TNA Impact Wrestling Results – August 18th

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We start with a recap of last week’s events that saw Kurt Angle reveal Hulk Hogan as the one man telling him the truth as Dixie Carter facilitated Karen’s affair with Jeff Jarrett, and how he now plans to destroy all the young talent in the company until it’s just him. We then head out to the ring where Crazy Sting re-enacts getting his ass kicked last week to prove he’s crazy, and tells us how awesome it was to get his ass kicked by Hulk Hogan, who still has the eye of the tiger. Sting says that he and the fans want to see Hogan back in the ring, and he wants Hogan tonight. Instead, Ric Flair’s music hits and he comes out to confront his longtime foe. It’s like the last episode of Nitro all over again! Flair tells Sting that he’s an icon and he always blows off people who ask him when he’s going to wrestle Sting again, and he says he doesn’t want to wrestle Sting since he’s wrestled him 1500 times. He tells Sting not to just say he wants to do it, he wants Sting to know he’s the icon in his eyes because he’s full of energy and strong as a bull, and for Flair to get where he wants to be, he has to wrestle Sting. Flair tells Sting that if he beats him, Sting goes home for good, and it’s not a phony wrestling retirement, he goes home for good, but if Sting beats Flair, he’ll give him Hogan on a silver platter. Sting decides to ask the people what they think, and then he tells Flair he smells like garlic, but he accepts the offer.

Flair comes into Hogan’s office and Hogan flips out in the most cartoonish way you can imagine and says Flair has no idea what he just did. Flair said not to worry about it because they’re the two greatest wrestlers ever, but Hogan is still worried because he gave him everything he had and he kept going. Flair said it’s okay because he has Sting’s number, but Hogan says he better take care of Sting because Flair doesn’t want a problem with him. Flair tells Hogan he loves him, gives him a hug, and walks out.

We take a look at this past weekend’s events in the Bound For Glory Series, and Crimson is still narrowly holding first place, with Bully Ray in second and Robert Roode in third. This leads us right into our first match…

Bound For Glory Series: Devon vs Scott Steiner

Steiner jumps Devon before the bell, but Devon comes back with a flying shoulderblock and a series of clotheslines for 2. Devon with a side suplex for 2 as we see his kids and 12 year old wife at ringside. Steiner cradles Devon and puts his feet on the ropes to get the win out of nowhere.

Winner: Scott Steiner

Devon protests the decision and doesn’t see Samoa Joe come out of the crowd and attack him from behind, hitting a double kneebreaker and then hooking him in a modified figure four heel hook. Devon’s kids jump in the ring and Joe gets up to confront them, backing them into the corner, but the Pope runs into the ring and Joe backs off.

Samoa Joe is backstage telling the cameraman that he said he’d hurt people, and that’s what he did. He’s done playing their game, and he does things his way where he’s from, and Devon’s the first of many because if he can’t win this tournament, he’ll destroy everyone until the Bound For Glory Series is no more. He warned them not to mess with him, but they did, and he’ll continue to do this because nobody has the balls to fire him.

X-Division Gauntlet: Alex Shelley vs Tony Nese vs Kid Kash vs Robbie E vs Zema Ion vs Jesse Sorensen vs Mark Haskins vs Austin Aries

Okay, let’s get this over with so Aries can get his title shot we all know he’s getting. Shelley and Haskins start, and Haskins zips in with a dropkick right off the bell, but Shelley fires back with some really hard chops and a roaring elbow. Haskins blocks Sliced Bread #2 and gets a springboard armdrag into an Ace Crusher for a series of two counts. Haskins goes for a top rope Frankensteiner, but Shelley reverses to a super inverted atomic drop and tries Sliced Bread #2, Haskins reverses to a backslide, Shelley reverses to a cradle for 2, and Haskins gets what looks like a GTS to pin Shelley and eliminate him. Didn’t see that coming. Robbie E comes in next, but argues with Cookie and gets rolled up and eliminated in just a few seconds. Zema Ion is in next and comes off the top with a missile dropkick, an inverted atomic drop, and monkey flips Haskins into the air and boots him in the face on the way down for 2. Haskins gets a weird rollup for 2 and dumps Ion to the apron, but Ion slides through the ropes with a tornado DDT and comes off the top with a 450 splash to eliminate Haskins. Sorensen comes in now with a springboard dropkick for 2, but Ion hot shots him on the top rope for 2, then goes up top for another 450 and Sorensen gets the knees up. Sorensen with a Hero’s Welcome to eliminate Ion and then Tony Nese comes in and destroys Sorensen with a clothesline for 2. Nese dodges a corner charge and kills Sorensen with a running facewash in the corner for 2. Nese ducks an enziguiri and deadlifts Sorensen into a German suplex for 2. Nese misses a Lionsault and Sorensen hits another Hero’s Welcome to eliminate Nese. Kid Kash comes in next and destroys Sorensen with right hands and chops as we go to commercial.

