Do not read this if you haven't watched this weeks episode of NXT and are iffy about spoilers.
So after this weeks episode of NXT, which continued to produce some of WWE's best current material storyvice I was left wondering. What now?
The Maxine and Johnny storyline took a plunge into the characters trying to backstab each other and Reagal trolled them both by forcing Maxine to manage Johnny if they wanted to remain hired.
Darren Young and Titus O'neil revealed that they had been called up to Smackdown.
Derrick Bateman and Kaitlyn were left without anything real to do except have Kaitlyn face Maxine in a match. With Titus and Young gone that leaves Derrick to either follow suite to Smackdown (Which I personally think he should since I find Derrick entertaining and I think he would do well as a low to mid card face on Smackdown or Raw letting his character evolve.) Either that or amp up his old feud with Curtis.
Curt Hawkins and Reks were punished for kidnapping Matt Stryker 3 weeks back and forced to face each other in a match were the loser got fired. Hawkins lost but king Reagal of Trollington turned on Reks and fired him as well. This is most likely a story part since Reks and Hawkins have been working with the Rock through most of 2011 and the beginning of 2012 as his personal training partners and Rocky spoke very highly of them. I think we will see them being signed onto RAW or Smackdown soon by Ace to either feud with each other or even better. Take the tag team championship from Primo and Epico and make the title interesting again.
Read. React. Discuss.
Keep on trucking.
So after this weeks episode of NXT, which continued to produce some of WWE's best current material storyvice I was left wondering. What now?
The Maxine and Johnny storyline took a plunge into the characters trying to backstab each other and Reagal trolled them both by forcing Maxine to manage Johnny if they wanted to remain hired.
Darren Young and Titus O'neil revealed that they had been called up to Smackdown.
Derrick Bateman and Kaitlyn were left without anything real to do except have Kaitlyn face Maxine in a match. With Titus and Young gone that leaves Derrick to either follow suite to Smackdown (Which I personally think he should since I find Derrick entertaining and I think he would do well as a low to mid card face on Smackdown or Raw letting his character evolve.) Either that or amp up his old feud with Curtis.
Curt Hawkins and Reks were punished for kidnapping Matt Stryker 3 weeks back and forced to face each other in a match were the loser got fired. Hawkins lost but king Reagal of Trollington turned on Reks and fired him as well. This is most likely a story part since Reks and Hawkins have been working with the Rock through most of 2011 and the beginning of 2012 as his personal training partners and Rocky spoke very highly of them. I think we will see them being signed onto RAW or Smackdown soon by Ace to either feud with each other or even better. Take the tag team championship from Primo and Epico and make the title interesting again.
Read. React. Discuss.
Keep on trucking.