TNA Impact Wrestling Results – August 11th

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We kick the show off with a look at this past weekend’s PPV main event where Kurt Angle used a chair to beat Sting for the World Title, as well as postmatch comments from Angle, who says he just took advantage of an opportunity by using the chair and now he’s in control, not Hogan, Dixie Carter, or Sting.

We cue the intro, and then it’s off to the Impact Zone for a show-opening promo with Immortal. Bully Ray starts by telling Abyss that he’s turning into a major disappointment because he lost to AJ Styles at Hardcore Justice, and tell him he’s on thin ice with Bischoff. Tonight, there’s going to be a Bound For Glory Series match with Bully Ray, Gunner, Scott Steiner, and Crimson, and Crimson’s undefeated streak is going to end tonight when he gets the seven points. Ray turns his attention to Ken Anderson, and he says Anderson’s probably expecting him to come out and talk smack to him, but he’s not going to do that because Anderson stood toe to toe with him and kept coming. He underestimated how tough Anderson is, and Anderson proved how tough he is because he’s a tough SOB, and Immortal benefits by having him here. Whatever problems there are between them are squashed (even though he pinned Anderson at the PPV because he’s a better wrestler), and now it’s about Immortal…and Ray becoming the World Champion. Ray extends his hand to Anderson, but Anderson just laughs at him. Ray is flabbergasted, and says Anderson really is a stupid son of a bitch and can’t believe Anderson isn’t taking him seriously. Anderson unloads on Bubba with right hands, Steiner tries to pull him off but Anderson nails him too and winds up getting beaten down by all of Immortal until Bubba lays him out with a shot from his chain. Anderson is busted open, and Steiner locks him in the Recliner while yelling “Bleed, you son of a bitch, bleed!” Security tries to run in, but Immortal gets rid of them and goes back after Anderson. Steiner chokes Anderson with the chain until D-Lo Brown, Al Snow, and Pat Kenney come in and tell them that’s enough as the EMTs bring a gurney down to ringside. Immortal leaves as Anderson is left in a bloody heap.

After commercial, we see Anderson being wheeled out with a neck brace on and loaded into an ambulance during the break, then we go to Eric Bischoff’s office where he admits he was wrong about Anderson, and thanks Bubba for kicking him out of the group. Hogan’s on his way here and so is Kurt Angle, and he has no idea where Angle’s head is at. Bischoff tells Abyss that he’s not done with him, and they need to talk.

But before we hear what they have to discuss, we’re off to the ring for our opening match…

#1 Contender’s Match: Madison Rayne vs Mickie James

HARDCORE COUNTRY! Madison takes a little time to take her tiara off, and Mickie rolls her up for a quick 2. Mickie cocks her arm back, and Madison begs off, but sweeps Mickie’s legs and covers for 1. Madison goes to the eyes and boots Mickie in the face and gets a 2 before just grinding Mickie’s face into the mat. Madison with a hair pull and then she tries a stump puller, but Mickie counters to a victory roll for 2. Mickie with a roaring dropkick to the face for 2, then drills Madison with a few hard forearms and hits a flapjack. Mickie comes off the top with a Thesz Press, then puts Madison’s tiara on and bows to the crowd just in time to duck a clothesline from Madison, and Mickie follows that right up with the DDT for the win.

Winner: Mickie James

Mickie will now challenge Winter for the Knockouts Title, presumably at the next PPV.

Kurt Angle arrives at the Impact Zone and there’s music in the background that makes it sound like he’s walking into a really crappy dance club. I discover why when I realize who’s in the ring…

Robbie E vs X Division Champion Brian Kendrick

Robbie nails Kendrick from behind and puts the boots to him before choking him on the ropes. Kendrick charges back at Robbie with a wild forearm shot, but Robbie beats him back down and grounds Kendrick with a rear chinlock. Kendrick is wearing his Neidhart pants again. Robbie and Kendrick go to the outside and Robbie winds up arguing with Cookie, but gets back in the ring and goes toe to toe with Kendrick. Kendrick comes back with a series of running clotheslines and tries Sliced Bread #2, but Robbie shoves him off into the corner. Cookie gets on the apron and tries to shoot hairspray into Kendrick’s eyes, but Kendrick ducks and the hairspray goes in Robbie’s eyes instead. Kendrick hits Sliced Bread #2 and that’s all she wrote.

Winner: Brian Kendrick

Robbie and Cookie argue all the way up the ramp and into the back.

Devon walks into the Pope’s locker room and tells Pope that he’ll give him props: he beat him straight up because Devon wasn’t going to take the points the way Pope was going to give them to him. He tells Pope he better not doublecross him out there tonight when they’re forced to team together, and Pope says they both need the points and someone has to get them.

