TNA vs WWE-Climbing the Ladder of Success by eyebrow2007

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Climbing The Ladder of Success

It is the year 2010. TNA have caught up with ECW in ratings and are looking to topple Smackdown and become a challenge to Raw.

TNA Roster, Champions and News



Kurt Angle

Sheik Abdul Bashir

Christian Cage

Consequences Creed

Johnny Devine

Sonjay Dutt

Jay Lethal


Robert Roode

Samoa Joe

James Storm

A.J. Styles

Petey Williams

Roderick Strong

Nigel McGuiness

Austin Aries

Bryan Danielson


Motor City Machine Guns
(Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin)

The Age Of Fall
(Tyler Black and Jimmy Jacobs)

Kevin Steen and El Generico

(Hernandez and Homicide)

Team 3D
(Brother Ray and Brother Devon)

The Briscoe Bros.
(Mark and Jay Briscoe)

Sweet ‘N’ Sour Inc.
(Larry Sweeney, Chris Hero and Adam Pearce)

Awesome Kong



Gail Kim

Velvet Sky

Taylor Wilde


Sara Del Rey

Daizee Haze


TNA World Champions: Robert Roode

TNA Revolution Champion: Bryan Danielson

TNA X Division Champion: Consequences Creed

TNA World Tag Team Champion: The Briscoe Bros.

TNA Knockouts Champion: Sara Del Rey


- Bound For Glory 2009, the evolution Championship is introduced as a Second Tier Championship.

-Slammiversary 2009, ROH invade TNA. Bound For Glory 2009, TNA finally defeat ROH in a TNA Championship match with Samoa Joe and Nigel McGuiness. Joe won giving TNA complete control over ROH.

WWE Roster, Champions and News



D-Lo Brown

Lance Cade

John Cena

CM Punk

Ted Dibiase JR


Kofi Kingston

Cody Rhodes

Randy Orton

Rey Mysterio

Shelton Benjamin



Scott Goldman

Jeff Hardy

The Brian Kendrick


Mr. Kennedy



Evan Bourne

The Miz

John Morrison

Jake Hager

The Puerto Rican Nightmares
(Eddie Colon and Eric Perez)

Curt Hawkins and Zach Ryder

Cryme Tyme
(JTG and Shad)

Ruckus and Jigsaw

Necro Butcher and Toby Klein

Nick Gage and The Joker


World Undisputed Champion: CM Punk

Intercontinental Champion: Evan Bourne

United States Championship: The Brian Kendrick

European Championship: Jake Hager

Undisputed Tag Team Champions: Necro Butcher and Toby Klein


- After Wrestlemania 25 WWE decided to once again become joint.

- At Wrestlemania 26 Triple HHH, Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels came to a draw in a match that as to be the final one of all three men’s careers. Afterwards all three men got a standing ovation.

- Also after WM25 WWE cut out the divas division.

Bound for Glory VII

TNA World Championship;
Nigel McGuiness © vs. Christian Cage vs. Robert Roode
Winner: Robert Roode

AJ Styles vs. Austin Aeries
Winner: Austin Aeries

Six Sides of Steel Match
Abyss vs. Samoa Joe
Winner: Samoa Joe

TNA Revolution Championship;
Bryan Danielson © vs. Kaz
Winner: Bryan Danielson

Kurt Angle vs. Roderick Strong
Winner: Kurt Angle

TNA Tag Team Championships;
Electrified Cage Match;
The Age of Fall © vs. The Briscoe Bros.
Winners: The Briscoe Bros.

Doomsday Device Tag Match;
L.A.X. vs. Team 3D vs. Motor City Machine Guns
Winners: Team 3D

TNA X Division Championship Race;
Ultimate X Match;
Sheik Abdul Bashir vs. Consequences Creed © vs. Johnny Devine vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Jay Lethal vs. Petey Williams
Winner: Consequences Creed

TNA Knockouts Championship;
Taylor Wilde vs. Sara Del Rey vs. Daizee Haze ©
Winner: Sara Del Rey

Cyber Sunday 2010

World Undisputed Championship;
What Fighter?
Mr. Kennedy © vs. ???;
Jeff Hardy: 24%
MVP: 12%
CM Punk: 64%
Winner: CM Punk

Randy Orton vs. Edge;
What Match?
Steel Cage: 28%
Bull Rope: 18%
Unsanctioned: 54%
Winner: Edge

Intercontinental Championship;
Evan Bourne vs. John Cena vs. Batista ©
Which Special Referee?
Jim Ross: 20%
Vince McMahon: 69%
Mike Adamle: 11%
Winner: Evan Bourne

United States Championship;
D-Lo Brown © vs. ???;
Which Fighter?
The Brian Kendrick: 65%
Umaga: 20%
Carlito: 15%
Winner: The Brian Kendrick
Losers fight in the European Championship Match

Winner gets Intercontinental Championship Shot;
Ted Dibiase JR vs. Lance Cade vs. Kofi Kingston;
What Match?
No Holds Barred: 20%
Ladder Match: 47%
Street Fight: 33%
Winner: Kofi Kingston

Undisputed Tag Team Championship;
Winner Takes All;
What Match?
Gauntlet Match: 44%%
Over the Top Rope Match: 53%
Normal Pinfall Match: 3%
Winners: Necro Butcher and Toby Klein

Rey Mysterio vs. JBL vs. The Miz vs. John Morrison
What Will Happen To The Loser;
Loser Leaves WWE: 49%
Loser Never Gets Another Title Shot: 46%
Loser Must Face Umaga Next Week on Raw: 5%
Winner: John Morrison
Loser: JBL

European Championship;
Jake Hager © vs. Carlito vs. Umaga
Winner: Jake Hager

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Looks pretty cool, although you are only allowed one BTB by yourself. Your second has to be partnered one if I'm not mistaken.


Oh, well i thought i would finish my old BTB after i lost interest.


Active Member
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
You'll have to change your Sig then eyebrow! Anyway good luck with this BTB, it does look interesting.

Moonlight Drive

Hmm, interesting concept with 2010 WWE vs TNA...BUT

Kennedy is a Main Eventer. BOO


Lol. Thanks guys. Anyhow my first show will be posted tommorow.
Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score
Good luck with this. Seems original :)

Kennedy as Main Eventer, ftw.


WWE Raw, 10.24.10


WWE Raw, 10.24.10

The show kicks off with a recap video of Cyber Sunday.

Pyros go off to the sound of thousands of WWE Fans screaming and shouting as Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler try to speak over the immense noise thundering through the packed arena. Finally the sound breaks and JR begins to speak.

JR: Hello and welcome to Raw in this sold out arena in Toronto, Canada!

Cole: And how about Cyber Sunday, 3 Title changes, the return of Edge and CM Punk, the new World Champion.

King: And hat about tonight, Mr. Kennedy will face Edge in our Main Event to earn the right to face Punk at WWE Survivor Series in four weeks time.

JR: Don’t forget that Randy Orton will be keeping an eagle eye on that match.

Cole: I am sure he will. But that is not all, tonight, CM Punk and Evan Bourne will take on Batista and John Cena in a Tag Team Match.

JR: That will be an amazing match pitting two of the best wrestlers in history and two of the best new wrestlers around today.

King: But we kick off the night with a Triple Threat, pitting Kofi Kingston, Lance Cade and Ted Dibiase all against each other in a match for Kofi’s Intercontinental Championship Shot, and that will be right after this Commercial Break.

.::Commercial Break::.

The Commercial Break is shown. It hypes up Survivor Series. “There will only be oneâ€

Kofi Kingston vs. Lance Cade vs. Ted Dibiase JR
Intercontinental Title Shot Rematch

We pick up ¾ of the way through this match. Lance Cade is in control. He delivers a huge big boot to the face of Kofi Kingston. Ted Dibiase runs at him but he just spears him to the floor followed by a bombard of elbows and fists to the face of his foe. Soon Dibiase begins to bleed as Cade monsters over him, looking at him with a deadly, sadistic smile. Cade turns around hoping to see a fallen Kofi Kingston, so e can heap more punishment on him. Instead he is met by a huge boot coming towards his face as Kofi delivers a perfectly executed Enzuguri kick taking Cade off his feet and down to the mat.

JR: My Gawd what a kick!

Cole: And Kofi Kingston has just put himself back in contention for this match.

Kofi begins to get to his feet. He hears his fans from across the arena chant his name. They get louder and louder and when it looks like he just can’t get up the crowd support keep him going as he leaps up onto his feet. Cade is also up now and Kofi thrills the crowd once again with a huge running Roundhouse Kick. Kofi crawls over to the turnbuckle and begins to scale it in what seems like an age. He finally reaches the second turnbuckle and he lifts his arms up as the crowd begins to get louder. All of a sudden Kofi jumps up onto the third rope and swiftly jumps off the turnbuckle and comes down hard on Cade’s throat with an elbow drop as the crowd cheer like they have never cheered before. Kofi crawls over to the seemingly out cold Lance Cade and gets the three count.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

The camera shows an elated Kofi Kingston as he leaves the ring. The camera takes a short static shot of Lance Cade and Ted Dibiase JR, writhing around in pain with Kofi’s music still playing. Finally the music stops and we return to JR, Cole and King.

JR: What a match Cole.

Cole: I cannot agree with you more at that one partner. And once again, Kofi Kingston proves exactly why he is Intercontinental Championship worthy. And he will be getting a shot at Evan Bourne and the Intercontinental Championship sometime in the future.

King: And you have to give it to him. What a great young talent that man is.

JR: And right now we are going backstage with Todd Grisham and the former World Champion, Mr. Kennedy.

The camera cuts backstage and pans around the Locker rooms before finally reaching the interview area and Todd Grisham.

Todd: Thanks JR, and I am here with Mr. Kennedy, and Ken, you are in a match tonight with Edge to get a shot at winning the World Championship back, can you beat the veteran?

Mr. Kennedy: Look, I have beaten Edge before, I have bloodied Edge before and I have beat him down. And tonight, I will do it all over again. You see Edge is past his prime, he is past his best and he just cannot carry another title. And that is where I come in. I am young, I am fresh and I am not even at my best. Edge you better watch out ‘coz pretty soon, you will shouting out “Stop, stop!†to Misterrrrrrrrrrrrr…….. Kennnnneddddddyyyyyyy……. Kennnedddyyyy!

