Undertaker joined ESPN to talk about his memories of the Montreal Screwjob that took place between
Bret Hart and
Shawn Michaels at the 1997
Survivor Series. While backstage at the event, Taker had a feeling something was up and tried to find out if anything was going to happen.
"At that time, Bret and I — still are — we're pretty close," The Undertaker began. "Bret's radar was up, he felt like something might go down and so I was kind of working my way around, I kept asking Earl Hebner, 'Hey, did you hear anything? Is anything going on?' Every time I asked him, it was 'no.' I don't think he found out until late, really late, what was going to happen.
"Then, it was getting close to match time and this is one place where I let my guard down. Someone said, 'Hey, why don't you go watch the match from Vince's office?' I was like, 'Okay, that's fine.' So I went back, sitting in Vince's office, watching the match and then it all went down. All hell breaks lose. I ended up working my way to Bret's locker room. Just like, 'I cannot believe this just happened.' I left there and I went to get Vince, Vince has got to address this to Bret. I left there and was going to Vince's office and Vince was already on his way."
Taker then recalled much of the locker room wasn't happy with what happened, but he decided to move those who weren't really affected by it out of the locker room where Bret and Vince were going to talk, hoping to keep things a bit calmer. Taker then spoke about Hart warning Vince about punching him and eventually doing it.
"Basically, he said, 'I'm going to go in here, I'm going to shower, I'm going to get dressed, if you're still here I'm going to knock you out,'" Undertaker recalled. "That's basically — they talked, he got dressed, they got up and Vince said, 'I'm going to give you one.' To this day, I cannot figure out how that punch got through so many people. I really don't know, because there was so many people in there and they weren't like face-to-face. The punch got through, he hit Vince, Vince went down and that was it."