca, Kofi Kingston!

CM Punk's music hits and he comes out to a good pop from the crowd, slapping some hands on his way to the ring as well.

Justin Roberts: And now, making his way to the ring from Chicago, Illinois, CM Punk!

CM Punk vs Kofi Kingston


The two men meet in the middle of the ring and shake hands. They start to circle the ring trying to get in each others heads. They lock up. CM Punk takes Kofi to the corner and gives a clean break. Kofi Kingston walks out of the corner nodding and walks around the ring again. They again meet in the middle of the ring and lock up. Kofi takes Punk down in a headlock. Kofi steps over and hits a headlock takeover on CM Punk. Kofi applies pressure as Punk is down on the mat and screams in pain. CM Punk then locks a leg scissors on Kofi Kingston. Kofi kicks up. CM Punk gets up as both men stare at each other. The fans start to applaud. CM Punk and Kofi Kingston share a smile as they circle the ring again. They step in to lock up but CM Punk side steps Kofi Kingston and Kofi goes chest first in the corner. CM Punk gives a stiff kick to the back of Kofi as Kofi flexes his back in pain. CM Punk picks Kofi Kingston up on his shoulders and connects with an electric chair on Kofi Kingston. CM Punk quickly rolls on Kofi for the cover. 1...2...Kofi kicks out!

CM Punk picks Kofi up and irish whips him in to the corner. CM Punk runs at Kofi Kingston in the corner. CM Punk attempts the knee to the chest but Kofi catches Punk and hits a powerbomb in the middle of the ring. Kofi Kingston runs off the ropes and hits a elevated double legged leg drop oto CM Punk. Kofi quickly goes for the cover. 1...2...CM Punk gets the shoulder up. Kofi Kingston nods, smiles and then picks Punk up. Kofi Kingston gives a few chops to CM Punk. CM Punk retaliates with a right hand. Kofi comes back with another chop. CM Punk then jumps up and kicks Kofi Kingston in the side of the head. Kofi falls right down to the mat. CM Punk crawls to Kingston and hooks the leg. 1...2...Kofi Kingsto kicks out! CM Punk picks Kofi Kingston up and starts giving kicks to the hamstring. CM Punk pushes Kofi Kingston to the corner and starts giving right hands to Kingston. CM Punk backs up. CM Punk runs at Kofi and hits a running knee lift bulldog combination. CM Punk shoots up and screams as the fans go wild.

CM Punk goes through the middle rope and stays on the apron. Kofi Kingston gets up and turns to CM Punk who leaps up off the top rope and hits a flying clothesline to Kofi Kingston! CM Punk shoots up and stands behind Kofi Kingston stalking him. Kofi Kingston gets up slowly and turns to CM Punk who picks him up on his shoulders. CM Punk then connects with a Go To Sleep on Kofi Kingston who falls down to the mat. CM Punk hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...3!

Winner: CM Punk

Joey Styles: A good match, just before the huge fatal four way elimination match for the TNW Championship.

Mick Foley: A huge match definitely in just a few moments. It's going to be huge. What are your predictions, Joey?

Joey Styles: I'd go with Christian Cage. I always like to go for the under dogs. How about you, Mick?

Mick Foley: Kurt Angle. I've never been in the ring with him but in WWE, TNA you could see the intensity and aggressivness of Kurt Angle in every single match, and earlier tonight he said he is a different Kurt Angle. He will be more aggressive. He will be more intense. My bets are on Kurt Angle.

We find Shawn Michaels making his way to the ring as the main event is up next!

*A video package of all four competitors career airs from WWE and TNA.

Justin Roberts: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is a fatal four way elimination match and it is the main event. The winner of this match will become the first ever TNW Champion!

Christian Cage's music hits and he comes out to a good pop from the crowd

Justin Roberts: First, making his way to the ring, from Tampa, Florida, weighing in at 240 pounds! Christian Cage!

Chris Jericho's music hits as he comes out to major heat from the crowd

Justin Roberts: Making his way to the ring, from Manhasset, New York, weighing in at 231 pounds, Chris Jericho!

Shawn Michaels' music hits and he comes out to a thunderous pop from the crowd. He claps some hands on his way to the ring.

Justin Roberts: Making his way to the ring, from Houston, Texas, weighing in at 225 pounds, SHAWN MICHAELS!

Kurt Angle's music hits and he comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd which quickly turns in to heat from the crowd

Justin Roberts: And now, making his way to the ring, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 247 pounds, Kurt Angle!

Fatal Four Way Elimination Match for the TNW Championship
Christian Cage vs Shawn Michaels vs Kurt Angle vs Chris Jericho


All men walk to the middle of the ring as the bell rings and make a square in the middle. They all make their case for winning the championship. Chris Jericho starts to scream and Shawn Michaels takes him down. Both men brawl to the outside. Kurt Angle then takes down Christian Cage and quickly locks on an Ankle Lock. Christian rolls out and Kurt Angle flies through the middle rope. Christian Cage climbs to the top turnbuckle and hits a crossbody on Kurt Angle. Christian Cage gets up to a pop from the crowd. Chris Jericho hits a dropkick to Cage on the floor. Shawn Michaels walks off the barricade and hits a huge chop to Chris Jericho. Jericho falls to the floor. Shawn Michaels picks Kurt Angle up and gives him a chop. Shawn Michaels picks Kurt Angle up on his shoulder and rams Kurt Angle face first in the steel ring post. Christian Cage then hits a reverse DDT to Shawn Michaels on the floor. Christian Cage picks Chris Jericho up and throws him in the ring. Christian Cage follows back in to the ring and goes for the cover. 1...2...Jericho gets the shoulder up! Christian Cage picks Jericho up and gives him a chop. Jericho retaliates with a dropkick to Cage. Cage backs in to the ropes. Chris Jericho pushes Cage against the ropes and irish whips him. Chris Jericho connects with a back body drop on Cage to the outside of the ring. Shawn Michaels gets in the ring. Jericho turns around to find Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels connects with an atomic drop on Chris Jericho. Shawn Michaels then gives a huge chop to Chris Jericho knocking him down. Kurt Angle runs in the ring and gets a punch to the head for his troubles.

Christian Cage crawls in the ring and starts stomping on Chris Jericho. Shawn Michaels just shrugs and then chops Kurt Angle against the ropes. Shawn Michaels irish whips Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle ducks a clothesline and then hits a clothesline on Shawn Michaels. Christian Cage runs at Kurt Angle. Angle catches Cage and then connects with a overhead belly to belly suplex. Chris Jericho climbs on the second rope. Chris Jericho looks for an axe-handle but Kurt Angle catches him in mid-air and throws him for an overhead belly to belly suplex as well. Kurt Angle shoots up and screams. The fans pop. Kurt Angle pulls his straps down and starts to stalk Christian Cage who gets up with the ropes. Christian Cage backs off the ropes. Kurt Angle catches Christian Cage and connects with an angle slam. Kurt Angle crawls to Christian Cage for the cover. 1...2...3!

Christian Cage eliminated by Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle gets up as the fans pop. Chris Jericho goes to the outside of the ring and takes a steel chair. The referee tries to stop Chris Jericho. Chris Jericho looks at Kurt Angle. Angle turns to Jericho. Jericho winds up but Kurt Angle ducks it. Kurt Angle then hits a belly to back suplex on Chris Jericho. Shawn Michaels shoots up. Shawn Michaels runs at Kurt Angle and hits a flying forearm smash. Shawn Michaels kicks up to a pop from the fans. Chris Jericho takes the steel chair and attempts to hit Shawn Michaels but Shawn Michaels ducks it. Jericho turns around with the chair at his face and Shawn superkicks it in to Jericho's face. Jericho falls down as he staggered and throws the chair to the outside. Shawn Michaels looks at Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle is getting up slowly. Kurt Angle gets up and turns around to Michaels who connects with an atomic drop on Kurt Angle. Shawn Michaels then looks to hit the scoop slam but Kurt Angle falls off the shoulder. Kurt Angle then hits a belly to back suplex. Shawn Michaels rolls to the outside of the ring on impact. Shawn Michaels holds the back of his neck. The referee runs to the outside to check on Shawn Michaels. Chris Jericho takes the TNW Championship and backs up to the barricade. Kurt Angle goes to the ropes to pull Chris Jericho in the ring but Jericho clocks Kurt Angle in the head with the championship. Jericho throws the championship on the grond and rolls in the ring. Jericho poorly hooks the leg of Angle for the cover. 1...2...Angle gets the shoulder up! Jericho was in disbelief as the fans cheered. Shawn Michaels shoots up to his feet on the ground.

Shawn Michaels rolls in the ring. Chris Jericho runs at Shawn Michaels who hits a superkick to Jericho. Jericho falls down like a ton of bricks. Kurt Angle crawls to the ropes and starts to pull himself to his feet. Shawn Michaels backs in to the corner and lifts his leg. Shawn then stomps it on the mat and does this continueally to tune up the band. The fans are clapping along to this. Kurt Angle gets up to his feet and turns around to Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels steps out of the corner and looks for the sweet chin music but Kurt ducks and picks Shawn up on his shoulders. Kurt Angle then executes an electric chair to Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels lands across the chest of Chris Jericho to a pop from the crowd. Kurt Angle gets up and looks at Chris Jericho. He then turns his attention to Shawn Michaels. Kurt Angle walks to the leg of Shawn Michaels and then locks on an ankle lock. Shawn Michaels was screaming in pain as he tries to reach out to the ropes. Shawn Michaels finds an opening and rolls out of it. Kurt Angle runs chest first in the corner. Kurt Angle backs out of the corner staggered and holds his chest. Shawn Michaels rolls Kurt Angle up. 1...2...Kurt Angle kicks out!

Chris Jericho takes the turnbuckle padding off the top turnbuckle. The referee picks it up and goes to tie it back up. Chris Jericho picks up a steel chair and hits Shawn Michaels in the head. Kurt Angle gets up and turns to Jericho. Jericho clocks Kurt Angle in the head with the steel chair and throws it to the outside of the ring. Chris Jericho yells for the referee. Chris Jericho falls on his knees and goes over Kurt for the cover. 1...2...3!

Kurt Angle is eliminated by Chris Jericho

Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho are the two men left. Kurt Angle rolls to the outside of the ring and holds his head. Chris Jericho then crawls to Shawn Michaels and puts his arm across the chest of Shawn Michaels for the cover. 1...2...Shawn Michaels just barely gets the shoulder up! The fans are going wild as Chris Jericho is in disbelief. Chris Jericho thinks it's a three and argues his case to the referee. Nothing comes out of it. Chris Jericho turns to Shawn Michaels and from nowhere Shawn Michaels cradles Jreicho up. 1...2...Jericho kicks out! Both men get up right away. Chris Jericho steps up and hits an enziguri to Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels falls chest first on the second rope. Chris Jericho runs off the ropes and jumps on the back of Michaels. Michaels falls off the second rope and on to his back. Chris Jericho goes for the cover. 1...2...Michaels gets his foot on the bottom rope. Chris Jericho pulls Shawn Michaels to the middle of the ring and then goes for the cover. 1...2...Shawn Michaels gets the shoulder up this time to a huge pop from the crowd! Chris Jericho was in disbelief. Chris Jericho picks Shawn Michaels up. Shawn Michaels rams Chris Jericho back first in the corner however. Shawn Michaels then hits a huge chop to Jericho in the corner and then hits another. Shawn Michaels then kicks Chris Jericho in the stomach. Shawn Michaels jumps off the second rope and hits a dropkick to the chest of Chris Jericho. Chris Jericho bounces out of the corner and staggers. Shawn Michaels hits an atomic drop on Chris Jericho. Chris Jericho jumps up and down holding his groin. Shawn Michaels connects with a scoop slam on Chris Jericho in the middle of the ring.

The fans started to go absolutely nuts as Michaels got on the apron. Shawn Michaels climbs to the top turnbuckle. Before Michaels jumps he looks in the crowd and smiles. Shawn Michaels hits an elbow drop dead in the chest of Jericho. Jericho starts to squirm all over the place. Shawn Michaels gets up to a pop and goes crazy. Kurt Angle now gets up on the outside of the ring. Shawn Michaels starts to stomp in the corner. The fans again were applauding with the stomps. Chris Jericho gets up with help of the ropes and turns around to Michaels. Michaels runs out of the corner looking for a sweet chin music but Chris Jericho moves and Michaels superkicks the referee. Kurt Angle now brings a chair in the ring and hits Chris Jericho in the head with the steel chair. Kurt Angle rolls out of the ring and runs to the back through the crowd. Shawn Michaels turns around and finds Chris Jericho down and out. A new referee starts to run down to the referee. Shawn Michaels walks to the corner to a pop from the crowd. Shawn Michaels stomps on the mat again. Chris Jericho holds his head as he sits up. Jericho crawls to the ropes and gets up. Chris Jericho turns to Shawn Michaels. Chris Jericho runs off the ropes to Shawn Michaels but from nowhere Shawn Michaels connects with sweet chin music right on the jaw of Chris Jericho. Jericho falls to the mat. Shawn Michaels then collapses on Chris Jericho for the cover. 1...2...3!

Winner: Shawn Michaels to become first ever TNW Champion!

Justin Roberts: Here is your winner and the FIRST EVER TNW CHAMPION, SHAWN MICHAELS!!

Joey Styles: Shawn Michaels has done it! We were both wrong, Mick! It was Shawn Michaels! Good for him!

Mick Foley: I don't care if I got wrong on my prediction, this is a great moment in TNW history!

Justin Roberts, Mick Foley, Joey Styles and all the workers at ringside applaud Shawn Michaels as he drops to his knees with the belt on the mat. Shawn Michaels starts to bow down to the fans and the championship. Shawn Michaels takes the championship and rolls out of the ring. Shawn Michaels reaches the top of the rampway and turns around to face the crowd and ring. Shawn Michaels puts the championship on his shoulder and posed to a huge ovation from the crowd as the cameras fade to close the PPV.

*Highlights of "The Beginning" pay-per-view airs.
Quick Results:

Gregory Helms defeats AJ Styles
Elijah Burke defeats John Cena
MVP defeats Matt Hardy
Cryme Tyme defeats The Edgeheads to become tag team champions
Umaga defeats Finlay
Jeff Hardy defeats John Morrison, Booker T & Shelton Benjamin to become U.S. Champion
CM Punk defeats Kofi Kingston
Batista & Undertaker defeats Rated RKO
Big Show defeats Mr. Kennedy
Shawn Michaels defeats Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle & Christian Cage to become TNW Champion


Best Match: Main Event, it was a great match and I'm glad HBK got the win. Batista and Taker vs Rated RKO comes in a close second, and Burke vs Cena in third because Burke won, something that would never happen in real WWE lol

Worst Match: Finlay vs Umaga

Best Angle: HBK interview

Worst Angle: Jeff Hardy/Elijah Burke backstage

Line of the night: "Todd, there's this saying that no matter who you are, no matter how old you are, you can still be the best guy there is and that's what I'm going to be tonight"

Additional Thoughts: Very good first show, I found it odd that you started it off with a PPV but you made it work and it turned out to be pretty good. The openning segment with Bichoff put over the company well, and the matches were fun to read. All you have left to do is improve from here, work on your promos a little bit, and start developing your storylines and fueds.

Overall rating: 7.5/10


Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
TNW Preview:

What's In Store
Just off one of the biggest PPVs in the wrestling world, the start of a new brand of Wrestling, TNW. What will the first show have in store for the fans?

Champion Now. Champion Later?
After pinning Chris Jericho at The Beginning, Chris Jericho has demanded a match with current TNW Champion, Shawn Michaels and it's for the TNW Championship.. Both men have seem to be getting in to a heated rivalry with Chris Jericho verbally attacking the old age of Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels proved Chris Jericho and everyone else wrong when he won the TNW Championship. Just how long will be remain champion however?

Challenge Done
At The Beginning, Cryme Tyme demanded they be challenged here in TNW, especially now that they're the TNW Tag Team Champions. Eric Bischoff made a match, Cryme Tyme vs Jesse and Festus for the Tag Team Titles this week on TNW. Partying after winning the tag team titles should be short lived as two great teams face off with each other. Will Jesse and Festus become tag team champions? Or will Cryme Tyme retain?

Clash Of The Titans
Batista and Undertaker got in to a non-breakable brawl at The Beginning. Obviously, tension had rised between the two men, but just how will they let it out in a non-brawling way? Both men will have to explain their actions this week on TNW, what will there be in store?