Todd: And what about your title loss last night at Cyber Sun……

Mr. Kennedy: Don’t even go their!

Kennedy walks off screen as the camera cuts to the Locker rooms.

.::Commercial Break::.

Edge is shown walking down the hallway towards his door. He opens it and Randy is sitting in a chair which is facing the door.

Edge: What the hell are you doing in my Locker room?

Randy: Edge, Edge, Edge. You need to lighten up my friend.

Edge: “Lighten up?†Did you just say “Lighten Up?†Do you know what you have done to me. You have made me so angry, you have made me do things I never thought I would do. You have made me hurt people I never thought I would hurt and why? Jealousy. So NEVER tell me to “Lighten Up!â€

Randy gets up and stands closer to Edge. Edge begins to unload his bag.

Randy: I am not here to get in your mind Edge. I am merely here to wish you luck.

Edge: Wish me luck?

Randy: Yea. Come on Edge give me a break. Can’t a guy wish another good luck.

Edge: Yea, they can. But not you!

Randy: Fine. Suit yourself. But don’t expect any help from me in your match.

Edge: Don’t worry. I wasn’t expecting any help anyway.

Randy smirks at Edge before leaving as Edge continues to unpack his bag. As Randy is leaving the camera takes a shot of him with something behind his back. As he walks down the corridor it is revealed as Edge’s attire. We cut back to the announce table.

JR: You know Randy Orton’s evil mind never ceases to amaze me. I mean this guy just does not stop giving people grief, he is just sick.

Cole: I agree. Randy Orton is one sick bastard. The amount of grief he has given Edge over the past four months is just too much.

King: And it makes you wonder how Edge is going to compete without his attire. Surely he can’t wrestle without his attire.

JR: We have seen Edge do some pretty amazing things in the past but wrestling without protection is just stupidity.

Cole: Well, we know Edge just as much as any one else and we know that Edge will do anything to be a part of that match.

JR: Well whatever happens tonight we are still going to have one hell of a night here in Toronto because next up Jake Hager takes on Carlito.

Jake Hager vs. Carlito
Non-title Match

It is about 5 minutes into the match and nobody has really gained control. Hager finally breaks away from the sluggish action and delivers a huge European Uppercut sending Carlito to the mat with a big thud. Hager continues with an onslaught of punches to the face. He finally moves away from Carlito allowing him to get up. Carlito finally gets up onto his feet. He turns to Hager and just when he seems to be refocusing his energy he is slammed in the face by a jaw breaking punch from Jake Hager.

JR: My Gawd what a punch.

Cole: And honestly, I cannot see Carlito coming back from that one.

Hager once again cracks Carlito in the jaw, this time leaving Carlito almost delirious. Hager quickly bounces off the ropes and delivers a driving knee to the gut of Carlito, flooring him. Hager jumps up to his feet before walking over to Carlito and pulling him up to his feet by his hair. Hager lifts him using a tilt-a-whirl before signalling for the Hager-Meister! Just as he is about to execute the move Carlito falls backward until he is standing to deliver his own Hager-Meister!

JR: Surely Carlito cannot pull this off.

King: I am sure Jake will not be happy if he does.

Cole: You are right there King, it is disrespectful to use another’s Finishing Move.

But, once again, amazingly, Hager does the same thing and reverses it back into his own move. Finally he slams Carlito down onto the mat to get the three count.

Winner: Jake Hager

JR: Well, Carlito will not be happy with loss.

King: He has been pinned two times in two days by Hager. That is not good for Carlito.

Hager’s music plays as he leaves the ring holding with his title around his waist. Carlito is seen in the ring hitting the canvas with his hands in frustration. He ambles over to the ropes and slips out. But, about midway up the ramp we hear bongo drums playing. They get louder and louder until finally Umaga’s music blasts through the speakers, almost knocking Carlito off his feet, as the monster steps onto the ramp. Carlito looks at him with his eyes wide open. Both men look at each other until Umaga screams and a mad chase begins through the crowd and backstage.

.::Commercial Break::.

JR: Well before the break we saw Umaga attempting to attack Carlito and we have the footage of the attack right here.

Umaga finally reaches Carlito, he bombards him with punches before throws him through a locked door making a hole big enough for the beast to fit through. He stomps on him while he is on the floor before looking up to see tons of family’s cueing up for drinks at the stall on the outside of the arena. He picks up Carlito and slams his head over behind the bar leaving Carlito lying their as the video closes.

JR: A sickening display from Umaga there.

Cole: And I just have to know what the background behind that attack was. Now we all know they were in a match together last night but I still do not see the need for such violent actions.

King: But, you have to give it to Jake Hager. What a class act he is.

JR: I agree with you on that one King, Jake Hager has a bright future ahead of him and honestly, I see nothing but light at the end of the tunnel for that man.

Necro Butcher and Toby Klein’s music plays as the champions walk out onto the entrance ramp. They enter the ring with microphones in hand as they begin to talk.

Butcher: Introducing your new Tag Champions Toby Klein and yours truly Necro Butcher!

Klein: Hahaha, thanks Necro. Well, last night we proved why we are the best Tag Team around when we defeated every Tag Team WWE has to offer…..

The theme of The Puerto Rican Nightmares hits as both men come to the ring.

Klein: I don’t know who the hell you think you are….

Colon: I will tell you who we are, we are The Puerto Rican Nightmares, we are Eddie Colon and Eric Perez an we are here to take those titles from around your waist!

Klein: Well you are going to have a good time trying because Toby Klein and Necro Butcher are going to come at you harder than ever.

Colon: Look, we may….

Perez: Hey Eddie I think I can explain this a little better. Basically we are new around here and have been underestimated since we walked into this arena and we are kind of sick of it you know.

Butcher: And that means anything to us how?

Perez: Well, you are, sort of, our, Ginny Pigs.

Butcher: Ginny Pigs? We are the Undisputed Tag Team Champions. I think you should have set your goals a bit lower to begin with.

Perez: Well, you are our Stepping Stones to better things. You are our first step to becoming the best Tag Team ever.

Klein: Well why don’t you put your money were your mouth is and face me next week Perez. If you beat me well then we will talk about a Title shot.

Perez: Fine with me. I will show you what a Nightmare I can really be.

Perez and Colon smirk at Klein and Butcher before leaving the ring. Klein slams his mic down sighing.

JR: Well you heard it. Next week on Raw Eric Perez will be taking on Toby Klein, it will be interesting to see who wins that bout.

Cole: But the night does not end their as next up we see Jeff Hardy take on MVP.

Jeff Hardy vs. MVP
Singles Action

We pick up near the end of this phenomenal match with Jeff Hardy in control. Hardy is on the top rope with MVP laying down below. Hardy takes a giant leap and comes hard down on MVP’s neck delivering a devastating Leg Drop. MVP rolls around coughing and spluttering while holding his neck in pain. Hardy lifts himself up from the floor and begins to once gain go on the attack of MVP. He bounces off the ropes and comes down hard with a fist……. But nobody’s home! Hardy finds nothing but canvas. MVP quickly jumps to his feet and delivers a dropkick to Hardy when he is on all fours.

JR: What a kick!

King: You are right there and Jeff Hardy is not getting up from that one.

MVP gloats to the crowd before getting back to work on Hardy. Porter begins punching his opponent while he is down. He finally backs away before coming hard in with a Ballin’ Elbow. Hardy gets back up to his feet and is German Suplexed straight back down. Hardy crawls over to the turnbuckle he gets back up to a standing point and turns around only to be met by a Drive-By Kick. Hardy just moves away leaving MVP with his foot stuck on the top of the turnbuckle. Hardy quickly gets to his feet. He positions himself around a metre away from MVP, jumps up, springs of the rope, flips backwards and takes out MVP with a boot to the face.

JR: Did you just see that!

Cole: I did, I did. What a move from The Charismatic Enigma, Jeff Hardy.

The crowd pop as both Jeff and MVP slowly make their way up to their feet. Jeff is up first and he waits for The Ballin’ Superstar to get up. Jeff runs towards MVP, kicking him in the mid-section. He applies a Front Face Lock and puts his arm over his shoulder. He then lifts him up and slams him back down finishing in a sitting position slamming MVP down, face first, perfectly executing the Sit Out Inverted Suplex Slam. Jeff jumps up to his feet and pumps himself up.

JR: And the Purple Haired Warrior, Jeff Hardy is getting ready to show us exactly why he is the 3-Time World Champion.

Jeff quickly springs up to the top of the turnbuckle. He stands their for awhile soaking in the crowd’s cheers. He finally lifts his arms up and roars as the crowd pop loudly. He leaps and falls forward delivering the match deciding move, and amazingly well performed Swanton Bomb! He jumps up poses to the crowd and drops back down to the floor, hooking MVP’s leg and getting the 3 count.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

JR: What a match King!

King: Indeed JR, that was easily one of the best we have seen so far tonight.

Cole: But the night is not over as we still have two more matches to give to you, and what is this?

MVP is shown slamming a forearm to the back of Jeff Hardy. He jumps up to the second rope and delivers a Back Suplex off the top rope. MVP gets up to a standing position, brining Hardy with him. He shouts trash at Hardy before delivering a Play Maker, busting open Jeff Hardy. MVP leaves the ring an then returns this time with a microphone.

MVP: You see this.

Points at Hardy.

MVP: This is an example of what will happen if you cross MVP. Jeff Hardy has got in my way once, fine. I don’t mind, I am a nice guy. Then he did it again and again and has been nothing but a blockage in my path to greatness and my fifth World Championship. And I will tell you a fact, MVP does not like people getting in his way and when they do it FOUR times that is just to much. And the result.

Points at Hardy again. He walks over to Jeff’s battered body and lifts his bloody head up to the camera.

MVP: The result is a guy who really will not have much left to live for. So, listen up Wrestling World, best not get in my way.

MVP drops Hardy’s head back down. He jumps up on the turnbuckle and poses to a chorus of boos. He jumps back down and moves towards the ropes. He stops to look back at Hardy one more time before laughing at the destruction he has caused. MVP leaves the ring as the crowd once again boo him loudly.

JR: And MVP there obviously trying to get a point across to all the wrestlers across the world.

Cole: That’s true JR, MVP has just showed that he is not one to be messed with.

