TNA: We Are Wrestling !AGAIN!

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The Ripper

Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
Another attempt at BTB. I have looked back over all past attempts and realised i was failing because I kept creating companys were i start from the beginning and that is just a pain. So I am going to go with a company that is already established. Also I started planning this following their Debut in HD at the Vegas event.


AJ Styles
Alex Shelley
Angelina Love
Awsome Kong
BG James
Booker T
Brother Devon
Brother Ray
Chris Sabin
Christian Cage
Christy Hemme
Consequences Creed
Cute Kip
Don West - Commentator
Eric Young
Jackie Moore
James Storm
Jay Lethal
Jeff Jarrett
Jeremy Borash - Backstage Announcer
Jim Cornette - Managment director
Jimmy Rave
Kevin Nash
Kurt Angle
Lance Rock
Lauren - Backstger Interviewer
Matt Morgan
Mick Foley
Mike Tenay - Commentator
Petey Williams
Raisha saeed
Rhaka Khan
Robert Roode
Samoa Joe
Scott Steiner
Shark Boy
So Cal Val
Sonjay Dutt
Taylor Wilde
Traci Brooks - Knockout Division Commissioner
Velvet Sky

.:Tag Teams and Stables:.
The Beautiful People - Angelina Love and Velvet Sky with Cute Kip
Beer Money, Inc. - James Storm and Robert Roode with Jacqueline
Motor City Machine Guns - Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley
Prince Justice Brotherhood - Curry Man, Super Eric and Shark Boy
Team 3D - Brother Devon and Brother Ray​

Turning Point Quick Results:

Rock & Rave Infection Vs. Pince Justice Brotherhood

Rave pinned Curryman following The Move That Rocked The World.

Afterwards Sharkboy confronted Curryman about being to foucesed on Christy Hemme rather than the match. Sharkboy then attacked Curryman until Super Eric intervened and got attacked by Sharkboy for his troubles.

X Division Championship
Sheik Abdul Bashir Vs. Jay Lethal

Lethal picks up the win following a lethal combination and elbow drop.

After the match Bashir starts to attack Lethal but Rhyno comes down to the ring to make the save.

Kurt Angle Vs. Abyss

Abyss picks up the win after Angle attacks him with a steel chair, Morgan tries to make the save but Angle hits him with the chair too.

Tag Team Championships
Beer Money Inc. Vs. L.A.X

Beer Money picks up the win after Roode hits Homocide with the Payoff.

Cage Match for TNA Legends Title
Christian Cage Vs. Booker T

Booker T pinned Christian after Sharmell tossed baseball bat into the ring and Booker T used it before delivering a Axe Kick for the pin.

TNA Knockout Championship
Awesome Kong Vs. Taylor Wilde

Awesome Kong pins Wilde after a Awsome Bomb.

After the match Kong snaps and starts to beat Wilde down with Saeed laughing in the corner, Kong then turns and charges at Saeed squashing her in the corner before hitting her with a Awesome Bomb.

Sting & Kevin Nash Vs. AJ Styles & Samoa Joe

Sting pinned Samoa Joe after Scott Steiner Returned and hit Joe with a lead pipe. After the match ref reversed the decision after AJ filled him in on what happened. Mick Foley then comes out and reverses the decision again stating that the ref didn’t see what happened so he can’t go reversing it. The show goes of the air with Sting, Nash and Steiner stood in the middle of the ring as Jeff Jarrett confronts Foley.


Mer!!!!! Ner!!! Ayi!!! Aie!! Mee!!!! Meh!!!! Ner!!!

Translation: Good BTB you got going i hope to see you stick with this. Be sure to check out my Omega Btb also. :)

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
This looks pretty good. I'm interested in Foley and Jarrett exchanging words after Foley reversed the decision again. Hope you stick with this BTB and good luck. Feel free to check out The Commencement sometime.

The Ripper

Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score

Jarrett wants answers
Foloowing the scenes that was witnessed as Turning Point went off the air, Jeff Jarrett will be looking for answers from Mick Foley who hasn't been in contact with any TNA officials since Sunday.

#1 Contendership for the X Division Title
Creed, Dutt and former champion Sheik Abdul Bashir step into the ring and go to battle looking for a chance to be the first person to challenge new champion Jay Lethal.