Explanation Wanted
At The Beginning, Edge "accidentally" speared Randy Orton costing his team the win. Randy Orton has DEMANDED an explantion from Edge as to why he did this. What will Edge's explanation be? What will be in store between the two men. Will they get back together?

All this and MORE can be found out this week on the first ever televised TNW show! Be sure to tune in!


Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
Week 1

A new TNW opening video airs.


Edge's music hits and he comes out to a mixed reaction from the hot crowd.

Justin Roberts: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the rated R superstar, Edge!

Edge In-Ring Segment

Edge gets in the ring and takes a microphone.

Edge: Yes, yes, OK, I know. I did a wrong thing at The Beginning. It was in our tag team match, and something wrong just happened from nowhere, I speared my partner and long time friend, Randy Orton.

Randy Orton's music hits and he comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd as well.

Randy Orton takes a microphone as he gets in the ring. He walks around the ring and doesn't take his eyes off Edge for one second.

Randy Orton: I bet your wondering why I'm staring at you, Edge.

Edge: I think I know, Ra...

Randy Orton: Shut up! I don't think I was done talking. See, I took my eyes off you for one second, Edge, one mere second once The Undertaker big boot his own partner, Batista out of my hands. And bam, you speared me. And I was watching the footage of this happening, and I then found out you could've stopped dead in your tracks from spearing me, but instead you decided to keep on running. You kept on running through the ring, and then you speared me.

Edge: Listen, Randy.

Randy Orton: No, first you listen to me, then you can talk, you get that? Now, I came out here, and I wonder, why. Why would my good friend, my long time partner, Edge, decide to turn his back on me and spear me. Why?

Edge: First, you're right. I could've stopped, but I didn't. And now you want to know why. It's simple. Because of you, you held me back from being in the TNW Championship match! And now look, we have an old scumbag like Shawn Michaels running around this show with the TNW Championship. Because of who? Because of you, that's who!

Randy Orton: And you don't think you held me back, Edge! I could've been in that main event just like you could've been, but in my case, it's because of YOU that I wasn't in the main event. And it's because of you that in our time we were teaming up in WWE that I had little to no success at all. So Edge, next time you want to say something, THINK, before saying that thing.

Edge: Do I have to think before I do this?

Randy Orton: Do wha...

Edge cut-off Randy by spearing him in the middle of the ring. Randy starts squirming in the ring after the spear and holds his gut. Edge gets up to a chorus of boos from the crowd. Edge smiles as he starts to head towards the ropes and gets out of the ring. Edge walks up the rampway staring at Randy who remains in the ring holding his stomach. Edge starts laughing as Orton crawls to the ropes to stare at Edge as we go to commercial.


Highlights from The Beginning air

Joey Styles: Well, The Beginning was definitely a great pay-per-view to prove that we are the new face of wrestling.

Mick Foley: It was definitely a great night. I enjoyed every second of it!

Chris Jericho Interview

Todd Grisham: Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm Todd Grisham and my guest at this time is Y2J...

Chris Jericho: Yeah, OK cut it with your lame introduction just get to the damn question.

Todd Grisham: OK, well Chris Jericho this past Sunday you got pinned by Shawn Michaels who then went on to become the TNW Champion, what are your thoughts?

Chris Jericho: My thoughts!? My freakin' thoughts!? Why don't you go ask Kurt Angle that? Fact of the matter is Kurt Angle screwed me out of winning the TNW Championship plain and simple. Kurt Angle is the only reason that I am not TNW Champion right now. But you know what. I'm not going to complain here on your little interview. Hell, I won't complain at all. What I am going to do, is go out there for the highlight reel and address Kurt Angle about it later tonight. Now get the hell out of my face, Todd.

Chris Jericho walks off the scene pushing Todd away as we go to commercial.


Big Show's music hits and he comes out to a good pop from the crowd. Big Show slaps some hands on his way to the ring.

Justin Roberts: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 441 pounds, from Tampa, Florida, The Big Show!

Deuce & Domino's music hits and they come out to major heat from the fans

Justin Roberts: Making their way to the ring, at a combined weight of 438 pounds, from the other side of the tracks, Deuce and Domino!

Handicap Match
Big Show vs Deuce & Domino


The bell rings. Big Show stays in the corner and looks at Deuce and Domino. Both men try to corner Big Show. Big Show connects a headbutt to Domino and then pushed Deuce to the corner. Big Show rips Deuce's shirt off and hits a huge chest slap on Deuce. Domino runs at Big Show but Show sticks his boot up and hits a big boot. Big Show runs off the ropes and hits a splash on Domino. Deuce jumps up to the second rope and connects with a huge flying calf kick on Big Show. Big Show doesn't go down but staggers. Deuce runs off the ropes but Big Show hits a huge right to Duece knocking him out cold. Big Show picks Domino up and grabs him by the throat. Big Show lifts Domino up in the chokeslam position. Before Show slams him he walks to the fallen Deuce and walks over him. Big Show then turns around and hits a chokeslam to Domino over the body of Deuce. Big Show pins both men. 1...2...3!

Winner: Big Show

Aftermath: After the match Big Show celebrates the victory.

Umaga's music hits!

Joey Styles: What the hell is that!

Mick Foley: It's Umaga that's what it is!

Umaga gets in the ring and gets in Big Show's face. The fans were in awe. Umaga and Big Show stare at each other dead in the eye. Umaga screams. Big Show sticks his hand up going in for a punch but Umaga doesn't flinch. Big Show smiles and then walks past Umaga to the ropes as the two men wouldn't get their eyes off each other.

Up next is the highlight reel


Highlights of Shawn Michaels winning the TNW Championship at The Beginning airs.

Chris Jericho's music hits and he comes out to major heat from the crowd. The highlight reel set is set up in the ring.

Highlight Reel

Chris Jericho takes a microphone as he gets in the ring and searches through the crowd before speaking. Chris Jericho takes his sunglasses off and throw them to the floor.

Chris Jericho: Now, I know all of you saw what transpired this past Sunday at The Beginning. I had the match won against Shawn Michaels. I was faking being injured to throw Shawn Michaels off and then pull off my big move to finish the old sleezebag right there in the middle of the ring and become TNW Champion, but then there was one man that knocked me out cold. Kurt Angle. And it wasn't the man. It was a steel chair. Kurt Angle screwed me out of my dream and my destiny to become the first ever TNW Champion. But because of you, Kurt Angle. That dream can't happen now. Because of Kurt Angle, I can't go down in the history books in TNW. I can't be the shown as the best wrestler... even though I know I am. You know what, I think I've found the reason Kurt screwed me. Because he knew that if I were to win the TNW Championship, he knew he couldn't win it from me because I just so damn better then him...

Kurt Angle's music hits and he comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd

Kurt Angle gets in the ring and takes the microphone out of Chris Jericho's hand. Chris Jericho takes the microphone back and points to the one beside Kurt Angle on the stool. Kurt Angle picks it up and stares at Chris Jericho.

Chris Jericho: So Kurt, c'mon give me your reason. The light is on you to tell me why the hell you screwed me you son of a bitch, I want an answer and I want an answer now. Oh wait, it's like I said earlier I already know. It's because you know ....

Kurt Angle: Please don't say it again you're going to break the eardrums in these people's ears. You know what, just shut the hell up as a whole. You're voice is horrible.

Chris Jericho: Who the hell...

Kurt Angle: I said shut up! Now Chris, you can predict why I screwed you as much as you want but the people and I already know why I screwed you.

Chris Jericho: And why's that. Because I'm better than you?

Kurt Angle: No. It's because of this.

Footage of Chris Jericho knocking Kurt Angle over the head with the steel chair and then pinning him plays on the titantron and the Jericho-Tron 5000.

Chris Jericho: And so because I know you out you have to do the same with me?

Kurt Angle: Obviously you've never heard of something called revenge. That's exactly what I gave you. Revenge. Like I said, I am more aggressive then I was in WWE and TNA. And I am WAY more intense since WWE and TNA. Chris Jericho you were the first one to feel that aggression from me. You were the first one to feel that new intensity in me. Feel happy, Chris. Atleast you'll go in TNW history for that. And you can also go in the Kurt Angle history books for that as well.

Chris Jericho: Haha! What the hell does that "Kurt Angle history book" have in it. The amount of times you've been embarressed? The amount of times you've lost. The amount of times you got injured. Kurt, it's obvious to these fans, it's obvious to the superstars in the back, and you know deep down inside that I'm better than you and that's the only, and I mean only reason you screwed me. Just admit it. Please. You're killing everyone with your lies.

Kurt Angle: I already told you and everyone the reason why I screwed you, but I will admit one other thing. I hate your guts you son of a bitch. Tonight, you face Shawn Michaels for the TNW Championship. OK. But watch your back, son. You never know where I may pop-up.

Chris Jericho: While I'm in my match against Michaels, and I win it. You'll be in the hospital bed.

Chris Jericho then clocks Angle in the head with the microphone. Chris Jericho throws a stool at Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle backs in to the corner. Jericho walks to Angle but Angle runs out of the crowd and tackles Jericho down. The two men start to brawl with lefts and rights. Security guards run in the ring to break it up. Kurt Angle sneaks through and jumps on Chris Jericho. Both men were down and brawling. The brawl spills to the outside of the ring. Chris Jericho runs at Kurt Angle for a clothesline but Angle ducks and hits an Angle Slam to Jericho through the announce table to end the brawl.

Eric Bischoff's music hits.

Eric Bischoff came to the ring with police officers.

Eric Bischoff: Dammit, police officers go do your job and get Kurt Angle. Arrest his ass and take him to jail! I'm not going to have any interference in the Jericho/Michaels match tonight. Kurt Angle you're spenind the night in the slammer. Put the cuffs on his right now and escort him up the ramp.

Police officers start to lock the handcuffs on Kurt Angle and escort him up the rampway.

Eric Bischoff: Next Kurt, you think before you talk you get that!

Eric Bischoff then runs at Kurt Angle and low blows him. Security guards tell Eric Bischoff to back off.

Eric Bischoff: Why should I back off this is my show get out of my way. Jericho get your ass up here and get yourself some.

Chris Jericho stands above Kurt Angle with a smile.

Shawn Michaels music hits and he comes out to a huge pop.

Eric Bischoff and Chris Jericho hop the barricade and run through the crowd to the back. Shawn Michaels stands on the top of the rampway and holds up the TNW Championship. Shawn points at Jericho in the crowd. Jericho signals he'll become champion tonight as we go to commercial.


Video package of The Undertaker/Batista brawl at The Beginning airs.

Joey Styles: Well later tonight, both Undertaker and Batista MUST explain their actions for what happened at The Beginning but until then, The Undertaker will have a match against Shelton Benjamin right now.

We get back to ringside and Shelton Benjamin is already in the ring.

The Undertaker's music hits and he comes out to a massive pop from the crowd

Jutin Roberts: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 299 pounds, from Death Valley, The Undertaker!

The Undertaker vs Shelton Benjamin


The bell sounds and both men start to circle the ring. They don't take their eyes off each other. Shelton Benjamin looks worried. The Undertaker runs at Benjamin who dives through the ropes to the outside of the ring. Shelton Benjamin yells at the referee to move Undertaker back. Undertaker moves back. Shelton Benjamin climbs up the steel steps and gets in the ring. Shelton runs at Undertaker but Undertaker gives a huge right hand to Shelton. Shelton falls to the mat. The Undertaker runs off the ropes and hits a leg drop to Shelton Benjamin. The Undertaker quickly goes for the cover. 1...2...Benjamin gets the shoulder up. The Undertaker picks Shelton Benjamin up and twists the shoulder. Undertaker rams his shoulder in the twisted arm of Benjamin. The Undertaker backs in to the corner and walks the top rope to attempt Old School. Shelton Benjamin jumps up to the top rope with Undertaker and hits a bulldog off the top rope. Both men are down as the fans chant, "Holy s*it! Holy s*it!"


We come back from commercial. Shelton Benjamin is laying rights and lefts on Undertaker in the corner. Shelton kicks The Undertaker in the side of the head. Undertaker looks out of it. Benjamin backs away from orders of the referee. Benjamin walks back to Undertaker but Undertaker shoots up and catches Benjamin by the throat. The Undertaker throws Shelton Benjamin in the corner and unleashes rights and lefts of his own. The Undertaker backs away and then runs at Benjamin in the corner. The Undertaker rams his knee in the chest of Benjamin. Benjamin falls to his knees and holds his chest. The Undertaker throws Benjamin down to the mat and connects with an elbow drop on the chest. Undertaker gets up quickly and connects with another elbow drop. The Undertaker then goes for the cover. 1...2...Shelton Benjamin gets the shoulder up!

The Undertaker looks at the referee with his hands on his hips. The Undertaker picks Shelton Benjamin up and then lifts him up on his shoulder. The Undertaker walks to the corner with Shelton on his shoulder and hits snake eyes. The Undertaker then runs off the ropes but Shelton hits a superkick on Undertaker. Undertaker falls to the mat and Benjamin collapses on the ropes. The Undertaker sits up. Shelton Benjamin just stares at Undertaker. Both men get to their feet and exchange right hands. The Undertaker blocks one of Benjamin's shots and starts winning the battle. The Undertaker pushes Benjamin off the ropes and irish whips him. The Undertaker bends down and Benjamin kicks Undertaker in the chest. Undertaker gets up like nothing happened. Shelton Benjamin runs to the corner and jumps to the top rope. Shelton Benjamin jumps off the top turnbuckle but Undertaker catches him by the throat. The Undertaker then pushes Benjamin over the top rope to the outside of the ring.

The Undertaker flips over the top rope and follows Benjamin to the outside of the ring. From nowhere Batista runs down the rampway and spears Undertaker against the apron.

Winner: The Undertaker by DQ

Aftermath: After the match Batista continues to ambush The Undertaker on the outside to boos from the crowd. Batista throws Benjamin over the barricade. Batista then runs at Undertaker again but Undertaker lifts his boot up and connects with a big boot. The Undertaker then runs at Batista and spears Batista. The two men brawl just like at The Beginning. Security Guards run down to the ring to break them up. Eric Bischoff comes out with them.

Eric Bischoff: You know what you two are supposed to give an explanation to why the brawl broke out, I don't think I need an explanation. It's obvious you two hate each other's guts. So tonight, no explanation. But in 4 weeks. 4 weeks at Uncensored it will be The Undertaker vs Batista in a No Holds Barred Match! Then you two can jump down each other's throats as much as possible.

Eric Bischoff walks to the back. The Undertaker then runs at Batista and tackles him against the steep steps. The Undertaker and Batista are still brawling. Security Guards can't pull them apart and then more Security runs down to pull them apart but nothing works. Road agents and referees ran down to pull them apart. Batista and Undertaker took down the security guards, agents and referees and then went at it again. The entire TNW roster ran down to the pull them apart and calmed them down. Batista was walked up the rampway by the heels as Undertaker stares at Batista.

Up next is Cryme Tyme vs Jesse and Festus for the TNW Tag Team Championships.


Joey Styles: My goodness, another brawl between Undertaker and Batista, and now at Uncensored it's Undertaker vs Batista in a No Holds Barred Match.

Mick Foley: What can you expect in four weeks between these two men, there will be blood and it will be brutal. That's a guarantee.

TNW Tag Team Championship Match
Cryme Tyme (c) vs Jesse & Festus


Festus transforms in to a monster as the bell rings and chases JTG out of the ring. JTG tags in Shad. Festus monkey flips Shad over the top rope in to the ring. Festus runs off the ropes and hits a bicycle kick on Shad. Festus picks Shad up and irish whips him in to the corner. Shad runs out of the corner and Festus hits a samoan drop on Shad. Festus slaps his thighs to a pop from the crowd. Festus runs off the ropes and hits a splash on Shad. Festus picks Shad up and brings him to his corner. Festus tags in Jesse. Jesse gets in the ring and kneels down with his knee sticking out. Festus picks Shad up in a military press position and slams Shad chest first in the knee. Jesse jumps up on to his feet and kicks the chest of Shad. Jesse drags Shad to the middle of the ring and starts stomping on the chest of Shad. Jesse runs off the ropes and hits a high elevated leg drop on Shad. Shad holds his chest as he slowly crawls to his corner. Shad tags in JTG. Jesse and JTG exchange rights in lefts. The fans pop for both teams.