King: And if you don’t believe he can really make you hurt, just look at what he has done to Hardy. Jeff is really in a bit of a mess.

JR: Well after the Commercial Break we will bring you yet another fantastic match as the Intercontinental Champion Evan Bourne and the WWE Undisputed Champion take on the team of John Cena and Batista.

.::Commercial Break::.

JR: Welcome back and as we promised we are going straight to the ring for our next match.

Evan Bourne and CM Punk
Batista and John Cena

We pick up this match about ¾ through as we see some pretty back and forth action. Batista is in with CM Punk. Punk punches Batista hard in the jaw, pushing him back against the turnbuckle. Punk kicks The Animal in the mid-section before whipping him into the other turnbuckle. He then preps himself and runs at Batista delivering a hard Shining Wizard using Batista’s knee as leverage.

JR: Good Gawd that looked nasty.

Cole: I agree with you there JR, CM Punk hit’s a Jaw Breaking Shining Wizard.

Punk allows Batista to dizzily move away from the turnbuckle and when he has reached about half way to the opposite turnbuckle he runs up to The Animal and delivers a nasty Bulldog. Punk jumps up to his feet and celebrates with the crowd before tagging in Evan Bourne. Bourne does not quite get in the ring but instead waits for Batista to get up on all fours. Finally he does and Bourne delivers a Springboard Leg Drop putting Batista back down. Bourne goes for the pin but it is broke up by John Cena. Cena continues punching Bourne while he is down despite the ref clearly telling him to stop. Soon Punk intervenes but even that won’t stop Cena. But, while Punk tries to pull Cena off of Bourne and Batista swings him around and delivers a Devastating Batista Bomb out of the ring and down to ringside leaving Bourne to win by himself. Finally Cena breaks away from Bourne and Batista picks him up by his hair. Batista Head Locks the Flying Inferno and laughs seeing him struggle. Soon the crowd begin to clap Bourne out of the move and Batista looks worried.

JR: And Evan Bourne thrives off the crowds support.

King: And that is a great thing as they seem to love him.

Bourne elbows Batista in the gut once, then twice and the three times finally getting Batista off him. He punches The Animal a couple of times before slinging him onto the ropes and on the rebound he delivers a Dropkick to the knee, flooring the big man. Bourne preps himself before delivering a Standing Moonsault. Bourne waits for Batista to get up and when he does he runs back and bounces back onto the ropes only to be caught by John Cena. Grabs him by the head and slams him into the turnbuckle. Batista, no back up, spine busters Evan Bourne on the rebound as the crowd boo loudly, still with CM Punk floored outside of the ring.

King: Dear me. Things look bleak for Evan Bourne now.

Batista picks Evan up and slots him in between his legs getting ready for The Batista Bomb. He famously puts his thumbs up before putting them back down again as the crowd look away from the horrible sight. Batista lifts him up onto his shoulders and…. No! Bourne managed to jump from The Animal’s shoulders onto the turnbuckle! Bourne turns around and begins to pound on the head of Batista. The Animal fights back and once again begins to get control. He hooks his head under Flying Inferno’s arm.

JR: Good Gawd no!

Cole: Not the Superplex!

King: Believe me, this will not be a pretty sight!

Batista lifts him up but Evan fights back and manages to kick his opponent onto the mat. He sways his arm up to get the crowd going and they scream really loud as they know what is coming next. Bourne preps himself before delivering an amazing Shooting Star Press. Bourne hooks the leg of Batista but Cena comes to break it up but no! Punk took out Cena before he could! Bourne continues the three count and get’s the win for his team.

Winners: Evan Bourne and CM Punk

Bourne and Punk hold their respected titles up high. They embrace in a hug before deciding to leave the ring. But, before they can, Cena an Batista attack Punk and Bourne. Cena beat Punk down on the floor before delivering an FU to him and then rolling him out of the ring. Then Cena joins Batista in attacking Bourne. They both Mud Stomp him in the corner of the ring. Batista brings him out and looks to deliver Batista Bomb but out comes Kofi Kingston! Kingston takes out Batista with a Roundhouse Kick and Enzuguri’s Cena out of the ring. Kofi stretches out a hand to Bourne who takes it. They are then joined then by CM Punk. They then all finally celebrate in the ring a final time before leaving for their locker rooms.

JR: And Kofi Kingston there, making his presence heard.

Cole: And of course he is the #1 Contender for the Intercontinental Championship. But the question is when will he get his shot?

King: Well, impressive stuff from Evan Bourne, single handily defeating Batista and John Cena.

JR: And we are going to take a break now and when we return we will have a special announcement from our Chairman of the Board, our Boss, Vincent Kennedy McMahon. I wonder what he will have to say? Stay tuned!

.::Commercial Break::.

JR: Hello and welcome back.

Cole: And before the break we saw CM Punk and Evan Bourne get the win over Batista and John Cena!

King: And of course we saw Kofi Kingston save his future Intercontinental Championship Opponent from a certain beat down at the hands of Cena and Batista.

No Chance plays as Mr. McMahon struts down to the ring with a microphone in hand.

McMahon: Now, as you may know Survivor Series is coming up and I know what you would all like to see.

The crowd shout very loudly.

McMahon: And I am going to give you exactly what you want. A Five on Five Survivor Series Match!

Lots of Pops!

McMahon: And I will announce the two Team Captains after tonight’s Main Event between Mr. Kennedy and Edge. But, that is not the Main Reason I am out here tonight. I am out here to do two things!

Huge crowd reaction!

McMahon: One is to announce that next week we will have the beginning of our European Championship Rush Tournament. To decide who will compete again Jake Hager!

Massive Crowd Reaction!

McMahon: And two show you the debut of WWE’s newest Game Show!

Confused Mutter.

McMahon: Now I know what you are all thinking. What is he on about? Well I will tell you starting off with the name of this new phenomenon, Things Mike Adamle will do to Suck up to me!

Roar of Laughter!

McMahon: So Mike, could you come out here.

Mike Adamle enters the ring!

McMahon: How do you feel to be a part of this show Mike?

Adamle: Great, I guess…

McMahon: Well enough chit-chat let’s get this show underway! Guys could you bring out the Great Table of Doom! for me please?

They bring the table out which is covered with a black table cloth. McMahon smiles while Adamle gulps.

McMahon: Mike I have three Cards here. The one you pick will be the first thing that you will have to do. So Mike, 1, 2 or 3?

Adamle: Ummm…. 3.….

McMahon: You picked 3! Therefore you have to……

Crack this egg over your head!

You lucky man!

JR: I am slightly worried that he is lucky for picking three. What else would he have to do?

McMahon pulls out an egg from under the cloth as the crowd continue with their laughter. Adamle looks at the egg and then McMahon.

McMahon: So Mike, what are you waiting for?

Adamle: I am not so sure about this…..

McMahon: Mike, it would make me the happiest Boss alive….

Adamle: Ok, ok, ok, ok. I will do it.

Adamle, after a brief moment of doubt, takes the egg and cracks it over his head sending a runny mess of yolk and egg white trickling down his face. Mr. McMahon, the commentators and The Crowd roar tremendously with laughter but as expected, Mike Adamle does not. The camera pans back to an out of breath set of Commentators.

JR: Well, what a bizarre twist of events Cole!

Cole: And Mr. McMahon has well and truly shown that Mike Adamle will do anything to suck up to him.

King: And I think that Mike Adamle will go home feeling pretty embarrassed.

JR: Well, on a more serious note next up we see Edge taking on Mr. Kennedy in a match to earn the right to face CM Punk at Survivor Series.

#1 Contenders Match
Mr. Kennedy vs. Edge

At the beginning of the match Edge did not show up and Randy Orton looked rather pleased with himself. Finally Edge’s Music hit and he came out in a pair of Jeans and a T-Shirt. He mages to wrestle with this attire on for the whole match and we pick up near the end.

Kennedy is stomping on edge in the corner of the ring. Kennedy grabs Edge by his hair and pulls him back up to his feet. By this time Edge has no T-Shirt on and his Jeans are ripped. Kennedy uses this to his advantage and focuses on his knee. Kennedy DDT’s Edge busting him wide open. Randy smiles at this as he watches Mr. Kennedy continue to stomp on the limp body of Edge contently.

Randy: You had it coming Edge, you had it coming!

JR: Listen to you. You took away this man’s pride and you made his life a misery and you say he deserved it!

Randy: Shut up Old Man, yeah Edge deserved it. He took everything that I was meant to have. The Championship Shots, The higher wages, everything!

Kennedy picks Edge up but is winded by a stiff punch to the mid-section. Edge begins to mount a comeback with rights and lefts flying Mr. Kennedy’s way. Edge backs Kennedy onto the ropes and slings him onto the opposite set taking him down on the rebound with a Clothesline. Edge waits for Kennedy to get up to a standing position and then delivers a Spinning Heel Kick knocking Kennedy off balance. Edge crawls over to the turnbuckle and manages to pull himself up and then with a burst of energy he delivers a Diving Cross body before locking in the Edgecator. Kennedy writhes around in pain.

JR: And Edge now with the Edgecator locked in, can Kennedy get out of this one.

Randy: Come on Ken, don’t tap.

Kennedy struggles more as Edge tightens the hold. Kennedy delivers a few elbows to the head so Edge loosens and then makes a wild dash for ropes. Kennedy is successful and Edge is forced to stop the hold. Edge waits for Kennedy to get up and runs at him with a Big Boot, but, Kennedy ducks thus Edge hitting the ref. Edge looks shocked and is even more so when Kennedy clotheslines him. Kennedy rolls out of the ring and looks underneath the apron for a weapon. He cannot find one so Randy Orton gives him the steel chair he was sitting on.

JR: What the hell are you doing?!

Randy: Giving Edge exactly what he deserves.

Cole: You are unbelievable!

Randy: Yeah? Well get used to it!

Kennedy enters the ring and swings the Steel Chair up high in preparation for Edge. Edge finally gets up and Kennedy pulls back one more time before cracking Edge right across the head widening his cut even more

JR: Good Gawd this is sick!

Randy: Hahaha! Finally Edge is getting what he deserves.

Cole: How can you say some thing like that?

King: I am not sure if I can watch!