We’re back, and Kash hits a nasty side backbreaker and covers Sorensen for 2. Kash with a hard slam and then goes to the second rope and hits a springboard moonsault for 2. Kash hits the weakest Tiger Driver of all time and Sorensen rolls through into a cradle to eliminate Kash. Now Aries takes his time taking his vest off as Kash hits a Jay Driller on Sorensen, and Aries comes in and pins Sorensen with one boot, but Sorensen kicks out at 2, so Aries cradles and hooks the leg, but still only gets 2. Aries goes for a brainbuster but Sorensen small packages him for 2. Aries comes right up with a kick to the head, the IED in the corner, and the brainbuster for the win.

Winner: Austin Aries

Aries was clearly heavily taxed by that, and is now the #1 contender to the X Division Title. Christy Hemme comes to interview Aries, who proudly proclaims that he just ran the gauntlet and eliminated seven guys by himself. Now he’s taking Kendrick’s X Division Title and there’s nothing he can do about it because Aries is the Greatest Man Who Ever Lived. Kendrick comes down the ramp and extends his hand to Aries, and Aries goes to shake in, then snatches his hand away and walks up the ramp. Kendrick has had enough and goes after Aries, taking him down and beating the crap out of him on the ramp before blatantly choking him as security tries to tear Kendrick off of Aries.

Ric Flair is backstage taping his wrists up, but stops and decides to go looking for Sting.

We look back at last week when Ken Anderson got laid out by Immortal, and he is now suffering from two punctured eardrums and is out indefinitely.

ODB is backstage telling Miss Jackie that this is the first time she’ll be in the ring with Mickie James on Impact Wrestling, and she’s got to play by the rules so she can get that big money, multi year deal. BAM!

Traci Brooks comes into Eric Bischoff’s to introduce herself and has some suggestions on how to help oot with the Knockouts since she used to be in charge of the division. Bischoff stares at her boobs and says he’ll think about it.

ODB vs Mickie James

HARDCORE COUNTRY! Bit of chain wrestling to start as they exchange wristlocks, but Mickie fires back with right forearms, a snapmare, and a baseball slide off the ropes for 2. ODB with a kneelift to the ribs and hits the fallaway BAM. ODB opens Mickie up and rears back to club Mickie with a right hand, but stops herself and comes off the ropes iwth a hard boot to Mickie’s chest for 2. ODB rams Mickie into the corner and rams shoulderblocks into her midsection, then locks Mickie into my favorite bearhug of all time. If you saw the view we got of Mickie, you’ll undertand why. Mickie with a dropkick that drives ODB into the corner, then she catches ODB coming out with a neckbreaker, then they exchange right hands and Mickie wipes ODB out with a series of clotheslines. ODB dumps Mickie out to the apron and knocks her to the floor with a hard right hand, and Miss Jackie desperately wants to attack Mickie, but stops herself and walks around to the other side of the ring. Mickie gets back to the apron and repeatedly rams ODB’s head into the top turnbuckle, then comes off the top with a Thesz Press. Mickie goes for the jumping DDT, but ODB blocks and hits a charging splash in the corner, but misses the Bronco Buster. Mickie waits for ODB to come out of the corner and this time hits the jumping DDT for 3.

Winner: Mickie James

Mickie has a tense staredown with Jackie and they share an uncomfortable handshake.

Winter and Angelina Love are backstage talking about how great it is to be Knockouts Champion, and Winter says there’s nothing hardcore about that little squirrel Mickie James, and she can’t wait for Angelina to be there with her. Mickie’s not living in the real world because this is Winter’s world, and blood is orgasmic. She takes a sip from her wine glass, and yes, it’s blood.

Bound For Glory Series: Rob Van Dam vs AJ Styles

We see Jerry Lynn sitting ringside watching this match as RVD and AJ tie up. RVD sends AJ into the ropes and they havea back and forth sequence and go to the indy stalemate. AJ catches RVD with a dropkick followed by a side backbreaker for 2. AJ off the ropes with a big kneedrop for 2, then he unloads on RVD in the corner with chops. RVD with a BIG monkey flip that sends AJ clear across the ring, then he follows up with Rolling Thunder for 2. Jerry Lynn suddenly hops the rail and starts arguing with the referee, and RVD gets distracted and tells Lynn to get back to his seat. RVD hits AJ with the stepover leg lariat and goes up for the Five Star Frog Splash, but AJ hits the ropes to crotch RVD and goes up for a superplex. RVD fights AJ off and shoves him backward into the ring and goes for the Five Star, but AJ gets the knees up and covers for 2. RVD and AJ trade blows and AJ goes for the Styles Clash, but RVD backdrops his way out so AJ hits the Pelle Kick and goes for the cover, but Lynn grabs the referee and drags him out of the ring to break the count. The referee has finally had enough and calls for the DQ.

