Tna - Game Plan

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Jun 1, 2008
Reaction score
[-(Working on Banner-]


Well there isn’t really one as I’m just starting from Hard Justice with a few changes lol which you will see due course.

Notes from the Booker

Well first I’m going to inform you that I’m trying a new writing style with this BTB but I kind of like it. I already have a month’s BTB time work written out with two PPVs wrote out. I will be starting with a PPV as well, as my downside of BTB was always getting up a PPV. Hope you enjoy and all reviews and comments will be returned in time.

Face, Heel, Tweener, (Inactive)

AJ Styles
Alex Koslov
Alex Shelley
Austin Creed
BG James
Booker T
Chris Sabin
Christian Cage
Christopher Daniels
Eric Young
James Storm
Jay Lethal
Jimmy Rave
Johnny Devine

Kurt Angle
Lance Hoyt

Matt Morgan
Mr. Kip
Petey Williams

Paul London
Robert Roode
Samoa Joe
Scott Steiner
Shark Boy
Sonjay Dutt

Amazing Kong
Angelina Love
Christy Hemme

Gail Kim
Jacqueline Moore
Roxxi Laveaux
So Val Cal
Taylor Wilde
Traci Brooks
Velvet Sky

TNA World Championship- Samoa Joe
TNA X Division Championship- Petey Williams
TNA Tag Team Championship- LAX (Homicide & Hernandez)
TNA Knockouts Championship- Taylor Wilde

Tag Teams/Stables/Managers
Beer Money (James Storm, Robert Roode & Jacqueline Moore)
Rock N’ Rave Infection (Jimmy Race, Lance Rock & Christy Hemme)
LAX (Homicide, Hernandez & Salinas)
Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin)
Team 3D (Brother Ray & Brother D-Von)
The Beautiful People (Angelina Love, Velvet Sky & Mr. Kip)​



Hard Justice

TNA World Championship
Samoa Joe vs. Booker T vs. Sting
Basically it’s the olde steal the title storyline with Sting added in to spice things up.

Six Man Tag
Kurt Angle & Team 3D vs. Christian Cage, Rhino and AJ Styles
Rivalry has been going for a while now but which team will pick up the vital victory.

TNA Tag Team Championship
LAX vs. Beer Money
End of feud match but who will leave with the title.

TNA X Division Championship
Petey Williams vs. 'Mystery Opponent'
Petey has been annoying Cornette for a while now so Cornette booked this match, will we see a new champion?

TNA Knockouts Championship
Taylor vs. Amazing Kong
Newbie came in, ruled a few matches, then won the title. Now it’s the rematch.

Abyss Returns to the Ring
Abyss vs. Scott Steiner
After Abyss returned attacking Steiner, Petey and Khan, Steiner demanded a match with Abyss (in a awful promo) and
Abyss accepted.

Can Kaz Win?
Kaz vs. Mystery Opponent
After week after week of losing can Kaz win against this mystery oppenent.

Tag Team Warfare
MCMG vs. Doug Willams & Alex Koslov
These two teams international members stuck around to try and get some glory back after their loss at the World X Cup but now face their ultimate test.

All reviews welcome and will be return in time


Jun 1, 2008
Reaction score

Hard Justice
August 10th

Hard Justice kicked off with the usual pryo in New Jersy tonight. The announcers then welcomed us to Hard Justice before giving us a quick rundown of what’s in store tonight until MCMG head out to open tonight’s show.

Match 1: Motor City Machine Gunz defeats Doug Williams & Alex Koslov
A pretty good match, the fans seemed very behind the Gunz. Doug and Alex kept the control of most of the match isolating Sabin from Shelley. Doug and Alex both seemed great, Doug kept the match up with multiple submissions and his trademark german suplex’s after he made the tag to Koslov, Koslov kept Sabin grounded and then hit his Russian dance kick move. Surprised the Russian gimmick is going so well for Alex. The end came when the Gunz hit their ASCS Rush.

Shelley and Sabin left as Doug and Alex started arguing it ended soon as they were cut off by Don West and Mike Tenay who ran down tonight’s card, as they were talking about tonight’s triple threat main event Kaz came out and grabbed a mic.