Kennedy throws the chair out of the ring and pins Edge, but, there is no ref. He picks himself up and walks towards the referee and begins his attempt to wake up the ref. In the background Edge begins to get up, Kennedy turn around and Edge directs another Big Boot that Kennedy yet again moves out of the way of! Edge turns around and is put in the Position of the Mic Check! Edge just manages to get out of the move and delivers a huge spear on the rebound! Edge celebrates in the middle of the ring for awhile before attempting to wake the ref. Edge fails and turns around after giving up on trying but is met by a Devastating RKO from The Legend Killer himself. Orton drags Mr. Kennedy on top of Edge before leaping out of the ring. He grabs a bottle of water from the announce table and runs over to the ref. He pours the whole bottle over the ref waking him up. The ref sees the pin and Kennedy gets the three count.

Winner: Mr. Kennedy

Orton lifts up Kennedy’s arm before helping hi out of the ring. Kennedy leaves but just as Orton is too Edge stops him and punches him straight in the jaw. Orton then returns the favour and a slug fest is on. No Chance plays putting a stop to the fighting. With both men battered and bruised they look up and see Mr. McMahon standing at the top of the ramp.

Mr. McMahon: Stop both of you right now! Now, as I promised I am going to give you the captains for the Survivor Series Elimination Match. And they are right in front of you, Randy Orton and Edge! Both of you have one week to assemble your teams. Thank you Gentlemen and I will see you next week.

McMahon leaves followed by Randy and then finally Edge.

JR: What an announcement Cole!

Cole: Indeed it is JR and how about this, Mr. Kennedy vs. CM Punk for the Undisputed World Championship!

King: And next week we will see the first round in the European Championship Rush Tournament!

JR: Well it is going to be a great night then and I hope you can join. Thank you for watching and good night!

The show ends with the WWE Logo.


Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
BM: The main event, great action and good legth also. The Hardy and MVP match was also good.

WM: I would say the Hager and Carlito match, as I am not familiar with Hager and it was too short for my liking.

BP: I liked the Adamle and the McMahon promo, very funny with the egg smashing over Adamle, I would have LOL'ed if I saw it IRL.

WP: I would say the Perez and Butcher promo, I am not familiar with these characters and it was kind of unbelievable.

AC: First that I have seen of your work, and it was a pretty good show. I like that you are pushing the young guns (Evan Bourne FTW), and I am sure that I will get familiar with Hager and etc. as this thread goes along.

CP: Check out my thread WWE: A New Beginning, the Great American Bash is up.

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
Kofi Kingston vs Lance Cade vs Ted Dibiase Jr: Very meh match. I know this is in recap but you could of added a little extra. Dibiase being beaten down I believe but having np further part in the match was weird. Kofi used a few too many kicks leading to the end and Lance Cade not reversing the Elbow Drop was weird but I guess I will let it go. I personally think you shoulf of used abit more wrestling psychology in the match but that is just me.

Mr Kennedy Promo: In My opinion. It needed to be slightly longer. Yeah it had some good key points but you could of stretched it out more for the Mic Skills of Kennedy.

Orton/Edge: Pretty good promo. Not the best yet not the worst. Pretty decent and lol at Randy taking Edges bag

Jake Hager vs Carlito: Liked the ending but when Carltio reversed I would of seen him using the backstabber. I have no idea who Jake Hager is so that is all from me.

After Match Attack: Pretty good and lol at the chaqse. Served a pretty good purpose as well. We will see where this goes.

Necro Butcher and Toby Klein’s and The Puerto Rican Nightmares Promo: Short and I will of liked to see more of Butcher and Klein by themselves and more then one or two Lines for each person

Hardy vs MVP: Decent match and highlighted both mens abilities imo. Good ending for Hardy but I did not like how Hardy controlled the match from one point on.

After match attack: Pretty good, served its purpose.

Bourne and Punk vs Cena and Batista: Best match so far and I cant really think how it could be portrayed as a text. The After match beatdown was once again done but it served its purpose but I would liked to see the three smaller guys beaten down tbh.

McMahon: LOL just LOL. I would of liked to see longer sets of speaking though.

Kennedy vs Edge: Thisa was a very good match and the best of the show. It had show the fued between Edge and Orton as well as a good match between Kennedy and Edge.

Mr. McMahon; Nothing to comment on but looking forward to Survivor Series.

Promo Comments: Just you need longer one man promo. Like you could of said tthe participant in the Euro title match in the McMahon Prom. You need to extend each set of speaking by singular and sometimes teams. As Well as having people speak more before being interrupted.

Matches: My Main Problem with you matches is that the ending feels weird to me. I don't know why. I think it because there are no reversals nearing the end of the match tbh.

Other: The After match attacks got old because you used three as well as an aafter match brawl. So Stop using them as one specific way to hype a fued.


TNA Releases.

TNA Releases Lacey

Last night TNA decided to release Lacey.

They feel that they had no reason to have Lacey under contract any longer.

TNA revealed that Lacey left under good terms and everyone was happy on both parts.




TNA iMPACT, 10.27.10

A video recap plays going over all the events that unfolded at BFG 2010.

After the video pyros go off all around the arena starting at the top of the entrance ramp and ending at the entrance ramp on the other side. Mike Tenay begins to speak as the screaming dies down.

Tenay: Hello and welcome to he Bound For Glory Aftermath show! I am Mike Tenay and this is Don West. And Don, how about Bound For Glory VII?

West: What an amazing night it was Mike. We saw Robert Roode finally defeat Nigel McGuiness to become the new TNA World Championship!

Tenay: And how about it, Austin Aries defeated AJ Styles in an over year long rivalry and Samoa Joe defeated Abyss in one the bloodiest matches I have ever seen. It was crazy!

West: Not forgetting the rest of that amazing night, we had our Revolution Championship Match, Kurt Angle vs. Roderick Strong, our Electrified Cage Match, our Doomsday Device Tag Match and not to mention a six man Ultimate X Match, Mike, it was truly amazing.

Tenay: And I will tell you what else is amazing, tonight’s Main Event!

West: Oh yes, that’s right Mike, it will be Nigel McGuiness, Kurt Angle and The Age of Fall vs. Robert Roode, Roderick Strong and The Briscoe Bros. in an No disqualification Elimination Match!

Pop from the crowd.

Tenay: And Samoa Joe takes on AJ Styles, Austin Aries and Kaz in a Fatal Four way for a shot at Bryan Danielson’s Revolution Championship at Genesis. But right now we are going to ringside to see a Bimbo Brawl pitting Awesome Kong against ODB, Roxxi and Gail Kim in a Three on One Handicap Match!

Bimbo Brawl
Awesome Kong vs. ODB, Roxxi and Gail Kim

We pick up around the end of this weapon filled match. ODB and Roxxi are on the outside of the ring while Gail Kim is being demolished by Awesome Kong. Kong is beating down Kim in the corner of the ring with right after right after right. She then picks up Gail by her hair and dangles her in the air before taking her out with a huge Clothesline.

West: Did you just see that?

Tenay: I did Don, an Awesome Clothesline from an Awesome Kong!

Kong leaves the ring and delivers a double clothesline on Roxxi and ODB. She picks up a few signs from on the floor and throws them in the ring before getting in the ring herself bringing a trolley with her. Kong picks up a sign and just as Kim is getting up she slams it against Gail’s head. Kong pins Gail but only gets a two count. She then proceeds to continually crack the sign over the limp body of Gail Kim until she is left physically battered.

Tenay: I tell you Don, Awesome Kong is truly unforgiving.

West: You are right Mike, we have never seem anything like her before.

Finally the cavalry arrive in the form of ODB and Roxxi. They bombard Kong with a barrage of punches but it is not enough. Kong over powers them and easily brushes them aside throwing ODB over the top rope. Roxxi goes after Kong but the attack is short lived as Kong grabs her by her throat and lifts her up from the ground. Roxxi wriggles and kicks her legs trying to get out of the dire predicament but it is no use as Kong has the hold firmly locked in. Kong moves over to the ropes and delivers an amazing Two-Handed Chokeslam to the outside of the ring. The crowd shudder as Roxxi lays their limp on the cold concrete floor of the iMPACT zone. Kong lets out a deafening shout as the crowd boo heavily.

Tenay: And look at Roxxi, I don’t think she will be able to compete in this match any further.

Gail, now revived from the distraction of her partners, is up on the top rope. Kong turns around and Gail delivers a spectacular Missile Drop Kick flooring the almost immovable object. Gail gets a loud cheer of appreciation before going to the outside and onto the apron. She stay their for awhile soaking in more of the applauses while waiting for Kong to get back onto her feet. Kong begins to crawl towards the turnbuckle and manages to get up.

Tenay: And I wonder what Gail Kim has up her sleeve?

West: I don’t now but I know it is going to be big!

Gail preps herself before leaping at Kong performing an amazing Springboard Crossbody… no. Kong catches her and lifts her up delivering a huge Gorilla Press! Kong holds Gail up there as the crowd once again boo very heavily as Kong milks it. She slams Kim down onto the trolley before going to the second rope. With Gail sat inside the trolley Kong turns around to a standing position on the second rope of the turnbuckle. Kong gets ready to perform a splash but….. Roxxi comes to the ring and delivers a few hard punches to the face of the Kong before getting to the same position as her. Roxxi hooks her arm and goes to deliver a Double Underhook DDT. But no, Kong delivers an elbow to the gut of Roxxi before grabbing her the head. She head butts Roxxi who falls backwards onto Gail Kim as the trolley gives way and collapses. Kong goes back down onto canvas and gets booed heavily for the third time of the match. She turns around and who does she meet… none other than ODB wielding a Steel Chair. ODB points at Kong. Before swinging back the Steel Chair and crack….. She hit Roxxi with the Steel Chair! Kong looks at ODB confused. ODB looks at Kim who shakes her head saying no. ODB smirks before cracking Gail ever the head with the Steel Chair too. Kong sees this, still confused, but takes advantage of it. She picks up the limp body of Gail Kim and deliver a bone shattering Awesome Bomb! Kong gets the three count while ODB holds up the Steel Chair receiving some of the Heaviest Boos produced from the Knockout Division.

