I've seen and read plenty of people discussing how important it is have a big moment at Wrestlemania to cement your legacy. For example, Randy Orton's career has been great, but he hasn't done much of anything at 'Mania. Dolph is always in some joke match at 'Mania.
Hogan bodyslamming Andre at 3. The Stone Cold heel turn at 17. Rock's match with Hogan at 18. Triple H punting Orton at 25. The list goes on. How important is it for a wrestler's legacy to have a big moment at 'Mania?
Hogan bodyslamming Andre at 3. The Stone Cold heel turn at 17. Rock's match with Hogan at 18. Triple H punting Orton at 25. The list goes on. How important is it for a wrestler's legacy to have a big moment at 'Mania?