1.Worst booking ever, I laugh every week. - Samoa Joe's initial monster run was great, there booking can be bad but is it worse then what we see on WWE TV everyweek?
2.It's not live, they suck dick. - Neither is SD except on a rare occurrence, live doesn't make a show plenty of Raws have been terrible.
3.Storylines that go nowhere, the dropping of stories for no particular reason. - CM Punk's conspiracy storyline was probably worse then most TNA botched storylines.
4.Arena is not even HALF FULL. - Neither are alot of WWE tapings, they struggled to sell out some SD's when Orton was champ.
5.I laugh at the crowd, they are so boring and most of them seem planted, like the one at All Against Odds PPV. - Crowds are dull with alot of wrestling shows now a days.
6. Rely too much on WWE Superstars, dirt sheet stuff and yes it is true. - Bobby Roode, James Storm, Sting , AJ Styles and Austin Aries are not ex WWE superstars.
7.Jeff Hardy, they should dump him somewhere in Japan. - Why Japan? Japanese wrestling is probably the best in the world. Jeff has a lot to offer providing he's clean.
8.Rob Van Dam, drug addict and has already lost his passion for the wrestling business.
- Agreed not been a fan of Rob in TNA.
9.Horrible promos, self explanatory. -
10. Commentary team are worth a bag of dog shit, I cry every time I watch a TNA event.
- No worse then Cole being put over and King generally being a fake tanned idiot.
11.SO MANY BOTCHES AND FAILURES, OVERALL THIS COMPANY SUCKS CAMEL BALLS. - You're a Punk fan can you complain about botches when you support a guy who botches every match?
12.I forgot to add, THEY HAVE HULK HOGAN :laugh: - He hasn't been great so I agree here.
There's much more to be said but yes overall I'd rather watch Indian people wrestle each other than watch TNA atleast they'd be more entertaining. (No offence to Indian people, never meant something bad)