TNA Victory Road: Beer Money Inc. Vs. Ink. Inc. (TNA Tag Team Titles)

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Jan 28, 2011
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Jarrett and Karen are shown with the kids. Karen continues to look frustrated, and Jarrett continues to try and impress the kids. Karen asks Jarrett if he's bought a bottle of champagne, but he's got a pizza instead. Karen is upset and says the kids have eaten nothing but crap today. Jarrett says they're going to go on one more ride. Karen says she's glad the kids are enjoying the honeymoon before rolling her eyes.


Christy Hemme is backstage with Beer Money, who do their Beer Money taunt, and attempt to get Christy to do the same, in an attempt to check out her rear. Christy asks for respect. Roode says he's got respect for a lot of the teams he's faced in the past, but for some reason, Shannon Moore doesn't seem to have any respect. Storm says tonight, at the end of the match, Moore is going to know exactly what respect is all about, and respect will not save Moore from the whooping he'll get tonight, before he apologizes about Moore's luck

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
- Beer Money (c) vs. Ink Inc

It looks like Neal and Storm will be starting things out for their teams tonight. Both men lock up and Storm comes up with a headlock. Neal fights it off but gets an immediate shoulder block. Both Neal and Storm block hip toss attempts before both connect with arm drags. Storm slaps Neal across the face, so Neal responds with the same. Storm hits a big neckbreaker for a near fall. Neal comes back with a cross body for a near fall of his own. Neal and Storm shake hands before both tag out. Roode and Moore come in and they proceed to lock up. Moore goes behind, but Roode does the same and slams Moore to the mat. Both men continue to chain wrestle and the crowd is split in their chanting.

Roode connects with the a shoulder block, but Moore comes right back with a dropkick which is good for a near fall. Roode comes up with a tilt a whirl backbreaker, but Moore is right up quickly, and able to tag out to Neal. Neal comes in too fast, and runs right into the corner before coming back into a powerslam from Roode. Roode tags out to Storm, but Moore comes in and drills him from behind before he goes back to the corner and tags in. Moore pounds on Storm and chokes him with his boot in the corner before bringing him to the center of the ring, hitting a quick leg drop, and locking in a rear chin lock. Storm fights out of it quickly, but Moore pulls him down by his hair.

Neal comes in with a big kick to Storm's chest after tagging in. Neal connects with a big swinging neckbreaker before locking in a side headlock and tagging in Moore. Moore stomps away at Neal before tagging right back out. Moore chokes Storm again and Neal argues with Moore. Moore knocks Storm back down to the mat before tagging Moore right back in. Moore launches Storm across the ring into the turnbuckle, but when he launches himself into the corner, he crotches himself on the middle rope. Both men are able to tag out and Roode and Neal both come in swinging. Roode is able to get the upper hand with punches and a couple of fast clotheslines. Roode hits a big back drop and a sick chop to Neal's chest, but he's caught with a boot. Roode is able to respond with a big spinebuster that's good for another near fall.

Storm makes the blind tag and Beer Money connect with a double team lungblower. Moore comes in and goes to work on both members of Beer Money, taking both men down to the mat. Moore connects with a hurricarana on Roode, and moonsault on Storm, and a huge DDT on Roode, but Roode is still able to kick out at two. Both Neal and Moore are up, and Neal gets Roode in Samoan drop position. Roode fights out of it, pushes Neal into Moore and catches Neal with a clothesline from behind. Roode attempts a back superplex, but Moore is able to fight he, and Storm off. Moore launches himself off the top rope onto Storm, but Roode responds by hitting a big urunage on Moore which is still only good for two. Roode continues to work on Moore, but he's caught from behind by Neal. Storm catches Neal with a boot to the back of the head, and Beer Money execute a double suplex on Moore before doing their Beer Money taunt for the crowd and getting the pumped.

Beer Money go for their finisher but Neal comes up with a big spear, and Ink Inc double team both members of Beer Money. Moore teases using the Book of DILLIGAF, but Neal argues with him. Storm catches Neal with a superkick, and Beer Money connect with their finisher on Moore, pinning him and getting a three count.

Winner and STILL TNA Tag Team Champions: Beer Money

After the match, Neal tries to shake the Champs' hands, but Moore swigs some of Storm's beer and spits it in their faces. Neal and Moore argues all the way to the top of the ramp.

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