ThunderStruck: RAW Review 10/10/11

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Jan 28, 2011
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Welcome to tonight's RAW edition of ThunderStruck! We had an interesting show last week and I'm looking to seeing where things go with this walkout angle. Let's get to the action!

We open the show with a flashback of last week's walkout. Triple H comes out of his office and walks out into the arena. H asks the fans when he gets to the ring if he should quit and go home. The fans scream no. Out comes John Cena! Cena says he's had a lot of bosses over the years and we even get a Bischoff name drop, but he doesn't care who he works for, and he's staying! Out comes Sheamus! Sheamus says he assaulted Hunter with a lead pipe and Hunter came back and gave him a great ass kicking. Sheamus said he respected him for that. Out comes CM Punk! Punk says he is probably the last person you would expect to see in the ring with them, but here he is. Punk asks what we do now. Hunter announces John Cena vs Sheamus with Hunter as the ref, with CM Punk doing timekeeper and commentary duty. This was without a doubt the most entertaining open to RAW this year. It was absolutely hilarious watching Punk take to the commentary table. We come back from commercial with CM Punk calling the action and out comes Vince McMahon! Vince tells Hunter that he loves what he's done with the show, but the board of directors does not. Vince tells Hunter that he's been relieved of his duties of running Monday Night RAW, but he is still the COO. Vince announces that John Laurinaitis is now the interim GM of RAW!

We come back from commercial and all the superstars and officials are filing into the building. John Morrison walks up to JL and tells him he sucks. JL puts Morrison in a match with Christian in street clothes. The announcers come out one at a time and Michael Cole says he is the one who made the change happen. Morrison gets jobbed pretty quickly to Christian. Morrison then gets beat down by Ziggler, Swagger, Rhodes, and Christian. It's then announced that CM Punk will take on Alberto Del Rio and Randy Orton will take on Mark Henry. Out comes Mark Henry!

We come back from commercial and JL is on his cell phone with apparently his wife. Hunter interrupts and asks JL if he's ever tried to pick up his teeth with broken fingers. We go back to the ring and get another promo from Mark Henry. Henry gives us another flashback from Smackdown with his beatdown from the Big Show. We get a good match from Orton and Henry where Henry gets disqualified when Rhodes interferes just as Orton is about to score the pinfall on the world's strongest man. Orton recovers from the attack and takes Rhodes down. Rhodes and Henry capitalize and Orton becomes the victim of the world's strongest slam twice and gets a paper bag put over his head by Rhodes. Rhodes says you cut the head off the viper and all the venom goes with it. Rhodes laughs hysterically.

Next we get a tag team match between Eve and Kelly Kelly taking on Rosa Mendes and Tamina. We get a quick match where Kelly Kelly gets the victory and out comes JL. JL announces that the main event at Vengeance will be Alberto Del Rio taking on John Cena for the WWE Championship. JL calls JR into the ring and tells him he was ungrateful for Triple H giving him his job back, and showed it when he walked out on RAW. JL fires JR and Michael Cole celebrates. Let's not go out of our way to piss off the fans all in one show, WWE.

Air Boom and Mason Ryan took on Ziggler, Otunga, and Swagger. Lots of action in this match, ending with Mason Ryan getting the pinfall on Dolph Ziggler. It's interesting to watch Mason Ryan get such a fast push based on his look when a guy like Zack Ryder is cheered for so much by the fans and now gets overshadowed by a guy with a big physique. Typical Vince.

In the main event we have Alberto Del Rio taking on CM Punk. During the middle of the contest, JL interrupts and says to stop this match. JL says we will have a tag team match instead with CM Punk and Alberto Del Rio taking on the Miz and RTruth! Michael Cole says he has died and gone to heaven. Miz and Truth come out and do their "you suck" song at the crowd. Truth is pretty entertaining to be honest. During the middle of the match, Del Rio walks away and leaves Punk stranded. Truth and Miz are dq'd for continuing the double team assault and down comes Triple H with the save! Punk and Triple H clean house and make both Truth and Miz run off! We go backstage to Otunga and JL who book Triple H and Punk in a tag team match with Miz and Truth at Vengeance! Great ending to RAW!

Interesting turn to see Hunter back in a wrestler role. Can't to see where things head on Smackdown this week! Until next time, you've been ThunderStruck!

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