Kayfabe The Summerslam World Championship Main Event

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The Game
Apr 14, 2016
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*Ryan is standing in the ring as he gets a mixed reaction from the crowd. Ryan looks anxious to start the segment. Ryan grabs a mic and begins to speak*

Ryan Blake:
For the past month I have been trying to find someone to step in the ring with the World champion Buster Gates at Summerslam. So many people just said no....So many people were just too scared to get in the ring with the big man. But....I have found one person who isn't scared to look Buster Gates in the eyes and go one on one with him. Is it the Blade? Is it Tyson Blade? Is it even Will Neilson? I know one thing for sure....This will be the biggest Main Event in Precision history. I also got some info on who posted those nude pics of Buster Gates..... And God it's bad. The person who did it was too sneaky and I think it's going to break Buster Gate's heart. So can Buster Gates please make his way to the ring? And be ready my friend.

*Ryan Blake begins to wait as Buster Gate's music plays*
  • Haha
Reactions: Geek773


The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
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*Buster Gates' music hits. He slowly takes his time walking out onto the stage, suited up with his Undisputed Championship over his shoulder. Reginald follows closely behind him. The two men make their way down to the ring as Ryan Blake watches from inside. Reginald climbs up the ring steps first and sits on the middle rope, allowing Buster to enter. Reginald pulls out Buster's special engraved microphone from inside his jacket pocket and hands it to him. In return Buster hands Reginald his title.*
Buster Gates: Ryan... My week has been filled with me falsely accusing nearly every single person I come in contact with and right now, my brain is tired. After last week where I destroyed Anthony Sharpe like I said I was going to do, I came to realise it wasn't him either. So, Anthony, i'm sorry. I'm sorry that you were in the way last week. You could've been anyone, but it isn't your fault. It's not your fault that you aren't as good as me, because no-one is...
*Buster sighs.*
Buster Gates: Like I said... I'm tired. It's been a long, long week. If you know who leaked those pictures, just tell me. Put my mind at ease so I can kick the shit out them... Oh, and my SummerSlam opponent too, but... I guess that isn't really as important.
*Buster waits for a reply.*


The Game
Apr 14, 2016
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*Ryan Blake smiles at Buster Gates and waves at Reginald. He begins to speak as Buster Gates waits for the reveal*

Ryan Blake: Well.....Let's just talk about your match at Summerslam. It will be a normal singles match for the World championship. Due to the person who I made the deal with he has asked for Reg to be banned from ringside. The ref will be picked by me and won't take bribes of any kind. And the championship advantage won't count in this match....If you lose by DQ or countout then your opponent will become champion. These rules were requested in the contract signing and I had to agree....But you're Buster Gates! You're the best wrestler in the world! You don't need these rules to keep your title. These rules are a little harsh but they were needed for him to sign with us. Since he's running a little late why not get to the nudes? The person who posted the nudes knew it would piss you off....He knew it would get you all red inside and he knew you in real life. Was it Reg? Well....He did have your pics. He has your whole life on his phone. *Buster looks at Reginald with anger in his eyes* But it isn't him so please don't kill him. God....Sorry Reg but I needed a good joke. Buster......The person who did it is standing in this ring and it wasn't you and it wasn't Reg. And don't be dumb enough to blame the camera man.....It was me big man! I posted your nudes all over the damn internet! I did all of it you fucking cunt!


The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
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*Buster's jaw drops. He stands still for a few seconds as a "oooooooh!" is heard throughout the arena from the audience. Buster cracks his neck and you can see that he is grinding his teeth together. He slowly brings the microphone up to his mouth. He's physically shaking in anger.*
Buster Gates: You... You... What the FUCK?! We own this place! Together! We are THE MONARCHY FOR FUCKS SAKE! What is wrong with you?! We made a deal! We are in charge! You piece of shit!
*Buster drops his microphone and walks forwards towards Ryan Blake.*


The Game
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score
*Ryan Blake grabs his microphone before Buster Gates reaches him*

Ryan Blake: I think it's time to reveal your opponent!

*The lights go out in the arena as the audience wonder what is going on. Images begin to play on the titantron showing darkness and Angels. The images stop with the line "The Darkness Is Here" and music begins to play*

*The crowd begin to go crazy as the music plays. Buster Gates is standing in the ring confused and Ryan Blake is laughing*

???: Precision.....Say hello to the God of Darkness.....And World heavyweight champion of Exodus......Robert Blake!

*Robert Blake begins to make his way to the ring as the crowd chant "Holy shit" he has his World championship above his shoulder in all of its glory. He begins to stare at both Buster Gates and Reginald as they stare back. Robert Blake climbs into the ring and goes toe to toe with Buster Gates. Robert Blake holds his World championship above his head as Buster Gates holds his World championship above his head. The crowd begin to chant "Fuck yes" and Robert Blake smiles into Buster Gate's face. Ryan Blake looks back enjoying all his work*

Ryan Blake: The World champion of Exodus! The best wrestler in the world! Buster Gates The Precision World Champion VS Robert Blake The Exodus World Champion at the Main Event of Summerslam! This is epic! This is the biggest match in the history of the leagues. Two companies become one at Summerslam! Who will win?! The biggest cock in wrestling or the greatest wrestler of our time? The man who beat Lukey! The man who has broken Exodus into two pieces! We all know Robert Blake will win this! Buster Gates has had his time....It's over!

*Ryan Blake low blows Buster Gates as he falls to the ring mat. Ryan Blake and Robert Blake look over Buster Gate's body and shake hands. Reginald just stands there. Ryan Blake picks up The Precision World championship and gives it to Robert Blake. Robert Blake holds both titles above his head as the fans chant "Robert Blake!" ending the segment*