JTG attempts a clothesline but Jesse runs off the ropes and hits a running dropkick to the chest of JTG. Jesse runs to the corner and climbs to the second turnbuckle. Jesse leaps off the second turnbuckle and hits a crossbody on JTG. Jesse quickly hooks the leg. 1...2...JTG gets the shoulder up! Jesse picks JTG up and brings him to his corner. Jesse attempts to tag in Festus but JTG pushes Jesse away before his could. JTG went for a clothesline but again Jesse ducks. Jesse rolls and tags in Festus. Shad jumps off the apron. Festus runs in the ring and hits a big boot on JTG. Festus runs to the ropes and leaps over the top rope. Festus hits a running shoulder block over the top rope on Shad. Festus gets up to a huge pop from the crowd.

Festus rolls back in the ring. Festus blocks a punch from JTG and hits a punch of his own. Festus then connects over and over with body shots. Festus then hits a scoop slam to JTG in the middle of the ring. Festus runs off the ropes and hits an elbow drop on the chest of JTG. The Edgeheads run down to the ring and Festus clears house on them. Festus then turns to JTG. JTG hits a calf kick on Festus. Jesse climbs to the top turnbuckle and hits a crossbody on JTG. Jesse then dives through the middle rope and connects a suicide dive on Curt Hawkins. Zack Ryder walks to the timekeeper's table and takes the Tag Titles. Ryder rolls in the ring and hits JTG in the head with it. Ryder then clocks Festus in the head with the titles.

Winners: No Contest; Double DQ

Aftermath: After the match Zack Ryder ambushes JTG and Festus. Curt Hawkins hits Jesse with the other tag team title. Shad attempts a big boot to Hawkins but Hawkins ducks. Hawkins then clocks Shad in the head with the championship. Hawkins rolls in the ring with Ryder. The two men hold up each other's hands with the tag titles in hand.


Joey Styles: Well during the break folks, Eric Bischoff announced that next week it will be Jesse & Festus vs The Edgeheads with the winners getting a tag team title shot at Uncensored.

Shawn Michaels Interview

Todd Grisham: Hello people, I'm Todd Grisham, and my guest at this time is the first ever TNW Champion, the heartbreak kid, Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels you proved everyone wrong at The Beginning when you won the TNW Championship, how does it feel.

Shawn Michaels: I'll tell you this Todd, it feels great. I shut the critics up. And I definitely shut Chris Jericho up when I pinned him to win the TNW Championship. Now I plan to keep this a long, long time and my path of destruction will start and it will start against Chris Jericho tonight when I did what I did at The Beginning and that was pin him, 1...2..3 to win this TNW Championship. Only difference tonight, I will KEEP my TNW Championship.

Todd Grisham: Chris Jericho says the only reason you won was because of help from Kurt Angle. Any response to that?

Shawn Michaels: Chris Jericho can make all the claims tonight, but like I said, I will shut Chris Jericho up tonight when I beat him, with no "help" from anyone.

Shawn Michaels walks off the scene as we go to the ring.

Christian Cage's music hits and he comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. More to a heel reaction

Elijah Burke's music hits and he comes out to a chorus of boos from the crowd

Matt Hardy's music hits and he comes out to a major pop from the crowd. Hardy slaps some hands on his way to the ring and then pumps the crowd up

Christian Cage vs Elijah Burke vs Matt Hardy


All three men stare at each other. Matt and Christian double team on Elijah. They push him to the corner and start stomping in the gut of Elijah Burke. Matt and Christian irish whip Burke to the opposite corner. Matt Hardy then punches Christian Cage and takes him to the ropes. Matt Hardy irish whips Christian and connects with a back body drop. Jeff Hardy walks down to the rampway and comes to ringside to watch the match. Matt Hardy walks towards Burke. Burke lifts Matt Hardy up and rams him face first in the top turnbuckle. Elijah Burke runs at the fallen Christian Cage and hits a running senton. Burke then goes for the cover. 1...2...Cage gets the shoulder up. Burke signals he wants the championship to Jeff. Burke picks Cage up but Cage throws Burke's hands off him. Cage then hits a delayed vertical suplex on Elijah Burke. Christian Cage stares at Jeff Hardy and then signals he wants the championship. Matt Hardy runs at Christian Cage and tackles him down.

Matt Hardy stares at his brother Jeff and the U.S. Title. Matt Hardy nods as Jeff holds it up. Matt Hardy picks Burke up and irish whips him. Burke runs out of the corner. Matt Hardy catches Elijah Burke and connects with a side effect. Christian Cage climbs to the top turnbuckle. Christian Cage looks for an axe-handle but Matt Hardy jumps up and hits a dropkick in mid-air. Matt Hardy climbs to the second rope and does the V1 sign with his hands. Matt Hardy then hits a leg drop on Christian Cage. Christian Cage rolls to the outside of the ring. Matt Hardy stalks Elijah Burke and is just waiting for him to get up. Burke turns around to Hardy. Hardy kicks Burke in the stomach and then holds his head between his arms. Burke rolls out it and hits a northern lights suplex pin combination on Matt Hardy. 1...2...3!

Winner: Elijah Burke

Aftermath: After the match Burke ran to the outside of the ring and ambushed Jeff Hardy. Christian Cage joins the attacks and it's a 2 on 1 assault. Matt Hardy runs to the aid of Jeff Hardy. Matt Hardy punches the taste out of Cage's mouth and then pushes Elijah Burke back first in the steel steps. Matt Hardy helps Jeff Hardy up and they walk up the rampway. Both of their arms are in the air as the cameras go backstage.

Backstage we find CM Punk getting ready for his match in a few moments.


Umaga's music hits and he comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd

CM Punk's music hits and he comes out to a huge pop from the crowd. CM Punk slaps some hands on his way to the ring while staring at Umaga

CM Punk vs Umaga


Umaga and CM Punk stare at each other as they start to circle the ring. The fans start to chant, "Youmanga! Youmanga!" Umaga starts to look through the crowd and doesn't look too happy. CM Punk jumps Umaga from behind. CM Punk connects with kicks to the thigh of Umaga. CM Punk gives a spinning back kick to Umaga. CM Punk then hits a superkick under the chin of Umaga. Umaga flips over the top rope and to the outside. Umaga pulls the apron skirt in anger and kicks the steel steps. Umaga jumps up on the apron and gets in the ring. CM Punk connects with a running knee to the head of Umaga. Umaga falls to the apron again. CM Punk pulls Umaga by the hair to the middle of the ring. CM Punk runs off the ropes and hits a leg drop to the chest of Umaga. CM Punk hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Umaga throws Punk off. Umaga sits up with anger in his eyes. Umaga gets up. Umaga runs off the ropes and hits a spinning heel kick to CM Punk. Umaga gets up with a smile on his face. Umaga picks Punk up and pushes him to the corner. Punk holds his jaw. Umaga strongly irish whips CM Punk to the opposite corner. Punk runs out of the corner to Umaga where Umaga connects with a flapjack. Umaga turns Punk on to his back and goes for the cover. 1...2...Punk gets the shoulder up.

Umaga picks Punk up and connects with an uppercut under the throat of Punk. Umaga kicks Punk in the gut. Punk backs in to the ropes and holds his stomach in pain. Umaga connects a big boot to the head of Punk which knocks Punk through the middle rope and to the outside. Umaga then goes to the outside as well with Punk. Umaga picks Punk up and throws him shoulder and back first in the steel ring steps. Umaga kicks the chest of Punk and then smiles. Umaga picks Punk up and rams him head first in the apron. Umaga picks CM Punk up on his shoulder and turns to the steel ring post. Umaga runs at the ring post but Punk jumps off the shoulder and pushes Umaga shoulder first in the steel ring post. CM Punk jumps to the apron and flips over the top turnbuckle and lands on Umaga. Both men are down as the fans chant, "Holy s*it! Holy s*it!"


We come back from commercial. CM Punk kicks Umaga in the side of the head. Umaga falls to his knees and crawls to the corner. Umaga gets up in the corner and turns to Punk. Punk runs at Umaga and jumps up on his thighs. CM Punk attempts a monkey flip but Umaga throws Punk down to the mat. Umaga then runs off the ropes and looks to splash Punk but Punk rolls to the outside of the ring and Umaga falls face first on the floor. CM Punk gets up on the apron. Umaga slowly gets to his feet staggered. CM Punk bounces off the top rope and connects with a flying clothesline. CM Punk gets up to a pop from the crowd. CM Punk holds his arms out and stalks Umaga to get up. Umaga gets up with help of the ropes and turns to CM Punk. Umaga from nowhere connects with a huge samoan spike on CM Punk. Umaga crawls on Punk for the cover. 1...2...Punk gets his foot on the bottom rope. Umaga stares at the referee in disbelief. Umaga gets to his feet and argues with the referee. Umaga yells in samoan and then turns to CM Punk who hit a missile dropkick on Umaga.

Both men are now down in the ring. CM Punk holds his stomach as he crawls to the ropes. CM Punk grabs on tightly to the top rope and gets up. CM Punk holds his ribs in pain. Umaga gets on one knee and is staggered. CM Punk runs off the ropes and attempts a shining wizard but Umaga ducks. Umaga shoots up, runs off the ropes and connects with a huge big boot on CM Punk. CM Punk backs in to the ropes. CM Punk runs off the ropes and hits a step up enziguri on Umaga. Umaga remains on his feet but staggers. CM Punk tries to pick him up on his shoulders but Umaga is to heavy. CM Punk then grabs Umaga across the chest and connects with a Go To Sleep. Umaga isn't tapping out. A masked man runs down to the ring and kicks Punk in the back causing a DQ.

Winner: CM Punk by DQ

Aftermath: After the match the masked man connects with a superkick under the chin of Punk. The masked man rolls to the outside of the ring and grabs a chair. The masked man rolls in the ring and looks at the chair and then Punk. CM Punk gets up and turns to the masked man where the masked man hits CM Punk in the head with the steel chair. The masked man throws the chair down to the mat and then lifts his arm to the mask. He slowly lifts the mask and then pulls it off fast to reveal JOHN MORRISON! John Morrison smirks as he stares at CM Punk. John Morrison crawls under the bottom rope and to the outside of the ring as he backs up the rampway staring at the fallen CM Punk.

Joey Styles: What the hell is that! John Morrison!? Why?

Mick Foley: What beaf does John Morrison have against CM Punk? This is unbelievable.


Highlights of John Morrison attacking CM Punk moments ago air


Backstage we find John Morrison walking to the parking lot. We find Todd Grisham behind chasing John Morrison running his heart out.

Todd Grisham: John! John! Can I have a moment?

John Morrison: Make it quick.

Todd Grisham: Please, just answer this. Why did you just attack CM Punk unexpectedly like that?

John Morrison: I have my reasons.

Todd Grisham: Like...

John Morrison: My reasons.

Todd Grisham: Oh, c'mon. You can tell me.

John Morrison: Do you have a hard time hearing. I said their my reasons. Respect that. And if you don't, I'm going to take those glasses on your ugly face and shove them so far up your ass you'll taste what you had for breakfast in 1993. Now get out of my face.

John Morrison walks off to a limosine waiting for him as Grisham stares at him.

*Highlights from 'The Beginning' pay-per-view airs again

A graphic comes up plugging Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho for the TNW Championship. It's up next!


Chris Jericho's music hits and he comes out to major heat from the crowd. Chris Jericho talks trash with some fans as he makes his way to the ring

Shawn Michaels music hits and he comes out to a massive pop from the crowd. Shawn Michaels paraded around the rampway with the TNW Championship and claps some hands on his way to the ring.

Main Event
TNW Championship Match
Shawn Michaels (c) vs Chris Jericho


Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho stare at each other eye to eye from the opposite sides of the ring. The two men hit their own chests and start to circle the ring. They step in on each other and lock up. Shawn Michaels takes Chris Jericho down in to a headlock. Chris Jericho grabs Shawn Michaels by the legs and trips him down. Shawn Michaels gets to his feet right away and both men stare at each other. Chris Jericho has a cocky smirk on his face as Shawn Michaels looks serious. Again the two men circle the ring. Chris Jericho runs at Shawn Michaels but Michaels connects with an arm drag on Chris Jericho. Chris Jericho rolls to the outside of the ring and stares at Michaels. Chris Jericho walks over to the timekeeper table and takes the TNW Championship. Jericho walks around the ring and up the rampway. Jericho yells, "This is mine!" to Shawn Michaels. Jericho turns around and walks up the rampway. Shawn Michaels gets to the outside of the ring and runs up the rampway. Shawn Michaels attacks Chris Jericho from behind. Jericho falls hard on his chest and then rolls up on his back. Shawn Michaels throws the TNW Championship back to the ring area. Shawn Michaels walks to Chris Jericho but Jericho lifts Michaels up and falls back at the same time rams Shawn Michaels face first on the edge of the titantron. Shawn Michaels rolls down the rampway and under the apron. Jericho takes his time walking back to the ring. Jericho rolls in the ring to break up the count and rolls back to the outside.

Chris Jericho pulls Michaels by the leg from under the ring. Shawn Michaels is busted open from the top of his head. Chris Jericho picks Shawn Michaels up and rams him head first on the apron. Chris Jericho irish whips Shawn Michaels back first in the steel steps. Chris Jericho smirks as the fans boo. Chris Jericho arrogantly kicks Michaels in the head and then the chest. Chris Jericho picks Shawn Michaels up and throws him in the ring. Chris Jericho rolls in the ring and crawls over Shawn Michaels for the cover. 1...2...Shawn Michaels gets the shoulder up! Chris Jericho nods in disbelief. Chris Jericho picks Shawn Michaels up and lays a right on Shawn Michaels. Shawn retaliates with a chop. Chris Jericho backs in to the ropes and holds his chest. Shawn Michaels picks Jericho up against the ropes and hits another chop. Shawn Michaels grabs Chris Jericho by the back of the head and rams him face first in the top turnbuckle. Shawn Michaels then runs off the ropes but from absolutely nowhere Chris Jericho runs out of the corner and connects an huge clothesline on Shawn Michaels. Chris Jericho then hooks the leg of Michaels slowly. 1...2...Michaels gets the shoulder up! Chris Jericho stares at the referee. Jericho thinks it was a slow count. Jericho backs the referee in to the corner and argues his case. Jericho turns to Michaels who is on his feet. Shawn Michaels explodes with a sweet chin music to Jericho. Jericho backs to the ropes and falls through and crashes back first on the floor.

Michaels runs to the ropes to stare at Jericho who is on the floor. Michaels couldn't believe it. Michaels rolls to the outside of the ring and picks Jericho up slowly. From nowhere Chris Jericho connects with a back body drop to Michaels on the floor. Jericho leans against the apron and looks on at the fallen Michaels. Jericho rolls in the ring and back out. Jericho picks Shawn Michaels up and throws him shoulder first in the steel ring steps. Shawn Michaels falls to his knees and heads towards the apron. Michaels pulls himself in to the ring. Jericho walks up the steel steps and then gets in the ring. Jericho runs off the ropes and dropkicks the side of Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels rolls to the corner and sits in the corner. Chris Jericho runs off the ropes and looks for a dropkick but Michaels rolls out of the ring and Jericho crashes his feet in to the steel ring post. Shawn Michaels grabs Jericho by both his feet and pull which rams Jericho groin first in the steel ring post. Jericho sits up with a face of total pain on. Shawn Michaels takes the leg of Jericho and rams his knee in the steel ring post. Shawn Michaels again rams the knee in the steel ring post. Shawn Michaels now takes the leg again locks on a figure four leg lock against the ring post. The referee starts the count. 1...2...3....4...Shawn Michaels is forced to break the hold. Shawn Michaels then holds the knee against the steel ring post. Michaels backs away and kicks the knee. Chris Jericho holds the knee in pain. Shawn Michaels rolls in the ring and pulls Jericho to the middle of the ring. Shawn Michaels goes for the cover. 1...2...Jericho gets the shoulder up.

