The show opens with a Sting and Hulk Hogan promo. Hogan tries to play off that he isn't cleared to wrestle and feigns a back injury. Eric Bischoff comes out to say something but Sting lays him out. The match between Sting and Hogan at BFG is on.
-We get a backstage segment with Karen Jarrett, Mickie James and Brooke Tessmacher. Apparently there is a storyline where Karen is trying to get the girls to dress more "professionally." Karen makes Brooke vs Mickie James tonight with the winner facing Velvet Sky and Winter at Bound For Glory. Karen then addresses Traci implying that she is a whore. Kazarian comes in and says some things to Karen then leaves with Traci.
-Mickie James defeated Brooke Tessmacher. This was a "Queen's Qualifying Match." At Bound For Glory it will be Winter vs Mickie James vs Velvet Sky for the Knockouts Title.
-Kurt Angle and Robert Roode have a promo. Kurt Angle said Roode shouldn't have a problem with him but James Storm. It was implied that Storm was bought out by Immortal. Storm says that it isn't true and turns his aggression to Kurt setting up a match between them tonight.
-Austin Aries defeated Jesse Sorensen to retain the X Division Title.
-Christopher Daniels comes to the ring. He is refusing to face Bobby Roode tonight saying he has nothing to gain by facing him. He makes a few snide comments about AJ Styles, leading to the Phenomenal One coming to the ring. Daniels and AJ exchange words which eventually lead to them engaging in a brawl. The brawl goes backstage and then back to the ring. Kazarian comes out to break them up which allows Daniels to hit a low blow on AJ.
-James Storm vs Kurt Angle went to a No Contest as all control over the match was lost when multiple referees were knocked out.
Knew Sting/Hogan was going to happen, no it seems official. It's a big match and they can make it work with run ins and what not.