What if Christian delivers that moment in time at WrestleMania?"
I have been toying with this idea, and frankly, it makes some sense. While the WWE is working on boring us with The Shield and the same trio of superstars (Randy Orton, Sheamus and Ryback) in a six-man tag team match, there has to be some kind of moment that grabs us, much like Hulk Hogan joining the NWO or matches between Steve Austin and Mr. McMahon.
Last year's "Hell in a Cell" match in Miami was as dramatic as any we have seen, and we are still talking about it. John Cena and The Rock cannot deliver that. It is unknown if CM Punk and Undertaker can take their quickly developed rivalry to a new level. Alberto Del Rio and Jack Swagger are beginning to lose the air in their balloon. Something has to happen.
Here is a proposal. What if Christian is exposed as the leader of The Shield?
While the WWE is quick to re-sign matches for two pay-per-view events at a time, to get the fans to plunk down more money to see the new version of the same old scene, adding Christian to the match provides depth, a new storyline and allows one of the greatest wrestlers in WWE history to manage and wrestle, thus keeping his ring time or wrestling time to a minimum since he has been injured as of late.
This also would be shocking, leaving us asking questions and possibly burying the idea of a Randy Orton heel turn until it actually happens, which then could shock us all.
Remember, we all thought John Cena would do a 180, and it never happened.
Christian is great as a heel or face, and there are few better in the ring or on the mic. And whether we like it or not, The Peeps would still be firmly behind him. His angle could be that he never got the support from the WWE he wanted, and he believes in justice just like The Shield. He could also say that he was always second fiddle to his best friend, Edge, and wants to prove he is a leader.
It works.
Read more here http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1569009-wwe-wrestlemania-29-should-christian-be-the-surprise-of-wm-29