Curryman Vs. Sharkboy
Following his actions at Turning Point,, Sharkboy has requested a match with Curryman. Curryman was reluctant at first but changed his mind hoping to get through to his friend.

Scott Steiner Vs. Samoa Joe
At Turning Point Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner returned attacking Samoa Joe and Styles, joining forces with The Main Event Mafia. Can the Samoan Submission Machine over come the Genetic Freak as he trys to move closer to a one on one match with Kevin Nash.

.:Confirmed matches:.
Awesome Kong Vs. O.D.B
Sonjay Dutt Vs. Consequences Creed Vs. Sheik Abdul Bashir
Curryman Vs. Sharkboy
Scott Steiner Vs. Samoa Joe


The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Sounds like a pretty interesting show you have planned. I'm curious about the Foley situation and here are my predictions for the show.

Awesome Kong Vs. O.D.B
Sonjay Dutt Vs. Consequences Creed Vs. Sheik Abdul Bashir
Curryman Vs. Sharkboy
Scott Steiner Vs. Samoa Joe

The Ripper

Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
Lauren: I am waiting here on the arrival of either Jeff Jarrett or Mick Foley, to get answers on what happened as turning Point went off the air.

A Car pulls in to the car park and the door opens and Jeff Jarrett starts to get out of the car.

Lauren: Jeff! Jeff!

Jarrett: What can I do for you Lauren?

Lauren: Can you tell me what happened between you and Mick Foley on Sunday as Turning Point ended?

Jarrett: Lauren, tonight I will get to the bottom of that with Mick. Then I will come to the middle of the ring and explain what is happening.

.:Entrance Video:.

Tenay: Welcome to TNA Impact in HD. I am Mike Tenay alongside my broadcast partner Don West.

West: WOW, Do we have a show for you guys. We have Samoa Joe going up against the newest member of the Main Event Mafia Scott Steiner.

Tenay: Also we have two former friend facing one another when Curryman takes on Sharkboy. The L.A.X will also be in action when they take on the Rock and Rave Infection.

West: But we kick things off with the best of the x division competing for the number 1 contendership.

‘Guru’ plays and Sonjay Dutt makes his way out with so Cal Val on his arm, Dutt then starts throwing rose petals at Val’s feet before reaching the ring. Dutt spreads the ropes as Val gets into the ring, Dutt kisses Val’s hand.

‘Face the Consequences’ plays as Creed comes flying out of the tunnel onto the stage, Creed starts shadow boxing before making his way down the ramp slapping the fans hands. Creed gets into the ring and starts shadow boxing again before getting up on the turnbuckle.

‘Sheik’ plays and Bashir walks to the ring with a rug ignoring everybody, Bashir gets in the ring and lays the mat out before kneeling down and praying. Bashir gets to his feet and rolls up the mat before removing his headwear.

Tenay: All 3 men looking to be the first person to challenge Jay Lethal for his newly won X division championship.

West: Sheik Abdul Bashir will be looking to get an opportunity to regain the championship at the first attempt.

All 3 men stand looking around as the bell is rung, Dutt and Bashir then charge at Creed and get him in a corner and start laying into him with punches and kicks as Creed gradually drops to the mat with no defence. Bashir then takes control and forces Dutt away before laying in the kicks to Creed. Dutt pulls Bashir out and starts laying the kicks into Creed until Bashir pulls Dutt away and both start arguing as Creed slowly rolls out of the ring. Bashir goes to follow Creed but Dutt stops him and kicks him in the stomach before bouncing off the ropes and driving his knee into the side of Bashir’s head before making the pin 1.. kickout. Dutt stand up next to Bashir and goes for a standing moonsault but Bashir moves and goes to bounce of the ropes only to be tripped by Creed on the outside. Creed slides into the ring and runs over and punches Dutt in the head as he gets to his feet but quickly has to deal with Bashir who runs into a punch, Creed turns round and punches Dutt again followed by another punch to Bashir, Dutt and Bashir then go for punches of their own at the same time but Creed does the splits and both men hit each other, Creed then uses his legs pushing himself back up whilst delivering a double uppercut to both men, Creed pins Dutt 1... kickout, Creed quickly covers Bashir 1... kickout. Creed gets to his feet and starts to pump himself up before making his way to the top rope, as Creed sets himself up on the top rope So Cal pulls on his leg causing him to fall onto the turnbuckle, Val then walks away shrugging her shoulders and cleaning her nails on her dress. Dutt gets up and climbs onto the middle rope where Creed is and sets up for a superplex until Bashir comes up behind and looks for the powerbomb sending Creed and Dutt crashing to the mat, Bashir covers Creed 1...2. Dutt leaps forward clubbing the back of Bashir to break the pin.

