Kayfabe The State of Precision - A Will Neilson Story

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Chicken McDouble

The Architect
Apr 15, 2016
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United Kingdom
*As the final pyrotechnic goes off the crowd erupt and start chanting 'Precison!' all in unison. The stacked crowd can't wait for Season 2 to get underway and it has to start off with something the fans will love hasn't it? Right? Well... the answer would be a no.*

*The music of Will Neilson goes off, and it reminds the fans of how much of a.. ahem... dickhead he is, after 16 seconds or so, Neilson finally comes out to a chorus of boos, but he smiles and embraces them all in. Will is wearing an Anarchy Inc. T-Shirt, Adidas trainers and smart but scruffy jeans, and he is coming out alone. No Reagan Cole, No Antonio Stark and No Chris Parks. He walks down the ramp and slides into the ring and beckons for a microphone, that he does receive.*

Will -
Ah.... it's so good to be back. I belong in this company, and I belong in this ring, no matter what you people think, that is a FACT! *Crowd Boo* Please... boo more, it just simply enlightens me. The reason I'm out here is to... talk about the state of this company.. how a certain *COUGH* General Manager is driving this company into the ground more than me driving Rhys Haze's face down to the mat with the 'Neilson Clash'! Ryan Blake, brother of Robert Blake, brother of the man I beat to win my first World Championship and the man I'm not afraid to beat again just to have another chance at that title! Ryan Blake is just... dumb, he's a thick twat to put it into perspective aswell to actually register in the minds of all those chavs out there.

*The crowd's booing is much more louder and impactful than last time, with most of them literally wanting to punch Will Neilson in the face, Will holds his hand up which shuts the crowd up for now and goes out of the ring to pull out a box, he gets back in and opens it up, pulling out a Precision T-Shirt and a lighter.*

Will -
Saturday Night Precision... at this moment in time, it looks like Ryan Blake will burn it to the ground. *Neilson lights the Precision T-Shirt on fire, letting it burn before chucking it to the ground and stomping on it, putting the fire out and shocking some of the WWEF universe.* You people like Ryan Blake... you people like his brother, you people have made the wrong choice! Believe in me, I will be the one to save Precision and ultimately put a stop to Ryan Blake! I have Anarchy Inc! He has a mascara wearing little brother and no one else! Absolutely no one! His in ring career is done! There is no one left for Ryan Blake to recru...

*Suddenly, the lights go out in the arena, Neilson is confused but of course the crowd can't see that, the titantron flickers and one word shows up on the titantron, a plain and simple...*


*The light come back on and an unknown theme song erupts through the arena, surprising Neilson and pumping the crowd up.*
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The Game
Apr 14, 2016
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*The fans seem to wonder what this is considering they have never heard the music before. Some man appears from the behind the curtain with Apollo Black on his T-Shirt. The fans seem to have no reaction to this man since they have never seen him before. He climbs into the ring, and he begins to sneer directly at Will Neilson. He grabs a mic as both men stare at each other*

Apollo Black: The great Will Neilson! Look how far you have fallen. You used to be the guy the kids could look up to and say "One day I will do what he does", but you turned your back on everyone that looked up to you. You're probably wondering who I am, and I guess I owe you some sort of explanation. You see, Ryan Blake doesn't really like you. You act like he's running this place into the ground just because you don't get what you want. You want to know what Ryan Blake did? He gave the future of this company a call. He said "Apollo, I need your help. I have some kid that needs to be put into his place" and I just replied with "Is it Will Neilson?" and he said yes. Ryan Blake signed me to Precision, and I decided tonight was the best night to show up. I can sit here and ask them to cheer for me but they don't even know me. However, they will know me after I break your face. Why should anyone respect you? You and your little crew of jackasses come out here every night and act tough? Yeah, beating women make you look so tough. And you turn your back on your best friend? You can say he was holding you back, but was any of that shit needed? Having the damn guy fight for your contract at Summerslam? And he won? You know what I think, I just think you got pissed because he was gaining momentum. He needed you at the start, but he was finally walking on his own. The great Neilson was scared since Rhys was getting too big for that shadow you had him stuffed in. Again, people will think this is a silly reason for me to want a match with you, but is it all that silly? Did anyone do anything about the shit you were doing? Beating women and attacking people with your group of jackasses? Yes, it may be a silly reason, but it's all the reasons I need! I'm here to give Precision someone they can believe in. Hey, they probably will be chanting "Apollo die!" in a months time, but it will be worth it once I have you broken in this damn ring! So, how about we stop this chit chat and get to the good stuff? Me and you one on one at December To Dismember. Show these people you still have some balls left!

