The Week in Quotes: May 22 - 28

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Jan 28, 2011
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"Get off my phone fake ass white boy!!" - Rashad Evans, in a text to Jon Jones. Jones released the text to the media. How quaint. (Cage Potato)

"it's not that I think being a white boy is a bad thing, its not against white people in general. [It's] an insult to him because he's not white, you can see where the insult comes in." - Evans. Ah yes, you see, because we would expect for Evans to refer to Jones as a black man given the pigmentation of the latter's skin. But then we get the Russo swerve with the white boy quip! Well done! At least he didn't hide behind the "I have white friends" excuse. (MMA Weekly)

"If I offended anybody I deeply do apologize, some of my best friends are white." - Evans

"I got no problem with white people it was just a simple fact that to be a black person and be called something that you are not is very offensive." - Evans, exciting fighter. (I don't mean to offend exciting fighters out there. Some of my best friends are exciting fighters. But I think you can see where the insult comes in. You know, because people don't think Evans is an exciting fighter.)


"Me and Jon had a tentative date scheduled and I know this because we had the same management team. It was in Denver, it was in September." - Rashad Evans, on his cancelled fight with former teammate and current light heavyweight champion Jon Jones. (MMA Weekly)

"Upon that date being tentatively scheduled, Malki and Jon decided that Jon needed to [undergo] a thumb surgery, which he didn't need, which didn't inhibit him from becoming the world champion, but all of a sudden he needs this thumb surgery. After that, he did not get the surgery, but they already pulled out of the fight and said he won't be able to fight." - Evans

"If he's so great, if he's so good, if he's going to smash me and all the other things he said he was going to do, then he would have took the fight. The simple fact that he didn't take the fight" - Evans. Well, Rashad, I mean you have to be next in line so long as you beat Phil Davis, right?

"I'm expected to compete against Lyoto Machida or Rampage Jackson in maybe October, mid-October." - Jon Jones (Sports Radio Interviews)


"I made mind up when I first started fighting that I wasn’t going to fight past 35. When I hit 35, I feel like I’ll be an old man in this sport." - Quinton Jackson, who'll be humpin' and motorboatin' lady reporters long after retirement. (Sherdog)

"When you’re a professional athlete and you’re disgusted when you look in the mirror, that’s embarrassing." - Jackson, on Roy Nelson.

"I see so many pro-wrestlers and football players and boxers that don’t have anything after their careers are over. I have kids who I have to look after. I want to put some of them through college, and with some of my kids, I’m going to need lawyers’ fees. Y’all laugh, but it’s true." - Jackson


"If it didn't happen the worst case scenario that happens if we own Strikeforce is these guys roll over into the UFC." - UFC President Dana White, on working with Showtime. I think the worst-case scenario is Strikeforce guys NOT rolling over to the UFC, no? (MMA Torch)

"I don't know if there's ever been a penalty laid down, I mean Tyson, I think when Tyson bit the ear, Tyson got a year. Um... it's pretty crazy." - White, on Chael Sonnen's suspension. Let's also note that the NSAC fined Tyson $3 million plus legal fees. (

"This guy wants to fight again and I owe him another fight. He's a grown man. If he wants to continue to fight, that's his right and he still has a fight with me." - White, on Mirko Filipovic. Sounds like someone handed out a guaranteed contract. (ESPN)

"The fat thing was funny for a while; it's not funny anymore. It's not funny when you're the co-main event in a big fight like that and the fight looks the way that it did." - White, on Roy Nelson's UFC 130 performance. (MMA Fighting)


"We’re not going fishing tomorrow, I’ll leave it at that." - Brock Lesnar, on Mr. Horseshoe himself, Frank Mir. (The Fight Show)

"One of my friends pulled me to the side and said 'you need to adjust this Malki because Malki is your manager, he needs to stop going around saying he represents you in one breath and the next breath saying that Jon Jones is going to destroy you.' Whether he believes that or not, that's irrelevant." - Rashad Evans, on former manager Malki Kawa, a fine and upstanding human being. (MMA Weekly)

"Before, I used to look at fighting as this passionate thing, I would go out there and just try to impress everybody, make everybody happy. If you run your business that way, what happens? You’re gonna go broke, you’re gonna go bankrupt, and that’s what happened to me." - Miguel Torres. Another lesson he could take to Twitter. (