Bashir grabs Dutt and runs with him before throwing him out of the ring, Val makes her way round the ring to see to him as Bashir picks up Creed and goes for a suplex, Creed has other ideas and keeps his feet on the mat. Bashir goes for the suplex again but Creed blocks it again so Bashir hits a ddt. Bashir then goes to the top rope and jumps off hitting a leg drop before sitting Creed up and delivering the W.M.D! and goes for the cover, as Bashir goes for the pin So Cal Val climbs onto the ring and calls the ref over as Dutt runs round the other side of the ring. Bashir gets up to see what is happening when Dutt hits him with his tambourine and tosses him through the ropes and makes the pin, Val jumps down and the ref turns and makes the count 1...2...3.

Winner: Sonjay Dutt

West: Dutt done it, he took advantage of the situation and capitalized.

Tenay: Looks like we will witness another chapter of the Dutt and Lethal rivalry.

Dutt quickly exits the ring as Sheik Abdul Bashir enters the ring furious.



Borash comes up to a door with MEM logo on it. Borash tries to open the door but it is quickly slammed in his face.

Borash: Guys you asked for interview time. So are you going to let me in?

Steiner opens the door a little.

Steiner: Hey pip squeek get out of here. We are in the middle of something important here.

Borash: You are scheduled for a interview now.

Steiner opens the door up more and Borash tries to look in but Steiner steps out of the room and closes the door. Steiner grabs Borash by the throat and pins him against a wall.

Steiner: Now listen here, When I tell you to go you go. If you don’t you will feel the full force of the Mafia’s hitman.

Steiner lets go off Borash and enters the locker room again as Borash holds his throat.

Tenay: Poor Jeremy having to deal with that thug Scott Steiner.

West: What I want to know is what they were in the middle of that they had to cancel the interview they begged management for.

Tenay: We can only wonder Don.


‘Omori’ plays and Kong marches to the ring with her Knockout title draped across her shoulder. Kong gets into the ring and throws her head back moving the hair out of her face revealing a evil look on her face.

‘I’m about to freak’ plays and O.D.B comes out to the center of the stage and starts bouncing up and down before kicking her leg out. O.D.B then walks to the ring taking swigs of her flask. O.D.B onto the ring apron and leans back on the ropes before climbing into the ring.

O.D.B and Kong stand in opposite corners and stare at each other before O.D.B walks forward shouting at Kong before getting in her face, Kong just stands their listing before grabbing O.D.B by the throat by for picking her up turning and tossing her into the turnbuckles. Kong takes a few steps back and charges but O.D.B moves at the last minute and Kong hits the turnbuckles. O.D.B Guides Kong round before delivering a huge overhand chop, Kong moves forward nudging O.D.B back, O.D.B responds with a second overhand chop. Kong responds with a huge right hand knocking O.D.B against the ropes, Kong walks up to O.D.B and goes to grab her hair but O.D.B ducks Kong’s and as Kong turns O.D.B hits a dropkick and Kong falls back getting her arms tied up in the ropes. O.D.B goes to town with a flurry of chops until Kong manages to get untied. O.D.B clombs onto the middle rope and as Kong turns round O.D.B hits a missile dropkick knocking Kong on her butt, O.D.B hits a running neck snap before making the pin 1...2. Kong tosses O.D.B off to break the pin. Kong get to her feet and O.D.B runs at her but she bounces off Kong who stands still, as O.d.B gets up Kong runs and hits a Lariat before picking her back up and hitting a spinning backfist, as O.D.B falls Kong catches her and hits a Implant Buster! Pinfall 1...2...3.