Shawn Michaels picks Jericho up slowly. Shawn Michaels picks Jericho up on his shoulder and rams Jericho back first in the corner. Shawn Michaels then chops Chris Jericho and Jericho flips over the top rope. Chris Jericho lands on his knees and crawls to the announce table. Chris Jericho clears the announce table while on his knees. Shawn Michaels goes through the middle rope and lands on the apron. Chris Jericho turns to Michaels on the apron and watches Shawn Michaels jumps off the middle rope and executes a backflip in the air but Jericho moves and Michaels crashes ribs first in the announce table. The fans start to chant, "Holy s*it! Holy s*it!" Chris Jericho leans against the apron and smirks as he sees Michaels desperate to catch his breathe. Chris Jericho rolls in the ring and back out. Chris Jericho picks Shawn Michaels dead weight up and drags him to the apron. Chris Jericho throws Shawn Michaels in the ring and then pushes him to the middle. Chris Jericho gets in the ring and looks in the crowd. Chris Jericho runs to the ropes and attempts the lionsault but Shawn Michaels sticks his knees up and Jericho crashes on to them. Shawn Michaels then crawls to the ropes and gets up slowly. Chris Jericho gets up in the corner and runs to Michaels. Shawn Michaels form nowhere executes a flying forearm smash to Chris Jericho. Both men were down. Shawn Michaels kicks up and lands on his feet. The bloodied Shawn Michaels holds his ribs as he staggers to the ropes. Shawn Michaels watches Chris Jericho get up. Chris Jericho runs to Shawn Michaels where Shawn Michaels executes an atomic drop to Chris Jericho. Shawn Michaels again executes an atomic drop to Chris Jericho and then gives Jericho a scoop slam in the middle of the ring. Shawn Michaels walks to the corner to a huge pop from the crowd. Shawn Michaels goes out and walks on the apron. Shawn Michaels climbs to the top turnbuckle and rams his elbow in the chest of Chris Jericho. Chris Jericho rolls to the corner and holds his chest. Chris Jericho looks to be in pain. Shawn Michaels walks to the corner to a pop from the crowd and starts tuning up the band. Chris Jericho gets up in the corner and turns to Michaels. Michaels runs out of the corner and attempts sweet chin music but Chirs Jericho ducks. Chris Jericho then takes Michaels down at the legs and attempts the walls of jericho but Shawn Michaels won't turn on his belly. Shawn Michaels pushes Chris Jericho off and Jericho runs back first in the corner. Shawn Michaels shoots up. Jericho runs out of the corner ot Michaels but Michaels catches Jericho under the chin with sweet chin music. Shawn Michaels then hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...3!

Winner: Shawn Michaels to retain

Aftermath: After the match, Jericho rolls to the outside of the ring as Michaels takes his TNW Championship and celebrates. Mr. Kennedy and MVP run down to the ring and attack Michaels from behind. The two men ambush Shawn Michaels in the corner. MVP goes to the outside and takes a steel chair and throws it in the ring. MVP then pulls out a table and slides it in the ring. MVP sets the table up. Mr. Kennedy brings Shawn Michaels beside the table. MVP clocks Shawn Michaels in the head with the steel chair and Kennedy throws Michaels on the table. Mr. Kennedy goes on the apron and climbs to the top turnbuckle. Mr. Kennedy then connects with the kenton bomb on Shawn Michaels through the table. Mr. Kennedy gets up and looks at the TNW Championship. Mr. Kennedy picks it up and holds it in the middle of the ring. MVP stares at Kennedy and walks beside him. MVP puts his hand on the championship and holds it as well. Kennedy and MVP stare each other dead in the eye with the TNW Championship in between them as the cameras fade.


No Holds Barred Match
The Undertaker vs Batista


Best Match: Main Event

Worst Match: none

BP: Shawn's

WP: None really

AC: Nice Show, i'm reviewing the first one. 8/10 for the show. keep on working.


Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
Week 2


The fans are going nuts as the pyro goes off to open TNW. The cameras search through the crowd and then go to the announcers.

Joey Styles: Hello folks, I'm Joey Styles along with my broadcast partner, Mick Foley, how are you doing.

Mick Foley: I'm doing great and what about yourself, Joey?

Joey Styles: I'm doing fine, and folks do we have a big night for you tonight. First, The Undertaker and Big Show take on Chris Jericho & Umaga and our main event is Batista vs Randy Orton. This is going to be a great night.

Mick Foley: It definitely will be, my friend. Now lets take it to the ring.

Mr. Kennedy's music hits and he comes out to a chorus of boos from the crowd

Mr. Kennedy In-Ring Segment

Mr. Kennedy gets in the ring with an arrogant smile on his face and then takes a microphone.

Mr. Kennedy: Now...

Fans cut Kennedy off with "You suck" chants.

Mr. Kennedy: No I don't suck you suck now shut up this is about me not you, shut up! Now I'm sure you all saw what happened last week, between Shawn Michaels and me, Mr. Kennedy. And some guy named MVP who thought it would be cool to help me. Well, let me say this, I don't need help. But on to the main issue, I bet you all are wondering, why? Why did Mr. Kennedy the fastest rising star in TNW decide to attack the TNW hero here to the fans, Shawn Michaels? It's simple. I'm hungry. I want the TNW Championship and I want it now. So Shawn Michaels get your ass down here right now, so I can take you TNW Championship off you, right now! C'mon. I'm waiting.

MVP's music hits instead of Shawn Michaels and came out to a huge amount of heat from the crowd.

MVP gets in the ring and takes a microphone. MVP wouldn't take his eyes off Mr. Kennedy.

Mr. Kennedy: Man, Shawn Michaels you've changed.

MVP: Listen, Mr. Kennedy. I'm not here to play around with you. I'm here to talk serious business. Now to you I'm just some guy named MVP, but last week I was the guy who you asked to help you take Shawn Michaels out. Explain that. Explain how I can go from someone who you needed help from to now someone who just some little guy who doesn't deserve anything. Let me tell you this, Kennedy, if it probably weren't for me having your back last week, you probably would've gotten your teeth kicked down your throat at the hands of Shawn Michaels. Then you wouldn't be down here spouting your mouth off.

Mr. Kennedy: Oh, I'm spouting my mouth off? What do you think you're doing right now, huh?

MVP: I'm stating a fact, that's what I'm doing. But this ain't about that, this is about what happened last week, you see, now you want to come out here, in front of all these fans and you want a TNW Championship match? You aren't getting a TNW Championship match as long as I'm here on the same brand as you. No, man. It doesn't work like that. You want a TNW Championship match, you've gotta go through me. And if you dare take that challenge, I will take you out, and beat you one...two...three. And then, Shawn Michaels will be my target. Because you see just like you, I'm hungry for the TNW Championship. It's no secret. Everyone knows it. Which is why I'm out here right now. Kennedy you don't get title shots handed to you on a silver platter, you earn 'em. And you want a TNW Championship match, fine by me, but first you have to go through me!

Eric Bischoff's music hits and he comes out to heat from the crowd.

Eric Bischoff: Alright, stop this. Stop this argueing and bantering right now! See I know BOTH of you are hungry for a TNW Championship match. And I think both of you HAVE earned the right to face TNW Champion, Shawn Michaels. So I hereby make this announcement. At Uncensored, it will be Shawn Michaels putting his TNW Championship on the line against MVP and Mr. Kennedy.

Mr. Kennedy: I'm fine by that.

MVP: So am I. Alright. Lets do this...

Shawn Michaels appeared on the titantron to a huge pop from the crowd.

Shawn Michaels: Ah, here we go again. Eric Bischoff tries to stack the odds against me. It all goes back to 2002 in WWE and now it carries on here. I win the TNW Championship and then you pit me against Chris Jericho. I overcame the odds and I beat Chris Jericho. And now you put me against Mr. Kennedy AND MVP. Well, Eric. At Uncensored the showstopper will come. The Shawn Michaels from 1995 will appear and he will be MVP and Mr. Kennedy and retain the TNW Championship. Kennedy, MVP, you're in for a match of your lives.

Eric Bischoff: Shawn! Where the hell are you, you're supposed to be in the arena. You know what that doesn't really matter right now but guess what. Tonight, you're facing off against MVP...... and MR. Kennedy in a Handicap Match. And if you don't show up. I will strip you of the TNW Championship and the match at Uncensored will be Mr. Kennedy vs MVP. So you better get to the arena fast if you aren't already here.

Shawn Michaels: Oh, Eric you don't have to worry about me, the showstopper will show up and he will be MVP and Mr. Kennedy.

Mr. Kennedy: In you're dreams, Shawn Michaels. But let me thank you for one thing, Shawn. Let me thank you for keeping that gold warm for me. Because I can guarantee I will win the TNW Championship at Uncensored.

MVP: Oh here we go again! Can you ever just shut up!

Mr. Kennedy: MVP, if you want me to shut up you're going to have to make me.

MVP: Maybe I will. I'll see you later tonight, tool.

MVP drops the microphone and walks out of the ring as Kennedy stares at his back. MVP walks up the rampway and doesn't turn back.


Randy Orton Interview

Todd Grisham: Hello ladies and...

Randy Orton: Todd. Get the hell out of here. I don't need you. This isn't an interview. This a statement. Now get out. Now, tonight I face off against Batista, in the TNW main event. Which is fine by me. You see, I'm the legend killer, Randy Orton. Hell, I'm also considered a career killer. And since Batista isn't a legend, I guess I'll just have to go after his career. And now on Edge. See, at The Beginning he speared me. And last week I got suckered in and he speared me yet, again. But guess what. Edge knows I can retaliate in the most brutal way possible. Which is why for once in his life he did something smart, he didn't show up to the arena tonight. So Edge, I want you to watch my match tonight against Batista. Because the next time I find you, what I do to Batista, will be 10 times worse what I do to you.

Randy Orton drops the microphone and walks off the scene. The cameras fade to the ring.

Shelton Benjamin's music hits and he comes out to a chorus of boos from the crowd.

Finlay's music hits and he comes out to a good pop from the crowd. He slaps some hands on his way to the ring.

Finlay vs Shelton Benjamin


Finlay and Shelton Benjamin circle the ring. Shelton Benjamin smirks. They step in to lock up and Finlay powers Shelton to the ropes. Finlay clean breaks it. The two men circle the ring again. They step in to lock up again and Finlay takes Shelton Benjamin down in a headlock. Finlay gives Shelton Benjamin a headlock takeover and applies pressure on the headlock. Shelton lifts his legs and wraps them around Finlay's head. Shelton Benjamin continue to applies pressure on the head scissors. Finlay kicks out of it. Both men shoot up and Finlay kicks Shelton Benjamin in the gut. Finlay picks Shelton Benjamin up on his shoulder and rams hims back first in the corner. Shelton Benjamin falls to his knees and rests on the second rope. Finlay puts his knee in the back of the neck of Benjamin. Benjamin was being choked along the second rope. Finlay gets his knee off. Finlay picks Benjamin up and puts him against the ropes. Finlay gives a blow to the chest of Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin holds his chest. Finlay takes Benjamin and rams him head first in the top turnbuckle. Finlay irish whips Shelton Benjamin in the corner. Finlay runs at Benjamin in the corner but Benjamin gives a superkick to Finlay. Finlay falls to the mat and holds his chin. Shelton Benjamin goes down for the cover. 1...2...Finlay gets the shoulder up.

Shelton Benjamin nods. He picks up Finlay but Finlay tackles Benjamin to the mat and starts giving clubbing rights and lefts to the jaw of Shelton Benjamin. Finlay puts Benjamin on his side and kicks Benjamin hard in the back. Benjamin falls on his stomach and starts to hold his back as he crawls to the corner. Finlay picks Benjamin up on his knees and then kicks Benjamin in the side of the head. Benjamin remains on his knees. Finlay runs off the ropes but Benjamin jumps up to his feet and executes a spinning heel kick to Finlay. Finlay falls to the mat hard and Benjamin hooks the leg. 1...2...Finlay gets the shoulder up. Shelton Benjamin was in disbelief. Shelton Benjamin picks Finlay up and irish whips him to the corner. Finlay bounces out of the corner and holds his back. Shelton Benjamin runs at Finlay and connects with the paydirt on Finlay. Shelton Benjamin turns Finlay on his back and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Finlay gets the shoulder up. Shelton Benjamin again is in disbelief. Shelton Benjamin shakes his head in surprise and picks Finlay up. Shelton Benjamin kicks Finlay in the side of the head and Finlay turns inside out. Shelton Benjamin then runs off the ropes and hits the paydirt again. Shelton Benjamin sits up and smiles. Then turns to Finlay and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...3!

Winner: Shelton Benjamin

Aftermath: After the match Shelton Benjamin takes a microphone.

Shelton Benjamin: This right here, is just the first part of the rath, from Shelton Benjamin! Because I'm the gold standard, and they ain't no stoppin' me, nahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Mick Foley: Shelton Benjamin certainly does have a bright future ahead of him and there ain't be no stopping Shelton Benjamin if his matches are this impressive.

Joey Styles: Up next is the handicap match, Shawn Michaels vs MVP and Mr. Kennedy. If Shawn Michaels can't make it for the match for ANY reason, he will be stripped of the championship and taken out of the triple threat match at Uncensored. It's up next!


MVP's music hits and he comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. MVP motions around his waist during his entrance.

Mick Foley: This man has a bright future ahead of him here in TNW.

Mr. Kennedy's music hits and he comes out to major heat from the crowd. Mr. Kennedy also motions around his waist during his entrance.

Mick Foley: OK, shut up Joey now, it's his time to talk and introduce himself.

Mr. Kennedy: I stand before you tonight, Mr. Kennedy, at Uncensored I will stand before you as your NEW TNW Champion, Mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. ....... KENNEDY!!!!!!!................ KEN-NEH-DAY!!

Eric Bischoff's music hits and he comes out to heat from the crowd.

Joey Styles: I wonder what he's doing here.

Mick Foley: I can say the same thing. I'm puzzled.

Eric Bischoff: Don't worry about me, I'm just here to watch!

Shawn Michaels music hits to a loud pop from the fans but no one came out. After a while the music stops and plays again but no one comes out. Cameras go searching backstage and find Shawn Michaels by his locker room all bloodied with his arm hanging behind his back and the TNW Championship on his back.


Eric Bischoff smiles at ringside. Eric Bischoff takes a microphone.

Eric Bischoff: I'm sorry, Shawn, if you can hear this, I'm saying right now, you just blew your chance at being in the main event at Uncensored. Referee go to the back and take the TNW Championship and bring it to me.

*Another referee runs down with the TNW Championship and throws it to Bischoff.*

Eric Bischoff: Who the hell do you think you are you stupid referee. This cost me money to get made. You treat it with respect and next time you hand it to me. Anyways, to the point. I hereby hold this championship up. It's vacant. Michaels you had your chance but you didn't make it. I'm sorry, but business is business and you are out of the triple threat match at Uncensored. So at Uncensored the TNW Championship match will now be Mr. Kennedy vs MVP for the vacant TNW Championship.

Mr. Kennedy: Good, I can teach him by myself who's the fastest rising star on TNW.

MVP: I can teach you how to shut your mouth.

MVP and Mr. Kennedy step in on each other and stare at each other face to face in the middle of the ring. Eric Bischoff gets in between them and pushes them apart from each other.

Eric Bischoff: Now guys, I know you may have a match with each other at Uncensored in three weeks but lets keep it clean in the time being. I don't want you guys to be like The Undertaker and Batista brawling all over the place. Keep it clean.

MVP: If Mr. Kennedy can for once keep his mouth shut, I may keep it clean... UNTIL UNCENSORED.

Mr. Kennedy: Do you consider this clean, Mr. Bischoff?

Mr. Kennedy hits MVP right in the head with the microphone with knocks MVP down and MVP looks out of it. Bischoff stares down at MVP in disbelief as the fans boo Kennedy.


Highlights from the Mr. Kennedy/MVP confrontation air from just moments ago.

Umaga's music hits and he comes out to a good amount of heat from the crowd.

Chris Jericho's music hits and he comes out to major heat from the crowd. Jericho just walks down confidently and with a big smile on his face.

Big Show's music hits and he comes out to a good pop from the crowd. Big Show and Umaga wouldn't take their eyes off each other.

The Undertaker's music hits and he comes out to a massive pop from the crowd as usual.

