
When you add the four greatest performers of all time as of today: Ric Flair, HBK, Hulk Hogan, and Bret Hart, who would you bank on winning?
Consider all 4 men in their primes.
If I were to put every penny on it, I would have to say Ric Flair. The greatest pure athlete by far in my opinion. Hands down the greatest performer with the ability to make anyone he gets into the ring with look like a 5 star main eventer. Always came out on top in the end and never fails to draw a crowd. Has the mechanics in the ring. The ability to sell. The mic skills to keep interest and the overness regardless of being heel or face.
Consider all 4 men in their primes.
If I were to put every penny on it, I would have to say Ric Flair. The greatest pure athlete by far in my opinion. Hands down the greatest performer with the ability to make anyone he gets into the ring with look like a 5 star main eventer. Always came out on top in the end and never fails to draw a crowd. Has the mechanics in the ring. The ability to sell. The mic skills to keep interest and the overness regardless of being heel or face.