There's A New Monster In Town: Bram Terrorizes TNA

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May 20, 2014
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A new king of extreme is on the loose in TNA and his name is Bram. Bram’s bloodlust has put the entire TNA lockerroom on high alert since his arrival earlier this year. Initially targeting Willow and viciously beating him with turnbuckles and pry bars, Bram even converted Magnus from a classy world champion to a wild brawler. Together, the two have conquered everyone in their path – but it is Bram’s sheer barbarism that is really terrifying.

In recent weeks, Abyss has been trying to stop Bram’s madness, while also reclaiming the title of TNA’s most extreme – and we’ve had some incredible wars between the two as a result. However, what we’ve been left with is an even more terrifying Bram – now that he has taken Abyss’ beloved Janice. The nail-filled board has been used against its owner not once, but twice – ending in Bram even taking Janice from the Manhattan Center this past Thursday.

While Abyss certainly won’t give up his hunt to recapture Janice, it may be too late. Bram is poised to wreak havoc on the TNA roster and his new alliance with Janice could very well be the beginnings of a new-age Bonnie and Clyde, tearing through the flesh of TNA’s toughest one-at-a-time.

What will happen next? How will Abyss react to losing his girl? Find out this Thursday on IMPACT!


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