Tag Team Match
The Undertaker & Big Show vs Chris Jericho & Umaga


The Undertaker and Chris Jericho will start the match out. The two men circle the ring. Fans start to chant, "Taker! Taker!" Undertaker and Jericho are still circling the ring. The two men step in and lock up with each other. The Undertaker powers Chris Jericho to the corner. Umaga tags himself in and punches Undertaker in the gut from on the apron. Umaga enters the ring and clubs Undertaker in the back. Umaga pushes Undertaker against the ropes and irish whips him. Umaga connects a powerslam on Undertaker. Umaga is on his knees and smiles as he looks at the fallen Undertaker. Umaga goes over Undertaker for the cover. 1...2...Undertaker gets the shoulder up. Umaga gets back on his knees and picks Undertaker up. Umaga gets to his feet and gives an open right hand to the stomach of Undertaker. Umaga pushes The Undertaker against the ropes and irish whips him again. Umaga throws Undertaker in the air but Undertaker lands on his feet. Umaga turns around and recieves a clothesline from The Undertaker. Umaga remains on his feet but backs on to the ropes. The Undertaker big boots Umaga over the top rope and to the outside. Umaga rams kidney first in the barricade. Big Show runs on the apron and connects with a flying shoulder block on Umaga. The Undertaker flips Chris Jericho over the top rope. Jericho gets on his feet and turns to Undertaker who picks Jericho up on his shoulder. Undertaker hits snake eyes on Jericho and then runs off the ropes. Chris Jericho turns to Undertaker only to recieve a huge big boot. Jericho rolls to the outside of the ring.

Big Show throws Umaga in the ring for Undertaker. The Undertaker picks Umaga up and gives a huge right hand on the forehead of Umaga. The Undertaker pushes Umaga against the ropes and irish whips him. The Undertaker runs to Umaga and attempts a clothesline but Umaga ducks. Umaga stops running and turns around. The Undertaker runs off the ropes and back to Umaga. Umaga throws The Undertaker up in the air and catches him on his shoulder. Umaga then drops and connects with the samoan drop on Undertaker in the middle of the ring. Umaga hooks the leg. 1...2...Undertaker kicks out. Umaga stares at Undertaker and then Undertaker sits up. Undertaker turns his head to Umaga who is still on his knees. The Undertaker punches Umaga and Umaga retaliates. The Undertaker attempts a headbutt to Umaga but Umaga's head is so big and thick that Undertaker just hurt himself. Umaga then runs off the ropes and connects with a huge spinning heel kick on Undertaker. Umaga again goes for the cover. 1...2...Big Show gets in the ring to break it up. Chris Jericho climbs to the top turnbuckle and attempts a crossbody on Big Show but Big Show catches him. Big Show walks around the ring holding Chris Jericho. Umaga runs off the ropes and attacks Big Show from behind forcing Big Show to let go of Jericho. Jericho crashes on the mat. Umaga punches Big Show and Big Show retaliates. Umaga kicks Big Show in the knee. Chris Jericho climbs to the top turnbuckle and connects with a missile dropkick to Big Show. Big Show goes to the corner from impact.

Umaga rams his shoulder in the stomach of Big Show in the corner. Jericho gets to his feet and runs at Undertaker. Undertaker connects with a big boot on Jericho and Jericho falls on the back of his head. Jericho rolls to his corner but remains down. The Undertaker then walks behind Umaga who continues to ram his shoulder in the gut of Big Show. Big Show then sticks his knee up and Umaga goes shoulder first in the knee. Umaga gets straight up and turns to Undertaker. Undertaker puts his hand on the throat of Umaga. Big Show does the same. The two men walk Umaga to the middle of the ring and double chokeslam Umaga. Big Show goes to the apron as Undertaker goes for the cover. 1...2...Umaga gets the shoulder up. Undertaker is in disbelief. The Undertaker picks Umaga up and twists the arm. The Undertaker rams his shoulder in the arm of Umaga and then backs in to his corner. The Undertaker climbs to the top turnbuckle and then scales the top rope. The Undertaker tags in Big Show at the same time. Undertaker connects with Old School. Big Show enters the ring and runs off the ropes. Big Show connects with a flying shoulder tackle on Umaga after Old School. Big Show hooks the leg. 1...2...Jericho breaks it up just in time. Jericho gets back to his apron. Big Show picks Umaga up but Umaga rams his head in the gut of Big Show. Umaga crawls to his corner and tags in Chris Jericho.

Chris Jericho runs in the ring and attacks Big Show and connects with blows to the chest of Big Show. Chris Jericho runs off the ropes but Big Show connects with a powerslam on Chris Jericho. Big Show gets to his feet and runs off the ropes. Big Show connects with a huge leg drop that shakes the ring. Umaga runs in the ring but Undertaker takes care of him with a big boot. The Undertaker gives rights and lefts to Umaga and then backs up. The Undertaker then clothesline Umaga over the top rope. In the ring Big Show stands tall over Chris Jericho. Big Show pulls his strap down off his shoulder. Big Show picks Chris Jericho up but Chris Jericho drives his elbow in the throat of Big Show. Umaga throws Undertaker through the corner of the barricade and Undertaker crashes on the concrete. Umaga gets on the apron and Jericho tags him in. Umaga climbs to the top turnbuckle and attempts a super samoan spike but in mid-air Big Show catches Umaga by the throat and slams him down for the chokeslam. Big Show puts his hand over the chest of Umaga for the cover. 1...2...3!

Winners: Big Show & The Undertaker

Aftermath: After the match Jericho gets off the apron and backs on to the rampway. It appears a fan jumps over the barricade but it's really Kurt Angle who is banned from the arena tonight. Kurt Angle then jumps Chris Jericho from behind. Kurt Angle throws Chris Jericho shoulder first in the steel ring steps. Kurt Angle locks on an Ankle Lock. Security guards run down to the ring and try to pull Kurt Angle off. Kurt Angle won't let go of the ankle and continues to apply pressure. Kurt Angle then locks a leg scissor on the leg as well.

Eric Bischoff's music hits and he comes out immediately with a microphone.

Eric Bischoff: Kurt! Kurt! Let go! Please, just let go!? What do you want! Do you want a contract extension? Do you want a match with Chris Jericho!?

Kurt Angle: You're damn right I do!

Eric Bischoff: Fine, you leave me no choice! At Uncensored it will be Kurt Angle vs Chris Jericho! But Kurt, since I banned you from the arena tonight and you show up, your match with Jericho at Uncensored will have one little added stipulation. Kurt Angle if you lose the match you will be FIRED from TNW!

Kurt Angle immediately lets go of the ankle of Jericho and shoots to his feet. Kurt Angle gets in Bischoff's face. Security stands behind Angle and hold him back before anything could be done. Kurt Angle shakes his head as Security escort him out of the arena.


Joey Styles: Well folks, Uncensored is shaping up to be a huge PPV. Lets run down the card shall we. Mr. Kennedy vs MVP for the vacant TNW Championship.

Mick Foley: Well, Shawn Michaels was taken out of that match because he didn't make the handicap match, but in his defense, he got attacked from behind, so it's really not fair.

Uncensored Card comes up. Matches so far are:

Mr. Kennedy vs MVP for the vacant TNW Championship
The Undertaker vs Batista - No Holds Barred
Kurt Angle vs Chris Jericho - If Angle loses, Angle is fired from TNW

Jeff Hardy (w/Matt Hardy) vs John Morrison (w/Christian Cage & Elijah Burke)


The two men stare at each other as the bell rings. Jeff and Matt Hardy trash talk Burke and Cage on the outside. John Morrison runs at Jeff Hardy and drives his knee in the gut. John Morrison starts to hand out clubbing blows to the back of Jeff Hardy. John Morrison pushes Jeff Hardy back a little bit and hits a superkick. Jeff Hardy backs in to the corner. John Morrison runs to Jeff but Jeff moves out of the corner where Morrison runs his hamstring in the corner. Jeff Hardy runs off the ropes and hits a clothesline on John Morrison. Jeff Hardy runs off the ropes again and hits a low dropkick to the head of John Morrison. Jeff quickly hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Morrison gets the shoulder up. Jeff Hardy picks Morrison up and connects with a huge right. Jeff Hardy irish whips John Morrison and hits a huge back body drop. Jeff Hardy walks to the legs of Morrison. Jeff Hardy picks them up and hits a double legged leg drop in the mid-section. Jeff places both of Morrison's legs on his shoulders and rolls him up. 1...2...Morrison gets the shoulder up.

Jeff Hardy picks Morrison up but Morrison picks him up by both legs and rams him back first in the corner. John Morrison leaps off the second rope and kicks Jeff Hardy in the back of the head. Hardy falls to his knees and holds his head. John Morrison runs off the ropes but Jeff gets to his feet and hits a flying forearm smash to John Morrison. Christian Cage leaps on the apron. Jeff Hardy runs to him and punches Christian Cage in the jaw. Cage falls off the apron and lands on Elijah Burke. John Morrison sneaks up on Jeff Hardy and rolls him up grabbing a handful of tights. 1...2...Jeff kicks out! Jeff Hardy gets to his feet and hits a huge right hand to the jaw of John Morrison. Elijah Burke gets to his feet on the outside and jumps on the rampway distracting the referee. John Morrison low blows Jeff Hardy and plants Jeff Hardy with a DDT. Morrison goes for the cover. 1...2...Hardy gets the shoulder up.

Christian Cage and Elijah Burke run in the ring and attack Jeff Hardy causing the DQ.

Winner: Jeff Hardy via DQ

Aftermath: After the match Burke and Cage continue to attack Hardy. Matt Hardy runs in the ring and attempts to make the save but John Morrison superkicks Matt Hardy. Christian Cage starts to ambush Matt Hardy as Burke is all over Jeff Hardy. John Morrison watches this. CM Punk runs down to the ring and John Morrison high tails. CM Punk runs out of the ring and chases John Morrison up the rampway. Morrison runs behind the curtain and CM Punk stops. CM Punk runs down to the ring and tackles Burke to the outside of the ring. CM Punk pulls Christian Cage off Matt Hardy and picks him up on his shoulders. CM Punk connects with the Go To Sleep on Christian Cage. John Morrison walks back out but stays on the top of the rampway. John Morrison glares at CM Punk as Punk takes a microphone.

CM Punk: So, Morrison. Why'd you do it. Why don't you answer the question everyone has been wanting to hear. Why did you decide to attack me last week.

John Morrison: It's like I said last week Punk! I've got my reasons. But you want an answer so bad! Then you'll have to beat it out of me... at Uncensored! You and me, one on one. If you beat me, I'll tell you just why I attacked you.

CM Punk: You're actually challenging me! Great. I accept. And Morrison, I will give you the beating of a lifetime at Uncensored, so get ready son!

CM Punk drops the microphone and Morrison and Punk glare at each other as we go to commercial.


Joey Styles: Folks during the commercial break, owner and general manager Eric Bischoff announced two huge matches for Uncensored. He has confirmed CM Punk vs John Morrison with that added stipulation, but also, it's No Disqualification... ONLY for John Morrison. The second match is the battle of the titans, Big Show vs Umaga!

Mick Foley: That's going to be something to see live. I can't wait until Uncensored!

'Biscuits and Gravy' hits as Jesse & Festus make their way out to the ring to a nice pop from the crowd.

Joey Styles: Are you ready, folks. Up next is going to be Jesse & Festus vs Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder, the winners will head to Uncensored to face off against Cryme Tyme for the TNW Tag Team Championships.

Mick Foley: Hawkins and Ryder screwed these guys last week of the TNW Tag Team Championships, Jesse and Festus will look for revenge in just a few moments.

Hawkins & Ryder's music hits and they come out to a huge amount of heat from the crowd.

Winners Get a Tag Team Title Shot at Uncensored
Jesse & Festus vs Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder


Zack Ryder and Jesse start it out. The two men lock up. Zack kicks Jesse in the knee and then takes him to the corner where he rams Jesse head first in the top turnbuckle. Zack turns Jesse's back against the corner and Zack starts to ram his shoulder in the gut of Jesse. Zack attempts a hip toss out of the corner but Jesse lands on his feet and hits a back suplex on Zack. Jesse grabs the leg of Zack and locks on a single leg boston crab. Curt Hawkins runs in the ring and hits a bulldog on Jesse. Festus grabs Curt Hawkins as Festus remains on the apron. Festus turns Hawkins towards him and hits a headbutt to Hawkins. Hawkins falls hard to the mat. Festus jumps off the apron and pulls Curt Hawkins to the outside. Festus irish whips Curt Hawkins hard in to the steel ring post as Hawkins runs in to them chest first. Festus gets back on the apron as Jesse gets to his feet. Jesse picks Zack Ryder up and lays a huge right hand on the jaw of Ryder. Jesse pushes Ryder off the ropes and irish whips him. Jesse hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on Zack Ryder. Jesse walks to his corner and tags in Festus to a huge pop.

Festus gets in the ring and clothesline Zack Ryder. Curt Hawkins climbs to the top rope and attempts a crossbody but Festus catches him and hits a huge powerslam. Festus gets to his feet and hits a big boot to the chin of Zack Ryder. Festus picks Curt Hawkins up and pushes him against the ropes. Festus irish whips him and hits a huge samoan drop on Curt Hawkins. Festus gets to his feet and turns to Ryder. Festus hits a huge right hand on Zack Ryder. Festus runs off the ropes and hits a double clothesline on both Hawkins and Ryder. Festus gets to his feet to a huge pop from the crowd. Cryme Tyme's music hits and they come out to the ring just to watch. Festus stares at them. Festus picks Curt Hawkins up to his feet and connects with a bicycle kick. Hawkins goes flying through the middle rope and to the outside. Festus turns around and gets hit with a superkick from Zack Ryder. Festus backs against the ropes. Zack Ryder irish whips him and attempts a clothesline but Festus ducks and stops behind Zack Ryder. Festus turns Ryder around and picks him up on his shoulders. Festus walks around the ring. Curt Hawkins runs out of the corner and hits a spear on Festus. Hawkins runs back to the apron. Zack Ryder crawls to his corner and tags in Hawkins.

Hawkins runs in the ring and immediately goes for the cover. 1...2...Festus throws Hawkins off. Hawkins runs to Jesse on the apron and spears him off the apron. Hawkins turns to Festus and jumps up to the second turnbuckle. Hawkins attempts a axe-handle but Festus punches Hawkins in the gut. Hawkins holds his gut as Festus runs off the ropes and connects with a running knee to the side of the head. Festus then picks Curt Hawkins up on to his shoulder. Festus connects with the inverted flapjack. Festus turns Hawkins on to his back and hooks the leg. 1...2...3!

Winners: Jesse & Festus

Aftermath: After the match Festus turns in to his pre-match self. Cryme Tyme runs in the ring and gets face to face with Jesse and Festus. Cryme Tyme nods in approval as they walk to the ropes and exit the ring to walk up the rampway.



We come back from commercial and find Eric Bischoff on the titantron.

Eric Bischoff: Now, I know. All you fans are starting to think, oh no this guy again. We've seen so much of him on this show. Well guess what. I don't give a damn! This is my show, I call the shots, I'll appear on the show as much as I want to! But to the main point now. I'm here to announce that next week will be the debut someone new. He will be the TNW general manager. Now I've seen this kid how he runs a show and I say he's pretty damn good which is the reason I'm bringing him to TNW. His name, is Michael and he's 21 years old. And all of you fans will feel his wrath as general manager, next week on TNW.

Joey Styles: Wow! A new general manager, and he's 21 years old. We'll have to see his general managering skills next week.

Mick Foley: I can't wait to see this guys debut.

Batista Interview

Todd Grisham: Hello everybody, my guest at this time is the animal, Dave Batista.

*Fans give mixed reaction*

Todd Grisham: Batista, tonight you take on Randy Orton, and in three weeks at Uncensored, you will take on The Undertaker in a No Holds Barred match, how do prepare for those two things?

Batista: How do I prepare? I'm the animal, Dave Batista. I'm prepared for all these things. I've faced Randy Orton before, we have a long past. I can beat him. And I'll do that tonight.

*Fans cheer*

Batista: Regarding The Undertaker. Lets just say, the rivalry you saw in 2007 between us, will be nothing like the rivalry here in TNW.

Randy Orton appears on camera.

Randy Orton: Batista. Sometimes too much confidence, can bite you in the ass. Just letting you know that.

Randy laughs as the fans boo and he walks off the scene. The cameras fade to commercial.


Uncensored Promo Airs

Christian Cage's music hits and he comes out to a good amount of heat.

CM Punk's music hits and he comes out to a huge pop from the crowd.

