Does anyone remember this?
Look at all the WWE title holders at that one moment. Despite the fact that I'm not really a Ryder/Kofi fan at least they are young and fresher than some alternatives. You had arguably the two best workers as the to ME title holders and one of the best female wrestlers ever to lace up the boots in her prime. WTF happened? My guess is ratings/PPV buys took a dip and Vince got nervous and had everyone but Punk lose their titles pretty quickly.
I suppose Vince has forgotten the mid nineties when ratings and PPV rates dropped whilst guys like HHH, The Rock, Mankind, and Steve Austin were making their bones. Lo and behold once those guys got enough experience they took control and WWE went through one of it's most successful eras ever.
Imagine if Vince had been that rash in those days. The Ringmaster wasn't getting over, Rocky Maivia was booed out of buildings, and HHH was a mid-carder at best. The Vince of the present would've buried them in favour of keeping the Undertaker, HBK, and those of similar ilk in a never ending carousel of title reigns.
The moment that picture was taken WWE's future looked pretty bright. It's too bad that starting with Bourne's positive drug test, it went downhill faster than Xanth chasing a chocolate cake.
I wonder if they'll have the foresight to realize their mistake and put players like these in the forefront in the near future? I, for one, sincerely hope so.

Look at all the WWE title holders at that one moment. Despite the fact that I'm not really a Ryder/Kofi fan at least they are young and fresher than some alternatives. You had arguably the two best workers as the to ME title holders and one of the best female wrestlers ever to lace up the boots in her prime. WTF happened? My guess is ratings/PPV buys took a dip and Vince got nervous and had everyone but Punk lose their titles pretty quickly.
I suppose Vince has forgotten the mid nineties when ratings and PPV rates dropped whilst guys like HHH, The Rock, Mankind, and Steve Austin were making their bones. Lo and behold once those guys got enough experience they took control and WWE went through one of it's most successful eras ever.
Imagine if Vince had been that rash in those days. The Ringmaster wasn't getting over, Rocky Maivia was booed out of buildings, and HHH was a mid-carder at best. The Vince of the present would've buried them in favour of keeping the Undertaker, HBK, and those of similar ilk in a never ending carousel of title reigns.
The moment that picture was taken WWE's future looked pretty bright. It's too bad that starting with Bourne's positive drug test, it went downhill faster than Xanth chasing a chocolate cake.
I wonder if they'll have the foresight to realize their mistake and put players like these in the forefront in the near future? I, for one, sincerely hope so.