Kaz told us that he has been very unhappy about his losing streak and that tonight it will change. The fans all looked at the tunnel as the lights went off and a promo played. It showed very short clips of the freerunning videos before and the screen flashed in between a man with his face covered by the shadows. All of a sudden a spotlight came on the tunnel as London stepped forward the light shining on him as the crowd went crazy, he had found his new home.

The lights came back on as he made his way down the ramp, shaking hands with the fans showing that he’s easily accepted as a face especially as the ‘great’ booking team has booked him against another face.

Match 2: Paul London defeats Kaz with the London Star Press
The match started with us locking up then from there we put on a great match, After sending Paul off into the ropes London sent him straight back down with a quick rana sending him sliding to the outside which means it was time to fly. London set off into the ropes and flew like a bird over the top in a forward flip onto Kaz, he put Kaz back in the ring were he took back advantage and even hit a tornado ddt to which London flung in the air RVD style. After getting a near 3 count on me Kaz set me up for the flux capacitor but London fought back as the crowd went wild in the chant of ‘TNA, TNA.’ Kaz fell of the top and landed perfectly for a top rope move, London set himself up then flew into the air in a London Star Press and got the victory.

He got to his feet as the crowd went crazy, so did the commentators as they always go way over the top. He celebrated then looked at Kaz, as he held his hand out and helped him to his feet. The fans applauded loudly as Kaz made his way to the back with his head down as he went into the crowd.

He got to the back where he was congratulated by some of the boys especially Chris Sabin who continued to say what a good match it was. As he made his way to an interview area accompanied by a member of staff. He stood next to the interview and tried to introduce myself to her but was cut off by the staff member counting down 3..2..1.

Interviewer: So Paul London you made your debut here tonight in a great victory against Kaz, so what are your goals here in TNA?
London: Well... there’s a lot of opportunities here on TNA and I’m looking forward to doing them all
Interviewer: Is there any person here on TNA you truly wish to face
London: Well…
(All of a sudden Sonjay Dutt comes from around the corner)
Sonjay: So who do we have here? Another reject? Why must TNA waste their time and money on this worthless man when they could be putting me, Sonjay Dutt in a match on PPV?
London: I’ll tell you why Sonjay, nice and simply. Because you suck.
(Few cheap pops from the crowd)
Sonjay: I suck? I suck? You have one match here and your already thinking you’re the man!
London: Well let’s make it two matches then, me vs. you on Impact
Sonjay: I'll see you on Impact, chump!

The camera goes off as we see Taylor the new Knockouts Champion come out to the ring followed by Amazing Kong in the first of 4 title matches on tonight’s card.

Match 3: Taylor defeats Amazing Kong to retain the TNA Knockouts Championships
I heard before that the TNA Knockouts are better than the WWE divas but this is great! These two put on a good underdog story here as Amazing Kong ruled throughout until Taylor got back and hit a diving clothesline onto Kong before covering the giant for the win.

Backstage a few people joked around until Sting came on in the backstage arena, they knew to shut their traps when Sting was ready to talk, they listened as Sting put on a awesome promo taking about why he turned on Joe and how he will win the TNA World Championship tonight.

Steiner and his ‘freak’ came out looking even more roided up than normal and that’s just Rhaka Khan. This was the return to the ring for Abyss. Abyss did his usual entrance and strutted down to the ring, (anyone notice he walks the same as Vince McMahon?)

Match 4: Abyss defeats Scott Steiner with the Black Hole Slam
A bad match for Abyss to return to but that what happens when your booked against Steiner, Rhaka Khan could have put on a better match than Steiner. Abyss beat up Steiner for over half the match until Abyss sent him into the ropes ready for the Black Hole Slam but Khan got on the apron distracting the ref allowing Abyss to be distracted and Steiner to clothesline Abyss on the floor for a two count. After a headlock that lasted way over what it should have and a few more boring moves by Steiner, Abyss was able to launch Steiner into the ropes then into the Black Hole Slam to pick up his return win. (If you haven’t already clicked, I don’t like Steiner :p)

Abyss did his trademark pose as the turnbuckles went ablaze... Abyss then left followed by Steiner who made his way up the ramp until X Division Champion Petey Williams came out and Steiner pats him on the back and leaves while Khan stays out for the X- Division mystery match.