Winner: AJ Styles by DQ

RVD is now down another 10 points, and AJ goes and gets in Jerry Lynn’s face. RVD then goes out and starts arguing with Lynn as we go to commercial.

We come back and RVD and Jerry Lynn are still arguing with each other backstage and Jerry still says he was trying to help, but RVD says he doesn’t need any help and walks off.

Ric Flair is somewhere in the catacombs of the Impact Zone complaining about who knows what, and he’s still trying to find Sting. He hears various random noises and can’t quite pin down the source, but says he never liked the rafters gimmick and he’s getting really pissed off. Sting finally reveals himself, and Gunner comes out of nowhere and attacks him. Sting turns the tables and Flair heads for the hills as Sting beats the crap out of Gunner.

We go back to Eric Young hunting Scott Baio and harassing various people on the streets of Los Angeles. Next week…Eric Young finally faces Scott Baio to blow this ridiculous angle off!

Crimson is backstage, and he’s…HOBBLING!

Crimson comes out to the ring and says he used to have a lot of respect for Kurt Angle, but now they seem to have a problem, and he wants Angle to come out to the ring. Angle obliges and walks out with the World Title over his shoulder, and Crimson says that Angle says he was going to take out all the young wrestlers in TNA, and even though he started with Crimson, he failed because he’s standing here. Angle says he wishes he could respect Crimson, but he’s nobody going nowhere and he’s exactly what Angle was talking about: the young talent building around him. Angle’s here to make him because without Angle, he’s an uncoordinated, green-ass little bitch, and it takes a star like him to make them. He’s been making people his entire career, and it’s gotten him spit on, kicked in the balls, and disrespected. Crimson says not one of the young guys in the back has ever disrespected him, but he listens to all of Hogan’s BS. Crimson says it’s his honor to compete with Angle, and Angle says he’s damn right it’s his honor because guys like Crimson can’t even shine his gold medal. Angle looks at him and sees nothing and that he’s not going anywhere in this business. Angle goes to walk away, but Crimson puts his hand up and gently guides Angle back in front of him so he can say that he’s going to be somebody and he already is. He says if Angle faces him here next week, he’ll show him why he’s the future of wrestling and also the here and now. Oh, and by the way, he’s real…he’s damn real. Angle doesn’t blink as Crimson hobbles out of the ring and back up the ramp.

Mexican America are backstage, and they don’t care if they win or lose because nada es imposible para Mexican America.

The Jarretts join Mike Tenay and Taz at the broadcast booth, and then it’s main event time!

World Tag Team Title Match: Beer Money vs Mexican America

Anarquia and Roode start off with a back and forth wrestling sequence, but Roode shoves Anarquia into the ropes and he takes Roode down with a shoulderblock. Roode comes back with a back elbow and stomps Anarquia down in the corner Stone Cold style. Storm tags in and they double team Anarquia relentlessly and Storm covers for 2. Storm with a chestbreaker and a uranage slam for 2, then just destroys Anarquia in the corner with right hands. Hernandez nails Storm from the outside and Anarquia jumps on him like a shark and repeatedly drills him with right hands. Mexican America with the Beverly Drop on Storm for 2, then Hernandez bowls Storm over with a running tackle and covers for another 2. Mexican America with a double shoulderblock and Anarquia covers for 2 then goes to a rear chinlock, Storm fights free but Hernandez comes in and tries the Border Toss, Storm escapes that and tags out to Roode, who comes in and runs through Hernandez with a series of clotheslines and then destroys him in the corner with chops. Roode off the second rope with a Blockbuster for 2, then catapults Anarquia into a DDT from Storm. Beer Money with a double vertical suplex on Hernandez and do BEER…MONEY! Rosita pops into the ring and gets in Beer Money’s face, but Karen gets up and runs down to the ring to save her Mexican sister. Beer Money gets completely distracted by Karen as Anarquia sneaks into the ring and dumps Storm out of the ring, but turns around into a spinebuster from Roode. Now Sarita is up on the ring apron and distracting the referee while Hernandez sneaks in and knocks Roode out with the title belt, and Anarquia covers for the win.

Winners and NEW World Tag Team Champions: Mexican America

Hey, remember when title changes meant something? Yeah, me neither. The Jarretts celebrate in the ring with Mexican America as Storm and Roode look really unhappy at ringside.
