I have a small theory about the whole, WWE and WHC championship situation, what if The Rock defeats CM Punk, and John Cena challenges The Rock for the WWE championship at Wrestlemania, and The Rock accepts. While Cena and Ziggler have their feud though, what if Cena defeats Ziggler for the World Heavyweight championship on the way to Wrestlemania, and makes it a unification match? Whoever wins becomes the WWE Heavyweight Champion. I think it would be interesting, because then, Ziggler can be part of the match, since the champion has a rematch clause, Ziggler can be part of the unification match, and then the Royal Rumble winner can be part of it. Let's say, Rock vs Cena vs Ziggler vs Ryback for a unification match? I know it sounds odd, but I think it'll be something completely different and it would finally unify the world championships. Plus, Rock would be a draw, Cena would be a draw, and the crowd is behind Ryback right now, and Ziggler could sell like a boss during that match.
I know it's odd, but what would you guys think of a situation like this?
I know it's odd, but what would you guys think of a situation like this?