Winner: Awesome Kong

Kong climbs through the ropes and grabs her Knockout Title before leaving. As she gets half way up the ramp she looks back over her shoulder and see’s O.D.B getting up, Kong turns around and marches back to the ring grabbing a chair on the way before climbing back into the ring and hitting O.D.B with the chair. Kong then picks up O.D.B and hits her with a Awesome Bomb onto the steel chair. As Kong stands up Taylor Wilde, Roxxi and Christy Hemme run down the ramp to make the save but Hemme and Wilde both run into huge punches by Kong whilst Roxxi ducks Kong’s punch attempt and come back with punches of her own but Kong pushes Roxxi away who lands near O.D.B., Roxxi picks up the nearby chair and gets to her feet but before she can take a swing, Kong punches the chair bouncing it of Roxxi’s head. Kong picks up Wilde and hits her with a Awesome Bomb before picking up Hemme and hitting her with a Implant Buster. Kong then stands over the destruction she has just caused.

West: Something has snapped in Awesome Kong Mike and now Raisha Saeed is gone Kong might be untouchable.

Tenay: Your right Don, in the past the only person Kong would listen to was Saeed but Kong went and attacked her this past Sunday.

West: we can only hope Tracy Brooks knows some way to handle her.



Borash is stood next to Styles.

Borash: AJ at Turning Point Mick Foley reversed the referees decision allowing Sting and Kevin Nash to pick up the win. What are your thoughts?

Styles: Jeremy I don’t know what is going on in the head of Mick but he is our boss and I am not going to criticize him without hearing his side of the story.

Borash: Ok, Well what about your ongoing battle with The Main Event Mafia.

Styles: One thing me and Joe have learnt is that we can’t do this alone so we are recruiting wrestlers who stand for what this company stands for, wrestlers who care about making TNA the best it can be and not about collecting huge paychecks.

Borash: Who have you got so far?

Styles: Well Jeremy you can be the first to meet the newest of “ “ JAY LETHAL!

Lethal walks into the picks

Lethal: Ohhhhh Yeaaaaa!

Styles and Lethal walk off.


Jimmy Rave is sat on a bench whilst Lance Rock walks round in circles holding his head.

Rock: What am I suppose to tell her Jimmy?

Rave: Just tell Christy the truth Lance.

Just then Hemme walks in the room.

Hemme: Tell me what guys?

Rock stands up and takes her hand.


Hemme lets out a big sigh.

Rock: Yeah it turns out the Germans love us!

Rave: We go on tour for a month starting in two days.

Christy starts jumping up and down as Rock and Rave look at each other looking puzzled.

Hemme: That’s great guys, for a minute I thought you were going to dump me Lance.

Rock strokes Hemme’s hair.

Rock: I am baby, the Germans don’t think you are that good but they LOVVVVVE ME! And with all the groupies we will get, I think it is best we end what we have going on.

Christy Hemme screams and Rock and Rave quickly exit the locker room.


West: Next up we have a sort of grudge match

Tenay: This next match came from this past Sunday when Sharkboy attacked Curryman following their match with the Rock and Rave Infection

‘Hot and Spicy’ Plays and Curryman comes out bouncing as the camera spins round the Impact Zone watching fans dance. Curryman stand in the centre of the stage with his back to the ring and points ant the “tastes Great†on his back before dancing to the ring, In the ring Curryman does his signature dance.

‘I won’t do what you tell me’ plays and Sharkboy storms to the ring, Sharkboy scales the outside off the turnbuckle and drops to the inside of the ring.

Curryman steps forward and puts his hand out, Sharkboy comes forward and kicks Curryman in the stomach and goes for a Chummer but is pushed away by Curryman. Sharkboy bounces of the ropes and comes back to a kick from Curryman who then bounces off the ropes and comes back hitting Sharkboy with a lariat as he stands up straight. Curryman starts to dance around and doesn't notice Sharkboy getting back up, as Sharkboy gets to his feet he grabs the leg of Curryman tripping him up. Sharkboy runs and bounces off the ropes before coming back and hitting a quick legdrop before going for the pin, 1... kickout. Sharkboy drags Curryman back to his feet and gets him in a headlock, Curryman struggles around and forces Sharkboy back towards the ropes, Curryman wraps his arms around the waist of Sharkboy before pushing him away across the ring where he bounces of the ropes and comes back to be met by a shoulder block from Curryman, Sharkboy drops to the mat and Curryman does his signature dance before hopping round on one foot before running at the ropes. Curryman bounces of the ropes as Sharkboy gets back to his feet, Sharkboy moves forward but Curryman leap frogs him and continues running before bouncing of the ropes again and coming back hitting Sharkboy with a crossbody landing in a pinfall 1...2 kickout. Curryman picks up Sharkboy and puts him in a backbreaker rack but Sharkboy wiggles his way out turns Curryman round before hitting a Chummer! Pinfall 1...2...3.