Jim Cornette stood at the entrance and explained that Petey has been annoying him for quite some time and now it is time for some payback. Cornette said he needed someone who would be able to beat Petey and someone who connects with the fans so he picked Curry Man! ‘Curry Man! ’What the…? Words could not describe how people felt. It was bad enough Daniels had to wear this stupid mask and have this stupid gimmick but then getting a title shot when guys like Jay Lethal are left of the card.

Petey Williams to become the new X Division Champion Match 5: Curry Man defeats
A good match too bad as soon as the match started picking up they started doing a comedy routine as in the Curry Man dance or Petey flexing. Williams got Curry in the Canadian Destroyer and nailed it, it was over but wait Curry got his foot on the rope, Petey goes mad until Curry Man rises kicks Petey in the mid area and hits the Angel Wings? WTF! Curry goes to the turnbuckle BME! What the… 1..2..3

What the hell just happened did Daniels forget he was under the mask? Wait Curry Man gets on the mic and starts to talk to Cornette at the top of the ramp.

Curry: You tried to get rid of me, you tried to forget about me. But now I am back and for good I just signed a 3 year contract with TNA and with this title I can finally rip of this god damn mask

Curry Man rips the mask off and jacket before saying

Daniels: And that is the gospel according to Christopher Daniels

No wonder the guys were hooked Christopher Daniels is finally back no more Curry Man. The guys leapt to their feet and started giving highfives all round. I felt like a kid again marking out to a Rock win. Daniels finally got to the back as we celebrated with him. In all the hubub we see Cage, Rhino and AJ Styles standing by as Cage grabs the mike.

Cage: Tonight is the night Team 3D! Tonight is the night you regret ever coming anywhere near me and Rhino. We have met oh so many times before but tonight you will feel more pain than you have ever felt before. Tonight Team 3D is the end for you.

Styles: Angle its time, after all this time it comes down to this and by the end of it I will be standing tall with you on the floor

Rhino then ruins the promo by shouting ‘GORE GORE GORE!!!’

The TNA Tag Team Champions came out accompanied by Salinas from their own entrance way. I remember on the indy market when Homicide was one of the top 3 guys on the market along with Punk and Joe, now he’s reduced to a tag team although their great as a team. After that the frankly wearied pairing of James Storm and Robert Roode called Beer Money came out with their manager Jacqueline Moore ready to fight for the titles. As a stipulation to this match both Jacqueline and Salinas were handcuffed away from the ring to stop interference.

Match 6: LAX defeated Beer Money to retain the TNA Tag Team Championships
A good match which kept the crowd hyped with many near falls, Storm and Roode both used a lot of cheating tactics to try and win the belt but Homicide fought though being double teamed on numerous times and then made the tag to Hernandez who bulldozed though Beer Money eventually hitting the Border Toss on Strom for the win.

LAX opened up Salinas handcuffs and left with the belts. Roode crawled over to Storm who was holding his neck from the border toss.

Some rap groups came on and danced around, then after the musical performance Team 3D made their way down the ramp getting huge boo’s from the crowd after this Kurt Angle came out to even loader boo’s! Out came the faces Christian Cage, Rhino and AJ Styles and as they entered the ring the heels excited in true old school tradition.

Match 7: Christian Cage, Rhino and AJ Styles defeats Kurt Angle & Team 3D
What an awesome match! As in usual Team 3D PPV matches the match started off with all me splitting off into the crowd with Styles/Angle, Cage/Ray and Rhino/D-von all squaring off. As the match hadn’t officially started they took advantage of using weapons which included Cage putting a bin over Brother Ray’s head, Rhino using a TV screen and Bubba using a ‘Team 3D Sucks’ sign to choke Cage. As Angle and Styles entered the ring the match officially started and the crowd were split on who to watch the technical masterpiece in the ring or the outside brawling, either way the fans at home had a good view as the cameras flicked back and forth. As Angle locked in the Angle Lock to Styles, Rhino and Cage made a quick exit from the crowd to the ring to break up the submission, this led to the submission being broken and Team 3D coming into the ring. After the action spilled on the outside once more Styles took advantage by flying over the top knocking all 5 men over. After some more great action Styles hit a top rope Styles Clash on Angle while Rhino gored both members of Team 3D of the apron and onto the floor which left Cage to dive upon them as Styles got the count back in the ring.