CM Punk vs Christian Cage


Right off the bat, CM Punk drives his shoulder in the gut of Cage and takes him to the corner. CM Punk gets up straight and slaps the chest of Cage. CM Punk connects with a hip toss to Cage in the middle of the ring. CM Punk goes on the apron and climbs to the top rope. CM Punk attempts a crossbody but Cage moves and Punk crashes and burns. CM Punk gets to his feet and holds his gut. Cage runs off the ropes and hits a clothesline. Cage then runs off the ropes and hits a leg drop. Cage goes for the cover. 1...2...Punk gets the shoulder up. Christian Cage gets Punk up to his feet and starts to kick Punk in the gut. Punk backs in to the ropes. Christian Cage runs off the ropes and hits a crossbody on CM Punk. Cage hooks both legs for the cover. 1...2...Punk gets the shoulder up. Christian Cage picks CM Punk up again and walks behind him. Christian Cage holds Punk backwards in the position of the reverse DDT. CM Punk turns out of it and hits a northern lights of suplex on Cage. 1...2...Cage gets the shoulder up.

CM Punk picks Christian Cage up to his feet and hits a back kick to the stomach of Christian Cage. CM Punk runs off the ropes and connects with a step up enziguri. Cage falls on his knees and then his stomach. CM Punk turns Christian Cage on to his back and goes for the cover. 1...2...Cage gets the shoulder up. CM Punk picks Christian Cage up and pushes him against the ropes. CM Punk hits a kick to the side of the head on Christian Cage. Cage staggers and he tries to catch his balance. CM Punk goes on the apron. CM Punk leaps up and bounces off the top rope and connects with a flying clothesline on Christian Cage. CM Punk holds Christian Cage across his chest and shoulder and attempts the anaconda vice but Cage elbows CM Punk in the jaw. Christian Cage attempts the unprettier but CM Punk pushes him off the ropes. Christian Cage bounces back to Punk where Punk lifts Christian Cage up on his shoulders and connects with the go to sleep. Cage falls hard on his back as CM Punk rolls him up. 1...2...3!

Winner: CM Punk

Up next is the main event - Batista vs Randy Orton


We come back from commercial and find Edge showing off a ticket as he makes his way to the front row to an open seat. Edge still shows off his ticket to the crowd as he stands up.

Batista's music hits and he comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd.

Randy Orton's music hits and he comes out to a good amount of heat from the crowd. Randy finds Edge and walks to his seat. Randy yells, "You're not as a smart as I thought you were!" before he gets in the ring. Edge laughs.

Main Event
Batista vs Randy Orton


Batista and Randy circle the ring glaring at each other. The two men tie up in the middle of the ring. Batista powers Randy Orton to the ropes and forces a clean break. Batista backs away with his hands in the air. Randy Orton knees Batista in the stomach and throws him out of the ring. Randy Orton follows to the outside and picks Batista up on his knees. Orton starts to lay huge rights on head of Batista. Randy Orton picks Batista up to his feet and throws him shoulder first in the steel ring steps. Randy Orton kicks Batista in the head. Randy places Batista's head by the steel ring steps and backs up getting ready for the kick of doom. Randy starts to run but Edge pulls him down. Batista gets to his feet and walks to Randy Orton. Batista rolls in the ring and goes for the cover. 1...2...Randy Orton gets the shoulder up. Batista picks Orton up to his feet and lays a huge right in to the jaw of Randy. Batista backs Randy in to the corner and starts to lay some body shots on Randy. Batista starts to ram his shoulder in to the gut of Randy Orton. Batista stops and pulls Orton out of the corner. Batista picks Orton up to his shoulder but Orton immediately jumps off and hits the inverted backbreaker on Batista. Randy Orton crawls to Batista and hooks the leg. 1...2...Batista gets the shoulder up.

Randy Orton gets up to his knees and stares at Batista. Randy Orton shakes his head and picks Batista up. Randy Orton hits a European uppercut to Batista. Randy Orton irish whips Batista and connects with a beatiful dropkick to Batista. Randy immediately goes for the cover. 1...2...Batista throws Randy off. Batista crawls to the ropes and gets up. Randy Orton runs at Batista but Batista hits a huge spinebuster on Randy Orton. Batista falls on Randy and hooks the leg. 1...2...Randy quickly locks on a body scisscors to break up the pin fall. Batista screams in pain as Randy continues to apply pressure. In the crowd, Edge starts a, "You suck, Randy, you suck!" chant and the fans quickly follow on. Randy Orton breaks up his own holds and rolls to the outside. Edge and Orton stare at each other. Batista rolls to the outside of the ring. Orton turns to Batista where Batista spears Orton on the floor.

Batista picks Randy Orton up and puts him against the barricade. Batista clubs Orton in the chest. Batista picks Orton up on his shoulder and looks at the steel ring post. Batista rams Randy Orton face first in the steel ring post. Edge starts to slap the top of the barricade in approval. Batista picks Orton up and throws him in the ring. Batista rolls in the ring and hooks the leg. 1...2...Randy Orton gets the shoulder up. Batista picks Randy up and throws him shoulder first in the steel ring post. Orton screams in pain. Batista pulls Orton out of the corner and hits a powerful full nelson slam on Randy Orton. Batista crawls on Orton and hooks the leg. 1...2...Randy gets the shoulder up. Batista gets on his knees and puts his arms on his hips in disbelief. Batista picks Randy Orton up and irish whips him. Batista runs at Orton and hits a powerful clothesline on Randy Orton. Orton lands back of the head first and looks out of it. Batista hooks the leg. 1...2...Orton gets the shoulder up once more!

Batista gets to his feet and argues with the referee. Batista kicks the bottom rope in disbelief and anger. Batista picks Randy Orton up quickly and throws him hard in to the corner. Batista walks to Randy Orton and lays rights on the jaw of Orton. Batista drives his shoulder in the gut of Orton. Batista pulls Orton out of the corner and holds him across his chest. Batista hits a powerslam on Orton and then hooks the leg. 1...2...Orton gets his foot on the bottom rope to boos from the crowd. Randy Orton gets up on his own power. Batista runs off the ropes and back at Orton for a spear but Orton holds his knee up and Batista runs shoulder first in to it. Randy Orton then connects with another dropkick and quickly goes for the cover. 1...2...Batista throws Orton to the outside of the ring. Orton lands on his feet. Batista gets up. Orton runs up the apron and climbs to the top turnbuckle. Orton hits a huge crossbody to Batista and then hooks both legs for the cover. 1...2...Batista gets the shoulder up.

Orton gets to his feet and backs in to the corner. Batista turns on to his stomach and gets both his knees under him to hold him up. Batista then also goes down on his arms. Orton smiles and runs at Batista. Orton punts Batista right in the head and Batista rolls to the corner holding his head. The referee checks on Batista. Edge hops the barricade and runs in the ring. Randy turns to Edge and Edge spears Orton. Edge rolls out of the ring and runs through the crowd. Batista gets to his feet and walks to Orton. Batista drops to his knees and goes for the cover. 1...2...3!

Winner: Batista

Aftermath: After the match Batista gets to his feet and holds his head. Batista holds his arms up in the middle of the ring. The lights dim and the gong tolls. A blue lighting goes through the arena as Batista turns to the rampway. The Undertaker pop up the rampway and gets on a platform. The Undertaker slashes his throat with his trench coat and hat on as Batista glares on. Batista screams to Undertaker to bring it on as the cameras go on Undertaker who lowers his head as the cameras fade to close the show.


TNW Championship Match
Mr. Kennedy vs MVP

No Holds Barred Match
The Undertaker vs Batista

If Kurt Angle loses he's FIRED from TNW
Kurt Angle vs Chris Jericho

Randy Orton vs Edge

If John Morrison loses, he has to admit why he attacked CM Punk
No Disqualification Rules apply to John Morrison only in this match

CM Punk vs John Morrison

Battle Of The Titans
Big Show vs Umaga


Best Match: The Undertaker and Big Show vs Chris Jericho and Umaga

Worst Match: Jeff Hardy vs John Morrison

Best Angle: HBK getting stripped of the title

Worst Angle: None.

Line of the night: "Who the hell do you think you are you stupid referee. This cost me money to get made. You treat it with respect and next time you hand it to me."

Additional Thoughts: HBK got Screwed! lol, I really enjoyed reading this. Some of your promos had a few typos but they were still pretty good. Taker/Big Show vs Umaga/Jericho was my favorite match because of how action packed it was, and Big Show's strength was used well in the match, so good job with that. Hardy/Morrison was worst because of the DQ finish, the match itself was fine though. Uncensored is looking like its going to be an awesome PPV, I'm looking forward to it, and I'm also hoping that HBK gets some revenge I hope he doesnt just disappear

Overall Rating: 8.5 = Great


Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada News

-On new general manager, Michael has confirmed that next weeks main event on TNW will be The Undertaker vs Randy Orton

-It has also been confirmed that Batista vs Edge will take place as well as Big Show & Kurt Angle vs Umaga & Chris Jericho

Confirmed Card

Batista vs Edge

The Undertaker vs Randy Orton

Big Show & Kurt Angle vs Umaga & Chris Jericho

TNW News and Notes

--Chris Jericho may have suffered a broken ankle at the hands of Kurt Angle this week on TNW. More as this develops.

--The reason Shawn Michaels was "taken out" this week on TNW was to get him off television for a little while. Shawn has openly stated he doesn't like to work house shows, if he's champion he will have to do that, thus the reason he got taken out of the match at Uncensored and stripped of the championship.

--There's talk of putting the championship on MVP. TNW has said to be very high on his performance in and out of the ring. They really like his mic skills and his wrestling ability.

--Rumors going around backstage is that when Undertaker and Batista are done, it's likely Undertaker will head in to a feud with either Chris Jericho or Umaga and Batista heading in to a feud with Umaga or Kurt Angle.

--Kurt Angle is said to be excited about getting in a program with Chris Jericho whether it be short or long term. TNW doesn't know the length yet as they want to see the chemistry both of them have together.

--There is talk of bringing Mark Henry in TNW but as a bodyguard role. If he does come in, he'll likely be a bodyguard for Chris Jericho as he's the one pushing for Henry to come in to the business as a bodyguard.

--The reason John Cena wasn't on this weeks TNW is because he's currently in Boston spending time with his family. He probably won't be back anytime soon. TNW is expecting him back the night after Uncensored.

House Show Results

Cryme Tyme def. Deuce & Domino to retain tag titles

Matt Hardy def. Elijah Burke

CM Punk def. Kofi Kingston & John Morrison

Jesse & Festus def. Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder

MVP def. Booker T

Jeff Hardy def. Christian Cage to retain U.S. title

Mr. Kennedy def. Finlay

Big Show, Edge, The Undertaker & Kurt Angle def. Umaga, Randy Orton, Batista & Chris Jericho
---After the match, Kurt Angle, Batista & Big Show stayed behind to take pictures and sign some autographs.

Evil Austin

Good preview, I am starting to like this BTB. ITs turinging out ok, :)

Batista vs Edge

The Undertaker vs Randy Orton

Big Show & Kurt Angle vs Umaga & Chris Jericho

Expect a review from me on the next show, feel free to check out one of mine ...


Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
Week 3

TNW Opening Video Airs


The fans go wild as the cameras search through the crowd. The cameras hit the commentators.

Joey Styles: Hello everybody, welcome to another edition of TNW! And boy what a match do we have for you tonight! Our main event for tonight is The Undertaker vs Randy Orton. Other matches that will take place are Batista vs Edge and Big Show & Kurt Angle vs Umaga & Chris Jericho tonight the fans will be in for a great show!

Mick Foley: I must agree with you there my friend. And all this is the work of the new general manager of TNW, Michael!

Joey Styles: Obviously, you can see he's doing a great job so far!

MVP's music hits to a good amount of heat from the crowd. Everything in the ring is set up, and the VIP lounge is up next!


MVP hosts the VIP Lounge

MVP: Once again, MVP is in the ring. So that can me only one thing. Big things poppin', little things stoppin'. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the view, because the VIP lounge is for people better than you. Now, I know many of you saw last week the events that transpired between Shawn Michaels, Mr. Kennedy and I. Now I don't know who ambushed Shawn Michaels in the back last week but I can tell you this, that man did do one great job I must say. I mean, he brutalized Shawn Michaels. He made him bleed. His arm looked like a twig that had been twisted by a kid. So, let me ask this question to everyone in the TNW locker room. Who did this! Step up and take a bow because you may have taken out the biggest legend TNW has! That's right, I said THE BIGGEST legend in TNW. You can argue it may be Undertaker, but with out a shadow of a doubt it's Shawn Michaels! So please! Step up! Think of this, you can make history, cement your name in history, by taking out Shawn Michaels. Not that I wasn't going to beat him at Uncensored, but you did the dirty work for me and he's out of the match. Now I only got one man to fend off of my championsh....

Some generic music hits and some random dude comes out. He comes all the way to the ring, as MVP pulls off his glasses.

MVP: Excuse me, but fans like you should be behind the barricade, not in the thing I own, the ring.

Random dude: MVP if I were you I'd respect me right about now.

MVP: Alright, before we get any further, let me ask this. Who are you? What's your name.

Random dude: You remember last week. What Bischoff said about the new general manager. You're looking at him right now. I am the general manager of TNW. And MVP if you disrespect me I will make you pay. But as for your question, about who attacked Shawn Michaels last week. I have all the answers to that. Do ya wanna know?

MVP: Hell yeah! I want to congratulate that man for making my work easier, not that I wouldn't have...

Shawn Michaels: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

MVP and Michael turn to the titantron and find Shawn Michaels in his home.

Shawn Michaels: Michael, I don't need you to do my dirty work. Listen MVP. I know who attacked me. My eyes were wide open during the attack. I know it wasn't you MVP. But I know you had something to do with it. Admit it MVP. You had something to do with it. You knew you couldn't beat me so you had someone do your dirty work! Admit it, or I will make you!

MVP: Just wait one minute my little wheelchair friend. I have no clue how you're gonna make me admit it when you're confined to that wheelchair and in your sewage dump of a home in Texas. Hell, Texas as a whole is a sewage dump.

Shawn Michaels: MVP, you may not want to admit it, but I know...

Mr. Kennedy's music hits and he comes out to a ton of heat from the crowd.

Shawn Michaels: Or maybe it was you. Mr. Kennedy.

Mr. Kennedy: What the hell are you talking about? You know I didn't do it if you say you saw who did it. But why would I need someone to do my dirty work when I can take you out in a snap of two fingers.

MVP: Hold on Mr. Kennedy, I do believe the VIP lounge is for people better than you, and quite frankly, everyone is better than you. So please, get off my show. And to you Shawn Michaels. You know I don't need any back up. I took out Kane by myself. I took out Matt Hardy by myself at The Beginning. If that wasn't enough I can take you out as well. Just name the place, the time and I will be there to kick your ass.

Shawn Michaels: MVP, that isn't the point. The point is I know you had something to do with the attack. Whether you admit it or not. See, I know how you type of people are. You and Kennedy. You lie. So both you, tell the truth... and admit you had something to do with the ...

Mark Henry's music hits and he comes out to a huge amount of heat from the crowd.

Mark Henry: Shawn! You want to know who attacked you. Who had been apart of it! Well I'll answer all those questions. MVP and Mr. Kennedy, these two chumps had nothing to do with it. It was all me!

Shawn Michaels: Why Mark Henry? Why?

Mark Henry: It's as simple as this. I was just on the free agent line and Eric Bischoff offers me a contract. I accept. I sign on the dotted line and then I think to myself how can I make an immediate impact. And what did I do to you, Shawn? I made an immediate impact my beating your ass. I bloodied you, a twisted your arm like a twig, and I confined you to a wheelchair! Tell me! How can you make any more of a bigger impact?

Michael: I can tell you. Since tonight, Henry. You don't have a match. MVP. You don't have a match. And Mr. Kennedy, you don't have a match. You all can be in one match tonight! As a team! Tonight it will be a six man tag team match. Mark Henry, Mr. Kennedy and MVP vs Kofi Kingston, Paul London & Brian Kendrick. Good luck to you six fellas.

Michael drops the microphone and walks out of the ring to the back. MVP and Kennedy were staring at each other with disgusted looks on their faces as Henry screamed at Michaels while Michaels was just watching from the titantron.


Edge's music hits and he comes out to a chorus of boos from the crowd.

Batista's music hits and he comes out to a huge pop from the crowd.