Winner: Sharkboy

Sharkboy leans through the ropes and asks for a mic.

Sharkboy: for the past few months I have been one third of a masked group looking to help people in and around TNA. But I will not follow a hot and spicy curry and a lame superman wannabe anymore.

The Impact zone crowd start chanting 'SUPER ERIC' as Sharkboy walks round the ring shaking his head.

Sharkboy: That right there is the reason, You once chanted my name like that but when I joined the Prince Justice Brotherhood it gradually faded away.

Crowd: WHAT!

Sharkboy: Then you chanted more for Curryman and Super Eric.

Crwod: WHAT!

Sharkboy: Shut the hell up why I am talking.

Crowd: WHAT!

Super Eric's music blasts out of the P.A system and Super Eric makes his way out to the ring.

Eric: Boy who thinks he is a Shark why do you say such mean things to these loyal fans.

Sharkboy: First of it is Sharkboy and secondly these fans are not loyal.

Eric: I stood back whilst you fought with the man who is a curry and I will not no longer, you have disgraced the Brotherhood but more importantly you have disgraced yourself.

Sharkboy kicks Super Eric and delivers a Chummer. Curryman goes to help Super Eric but he is met with a Chummer too.

Sharkboy: There is only room for one masked hero around her and that person is ME!

Crowd: WHAT!

Sharkboy: That is why at Final Resolution I propose a Loser's leave TNA match between all 3 members of the Prince Justice Brotherhood. With the two losers leaving TNA not to be seen again. Then when is all said and done I will be the only one left and that’s the fishy line because Sharkboy said so!

Sharkboy drops the mic and climbs the turnbuckle and gets thrown some clam juice and pours it on himself as the fans boo him.



‘My World’ plays and Jeff Jarrett makes his way to the ring with a mic in hand.

Jarrett: Mick, I have been looking for you all day but you were nowhere to be found. But I know you are here tonight Mick so could you please come to the ring.

‘Bang Bang’ plays and he makes his way out to the ring with mic in hand.

Jarrett: Mick, I need to know why you reversed the referees decision in the main event.

Foley: It is simply Jeff, Sting was right all along these young guys don’t have any respect for us. They act like they do but sooner or later the respect goes and luckily for me the respect went quickly.

Jarrett: Mick I don’t know what you mean the guys back their respect you.

Foley: Really Jeff, DO THEY!

Foley paces round the ring as Jarrett slumps back in the corner.

Foley: See the first few weeks were great but that all stopped, I would go up to guys like Samoa Joe and AJ Styles in the first few weeks and they would say hi and ask how i am doing but now I go up to them and they just walk past saying nothing or giving me a grunt as they pass.

Jarrett: Mick these guys have alot going on in their young careers and you can guarantee that they will talk to you somewhere down the line.

Foley: You know what Jeff your right, someday they will talk to me. Maybe not today, not even tomorrow, but someday they will talk to me. You see there was one man back their I hadn’t talked to in over a decade. You see we had a checkered past that nobody seen on camera. We use to walk out of rooms when the other entered, but when I stepped into TNA he came upto me and said “ What happened in the past stays thereâ€. You see that man knew that we have both been to the top of our business and that we have nothing more to prove.

Jarrett: Whoa whoa whao, Mick I thought you felt like me. I thought you felt that these guys are the future.

Foley: Maybe they are bu.........

‘I Am’ plays and Styles and Joe make their way out. They get into the ring and take a mic each.

Styles: Mick you know that me and Joe have all the respect in the world for you but we have more important thing on our mind like Sting and the rest of the Main Event Mafia.