*Apollo begins to wait for Will Neilson to reply*

Chicken McDouble

The Architect
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
United Kingdom

*The fans seem to wonder what this is considering they have never heard the music before. Some man appears from the behind the curtain with Apollo Black on his T-Shirt. The fans seem to have no reaction to this man since they have never seen him before. He climbs into the ring, and he begins to sneer directly at Will Neilson. He grabs a mic as both men stare at each other*

Apollo Black: The great Will Neilson! Look how far you have fallen. You used to be the guy the kids could look up to and say "One day I will do what he does", but you turned your back on everyone that looked up to you. You're probably wondering who I am, and I guess I owe you some sort of explanation. You see, Ryan Blake doesn't really like you. You act like he's running this place into the ground just because you don't get what you want. You want to know what Ryan Blake did? He gave the future of this company a call. He said "Apollo, I need your help. I have some kid that needs to be put into his place" and I just replied with "Is it Will Neilson?" and he said yes. Ryan Blake signed me to Precision, and I decided tonight was the best night to show up. I can sit here and ask them to cheer for me but they don't even know me. However, they will know me after I break your face. Why should anyone respect you? You and your little crew of jackasses come out here every night and act tough? Yeah, beating women make you look so tough. And you turn your back on your best friend? You can say he was holding you back, but was any of that shit needed? Having the damn guy fight for your contract at Summerslam? And he won? You know what I think, I just think you got pissed because he was gaining momentum. He needed you at the start, but he was finally walking on his own. The great Neilson was scared since Rhys was getting too big for that shadow you had him stuffed in. Again, people will think this is a silly reason for me to want a match with you, but is it all that silly? Did anyone do anything about the shit you were doing? Beating women and attacking people with your group and jackasses? Yes, it may be a silly reason, but it's all the reasons I need! I'm here to give Precision someone they can believe in. Hey, they probably will be chanting "Apollo die!" in a months time, but it will be worth it once I have you broken in this damn ring! So, how about we stop this chit chat and get to the good stuff? Me and you one on one at December To Dismember. Show these people you still have some balls left!

*Apollo begins to wait for Will Neilson to reply*

*Will steps back a bit and is clearly taken back by Apollo's comments, he thinks about his response for a moment before lifting the mic up to his mouth.*

Will - Apollo... you talk about how far I've fallen... it's how far Ryan Blake has fallen, hiring someone like you to take out someone like me. I would have expected someone more on my level, you've just started here, these fans don't know who you are, no one knows who you are.. and you want a match with me? Ahahaha! Dream on kiddo, I only face people who I see fit as competition. Apollo Black, you think you know your facts eh? Saying I stabbed Rhys Haze in the back because I was afraid.. I wasn't afraid, I was angry. How would you feel if your best friend used your injury to make a name for himself? It's downright shitty, the dirtiest trick there is. Anarchy Inc was formed to stop these issues in Precision, Rhys Haze was only the beginning, Ryan Blake is next. You are far from the future, your just the guy who comes in here and talks the talk, but I don't see the walk? You want me at December to Dismember? There prove yourself, if Ryan hates me so much, then he can get his fat ass out here before I go backstage and get him myself. Your the road, I'm the steam roller, I'll drive right on over you with no worries. I don't see.. the future.. I don't see... a superhero.. Apollo all I see... is none other.. than Ryan Blake's little bitch.

*Will drops the mic and gets out the ring, walking back up the ramp staring directly into the angry face of Apollo Black, Neilson twitches a bit before raising his middle fingers up to Black and walks backstage laughing.*