Batista vs Edge


Batista and Edge stare at each other face to face from opposite corners. Edge walks out of his corner and Batista does the same. They circle the ring. They two men meet in the middle of the ring and lock up. Batista throws Edge to the corner with a hip toss. Edge jumps to his feet and stares at Batista. Batista smiles. Batista holds his hand up for a test of strength. Edge puts his hand on Batista's. They now tie up in a test of strength that Batista is winning but Edge kicks Batista in the gut. Edge plants Batista with a DDT and then goes for the cover. 1...2...Batista gets the shoulder up. Edge picks Batista up to his feet and lays a right to the head of Batista. Edge backs Batista in to the corner and starts to knee Batista in the gut. Edge starts to lay headbutts to the shoulder of Batista. Batista pushes Edge off. Edge runs back to Batista and kicks him in the gut. Edge kicks Batista repeatedly in the gut. Edge throws Batista throat first on the middle rope and drives his knee in the back. Batista is being choked by the rope and the referee starts the count. 1...2...3...4...Edge breaks it up with Batista's throat still on the second rope. Edge goes out on the apron. Edge runs along the apron and hits a dropkick to the side of the head which knocks Batista back in the right. Edge crawls back in and hooks the leg. 1...2...Batista kicks out.

Edge gets up to his knees and smirks. Edge picks Batista up and chops Batista to a bunch of 'wooos' from the crowd. Edge kicks Batista in the gut and then takes him down in a headlock takeover. Edge makes Batista sit up and then backs up. Edge runs back at Batista and kicks him right in the spine. Batista screams in pain as Edge goes down on one knee and applies a chinlock. Edge starts to grind his other knee along the spine of Batista. Batista starts to scream in pain. The fans start to clap to get Batista back in the match. Batista gains momentum and slowly climbs up to his feet. Edge still has the chin locked in. Batista backs Edge in to the corner causing Edge to let go. Batista leans against the ropes as Edge stays in the corner and holds his back. Batista turns to Edge and pulls him out of the corner. Batista picks Edge up in a suplex position but keeps him up in the air. Batista finally slams Edge down on the mat. Batista hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Edge gets the shoulder up.

Batista picks Edge up to his feet and lays a right hand to the gut of Edge. Batista picks Edge up on his shoulder and backs him in to the corner. Batista rams his shoulder in the gut of Edge. Batista pulls Edge out of the corner and hits a belly to belly suplex in the middle of the ring. Batista puts his hand on the chest of Edge. 1...2...Edge kicks out. Batista picks Edge but Edge pushes Batista against the ropes. Batista bounces back at Edge and he connects with a dropkick on Batista. Edge quickly crawls on his knees to the head of Batista and starts to lay rights and lefts. Edge runs off the ropes and dropkicks the side of Batista. Edge gets to his feet right away and hits a leg drop on Batista. Edge immediately goes for the cover. 1...2...Batista gets the shoulder up. Edge picks Batista up and kicks Batista over and over in the gut. Edge tucks Batista's head in between his legs. Edge picks Batista up in a piledriver position. Edge hits it with tremendous force. Batista falls on his back. Edge hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Batista gets the shoulder up. Edge was in disbelief.

Edge picks Batista up in anger and kicks Batista over and over again. Edge runs off the ropes and runs back at Batista but Batista hits a thunderous spinebuster on Edge. Batista shoots up to his feet and does the thumbs up, thumbs down taunt to the crowd to a huge pop from the crowd. Batista walks to the ropes and shakes them vigorously. Batista turns back to Edge and puts the thumbs down once more. Batista walks to Edge and picks him up. Batista tucks Edge's head in between his legs and stares at the crowd. Batista grabs Edge from the stomach and picks him up. Edge leaps off the shoulders of Batista and runs to the corner. Batista turns to Edge and Edge fires out of the corner and spears Batista. Edge gets up on both his knees and then just falls on Batista for the cover. 1...2...3!

Winner: Edge

Aftermath: After the match Edge rolls out of the ring holding his shoulder. Edge walks straight up the rampway doing nothing else except holding his shoulder.


Backstage we find Mr. Kennedy tieing up his boots getting ready for his match later tonight. MVP walks in.

MVP: Listen, boy. You and I, we may have gotten in to a war of words last week throughout the show. But tonight, I say just tonight. We put all that s**t behind us and we focus on tonight. You and I have to team up with Mark Henry. Someone who brutalized Shawn Michaels last week. We can't trust him. What do you say, Ken.

Mr. Kennedy: MVP, I've heard this crap so much times for all different superstars trying to find a way to get out of doing the bulk of a match. I'm not buying it. MVP, tonight I don't give a crap whether it's you, me and Mark Henry teaming up. Tonight, I'm getting the win for the team. At Uncensored, I'm getting the win to take the TNW Championship. You know why.

MVP: Why's that.

Mr. Kennedy: Because I am Mrrrrrrrrrr. Kennedyyyyyyyyyyyyyy......KEN-NEH-DAY!!!

Mr. Kennedy goes closer to MVP's ear.

Mr. Kennedy: *Whispers* Kennedy! I'll see you out there.

Mr. Kennedy walks out of his locker room as MVP stands there and stares at the roof.


A John Cena video package airs and ends with, "Two weeks. I'm coming back!"

Michael Interview

Backstage we find Michael in his office watching on a television screen about Cena returning. He nods. Todd Grisham walks in.

Todd Grisham: Hello folks, my guest at this time is the new general manager, Michael. Michael what made you interested in becoming general manager of TNW?

Michael: Can you ask stupider questions? It's obvious. I have loved wrestling my whole entire life. Ever since I was born. I would watch wrestling. Whether it be WWF, WWE, WCW, anything wrestling, I'd watch. And then I hear Eric Bischoff discussing a role of a new general manager, and I knew that was my opportunity to get in to the business. Somehow, someway, I was determined. Whether it be a wrestler or a general manager. But let me make something very, very clear. If any wrestler in that locker room decides to mess around with me, I'm telling them to think twice. You see, I'm professionally trained to be a professional wrestler. So if any wrestler wants to try and have a good laugh at my expense, I will make them pay. Now get out of my office, Todd, you don't deserve to be in the same room as me let alone arena. You're lucky I'm letting you stay in the arena. Now get the hell out before I take you out myself.

Todd walks out as Michael smirks and laughs to boos from the crowd watching on the titantron.

Mr. Kennedy's theme song hits and he comes out to a huge amount of heat from the crowd.

Mr. Kennedy: Ladies and gentlemen...

MVP's music hits and he comes out to a chorus of boos from the audience as they were expecting Kennedy's big entrance.

Mark Henry's music plays through the arena and he comes out to a good amount of heat from the audience. Mark Henry has a sadistic smirk on his face.

Kofi Kingston's music hits and all three men, Kingston, London and Kendrick come down to the ring.

6 Man Tag Team Match
Kofi Kingston, Paul London & Brian Kendrick vs Mark Henry, MVP & Mr. Kennedy


After the bell rings MVP is in the ring but is in his corner and aruges with Kennedy and Henry over who will start. Paul London runs at MVP and jumps him from behind in MVP's corner. Paul London gives huge rights to MVP. Mark Henry grabs London by the hair and hits a huge headbutt to London. MVP runs out of the corner and hits a huge big boot to Paul London. MVP runs to London's corner and knocks Brian Kendrick off the apron. MVP attempts a punch to Kingston but Kingston blocks it and punches MVP himself. MVP turns around and recieves a hurricanrana from Paul London. Paul London immediately goes for the cover. 1...2...MVP gets his foot on the bottom rope. Paul London picks MVP up to his feet but MVP knees London in the gut. MVP throws Paul London shoulder first in the steel ring post. MVP slaps Kennedy on teh chest to tag him in. Kennedy runs along the apron and kicks the shoulder and arm of Paul London against the steel ring post. Paul London backs out of the corner from the pain. Mr. Kennedy gets in the ring and stands on the right arm of London that was in the steel ring post. Mr. Kennedy jumps on the right to a huge amount of heat from the crowd. Mr. Kennedy goes down on his knees and locks on a hammerlock. Paul London starts to scream in pain. Brian Kendrick runs in the ring and hits a dropkick to the chin of Kennedy. Kennedy falls right to the mat and holds his chin. Kennedy rolls to his corner and tags in Mark Henry.

Mark Henry enters the ring and finds Paul London's right arm hanging out on the man. Mark Henry bounces off the ropes and hits the worlds strongest slam to the right arm of Paul London a tremendous amount of pain from the crowd. Mark Henry gets up to his feet and smiles. Mark Henry pulls the right arm out and puts it on the mat. Mark Henry puts one foot on it and then his other and stands on it. London screams in pain. Henry then jumps on it. Henry smiles as the fans boo. Mark Henry picks Paul London up to his feet and twists the right arm of Paul London. Mark Henry rams the arm in the top turnbuckle. Paul London screams in pain. Mark Henry puts London in the corner. Kennedy and MVP hold him there. Mark Henry backs up and runs in to London squashing him in the corner. London falls to his knees and then his chest. Mark Henry tags in MVP. MVP gets in the ring and taunts Paul London. Mr. Kennedy slaps the back of MVP to tag himself in. MVP is in shock. Kennedy smiles as he gets in the ring. Mr. Kennedy picks Paul London up and irish whips him. London doesn't run back to Kennedy as he holds on to the top rope with the left arm. London tags in Kendrick.

Kennedy runs at the corner where Brian Kendrick leaps over the top rope and hits a dropkick to Mr. Kennedy. MVP runs in the ring and gets a right hand to the jaw for his troubles. Brian Kendrick runs to Mark Henry attempting a low dropkick to knock him off the apron but Henry moves his leg and Kendrick slides to the outside. Henry jumps off the apron and catches Kendrick with a huge clothesline on the outside. Mark Henry picks Brian Kendrick up and throws him in the ring. Kennedy crawls to Kendrick and puts his arm over his chest for the cover. 1...2...Kendrick gets his foot on the bottom rope. Mr. Kennedy looks at the leg on the bottom rope and is in disbelief. Mr. Kennedy picks Brian Kendrick up in a suplex position and puts him on the top turnbuckle. Mr. Kennedy climbs to the second turnbuckle and grabs Brian Kendrick by the tights. Mark Henry helps Mr. Kennedy by putting Brian Kendrick on Mr. Kennedy's shoulders. Kennedy stands up on the second turnbuckle. MVP slaps the thigh of Mr. Kennedy to tag himself in. Mr. Kennedy stands on the second turnbuckle still and is in disbelief. MVP climbs to the top rope and grabs Brian Kendrick by the head. MVP jumps off the top rope and hits Brian Kendrick with a thunderous neckbreaker. The fans start to chant, "Holy s*it! Holy s*it!" Mr. Kennedy backs up to the top turnbuckle and connects with the kenton bomb on Brian Kendrick. Mark Henry runs in the ring. Mark Henry runs off the ropes and hits the worlds strongest slam on Brian Kendrick. MVP picks Brian Kendrick up and and brings him to the middle of the ring. MVP kicks him in the gut and then sets him up for the playmaker. Kofi Kingston gets in the ring. Kingston runs off the ropes and hits a huge clothesline on MVP. Both men are now down as they both crawl to their corners. Kendrick tags in Kingston and MVP tags in Henry.

Both men get in the ring with Kingston starting out with right hands. Mark Henry pushes Kingston off. Kingston runs back at Mark Henry but Henry catches him in a bearhug. Mark Henry instead slams Kingston down in a modified spinebuster. Henry runs off the ropes and attempts a leg drop but Kingston just barely moves out of the way. Henry gets to his feet as does Kingston. Kingston runs off the ropes and attempts a clothesline but Henry doesn't budge. Henry then picks Kingston up above his head in a military press position. Kingston somehow gets out of it. Kingston runs off the ropes and attempts a crossbody but Henry catches him. Henry then connects with a thunderous worlds strongest slam on Kofi Kingston. 1...2...3!

Winners: Mark Henry, Mr. Kennedy & MVP

Aftermath: After the match, MVP and Kennedy stare at each other on the rampway. Mark Henry walks towards them and yells at them to get along for now until Uncensored.

Michael's generic music hits and he comes out to a chorus of boos from the crowd. Michael smirks at the hate and stays on the rampway.

Michael: Henry! Great job. All three of you guys actually, you did great! But you, Henry just now especially. See, you're doing something good trying to get those two men to get along. And that's what you should do. Because next week, you three will be teaming up again. Mark Henry, Mr. Kennedy & MVP vs Booker T, Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy! And that will be next week's main event. But for Uncensored. Mark Henry my friend you will play a role in that match. You are going to be the special guest enforcer. Your role is to make sure nothing goes wrong. And if the referee gets knocked out, you'll be there to count the pin fall. Good luck to all three of you next week, and good luck at Uncensored.

Michael walks to the back as Henry smirks. MVP and Kennedy just glare at the roof and all over the arena as they are displeased.


Backstage we find Edge getting medical attention in the back for his shoulder. Randy walks in to the trainers room with a smirk on his face.

Randy Orton: Well, well, well look what we have here, Edge injured his shoulder. What's the matter too much spears. Maybe next time you won't spear be from behind, three times! But you know what. It's all fine. Because you will pay for it at Uncensored when you and I are in that very ring, one on one. And Uncensored my friend is in my home town of St. Louis, Missouri. Edge, be prepared. All the spears you've dished out to me these past three weeks, you'll just get three more RKO's, courtesy, of the legend killer, Randy Orton.

Randy walks out of the trainers room as Edge has a smug look on his face.


Uncensored Promo airs.

Joey Styles: Well, Mick, Uncensored is just two mere weeks away and it's looking like one great pay-per-view I must say. Lets go over the card shall we?

Mark Henry Is Special Guest Enforcer
TNW Championship Match
Mr. Kennedy vs MVP

No Holds Barred Match
The Undertaker vs Batista

Randy Orton vs Edge

If Kurt Angle Loses He's FIRED From TNW
Kurt Angle vs Chris Jericho

If John Morrison Loses, He Must Admit Why He Attacked CM Punk
No Disqualification Rules Apply Only To John Morrison
CM Punk vs John Morrison

Battle Of The Titans
Big Show vs Umaga

TNW Tag Team Championship Match
Cryme Tyme (c) vs Jesse & Festus

Mick Foley: Joey this is shaping up to be one great pay-per-view. Even though it's our first official pay-per-view here in TNW, it may be a possible pay-per-view of the year candidate.

Shelton Benjamin's music hits and he comes out to a good amount of heat from the crowd. He mocks the fans on his way to the ring.

CM Punk's music hits and he comes out to a good pop from the crowd. He slaps some hands on his way to the ring.

CM Punk vs Shelton Benjamin


CM Punk and Shelton Benjamin circle the ring. The two men glare at each other and then step in and tie up. CM Punk attempts to take Benjamin down in a headlock but Benjamin moves out of the lock up to a ton of boos from the fans. CM Punk laughs as Benjamin looks embarressed. Benjamin and Punk lock up. Benjamin runs behind Punk and locks him in a waistlock. Benjamin takes CM Punk down chest first on the floor and then Benjamin turns it in to a front facelock. CM Punk rolls out of it and locks on a hammerlock. Benjamin turns to his back and kicks up. CM Punk gets to his feet. Shelton Benjamin from nowhere connects with a superkick to CM Punk. CM Punk goes sailing to the outside and runs chin first in the barricade. Shelton Benjamin goes to the outside and takes control over CM Punk with huge rights to the jaw. Shelton Benjamin picks CM Punk up on his shoulder and rams him down face first in the barricade. Shelton Benjamin then rams CM Punk back first in the apron. CM Punk screams in pain. Shelton Benjamin gives a huge kick to the side of the head which makes Punk go back in the ring. CM Punk rolls in the ring and looks out of it. Shelton Benjamin rolls in the ring hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...CM Punk gets the shoulder up. Shelton Benjamin picks CM Punk up and irish whips him in the corner. Punk bounces out of the corner and holds his back. Shelton Benjamin runs at Punk and attempts to hit the paydirt but Punk holds the ropes and Benjamin crashes back first on the mat. CM Punk then cradles Benjamin up. 1...2...Shelton Benjamin kicks out!