Jarrett: As much as I have to say to you Mick, there is business to take care of so we will finish this later.

Jeff drops down and rolls out of the ring, before making his way to the back.

Foley: Now AJ, Sting is right with what he says you both have no respect for the wrestlers who have been around pouring their blood into this business.

Samoa Joe pushes Styles aside.

Joe: Blood! I have poured blood into this business than i would like to remember. Yeah maybe I haven’t been too what you call the big time, but for the likes of me and AJ this is the big time, WE! Have poured everything we have into this company along with friends of ours like Christopher Daniels and Low Ki who are no longer here because of guys like Kurt Angle and Booker T who come here because they see a easy pay check.

AJ: Joe calm down we don’t want to be doing anything stupid.

The Main Event Mafia’s music plays and Sting, Kurt Angle and Kevin Nash appear on the stage, and slowly walk to the ring as Foley moves in front of AJ and Joe and moves them back as The MEM get in the ring.

Sting: I knew you would see we were right.

Styles: What are you on abou......

Foley turns and floors Styles with a stiff right hand, and turns and knocks Joe back with a punch. Kurt and Nash hold back both guys as Sting and Foley hug in the centre of the ring.

Sting: Say hello to the newest member of The Main Event Mafia, a majority shareholder in TNA. The hardcore legend Mick Foley!

All 4 men then leave the ring before standing with their hand in the air on the stage whilst Styles hold his jaw and stares at them.


Tenay: We just had a bombshell dropped on us before the break.

West: I still cannot believe it Mike. Who would have thought Mick Foley would join The Main Event Mafia

Tenay: That also means the Main Event Mafia also has a say in the running off the company.

‘Hardcore’ plays and L.A.X make interacting with fans on there way to the ring.

’Rock ‘n Rave’ plays and the Rock and Rave Infection make there way onto the stage with Guitar Hero controllers and start to smash them up before high fiving and making there way to the ring.

Rock stands in his corner as L.A.X decide who starts the match, as Hernandez leaves the ring Rock jumps Homicide from behind and pulls him away from the L.A.X corner, and lays in the kicks before guiding him to the centre of the ring, Rock whips Homicide into the ropes and Homocide comes back and is tossed in the air by Rock who then catches him on his shoulder before driving him down with a powerslam, before making the pin 1... kickout. Rock picks Homicide up and hits a huge right hand before whipping Homicide into the rope, Homicide comes back off the ropes and rock goes for the big boot which Homicide ducks, Homicide turns round and quickly goes on the offence with punches and chops gradually moving Rock back against the ropes, Homicide goes to whip Rock across the ring but Rock reverses and Homicide bounces off the ropes and comes back sliding through the legs of Rock crashing before dropkicking the back off his knee sending Rock down on the knee, Homicide then drop kicks the other knee and Rock drops onto both knees now as Homicide bounces off the ropes behind Rock before running straight past bouncing off the opposite ropes and coming back hitting a big shining wizard knocking Rock on his back before Homicide makes the pin 1...2 kickout.

Homicide walks over and tags in Homicide in as Rock crawls on his hands and knees towards Rave, seeing Hernandez Rock speeds up before leaping forward tagging in Rave who comes flying in hitting a dropkick knocking Hernandez back, Rave goes for the irish whip but Hernandez reverses sending Rave into the ropes before he comes flying back at Hernandez who leans over and launches Rave over his shoulder. Rave lands on his feet and bounces off the ropes and comes back catching Hernandez with a spinning kick as he turns around, Hernandez hits the mat as Rave does air guitar gestures before jumping up coming down with a leg drop across the throat of Hernandez, pinfall 1...2 kickout. Rave quickly tags in Rock who picks up Hernandez and gets him in position for a Russian legsweep, Rave the bounces off the ropes and dropkicks Hernandez knocking him back with Rock connecting with the Russian legsweep. Rock then pulls Hernandez back up and picks him up wlaking around before dropping down hitting a powerful sidewalk slam, pinfall 1...2 .. kickout. Rock pulls Hernandez over to his corner and tags in Rave before picking Hernandez up and holding him in place for rave to deliver a kick to the mid section before attempting The Move That Rocks The World that he can’t complete. Rave pushes Hernandez back into the corner as Christy Hemme runs down to the ring and pulls rocks leg and he drops to the floor and they start arguing in front of the announce table. Rave looks back to see what is happening and when he turns back Hernandez pushes him away with force knocking him over.