The crowd carried on there’re chant of ‘TNA, TNA’ as the triumphant heroes made there’re way to the back. Angle was helped to the back while we went to a break and Team 3D hit a quick off-air promo to get the crowd into a frenzy. As we came back to the show the commentators ran down the tale of the tape or whatever they call it now.

Out comes Booker first with the title which he ‘stole’ from Joe he gets some boo’s as he poses with the title until he gives it up to referee Mark "Slick" Johnson. Then enters the real champion Samoa Joe who just storms to the ring, slides in and poses while keeping his focus on Booker all the time. Lastly the icon Sting comes out as the guitar riff plays and he receives major heat from the crowd. Jermary Borash does his intros as the match gets under way.

Main Event: Samoa Joe defeats Booker T and Sting to retain the TNA World Championship
A great ending to the show mostly controlled by Sting and Joe which had Booker getting in every now and then. The match started as Sting and Booker double teamed on the champion as the crowd went crazy in a chant of ‘Joe, Joe, Joe’ to get their champion to their feet. After more double teaming both Sting and Booker turned on each other which left an advantage for Joe as he knocked Booker to the outside with a clothesline but Sting cuts Joe’s momentum with a kick to the gut followed by a belly to belly for a two count. Sting continued to get the advantage over Joe and then locked in crossface which was broken by Booker who lifted the Icon to his feet only to send him back down with a scoop slam. As Joe and Booker went at it in the ring getting going blow for blow Sting took time to recover entered back in the ring only to be thrown out of the ring by Booker and Joe. Sting started getting mad and went over to the announce table where he lashed out on Don West much too the thanks of many of the fans. Sting then grabbed his chair and entered the ring were 'Slick' took the chair off him and returned it to the announce desk but as 'Slick' was distracted Sting grabbed his baseball bat and hit both Joe and Booker and pinned Joe.

Sting started celebrated until the music played of Jim Cornette. Jim talked about how he doesn’t want another controversial ending so he is restarting the match but now it’s now a No DQ!

Sting tried to get the pin but failed he went to the outside and launched 2 chairs into the ring. But as Sting climbed onto the apron and was struck down by Joe from a chairshot. Joe looked over to Booker who was in the perfect position for a facewash which he did. Joe lifted Booker onto the top and hit a huge Muscle Buster onto the chair for the win.

Joe celebrated his victory as a close up of Sting showed his frustration. Sting mouthed it isn’t over as Hard Justice went off the air.


So there we have it the first PPV and my first ever PPV which I’ve completed :p. I am pretty pleased with how it turned out and my new style of writing. All reviews and comments would be really helpful and I will return them when I have the time.



Sep 6, 2007
Reaction score
I like the style you wrote this in even though you can't really review the matches. I think overall it was put togeather pretty nice. The Sonjay Dutt and London promo was a little squashed togeather not as nice to read as the other. It didn't really feel like Sonjay Dutt was talking. Overall good job 3.5/5. If you get a free chance and want to read a show I've posted a couple shows in Pro Wrestling Lethal.


Jun 1, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks Therazar, I get what you mean but I mainly want to focus more on storylines and character development so I not to bothered about the sense of reviewing the match.
I will see how it goes with this style of writing, I myself like it at the moment but it could change in the future lol.


Thanks Therazar, I get what you mean but I mainly want to focus more on storylines and character development so I not to bothered about the sense of reviewing the match.
I will see how it goes with this style of writing, I myself like it at the moment but it could change in the future lol.

In future don't bump your own thread like this. If you are replying to comments do it separately and include it in your next post that has something to do with the BTB, such as a preview.

Well I can't say this BTB looks really bad, but the layout just turns me off. As a whole, im sorry to say, but it just seems unprofessional, idk why. Overall its not a bad job, and the writing overall was pretty alright.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
I'll just write these random thoughts that I have as I read this.

I personally do not like the lay out of this show. You need bigger font and more color... This felt like I was reading a PPV report from the Torch. It's an interesting style... Nice way to bring in Paul London... A great way to bring Daniels back... The two last matches were pretty good... So far your booking is pretty good. I think I'll keep reading.