Winner: Awesome Kong

The crowd are engulfing ODB with Boos. She just continues to smile at the crowd saying “Bring it!” She turns around and sees Gail Kim and Roxxi just getting up. ODB goes to hit both of them for a second time but it is short lived as Taylor Wilde comes out to a huge crowd reaction. She delivers a crossbody to ODB before delivering a bombardment of punches. That is before Velvet Sky comes out through the crowd and delivers a Dropkick to Wilde flooring her. All of the Knockout’s begin a massive brawling session. Soon Daizee Haze comes out too to many pops and the brawling continues.

ODB and Roxxi square off as do Awesome Kong and Gail Kim. Daizee Haze joins the fight between Velvet Sky and Taylor Wilde. The brawling does not end until The Force Sara Del Rey’s music hit’s the speakers as she bursts down to the ring. She takes out everything in sight including a Scoop Slam on Awesome Kong until she is left with her arch nemesis, Daizee Haze. They break out in a huge brawl until Jim Cornett comes out and puts a stop to the fighting.

Cornett: I have had quite enough from you Knockouts! Now stop fighting!

They finally stop brawling and listen to Cornett.

Cornett: And that I why next week I have booked a 4-4 Match. It will be Sara del Rey, Awesome Kong, Velvet Sky and ODB vs. Daizee Haze, Gail Kim, Taylor Wilde and Roxxi.


Cornett: And as for ODB. I want your explanation of what you did to Gail Kim and Roxxi later tonight in my office!

Another Pop with a touch of Heat at the mention of ODB’s name.

.::Commercial Break::.

Tenay: Hello and welcome back to TNA iMPACT and what a scene before the break Don!

West: You are right Mike, these Knockouts need to be keep there actions under control.

Tenay: And I am surprised at ODB, we will have an explanation afterwards but whatever her reasons it will not cover the fact that she bloodied both Roxxi Leveaux and Gail Kim.

West: And how about, next week we will be seeing a 4-4 Knockouts Match, it is going to be big!

Tenay: But next up we will be rejoining a very sensitive topic in the world of TNA, the bitter rivalry between Samoa Joe and Abyss. Watch this.

A video package begins. It shows Samoa Joe hitting the Muscle Buster on Robert Roode at Slammiversary in a match to become the #1 Contender for the TNA Championship. Joe goes to pin Roode but Abyss comes out and breaks up the pin. Abyss begins to pummel Joe with a Steel Chair. Joe asks for an explanation the next night and Abyss comes out being controlled by James Mitchell again.

Mitchell says that the monster is back and he is going to regain his thrown as the beast of TNA from Samoa Joe. A match at Victory Road is made. Abyss wins at Victory Road injuring Joe’s back. Vignettes air saying Joe will return at Hard Justice. Joe returns at Hard Justice interfering in Abyss’ Title Shot Match. Joe and Abyss fight at No Surrender in a Singles which Abyss wins by DQ after not letting go of the Coquina Clutch drawing blood from Abyss’ mouth.

Abyss then challenged Joe for a match at Bound for Glory. Joe then refused the match in order to offer a Six Sides of Steel Match to Abyss instead. In an amazing battle the highlights were Abyss hanging Joe from the top of the cage by a Dog Collar and then whipping him continually with a Guitar String. Another was Joe hitting Abyss over the back with a bowling ball sending him over the cage and out of the ring. Finally, the decisive moment of the match was a Muscle Buster, from Joe, off the top of the cage, to Abyss, onto a Table covered with Thumbtacks!

Tenay: Shocking events unfolded at Bound for Glory, and I have to admit, that match was one of the bloodiest I have seen in a very long time.

West: I agree Mike, it was truly unbelievable.

Tenay: Well next up we are bringing to you another unbelievable match, it’s Consequences Creed vs. Petey Williams in an X Division Title Match! It is said that Cornett was so impressed with Petey during the Ultimate X Match that he has decided to give him a shot at stealing the X Division Title away from Creed thus ending Creed’s near 1 and a half year rain.

X Division Championship
Consequences Creed vs. Petey Williams

We pick up the match ¾ of the way through. Creed has Petey in the middle of the ring with the Boston Crab locked in. Petey writhes around in pain trying to get to the ropes. Petey crawls ever so far, digging deep down in side him, before stretching out his arm at the precise time, grabbing the rope, as Creed is forced to let go of the hold. Creed break away and bides his time waiting for Petey to get up.

Tenay: And I wonder what Consequences Creed has up his sleeve here.

Finally Petey gets up to his feet and Consequences runs at him full force delivering an Arm Drag, Petey gets up to his feet only to be put down again by the same move. This time Petey does not get not get up so quickly and when he finally does Consequences delivers a Drop Toe-Hold sending Petey face first into the turnbuckle! Petey turns back to Creed holding his nose. Only to be slammed back down as Creed performs a Side Slam. Creed plays to the crowd a bit before stomping on the head of Petey a couple of times. He then bounces against the ropes but Petey makes an instinctive clothesline putting an end to Creed’s momentum. Maple Leaf Muscle begins to regain himself before going to the top rope. Creed gets up to a standing position as Petey leaps forward performing a spectacular Diving Huricanrana!

Tenay: What a move Don!

West: And if Petey Williams keeps this going he could well be in with a shot if winning this match.

Petey pumps himself up before running in and clotheslineing Creed taking him down to the mat. Petey summons Creed to his feet before delivering a Running Sit Out Jawbreaker followed by a Spinning Wheel Kick as Creed dizzily falls to the floor. Petey then picks up Creed and puts him in between his legs signalling for the Canadian Destroyer! Creed, luckily, manages to lift Petey over his shoulders thus escaping the gruesome finisher that won best move four years in a row.

Tenay: And Consequences Creed is a lucky man Don.

West: Amen to that, if Petey performed the Destroyer it would surely be the end for Consequences Creed!

Creed runs to the ropes before springing back hitting a Low Drop Kick to the side of the chest on Petey. Petey sits their clutching onto his chest in pain and his ribs sting, bruised and battered. Creed jumps forward onto Creed when he is on all fours kneeing him in the same place as he did with dropkick. Petey once again clutches hard onto his chest trying to fight the pain. Creed continues to stomp on the chest of Maple Leaf Muscle as he repeatedly yells telling Creed to stop. Finally Creed stops as he signals for the end of the match. Creed picks up Petey and punches him a few times, backing him into the corner. He mounts the pressure with knees, kicks and punches before walking away and allowing Petey to move away from the corner of the ring. Though the peace for Petey is quickly finished with as Creed runs in levelling Petey with an Enzuguri Kick!

Tenay: What a kick Don! How much more can Petey Williams take?

Don: I don’t know Mike but if this carries on he could get a serious injury!

Creed picks up Petey again this time whispering to him “It’s over..” Creed backs away before punching him three times with his left hand, performing the splits and then delivering a right handed Knockout Hook. Petey falls to the floor as the crowd here a thud as everyone looks over to see the fallen Canadian Destroyer. Creed hooks the leg and get the three….. two count! Creed looks at Petey, astonished to see him fighting back! Creed then lifts up Williams and put him in a Fireman’s Carry Position before delivering a Brutal TKO, looking to finally put him away. Creed once again pins Petey but unbelievably once again he comes up short! Creed looks at Petey as if he is a machine. Consequences shakes his head before lifting Petey up once again and says “This, this is definitely it!” He puts Maple Leaf Muscle in a Head Lock before signalling for a Creed-DT. Creed preps himself before delivering….. But Petey hooked the leg of Creed and reverse it into a Hooked Cradle Pin. Creed is taken by surprise and before he can do anything about it the match is over and so is his over a year long title rain.

Winner: Petey Williams

Petey collects his newly acquired Title before fleeing the ring as his music plays putting salt in the wounds of Consequences Creed. Just as Williams is about to leave Creed stops him. Creed has a microphone in hand as he begins to speak.

Creed: Wait, wait, wait. Everyone knows that was a fluke Petey.


Creed: I mean that I was just off balance. Things were going through my head, you know relationships and such…..

More heat from the crowd as the begin to chant “Liar” and “Consequences is a Bad Loser”

Creed: Shut up, shut up! You all know it was a fluke. The fact of the matter is that Petey Williams cannot just waltz in here and take my title away from me. He is a nobody were as I am a somebody. In fact I am more that a Somebody, I am the one!

Lots and lots of Heat as Petey shakes his head at Creed’s pathetic attempt at trying to make it seem that the match was a fluke

Creed: Ok then, if you want to prove that was not a fluke then take on me next week in a X Division Championship Match!

Petey nods his head before finally acquiring a microphone

Petey: Fine, fine, you can have your match. But you have got to stop rambling on with excuses. You know if you want to play mind games with somebody then I suggest that you keep doing that.


Petey: What I am trying to say is Creed, next week, when you face me, don’t be surprised if you lose. Because I swear, I swear, I will give it my all.

Petey’s music continues to play as he walks off the sight of the camera and through to the locker rooms with his title held up high. After the music finishes we go back to Mike and Don at ringside.

Tenay: Don, did we just see, what I thought we saw?

West: I think we did Mike! Consequences Creed just lost a match for his X Division Championship for the first time in nearly 1 and a half years. He was the leader of the X Division!

Tenay: I mean I just can’t believe my eyes. It has sort of become a tradition until now that Consequences Creed just does not lose his Title. Anyway, we are going to take a break now, but don’t go away as there is plenty more action to come.

.::Commercial Break::.

Tenay: Hello and welcome back. And what a night it has been so far. Awesome Kong beating not one, not two but three Knockouts with the help of ODB who was actually in the match fighting Awesome Kong,

West: And not forgetting, Petey Williams has just won his fourth ever X Division championship from Consequences Creed. Creed’s more that a year reign has ended thanks to Maple Leaf Muscle.

Tenay: But right now we are going backstage with Jeremy Borash who is the new TNA Champion Robert Roode.

The camera cuts backstage after taking a shot of the crowd. JB has a microphone in hand ready to take the interview.

Borash: Thanks Mike, and I am here with Robert Roode, TNA’s current World Champion, and Roode, now that you are TNA Champion, how are you going to make an impact and hopefully become one of the best TNA Champions of all time?

Roode: Huh…. The amount of times I have been asked this question is unreal. And I am going to give you the same answer I did to every other news reporter and interviewer out there. Robert Roode is going to be Robert Roode. He is going to do what he always does. He is going to go out to that ring, he is going to beat down everyone in his path and he is going to keep the TNA Title tightly rapped around his waist.