Rave gets to his feet and turns round into Hernandez grabbing his throat and hitting the CrackerJack with Rave landing in a heap in the corner. Hernandez pick him up and sets him up for a Border Toss but changes his mind and walks towards the ropes and Hemme runs away as Hernandez tosses Rave from the ring landing on Rock. Hernandez rips off his top and tags in Homicide before jumping up and down and running hitting a suicide dive onto Rock and Rave as they get to their feet. Hernandez rolls Rave into the ring and Homicide pulls him to his feet before hitting Da Gringo Killa, pinfall 1...2...3.

Winners: L.A.X

Tenay: Another example of why Hernandez is nicknamed Super Mex.

West: Important win for L.A.X as they look to get back into the title picture.

Tenay: We can Now go backstage were Lauren is with Samoa Joe


Lauren: Joe how do you plan on beating Scott Steiner.

Joe: Lauren it is quite simple, Steiner is a slow steroid pumping freak who is well past his prime just like the rest of the Main Event Mafia.

Lauren: Whilst were on the subject of the Main Event Mafia, we heard AJ talk about you recruiting people. Who are you looking at?

Joe: Lauren I was here to talk about my match up next, so if you have nothing to say about it, I am due out there.


‘Crush U Up’ plays as Joe come out onto the stage and makes his way down the ramp and into the ring. Joe takes his towel from his shoulder and tosses it into the crowd.

‘Freak’ plays and Steiner walks out onto the stage and starts flexing his muscles before kissing each bicep and making his way down to the ring. Steiner climbs up on the turnbuckle and starts kissing his biceps again.

The bell rings and Joe flies out of the corner hitting a one leg dropkick knocking Steiner back into the corner, Joe then starts hitting multiple backhand chops and punches. The referee pulls Joe back but as soon as Steiner comes out of the corner Joe launches a arsenal of kicks hammering away at the legs and mid section of Steiner, Joe pushes Steiner back into the corner and goes to the opposite side before running at Steiner looking for a elbow smash but Steiner wraps his arms around Joe and spins round hitting a side belly to belly suplex, Steiner gets to his feet and flexes his arm before kissing his bicep and dropping a big elbow drop on Joe, Pinfall 1... Steiner starts doing push ups as Joe starts to get back up. Joe gets to his feet and is met with a big kick to the stomach followed by a pumphandle slam, Steiner then climbs the turnbuckle and starts’ kissing his biceps as the crowd throw lots of boos at him. Steiner jumps down as Joe gets up and Steiner knocks him down with a big lariat, Joe gets up quickly and is knocked down a second time quickly getting back up again, Steiner goes for a third lariat and Joe ducks, Steiner slowly turns round and Joe regains his composure before bouncing of the ropes and hitting a big arched boot. Joe pulls Steiner back up and hits a stiff kick to the side of Steiner, Joe spins Steiner round and hits a inverted atomic drop and then bounces off the ropes hitting a running single leg dropkick knocking him down followed by a running senton, pinfall 1...2.. kickout. Joe gets up and drags Steiner into the corner and starts the rubs his boot across the face of Steiner, Joe then bounces off the ropes and comes back hitting a facewash kick sliding through the middle and bottom rope, Joe holds up is arm on the outside and beats his chest as Steiner crawls out of the corner towards the middle of the ring. Joe climbs back into the ring and locks in the Coquina Clutch, the ref checks on Steiner who is unresponsive so the ref calls for the bell and tells Joe to break the hold.

Winner: Samoa Joe

Joe keeps the hold on as the ref orders him to break the hold before reversing the decision.

Winner: Scott Steiner

Booker T and Kevin Nash rush to the ring and pull Joe of Steiner before beating him down in the corner. The beat down continues until Styles and Lethal try to help but they are soon over powered. Angle, Sting and Foley joins Nash, Booker and Steiner in the ring and they beat down all 3 men until they are left battered and bloodied. The Main Event Mafia stand with their arms in the air as Impact goes off the air.