Jeff and Karen Jarrett are in the garage arriving at the Impact Zone, in full Mexican regalia.

Robbie E and Cookie are still arguing backstage, and Robbie basically dumps Cookie and walks off.

We see clips from the Bound For Glory Series matches at the PPV, and then we’re off to the ring to continue the competition…

Bound For Glory Series: the Pope & Devon vs Beer Money vs AJ Styles & Rob Van Dam

Christopher Daniels joins Mike and Taz at the broadcast booth and then we go to commercial, and when we come back, Daniels challenges AJ to a rematch and walks off. Meanwhile in the ring, Devon and Pope are tagging in and out while working RVD over, and Pope drop toeholds RVD into a diving headbutt from Devon for 2. RVD comes back with a body scissors cradle for 2, then AJ tags in and hits a slam and bicycle kneedrop on Pope for 2. AJ tags Storm and they hit a Hart Attack and Storm covers, but AJ pulls him off at 2. Storm gets caught in the wrong corner and Devon rips his head off with a flying clothesline for 2, but Storm comes back with a spinning back elbow and tags Roode in. Roode runs over Pope with clotheslines and a flying forearm, followed by a spinebuster for 2. RVD comes in but gets caught with a leaping enziguiri by Storm and Roode DDTs RVD, then AJ comes in with a flying clothesline to Pope, Devon spinebusters AJ, neckbreakers Storm, and shoves Roode off the apron. Pope tells Devon to go to the ropes and he holds Roode, but Roode moves and Devon’s clothesline wipes Pope out and allows Roode to hit the Perfectplex and get the win.

Winners: Beer Money (Roode scores the win and gets 7 points)

Roode now leapfrogs Storm into second place, and the current top three standings are Crimson in first with 43 points, Roode in second with 35 points, and Storm in third with 33 points.

Kurt Angle is backstage, and he’s…WALKING!

The new World Champion, with chair in hand and the belt slung over his shoulder, comes out to share his thoughts with the fans in the Impact Zone. Angle thanks the fans for all their emails and tweets asking why he did what he does because he stands for truth, justice, and the American way. He apologizes to Sting and meant everything he said last week, but after that he was told things that left Sting in the wrong place at the wrong time, and it’s about Angle getting his integrity back. Someone called Angle and told him that he had been talking to Jeff and Karen and they were sorry for what they did to Kurt, and Angle said there was a third person who was supposed to look out for his best interests and didn’t, and that person was Dixie Carter. He went to Dixie and told her about Jeff and Karen, and she said she didn’t know anything. He wanted to break Jeff’s neck, but he took the high road because he thought Dixie was watching his back. Dixie was behind Sting, so Angle had to get his integrity back and that’s why he took Sting out. Dixie’s plan was to make him the centerpiece of the company and surround him with young talent, and now he’s going to take all the young talent out one by one until there’s nobody left but Kurt Angle, and he’ll make sure she never gets her company back ever again.

Angle goes to leave, but is cut off by Sting, who stalks toward him with the bat in hand. He uses the bat to swat the chair out of Angle’s hands and Angle drops to his knees to beg for mercy, but Hulk Hogan comes out of the back with another chair and smashes it over Sting’s back. Angle tells Sting that Hogan was his informant, and he’s going with Hogan because Hogan cares about him. Hogan continues beating on Sting with the chair, and takes him into the ring where he lays him out with a right hand. Angle comes into the ring as well, and he gives Hogan a big hug and then Hogan raises Angle’s hand.

We go to commercial, and when we come back, we see that Hogan continued destroying Sting during the break. After that, we get a nice promo hyping Bound For Glory, and then it’s back to the ring…

ODB & Jackie vs Knockouts Tag Team Champions Tara & Miss Tessmacher

Tessmacher and Jackie start and Tessmacher gets a side headlock, Jackie shoves her off into the ropes and gets a shoulderblock, but Tessmacher gets a dropkick and a drop toehold, then tags out to Tara, who comes in with a sunset flip for 2. ODB comes in and gets armdragged, then Tessmacher comes in and whips ODB hard into the corner and does her ass move.ODB is pissed off, but Tessmacher doesn’t let up and gets a small package for 2. ODB has finally had enough and rips her head off with a clothesline, but Tara tags in and cleans house on the People Who Don’t Work Here, and hits a rolling neckbreaker on Jackie for 2. ODB goes to rake Tara’s back, but Jackie tells her no because they’re trying to be on their best behavior to get jobs. ODB tags in and rams Tara to the corner, then gets a Scott Hall fallaway slam and slaps her boobs and crotch at Tessmacher. ODB goes up top, but Tara nails her and hits a superplex. Tessmacher tags in and cleans house on both ODB and Jackie, ODB nails Tessmacher from behind and they double team her, but Jackie tells her to stop because they need to play by the rules. Tara spears ODB and Tessmacher rolls Jackie up for the win.