Borash: And what about Christian Cage, your nemesis, your rival, injured last night, at Bound for Glory, at the hands of Nigel McGuiness?

Roode: It’s funny, me and Cage, we were at each other’s throats for over two months over who would take on McGuiness at Bound for Glory. Cornett finally sorted it out, he put both of us in the match. The week before Cage almost drove me to insanity, trying to push me over the edge, trying to make me lash out, even going as far as getting my house pummelled down by lorry’s. And in the end, it was not even me who injured him at Bound For Glory.

Borash: But did you have any feeling that you wanted to?

Roode: That’s an easy one, OF COURSE I WANTED TO! HE DROVE FIVE LORRY’S INTO MY HOME! THE ONLY THING THAT STOPPED ME WAS NIGEL MCGUINESS GETTING THEIR FIRST! Now you understand? You see Cage DID drive me to insanity, Cage DID push me over the edge and he SURE AS HELL DID make me want to lash out. And it was merely Nigel McGuiness who got in my way. Which is why tonight, I take it out you McGuiness, I take it out on you!

We cut back to the announce table.

Tenay: And Robert Roode, taking out his anger for Christian Cage on the man he beat at Bound For Glory, Nigel McGuiness.

West: And Mike if I know Robert Roode, he will probably stay true to his word.

Tenay: But right now we are going to go to the ring, were it is Samoa Joe vs. Kaz vs. AJ Styles vs. Austin Aries for a shot at the Revolution Championship. Don’t go away.

.::Commercial Break::.

Samoa Joe vs. Kaz vs. Austin Aries vs. AJ Styles
Revolution Championship #1 Contender’s Match

The match is picked up around the end. Samoa Joe and Kaz are fighting at the outside while Austin Aries and AJ Styles are trading blows at the top of the turnbuckle. AJ, being on the second rope facing the crowd, hit a heavy blow to the gut of Aries. AJ hooks his head under Aries’ arm before attempting to lift him up over his shoulders delivering a Superplex. But, Aries manages to escape the wicked move in the nick of time before mounting an attack of left and right handed punches. Aries then puts AJ in a front face lock before delivering a Brainbuster off the top rope!

Tenay: Oh my god! AJ Styles is a mangled mess right now.

West: I have never seen anything like it.

Aries drops to his knees, crawls to the turnbuckle and rests there for a while. Meanwhile, Samoa Joe drives Kaz into the steel barricade a few time before finishing the combination off by slinging him into the Steel Post at the edge of the ring. Joe looks at Kaz before getting back in the ring. He goes over to a fallen Austin Aries but is punched in the face as he bends down to grab him. Aries punches him a few more time before cracking him in the mouth with a boot. Aries gives Joe a shin kick flooring him before jumping up to his feet and delivering an elbow to the back. Aries drags Joe to the centre of the ring but only gets a two count.

Tenay: Close call there Don.

Aries continues to thrust his elbow into the back of Samoa Joe three more times before finally Joe moves out of the way. Joe stomps on Aries a couple of times before picking him up by his hair and slams him into the turnbuckle, head first. On the rebound, Joe takes out Aries with a Clothesline to the back of the head, flooring him. Joe gives a few stiff kicks to the back before turning around only to be met by the Pele from AJ Styles!

West: Pele!

Tenay: AJ Styles hit’s the Pele, it could be all over right here.

AJ makes the cover but it is broken up at two by a revitalized Kaz. AJ gets to his feet and Kaz jumps and hit’s a flying crossbody! AJ gets up but is brought down by Kaz again by a Jumping High Kick! This time AJ does not get up and Kaz looks up at the crowd who cheer for him. He knows what to do as he runs to the ropes, jumps onto the second rope, then the third, then the third again twisting himself around so he faces his opponent and then springs off delivering a bone crunching Splash!

Tenay: Kaz delivers an amazing Twisting Spring Board Splash!

West: What a move!

Kaz picks himself up via the ropes and turns around to Austin Aries running full force at him. Kaz manages to avoid the move sending Aries over the top rope. Kaz looks down at Aries before popping his head back up and giving the crowd a cheeky smile. Kaz turns round but is smashed in the head by a Huge Twisting Enzuguri Kick. Kaz is backed into the corner of the ring. Joe rolls back onto his feet before running in and delivering a Shining Wizard! Joe moves away from the destruction he has caused as Kaz drops to the floor. Joe turns to the crowd as they cheer him on. Joe picks up Kaz who swiftly punches him I the mid-section. He delivers a few stiff rights to the face of Joe backing him into the opposite side of the ring before slinging him onto the ropes but….. Joe is sent crashing into the referee.

Tenay: Earl Hebnar is down!

West: And now there is nothing keeping the superstars in control.

Kaz walks over to the ref and attempts to wake him up but to no avail. He shrugs his shoulder’s before turning around to be met by a Big Boot to the head. But, luckily, Kaz ducks it and Joe gets his foot hung up on the turnbuckle. Kaz punches Joe in the face a couple of times before getting up onto the same turnbuckle Joe is hung up on. Kaz lifts Joe up to his position before putting him in the Flux Capacitor position. Joe wriggles out of the move and delivers a head butt to the face of Kaz. Joe jumps down to the mat before cracking Kaz in the face with a High Kick! Joe then hooks head under the arm of the limp Kaz. Joe lifts him up and delivers a Huge Muscle Buster as the crowd cheer at the amazing move.

Tenay: Surely this has got to be it.

West: I think it is Mike….. What is this?

“Down in the Catacombs” hits as Abyss makes his way to the ring. Joe gets up and awaits his nemesis in the ring. Abyss charges towards Joe before getting in the ring. Just as Abyss makes it to the ring Joe bombards him with right and left hands, but, nothing effects Abyss as he grabs Joe by the throat and delivering a brutal Chokeslam. Joe gets up and Abyss jumps off the ropes and on the rebound delivers a devastating Black Hole Slam! Abyss leaves the ring as a Battered Austin Aries climbs from the outside of the ring and crawls over to Joe as the referee, who has just managed to get to his feet, makes the three count giving the win to Austin Aries.

Winner: Austin Aries

Aries has his arm lifted by the referee before dropping to the floor and then rolling out of the ring. As Aries music plays there is a shot of Samoa Joe, Kaz and AJ Styles laid out in the middle of the ring.

Tenay: What a match Don!

West: Indeed Mike and the Impact of Abyss in this match was unbelievable, what will happen next?

Tenay: I don’t know but there is one thing I know, and that is Austin Aries is going to Genesis to face Bryan Danielson.

West: And Mike I have just had word in that Jim Cornett id standing by in his office with “The Traitor”, ODB.

The camera pans around Cornett’s room, it finally stops at a scene where ODB is sitting on a chair facing Cornett who is leaning on the edge of his desk.

Cornett: ODB, I am going to ask you one more time nicely, explain to the world why you tuned your back on two people who have stood by you since Day One of coming to this company.

ODB: And Jim, I am going to tell YOU one more time, NO!

Cornett: God it has become so hard to keep these God Damn Knockout’s under control, I wish Traci Brooks was here. Look, the fans, the stars and every god damn person out there wants to know, so just tell us.

ODB: If you keep begging me like this you are never going to get what you want.

Cornett: That’s it, boys, get in here.

Two security guards come into the room. They pass Cornett something hidden to Cornett.

Cornett: Right here I have a NEW TNA Contract, if you tell the whole world exactly why you did what you did during the opening match, I will give you this contract worth 300,000 thousand a year. All you have to do is sign on the dotted line.

ODB snatches the contract out of Cornett’s hand and examines it carefully.

ODB: Can I have a pen?

Cornett grabs a pen from his pocket and clicks before stretching it out in front of ODB. She goes to grab it but Cornett pulls his hand away.

Cornett: First you tell the world why you did what you did. Now stand up and look into the camera.

ODB gets up and looks at the camera before smiling.

ODB: ODB did what ODB did because she is sick and tired of looking after people like Roxxi and Gail Kim. She is sick and tired of all those fans looking at her as if she is some sensitive Hero. Because from now on, she is going to change. Get ready to see the other side of ODB!

She looks at Cornett as if to ask if that was OK. Cornett puts his thumbs up before once again stretching out his hand with a pen. ODB goes to grab it but he once again moves it away.

Cornett: Nice doing business with you but I really don’t have time to finish our deal.

The same two security guards rush ODB away as she slowly realizes what has happened. Lauren, who was there the whole time turns to Cornett and looks at him strangely.

Lauren: No disrespect Sir but isn’t it against the law to finish your half of a Official Law?

Cornett goes to defend himself but then stops before nodding is head as we go into a commercial break.

.::Commercial Break::.

Alex Shelley is walking down the corridor. He is putting on his tape ready for the next match when he bumps into two rather large objects. He looks up to find that those two rather large objects are the Dudley Boyz. They smile at him before backing him into the Boiler Room. The camera takes a static shot of The Boiler Room door as we hear a few loud thuds. They then come out and dust off their hands before leaving as the camera takes a close up of the window on the door to see Alex Shelley sitting in a heap.

Tenay: And it seems to me that Team 3D are still bitter following the aftermath of their win on Sunday at Bound For Glory.

West: No matter how wrong it is you have got to laugh at Team 3D. When The motor City Machine Guns came back into the ring after their loss and pulled down the trousers of Brother Devon and brother Ray, it was comedy gold.

Tenay: But no matter how humiliating it was Don, you don’t just go around beating up who you like. And they may have just taken away Alex Shelley’s chances of winning the Open TNA Battler Royal, which is up next.