CM Punk picks Benjamin up but Benjamin picks him up and slams him down throat first on the top rope. Shelton Benjamin then connects with a superkick which knocks CM Punk out cold. Shelton Benjamin picks CM Punk up to his feet and picks him up on his shoulder. Shelton Benjamin walks to the middle of the ring and mocks CM Punk. Benjamin attempts the go to sleep but CM Punk lands on his feet and avoids the knee. CM Punk then picks Benjamin up and hits a scoop slam. CM Punk runs off the ropes and attempts a running senton but Benjamin lifts his knees. CM Punk holds his back as he crawls to the ropes. CM Punk gets up against the ropes. Shelton Benjamin runs at Punk against the ropes and hits a crossbody. Both men tumble over the top rope and to the outside of the ring. The referee starts the count. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...Benjamin rolls in the ring and back out. Benjamin picks CM Punk up and throws him back in the ring.

Benjamin follows and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Punk gets the shoulder up. Shelton Benjamin picks CM Punk up but Punk trips Benjamin up and Benjamin goes throat first in the ropes. CM Punk runs off the ropes and jumps on the back of Benjamin on the second rope. Benjamin falls on the mat and holds his back. CM Punk goes on the apron and sets Benjamin up. CM Punk leaps up in the air, bounces off the top rope and attempts a flying clothesline but Benjamin counters and connects with a huge superkick to CM Punk. CM Punk falls on the back of his head and Benjamin quickly goes for the cover. 1...2...CM Punk barely gets the shoulder up but he does! Shelton Benjamin sits up and is in disbelief. Shelton Benjamin gets to his feet and picks CM Punk up. CM Punk starts to fight back and starts to lay huge rigth hands on Shelton Benjamin. CM Punk connects with a back kick to the stomach of Benjamin. John Morrison's music hits and he comes out in a suit. He mocks CM Punk as CM Punk tells him to bring it on. Shelton Benjamin sneaks up on CM Punk and rolls Punk up while he also grabs a handful of tights. 1...2...3!

Winner: Shelton Benjamin

Aftermath: After the match, Shelton Benjamin rolls to the outside of the ring and walks up the rampway. John Morrison holds up his hand as CM Punk kicks the ropes in anger. John Morrison smirks. CM Punk lips, "Two weeks. Two weeks at Uncensored."

Up next is Big Show & Kurt Angle vs Umaga & Chris Jericho.


Joey Styles: Well folks, internet reports over the week have spread rumors that Chris Jericho suffered a broken ankle, well that is completely false. He is perfectly fine and will be in action in a matter of moments.

Shelton Benjamin Interview

Todd Grisham: Hello folks, my guest at this time is Shelton Benjamin. Shelton Benjamin just coming off that huge victory over CM Punk, what are your thoughts right now?

Shelton Benjamin: Man! I told you! I told everyone! There ain't no stoppin' me! And I'm just going to continue my dominance in TNW next week. I challenge anyone in the TNW roster to face me. If they have the guts. I'm on a role.

*John Cena shows up on the screen and gets a huge pop from the crowd*

John Cena: Shelton! Shelton! Shelton! Boy you like running your mouth. Now, I'm not here for next week as I am not back until after Uncensored, but lets do this. You face whoever challenges you next week, and then the TNW after Uncensored, it's you and me. One on one!

Shelton Benjamin: John Cena. You're on.

Shelton Benjamin walks off the scene as Cena smiles and we fade to the ring.

Umaga's music hits and he comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd.

Chris Jericho's music hits throughout the arena and the audience gives major heat to Chris Jericho. Jericho blows them off and smirks on his way to the ring.

Big Show's music hits in the arena and the fans go wild for Big Show. Show slaps some hands on his way to the ring.

Kurt Angle's music hits and he comes out to a huge pop from the audience. Kurt Angle also slaps some hands on his way to the ring. Angle gets in the ring and Jericho immediately runs out. Umaga stares at both Angle and Big Show.

Tag Team Match
Big Show & Kurt Angle vs Umaga & Chris Jericho


Kurt Angle and Umaga will start the match out. Angle calls Jericho a baby and then starts to circle the ring as Umaga does the same. The two men square off in the middle of the ring. Umaga shows just how powerful he is as he throws Kurt Angle to the corner. Umaga slaps his chest and screams. Kurt Angle runs at Umaga and starts to lay right hands on Umaga. Umaga gives an uppercut to Kurt Angle and then pushes him in to the corner. Umaga hits Kurt Angle with another uppercut. Umaga then drives his shoulder in the jaw of Angle. Umaga sticks his foot in the throat of Angle and the referee starts the count. 1...2...Angle kicks Umaga in the knee to break up the choke. Angle runs behind Umaga and hits a belly to back suplex to a huge pop from the crowd. Angle holds his back in pain as Umaga is down bobbleheaded. Kurt Angle gets to his feet with help of the ropes. Kurt Angle picks Umaga up to his feet but Umaga pushes Angle off. Angle goes flying to the corner and elbows Jericho in the jaw. Jericho chokes Angle in the corner. Umaga pulls Kurt Angle out of the corner and picks him up on his shoulders. Umaga hits a huge samoan drop in the middle of the ring. Umaga hooks the leg of Angle for the cover. 1...2...Angle kicks out. Umaga picks Angle up to his feet but Angle unleashes with rights and lefts to the stomach of Umaga. Kurt Angle hits a European uppercut and then connects with a thunderous belly to belly suplex! Kurt Angle holds his back and slowly crawls to his corner. Umaga crawls to his corner and tags in Jericho. Jericho quickly runs in the ring but Angle tags in Big Show.

Chris Jericho quickly backs away and pleads to Big Show. Big Show looks in the audience. Big Show then picks Jericho up and hits a scoop slam. Big Show runs off the ropes and hits a huge leg drop on Chris Jericho. Big Show quickly goes for the cover. 1...2...Umaga breaks it up. Umaga gets to his feet and picks Show up. Umaga gives rights to the jaw of Show. Umaga irish whips Show. Umaga attempts a clothesline but Big Show ducks and runs off the ropes again. Big Show then hits a flying shoulder block to Umaga. Umaga rolls to the outside of the ring. Big Show turns to Jericho but Jericho runs off the ropes and attempts a bulldog on Show but Show doesn't go down. Chris Jericho runs off the ropes again but Big Show connects with a huge right hand to Jericho. Jericho looks out of it as Show goes for the cover. 1...2...Jericho just barely gets the shoulder up. Big Show picks Jericho up to his feet. Big Show stares in Jericho's eyes as he holds him by the throat. Big Show then picks Jericho up over his head in a military press position. Big Show walks to his corner where Kurt Angle slaps the back to tag himself in. Kurt Angle climbs to the top turnbuckle and gets Chris Jericho on his shoulders. Chris Jericho jumps off the shoulders and lands on the ropes. Chris Jericho then connects with a thunderous super bulldog off the top rope and in the middle of the ring. Chris Jericho crawls to Angle's body and puts his arm over the chest of Angle. 1...2...Angle gets the shoulder up!

Chris Jericho rolls on his back and is in disbelief. Kurt Angle crawls to the ropes and gets to his feet. Jericho tags in Umaga. Umaga runs in the ring and attempts a clothesline but Kurt Angle ducks and runs behind Umaga. Kurt Angle attempts the Angle slam but Umaga is to heavy. Kurt Angle holds his back as Umaga turns to him. Umaga hits an uppercut on Kurt Angle in the throat. Umaga pushes Angle off the ropes and throws him up in the air. Umaga sticks his knee out and Angle lands on it. Angle holds his ribs as he rolls on his back. Umaga walks to the corner and jumps up to the second turnbuckle. Umaga screams in samoan and then connects with a headbutt in the chest of Kurt Angle. Umaga hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Angle gets his foot on the bottom rope. Umaga gets to his feet and picks Kurt Angle up to his feet. Umaga strongly irish whips Kurt Angle in the corner. Angle holds his back. Umaga runs at Angle in the corner and hits a splash on Angle. Angle falls in the corner and sits against the bottom rope. Umaga backs in to the opposite corners and holds his arms out. Umaga leaps and runs out of the corner but Big Show tackles Umaga down to the mat to a huge pop. Big Show gets to his feet and flips Chris Jericho over the top rope and in to the ring. Big Show picks Jericho up and irish whips him. Big Show hits a big boot on Jericho. Big Show turns to Umaga and picks him up to his feet. Big Show pushes Umaga against the ropes and irish whips him. Big Show then hits a thunderous powerslam on Umaga. Big Show turns to Jericho on the top turnbuckle. Chris Jericho attempts an axe-handle but Big Show catches him by the throat. Umaga runs at Big Show but Big Show catches him by the throat. Big Show connects with a tremendous double chokeslam to a huge pop from the fans.

Kurt Angle quickly runs at Umaga and hooks the leg. 1...2...Umaga kicks out. Big Show and Kurt Angle stare at each other in shock. Big Show picks Jericho up to his feet and grabs him from the shoulder and underarm. Big Show throws Chris Jericho over the top rope and on to the floor. Umaga gets to his feet and hits a samoan spike on Kurt Angle. Umaga and Big Show stare in each other's eyes. Umaga screams and runs at Big Show but Big Show connects under the chin with a big boot. Big Show picks Umaga up and hits a scoop slam. Big Show runs off the ropes and connects an elbow drop in the chest. Big Show rolls on the apron. Chris Jericho gets on the apron. Kurt Angle walks along the ropes but Jericho runs and gives a clothesline to Kurt Angle. Umaga tags in Chris Jericho. Chris Jericho gets in the ring and picks Kurt Angle up. Chris Jericho hits a scoop slam to Kurt Angle in the middle of the ring. Chris Jericho runs off the ropes and attempts a lionsault but Kurt Angle moves out of the ring. Jericho lands on his feet and Kurt Angle gets on his feet. Kurt Angle runs at Chris Jericho but Jericho connects with a codebreaker on Angle. Angle falls in the middle of the ring. Chris Jericho runs off the ropes and this time connects with the lionsault on Kurt Angle. Chris Jericho lands on his knees and then falls on Angle and hooks the leg. 1...2...Big Show pulls Chris Jericho off. Big Show picks Jericho up to his feet and chokes him. Big Show hits a thunderous chokeslam to Chris Jericho and then heads back to the apron. Big Show sticks out his hand for Kurt Angle. Angle slowly crawls to his corner and tags in Big Show.

Big Show runs in the ring and immediately knocks Umaga off the apron and chin first in the barricade. Big Show turns to Chris Jericho who gets up to his feet. Chris Jericho runs at Big Show but Show catches him by the throat. Big Show hits a huge chokeslam on Chris Jericho. Big Show gets to his feet to a huge pop from the crowd. Big Show puts his foot on the chest of Jericho for the cover. 1...2...3!

Winners: Big Show & Kurt Angle

Aftermath: After the match Kurt Angle immediately gets in the ring and locks on an Ankle lock on Jericho. Jericho taps out and is in tremendous pain. Big Show goes to the outside and spears Umaga. Big Show gets to his feet and clears the TNW announce table. Big Show picks Umaga up and walks him to the announce table. Big Show clinches Umaga by the throat and chokeslams him through the announce table. Kurt Angle lets go of the ankle. Big Show rolls in the ring. Big Show picks Kurt Angle up on his shoulders to a good pop from the crowd as we head to commercial.


The Undertaker Video Package Airs

Randy Orton's music hits and he comes out to huge amount of heat from the crowd.

Joey Styles: Well up next folks is the main event. The Undertaker vs Randy Orton. It's up next!


The lights dim, the gong tolls and The Undertaker's music hits. He comes out to a massive pop from the crowd that blew the roof off the place.

Main Event
The Undertaker vs Randy Orton


The Undertaker and Orton stare at each other as they start to circle the ring. The fans chant, "Taker! Taker! Taker!" The two men meet in the middle of the ring and tie up. The Undertaker throws Randy to the corner. Randy quickly sticks his head through the ropes to back Undertaker away. Randy gets out of the corner and they circle the ring again. The two men tie up again. The Undertaker powers Randy Orton over the top rope and to the outside. The Undertaker goes to the outside and starts to lay rights on Randy Orton. The Undertaker throws Orton kidney first in to the apron. The Undertaker takes Orton by the head and throws him face first in the steel ring steps. The Undertaker rolls in the ring and back out. The Undertaker runs at Orton against the steel steps but Orton dropkicks the knee of Undertaker. Undertaker goes face first in the steel ring steps and then rolls in to the barricade. Orton gets to his feet with a sadistic smile on his face. Randy Orton picks The Undertaker up to his feet and throws him in the ring. The Undertaker starts to bleed. Orton rolls in the ring and picks Undertaker up. Orton lays rights and lefts in the open wound on the head of Undertaker. Randy Orton strongly irish whips The Undertaker in to the opposite corner. The Undertaker bounces out of the corner and Orton hits Undertaker with a back body drop. Randy Orton quickly goes for the cover. 1...2...Undertaker gets the shoulder up.

Randy Orton picks Undertaker up to his feet and puts him against the ropes. Randy Orton starts to give huge rights to The Undertaker. Randy Orton irish whips The Undertaker. Undertaker attempts a clothesline but Orton ducks. Orton runs off the ropes and both men think the same thing. They go for crossbodies but hit each other in mid-air and fall on the mat. Randy Orton falls on Undertaker for the cover. 1...2...Undertaker kicks out. Undertaker now sits up. Orton gets to his feet and stomps on the back of Undertaker. Randy Orton picks The Undertaker up to his feet and hits him with a European uppercut. Randy Orton then picks Undertaker up and hits him with a sidewalk slam. Randy Orton hooks the leg. 1...2...Undertaker pushes Orton off and gets to his feet. Randy Orton runs off the ropes and attempts a crossbody but Undertaker catches him and then puts him on his shoulder. The Undertaker walks to the corner and hits snake eyes. The Undertaker runs off the ropes but Orton gives Undertaker a dropkick. Orton quickly goes for the cover. 1...2...Undertaker kicks out! Randy Orton starts to unleash with right hands on Undertaker and then goes for the cover again. 1...2...Undertaker kicks out and sits up. Randy is in shock.

Randy backs away. The Undertaker gets to his feet. Randy Orton runs at Undertaker but Undertaker connects to the jaw with a big boot. The Undertaker runs off the ropes and connects with a flying clothesline. 1...2...Orton gets the shoulder up. The Undertaker picks Randy Orton up. He twists Randy Orton's right arm. The Undertaker drives his shoulder in the arm of Orton. The Undertaker backs in to the corner and climbs to the top turnbuckle. Undertaker walks the top rope. Randy Orton leaps up to the top rope and hits Undertake with a super RKO! The fans chant, "Holy s*it! Holy s*it!" Orton turns Undertaker on his back and goes for the cover. 1...2...Undertaker gets the shoulder up. Randy Orton is in disbelief. Orton can't believe Undertaker kicked out. Orton picks The Undertaker up and kicks him in the gut. Orton mocks Undertaker and slashes him throat. Randy Orton picks Undertaker up in a tombstone position. The Undertaker counters and holds Orton in the tombstone position. Orton squirms out of it and stands behind 'Taker. Undertaker turns around and recieves an RKO from Randy Orton. Both men are down in the middle of the ring. Orton puts his arm on the chest of 'Taker. 1...2...The Undertaker sits up. The bloodied Undertaker sits up and the fans pop. Randy raises his head in disbelief. Randy Orton gets up and picks The Undertaker up to his feet. Randy Orton attempts a right hand but Undertaker blocks it and gives a headbutt to Randy Orton. The Undertaker punches Orton in the head. Orton falls on the mat and then shoots up. Orton runs off the ropes but Undertaker gives him a big boot.

From nowhere Batista runs in the ring and spears The Undertaker.

Winner: The Undertaker via DQ

Aftermath: After the match The Undertaker and Batista brawl to the back. Randy Orton just stands in the middle of the ring with a huge smile. Edge sneaks in the ring and backs in to a corner to set up Randy. Randy turns around and finds Edge. Edge runs out of the corner and attempts a spear but Orton side steps Edge and Edge goes shoulder first in the second turnbuckle. Edge backs out of the corner and staggers. Edge turns around to Randy and Randy goes for the RKO but Edge pushes him off. Randy Orton runs off the ropes and Edge spears him out of his boots! Edge shoots up to his feet and pulls his hair back. Edge laughs manically as the show closes.

Confirmed For Next Week:

6 Man Tag Team Match
Booker T, Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy vs Mark Henry, MVP & Mr. Kennedy

Shelton Benjamin's Open Challenge
????? vs Shelton Benjamin