Winners: Tara & Miss Tessmacher

The two teams have an uncomfortable staredown, but ODB and Jackie reluctantly shake their hands and leave quietly.

A bunch of X Division guys are hanging around outside Hulk Hogan’s office. What could they want?

Okay, we’re back from commercial and the X Division guys are in Eric Bischoff’s office. He says that this will be nonviolent, but because they all had such great performances and because Abyss failed, the X Division is here to stay and now has a weight limit of 225 pounds. He welcomes them to Impact and informs them that next week, they will all be in a Gauntlet match to determine who gets the next shot at the Wizard of Oz (indicating Brian Kendrick). Aries says he and Bischoff are a lot alike and he doesn’t like these guys any more than he does, but he’s going to do his best to make this a division Bischoff can be proud of. Bischoff says that he wants to talk to Aries and kicks the rest of them out.

We go out to the ring, where Jeff and Karen Jarrett are back from Mexico in their Mexican clothes. Jeff says that he and Karen have been crowned the King and Queen of Mexico, but people still think it’s some kind of ruse even though he singlehandedly took down the biggest wrestling company in Mexico, it’s not enough. Then someone told him he needed to learn the intricacies of hispanic culture, and also get endorsed by Mexicans so that the Immortal World Title will be taken seriously. He’s gone around to all the Mexican cities from Guadalajara to Vera Cruz to Houston to Miami to San Juan and all the other Mexican cities out there, and found a couple of Mexicans to endorse him: Jose and Jos-B, the undocumented and unlicensed guys who manicure the lawns here at Universal Studios. Jose and Jos-B come out and Jarrett helpfully turns them toward the camera, then asks Jose to endorse Jeff and Karen and tell everyone that they are the king and queen of Mexico. Jose says “que?” and Karen says “No, Dos J. Don’t you know the freakin’ alphabet?” Jose doesn’t speak English, so he tells Jos-B to convince Jose to endorse him, but they see Hector Guerrero sitting at the Spanish announce table and mark out for him. Jose says stuff in Spanish I don’t understand and then names all the members of the Guerrero family. Jos-B says more stuff in Spanish, so Jeff lays the both of them out until Hector Guerrero leaves the broadcast table and runs down to ringside, grabs a chair, and gets into the ring to chase the Jarretts off.

It’s time for our weekly segment where Eric Young is going around trying to become a TV star. This week, he’s in Los Angeles buying maps to the stars’ homes to find people to beat up and, shockingly, most of their homes are gated and locked. He does find someone I don’t recognize, and we’ll find out what happened there next week.

We go out back where a still-bloody Ken Anderson stumbles out of his trailer and into the Immortal trailer to go after Bully Ray, but Gunner blindsides him and then Anderson gets beaten down again with the chain.

Matt Morgan joins Mike and Taz on commentary for tonight’s main event…

Bound For Glory Series: Crimson vs Gunner vs Bully Ray vs Scott Steiner

The referee gets in front of Immortal and tells them that two have to get out. Bully Ray starts off and circles Crimson, but tags out to Gunner before making contact, and Crimson overpowers Gunner and runs him over with clotheslines and a big backdrop. Crimson with a three quarter nelson and kneestrikes to the head, followed byh a neckbreaker for 2. Crimson charges Gunner in the corner and Gunner gets his elbow up and hits a running clothesline for 2. Now Bully Ray wants the tag, and he comes in just as Crimson gets to his feet, again circles him reluctantly, and tags out to Steiner. Steiner just unloads on Crimson with heavy right hands, then hits an overhead release suplex for 2. Steiner with the elbowdrop and pushups, then hangs Crimson on the ropes so Gunner can choke him from the outside. Steiner puts the boots to Crimson and tags Gunner so they can give Crimson a double suplex for 2. Gunner and Steiner continue to double team Crimson, but Crimson takes Steiner out with a flying clothesline and then rams Gunner into Bully Ray, knocking him off the apron, and rolls Gunner up for the win.

Winner: Gunner

Crimson immediately ducks out to the entry ramp before Immortal can lay him out, and Kurt Angle runs out and nails Crimson, takes off his shoe and beats him with it, then rolls Crimson into the ring and repeatedly drills him in the head. Angle pulls off Crimson’s knee brace and now beats him with that, then waits for him to get to his feet and lays him out with it before hanging Crimson over the second rope to the outside of the ring, and locks him in a really nasty looking leglock in the ropes as we go off the air.

Source: PWInsider