18 Man Open TNA Battle Royal
Sheik Abdul Bashir vs. Johnny Devine vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Jay Lethal vs. Rhino vs. James Storm vs. Bryan Danielson vs. Alex Shelley vs. Chris Sabin vs. Hernandez vs. Homicide vs. Brother Ray vs. Brother Devon vs. Larry Sweeney vs. Chris Hero vs. Adam Pearce vs. El Generico vs. Kevin Steen

The first two competitors in were Sheik Abdul Bashir and Jay Lethal. They fought on until Rhino came in and made quick work of Sheik eliminating him. Then El Generico came in followed by Homicide. Homicide eliminated Generico which signalled Kevin Steen’s participation in the match. Steen eliminated Lethal and shortly after was eliminated himself by Rhino which left Rhino and Homicide in the ring. Then Hernandez hit the ring making it two on one. Rhino fought through until a new competitor made it to the ring, Chris Hero. Hero eliminated Homicide, and then Larry Sweeney entered the match. Rhino gored Hernandez out of the match and down came the third member of The Sweet ‘n’ Sour Inc. Rhino was once again teamed up on but made it through until the next person came to the ring, Chris Sabin! Sabin eliminated every member of the Sweet ’n’ Sour Inc. So Rhino and Sabin were left alone. They looked at each other, shook hands before locking together. They fought back and forth until Brother Devon came to the ring! Sabin and Rhino worked together to take down Devon but to no avail. Then Brother Ray hit the ring and they were further doomed. All four men fought back and forth. Before Sonjay Dutt hit the ring. He rushed towards the competition but as soon as he gets in the ring he is gored straight down by Rhino! Rhino chucked him out of the ring almost straight away leaving the same four people waging war with each other. Next James Storm came to the ring and teamed with Team 3D as does the last but one competitor and Revolution Champion, Bryan Danielson. Danielson hit the ring taking out all on coming attacks, and then, Alex Shelley’s music plays, and plays, and plays….. Which is where I come in.

Finally the silence is broken. Jim Cornett steps out.

Cornett: Due to Alex Shelley not showing up for reasons that will not be discussed now I thought this would be an opportune time to introduce TNA’s newest superstar…..

“Boo-Yah-Kaa” hits as none other than Rey Mysterio burst out onto the entrance ramp as the crowd erupts with excitement.

Tenay: Oh my god! Rey Mysterio is in TNA!

West: This is a huge day wrestling fans!

Rey runs down to the ring and immediately takes Brother Ray down with a Flying Elbow! Devon runs at him but Rey takes him down with a Shin Kick as Devon gets hung up on the rope. Rey puts his hand up to the crowd as they let out a huge scream of joy. Rey jumps onto the ropes and springs delivering a vicious 619! Devon spins a bit on the spot before Rey delivers a huge Springboard Dropkick taking Brother Devon out of the match.

Brother Devon has been eliminated.

Tenay: And Devon is out of their.

West: Rey Mysterio has made a huge Impact!

Rey gets up and turns around to a Big Boot from Brother Ray as the crowd boo loudly. Brother Ray continues to beat down Mysterio. Meanwhile Rhino is attacking James Storm. He hits him with a few stiff rights before lifting him up onto the turnbuckle trying to eliminate him. Bryan Danielson Irish Whips Sabin into Rhino forcing James Storm onto the apron. Rhino turns to Sabin who, out of instinct ducks causing Bryan to Danielson to boot Rhino who falls over onto the apron next to James Storm. Storm and Rhino begin trading blows while Sabin looks on. Sabin turns around and leap frogs over a charging Danielson who goes tumbling into Rhino and Storm eliminating both men.

Rhino and James Storm have been eliminated.

Tenay: And Rhino began this match and he is finally out.

West: Not to mention James Storm, he has also been in this match for quite a while.

Danielson looks at Storm and Rhino laid out on the floor before turning around to be met by a giant Enzuguri Kick from Sabin. Meanwhile Rey is hitting Brother Ray in the jaw continuously onto the ropes in an attempt to get him over the ropes. Rey punches his opponent as Brother Ray slowly goes further over the ropes. Rey then bounces against the opposite ropes and he runs at Brother Ray. Ray moves out of the way sending Mysterio over the ropes and onto the apron. Brother Ray cracks Mysterio in the jaw with a hard punch as Mysterio almost spills out of the ring. Brother Ray once again punches Mysterio who manages just to hold on. Brother Ray this time runs backwards onto the ropes and runs forward with a wild Shoulder Barge. But, Rey ducks and delivers a shoulder to the stomach through the second rope. Brother Ray moves away and clenches onto his stomach before turning around to be met by a Huge Springboard Hurricarana sending Brother Ray out of the ring!

Brother Ray has been eliminated

Tenay: Brother Ray has been eliminated!

West: Amazing move from Mysterio!

Mysterio raises his hand to the crowd before turning around to get involved in the fight between Chris Sabin and Bryan Danielson. Danielson kicks Sabin in the stomach before doing the same to Mysterio. Danielson grabs both men’s heads and smashes them into each other with authority. Danielson punches Mysterio a couple of times before Irish Whipping him into the ropes and taking him out with a clothesline on the rebound. Danielson gets back to his feet but turns around to a punch from Sabin. Sabin hits him again this time drawing a small amount of blood from Danielson’s mouth. Sabin kicks him in the stomach and lifts Danielson into the Cradle Shock position. Sabin shouts to the crowd who spur him on before he goes to the top turnbuckle. Sabin points down to outside of the ring and asks the crowd what they think. The whole arena shout in approval and Sabin preps himself for the move. Sabin is just about ot perform the move when Danielson struggles out of it and drops down to the floor. The American Dragon deliver a Dropkick to the back of Sabin sending him crashing to the mat below also catching his head on the steel barricade.

Chris Sabin has been eliminated.

Tenay: Sabin will not be winning this one. And now it is down to two.

West: That had to hurt!

Mysterio and Danielson are the last two competitors left in this match. Mysterio runs at Danielson, leap frogs over him onto the turnbuckle and flips backwards delivering a Moonsault! Rey lands on his feet before running once again at Danielson who is on all fours. The American Dragon grabs onto Mysterio’s foot sending him face first onto the mat. Danielson quickly spins around and locks in the Cattle Manipulation right in the middle of the ring. Danielson locks the move in harder as Mysterio screams out in pain. Mysterio struggles further towards the ropes causing Danielson to lock the hold in harder. Finally Mysterio gets to the ropes and uses it to spring up, over and out of the hold. Mysterio elbows Danielson in the back forcing him onto the ropes. Mysterio runs back and bounces against the ropes before dropkicking Danielson in the back and hanging him up on the second rope. Mysterio gets the crowd pumped up before running against the ropes and coming back hitting the 619 but no….. Danielson grabs onto Mysterio’s feet before pushing him out of the ring for the win. Danielson celebrates in the ring but little does he know Mysterio managed to hag on to the ropes. Mysterio climbs into the ring and hit’s the American Dragon in the end before throwing him out of the ring to finally win this match.

Bryan “American Dragon” Danielson has been eliminated.

Winner: Rey Mysterio

Rey Mysterio celebrates in the ring as Chris Sabin throws him a TNA T-Shirt. Rey plays to the crowd on the turnbuckle as the crowd go crazy in shock. WE go into the commercial break.

.::Commercial Break::.

Tenay: My god! Rey Mysterio is in TNA and he just won The Battle Royal!

West: This is a great day for TNA. One of the best athletes in Wrestling History is here in the iMPACT Zone!

Tenay: And this has been an eventful show so far and we hope to continues this with our next match, but right now we are going to the injured Christian Cage who is in the Hospital.

The camera fades into Christian Cage sitting in his in his bed with his arm in a cast and a bandage around his chest and shoulder. A Nurse comes on the scene and gives him a bottle of water and a few painkillers.

Cage: Look at me…… LOOK AT ME! I am sitting in a Hospital, with a possible broken arm and a torn bicep. You know I should be out there, I should be out there with the TNA Championship strapped around my waist.

He takes one of the three pills.

Cage: I was the last NWA Champion in history, I am a former Four-Time World champion and I am a former 10 Time Tag Team Champion, is that the type of guy you would expect to see in a Hospital Bed watching a wrestler carry a title that should be his; no.

He takes the second pill and coughs. The nurse brings him a handkerchief.

Cage: And do you know who’s fault that was? Nigel McGuiness. Nigel, I had respect for you. I did not have any beef with you at all. When you did what you did to me, I lost all that respect for you. And when I come back, I will not play Mind Games, I will just get into that ring, and I will beat you down. And then you will get up again, and I will beat you down again and again and again. And then once I have ended your career, Roode, I am coming for you. You have my title, and I want it back.

He takes the third pill before finishing off the bottle of water.

Cage: And Roode, Nigel, you will be seeing me pretty soon, in fact in three months time. That’s right, Christian Cage returns in three months time. Looks out boys, the man is coming.

Cage turns the Television on and switches it too Spike TV. He sees himself on the television and smirks. The screen fades out to ringside.

Tenay: And Christian Cage is going to be looking deeply into this match

West: I agree Mike but right now we are going to our Main Event!

Tenay: That’s right fans, it is going to be a 4 on 4 No DQ Elimination Match. It is going to be huge.

West: Almost certainly Mike but let’s go to the ring for that match, right now.

4-4 No DQ Elimination Match
Robert Roode, Roderick Strong and The Briscoe Bros.
Nigel McGuiness, Kurt Angle and The Age of Fall

By the ¾ part of the match only Robert Roode and Jay Briscoe for Team Rode and Nigel McGuiness and Kurt Angle for Team McGuiness. Jay Briscoe is punching Kurt Angle in the corner of the ring. He brings him out of the corner and delivers a sweet uppercut to the jaw of Angle knocking him to the floor. He picks up the limp Angle and delivers a Devastating Sit Out Suplex Slam. Jay stomps on Angle a few times before lifting his arms up to the crowd as they cheer him on. He then goes to the top rope and lifts his arms up before leaping into the air and coming hard down onto the neck of Kurt Angle! Angle writhes around in pain clutching his neck coughing and spluttering.

Tenay: Right on to Kurt Angle’s neck!

Briscoe grabs a chair from Roode and places it carefully between the turnbuckles second and third rope. He picks up Angle by the neck and takes him towards the chair. He swings him backwards and then forwards quickly, cracking Angles head against the steel busting him wide open. Briscoe rolls Angle over but only get’s a two count. Jay lifts up Angle and puts him up into a Military Press before dropping him down into a Death Valley Driver! Briscoe walks up to Angle and drops own grabbing onto his head once again but this time Angle grabs onto his knees and rolls him onto his face before locking in the Ankle Lock! Briscoe scurries around in the ring looking for a way to get out of the Lethal Hold. Briscoe crawls and crawls, closer and closer to the ropes but just when the rope is in touching distance Angle pulls him away again before locking in the grapevine. Eventually the pain I too much and Jay taps out eliminating him from the competition.

Tenay: Oh dear, Jay Briscoe has been eliminated Don, that leaves Robert Roode on his own.

West: And honestly Mike, I thought Jay’s god damn foot almost snapped.

Angle smiles at Roode and welcomes him into the ring, Roode hesitates before slowly making his way into the ring. Roode looks at Angle and then looks at the crowd before quickly jumping for Angle! Angle tag in McGuiness quickly who delivers a nasty punch to the face with Knuckle Braces before Roode can get a hit in on Angle. Roode drops to the floor as the blood slowly drip out of his head. McGuiness picks up the bloody head of Roode and screams in his face with a chorus of boos from the crowd. He milks the jeers before delivering Machine Gun Shot to Roode’s head busting him open wider and wider. McGuiness swiftly leaves the ring and returns with a Steel Chair in hand. Roode manages to get up onto all fours and looks up at McGuiness who is wielding a Chair. McGuiness swings back and…….. Roode delivers a nasty Low Blow as the crowd let out a great pop. Roode delivers a few hard punches to the face of McGuiness each one getting a pop. Roode quickly turns McGuiness around and delivers a Huge “Roode Awakening” as McGuiness drops to the floor in pain. Roode gets up and wipes the blood from his face receiving another great pop. He leaves the ring and goes searching under the ring for something. Eventually he finds what he I looking for, a Table.

Tenay: Oh no. I think we all know what wrestlers like to do with those.

West: Can this match get any better.

Roode turns the table around and lifts the left leg up followed by the right leg. He turns it around again so it the right way up before twisting it around so the shorter side is facing the ring and the barricade. But, just as Roode looks to enter the ring Angle comes around and delivers a few hard knocks before rolling him into the ring. McGuiness covers Roode but only gets a two. McGuiness lifts Roode to his feet and hits him numerous times before tagging in Kurt Angle. Angle tackles Roode to the ground and pins his arms underneath his knees before going at him with rights and lefts to his head and chest. Finally Angle finishes the combination with a Head butt.

Tenay: A nasty Head Butt from Angle there.

Roode slowly begins to get to his feet as Angle mocks him. Angle walks over to him and starts talking in his ear and then unexpectedly Roode delivers a hard right to the face of Angle and then again before slinging him onto the ropes and on the rebound throwing him over his shoulders. Angle gets to his feet and is kicked in the stomach as Roode lifts him up and delivers a massive “Roode Bomb” leaving Angle in a Mangled mess. Roode turns to McGuiness and tells him to get in the ring. Nigel gets in the ring and as soon as Roode approaches him delivers a thumb to the eye! McGuiness delivers a boot to the mid-section and then again before delivering a Standing Lariat flooring Roode. McGuiness leaves the ring and looks under the rig apron. He throws a Garbage Bin and Lid, three signs and a Leather Strap into the ring. He then returns to the ring but is hit on the back by a Garbage Lid. Roode used the opportunity to replenish himself while McGuiness was out of the ring and he grabbed the Lid that McGuiness threw in the ring.

Tenay: Good, quick thinking there from Robert Roode.

West: After all, he is one of the best Technical Wrestlers out there.

Roode cracks the dustbin lid once again over the back of McGuiness. Roode runs back and comes back delivering a Diving Kneed Drop with the Lid onto the back of the Nigel’s head. All of a sudden Angle comes out of nowhere whipping Roode with the Leather Strap. He then continues to hit him but this time with a Road Sign. Angle throws McGuiness a Sign and they both, simultaneously, hit him over the back with them. Finally they lay off and Angle brings Roode up to his feet. While in the corner Angle delivers a European Uppercut drawing blood from the mouth of Robert Roode. McGuiness delivers Shoot Kick to the chest of Roode who slowly makes his way out of the corner. Angle goes to grab onto Roode when he has a sudden burst of energy delivering a Chop Block to Angle and then McGuiness. Roode bursts out and delivers a nasty Rolling Neck Snap before delivering a variation of kicks on Angle. Roode, all of sudden, delivers a huge “Payoff” to the outside of the ring sending Angle crashing through the table! The crowd go wild at the crazy move but all of a sudden see Nigel McGuiness rise to his feet as the smiles leave their faces. Roode, not knowing why they have stopped cheering, turns around as he sees McGuiness springing towards him from the second rope as Nigel hits devastating Jawbreaker Lariat. McGuiness pins Roode for the three count and the win for Team McGuiness.

Winners: Team McGuiness

Tenay: What?! Nigel McGuiness was not the legal man!

West: As much as I hate to admit it, none of that matters in a No DQ Match.

Tenay: And look at this! Hasn’t McGuiness already dished out enough punishment.

The crowd boo as McGuiness delivers a One Man Con-Chair-Toe with chairs he brought from under he ring. Each time a shudder drives down the spine of the fans. Crack! Crack! CRACK! For the final time as Rode is lefts lying there is a pool of his own blood. McGuiness goes to the top ropes with a Chair smeared with blood in his hand as the Camera fades out to end the show.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Gail Kim, ODB and Roxxi vs Awesome Kong: It seems that Kong is still a monster in your BTB, even nased in 2010. Nice little match, it all went along alright. The heel turn from ODB gives you a few options in terms of feuds, Kim being the obvious option. Anyway, nice to see you are still featuring the Knockout's. Most bookers won't even go near women's wrestling.

Jim Cornette promo: Short, but it got it's point across. it seems you like multi person matches already lol.

Consequences Creed vs Petey Williams: When I started reading this match, I thought that Creed was face, and Petey was heel, as that's how I'm used to it today. So at first I found it kinda weird, but it seems like I had the roles wrong. Anyway, I think you had Creed a little too dominant. I mean, I know you had him with a year and a half long title reign, but Petey didn't look creidble at all for most of it. Just my take on things.

Consequences Creed/Petey Williams promo: I'm willing to give the Creed part a chance, because I'm not used to seeing him heel. But the Petey bit was way off, even as a face he wasn't so generic. Meh, something to work on IMO.

Robert Roode promo: I'm trying to work out who is face and who is heel here. I can't see Roode being anything other than a heel, so I guess that makes Cage and McGuiness faces, even though Nigel beat down Cage? IDK, I'm lost lol. Anyway, the promo was good, I could see Roode saying that very easily.

Samoa Joe vs Austin Aries vs Kaz vs AJ Styles: ROFL EARL HEBNER REF BUMP! That made that match :shifty: The match went along well, and you kept it clear as to where everyone is. I know it's difficult from experience. Abyss coming down and killing Joe keeps the feud going which is pretty cool. Aries picks up the win, and Aries vs Danielson should be an epic encounter.

ODB/Jim Cornette promo: Something here seemed a bit off. The whole segment seemed weird to me.

Gauntlet Match: It was interesting how you went about this. Just telling us who entered when, and who eliminated who. It seems the best way to do it for your style. The match really seemed like a way to bring Rey in and put him over, which is by no means a bad thing. I'm interested to see what you'll do with him. I think a spot in the X Division would be great.

Christian Cage promo: It was good for what it was, and that was an anger fuelled promo. Makes for a few interesting feuds, Nigel vs Cage the first one obviously.

Robert Roode, Roderick Strong and The Briscoes vs Nigel McGuiness, Kurt Angle and Age of the Fall: OK, so I have who is face and heel clear now.oode is a face, and McGuiness is a heel. As far as Cage goes, I guess he was a heel, but he has now turned face, going after McGuiness. OK, I think I've got it. I hope I have. Anyway, I liked how you went about this. You went with the classic two heels vs one bface, and I thought you went about it well. I lol'd @ Roode grabbing the weapon, with DW responding: "Well he is a great technical wrestler!" Anyway, strong finish, with Roode distracted with what he was doing to Angle, and Nigel coming in. The beatdown emphasised the heelishness of Nigel, and really slodifies him as a contender for the belt. Good work.

AC: Good show, it's a bit harder to review, because I am trying to discover who is heel and who is face. I'm sure I will get used to it soon enough. Keep going with this.

Evil Austin

Thanks for the other review and here is my review on the TNA show -

Best Match - Probably the 4 - 4 Elimination tag team match up in the main event or the 18 man match where Rey Mysterio had won both great choices and great matches I can't decide between two because for example the four on four match had lots of back and forth style action and it always looked like it could go either way - You don't want one person dominating the whole match or in this case one team dominating it was pretty even some high and interesting spots in the match but overall a good job because it is hard to contain alot of people in the ring adn write for all of them- you get a thumbs up for this one lol :thumbsup:

Worst Match - I would have to say the Petey Williams and Consiquenses (if thats how you spell it) Creed match up, both very athleatic and very exciting men in the ring you could tell that this match could have gone on a little longer and gave us a bit more it wasn't so bad but it didn't stand out compared to others adn was the worst of the night a one on one match with such high class wrestlers you probably could have given them a little bit more in the ring I think.

Best Promo - (points to below)

Worst Promo - They were all alright I can't talk I am horrible at promo's they are one of my weak spots but they all were around average from this TNA Show- I think there was no best and there was no worst promo all were in character which was most important and all served a purpose not just some random thing just shoved in there to look nice if you know what I mean. So yea they were all about average not the best but not bad either.


Raw Ratings and Rumours

Raw received a 6.56 rating thins Monday.

Rumours are speculating that Mexican Veteran wrestler Mistico could be one his way to the #1 Wrestling Brand to finish the last 5 Years of his Amazing Career.

Also, it has become apparent, that former three time Intercontinental and US Champion, Carlito has been working with a groin strain. WWE have decided to lay off the direct match for a while.

Finally, WWE have reported that Jerry “The Kingâ€￾ Lawler will be retiring from his position as Colour commentator on 8th December 2010. There is a farewell ceremony and night set on that date.

TNA Ratings and Rumours

TNA, on Thursday, received a 5.1 rating. This is the highest Rating ever recorded in TNA.

Also, TNA are speculating an in-ring feud of a returning Superstar and a Brand New Superstar. There is not yet and information that has leaked through the internet, but signs are definitely pointing towards Sting to be the returning Superstar.

There are no current superstars who have been diagnosed with Major nor Minor Injury though we hear that Kaz has been complaining about a Back Injury for some time now. Luckily Doctors see it as just a strain that happen to most people once in their lives, that should go away very soon.

Finally, TNA have said that two hot feuds will end at Genesis at the same as starting off two new feuds. They have told us that one feud, that will include a new superstar, is set, if things go to plan, could last up until Slammiversary.​