The shoot thread

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Paul Diaz-Berrio

The Artiste
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Catalonia, Spain
I'd like to spin this thread to give us wrestling fans a chance to air our own shoots, using our favorite wrestlers, or our own fictional wrestlers.

We've all Scott Steiner and CM Punk do their own shoots, so, since we were all tadpoles once, we can all turn into princes just like they did. I'll go first and I hope my example will inspire others to do their own shoots and surpass mine. Here we go...

Kurt Angle, you should take your injuries as blessings in disguise. They put you in the GM seat. Without them, you'd be an occasional attraction like the Undertaker, a relic from a time long gone, but your nerve damage brought you to a new level.

Take a look at all the guys and girls that got hurt over the years and you'll see exactly what I mean. Paige was the latest example. Her neck injury didn't take her out of the game by a long shot. It made her a more important player. Now, she acts as the public voice piece for the company, the one who gives the fans all the surprises and shockers that keeps the biz alive.

The only thing is Kurt Angle, you still are a part time wrestler. You didn't get hurt badly enough to put you on even ground with Paige, but I'll tell you what, when you step in the ring with me, I'll injure you just a little more so your career in the ring ends. When I'm done with you, you'll truly be in the same league as Paige. I don't have to tell you about the rest of the guys that went on to eo better things when they got injured, because you know who they are. As you heal in hospital, you'll think of them and realize that I did you the biggest favor in your life.

Teller Tristan
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Pop Tatari

Christian vieri
Mar 4, 2012
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London, United Kingdom

Paul Diaz-Berrio

The Artiste
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Catalonia, Spain
I'm actually going to post shoots here under my own pseudonyym. I thought about using other wrestler's names, but then I remembered Harrison Ford saying that you have to make your own successes. I've decided to follow suit, so the shoots I post here will be my own special variety.
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Paul Diaz-Berrio

The Artiste
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Catalonia, Spain
They say that when door closes, another one opens. Well, in some cases, when one door reopens, another one closes and can hit someone in the ass before said person can walk through. Sunny found out about this the hard way when she ended her relationship with Shawn Michaels. She reopened the door of her relationship with Chris Candido, which was the perfectly honest and kind thing to do, and the kid got his heart broken. If it wasn't for the fallout, I'd say his subsequent fury was just another tandrum, but it was his actions that got Sunny put on the short end of the stick and her career in WWE was severely derailed.

Shawn Michaels, you put Sunny on the road to her downfall. You were the catalyst, the chemical that resulted in a series of explosions that crippled her life as a diva and then led to her getting high, DUI and right now, she's facing half a decade behind bars. You were the bitch behind the breakage and to this day, you never made any repairs. No book, no magazine, no newspaper, has ever written about any attempts to prevent that fine young woman from spiraling down into a pit from which she might never climb out of. They also say all ain't black and white, though. You cast your black spell by getting Sunny demoted in disgrace for 1997 and her pathetic run as the LOD valet, but guess what, that same year, you got hurt and that was the first step in making a better life for yourself.

You see, it was the injury you sustained when the Undertaker back dropped you onto a casket that began your journey to self-redemption. It was your drug addiction that made your wife kick your ass and make you a better person. Kevin Nash must've sensed you were in dire need of a readjustment and sent Rebecca your way cos he knew that by yourself you were going down and you would fall so hard on your ass, your spine woulda shattered from the fall and you'd never have gotten up again! Thanks to outside intervention, Shawn Michaels, you got a second chance at life. Your best friend introduced a new element to your life that helped recycle you into a better human being. Without your injury, you'd be a sore spot on the skin of this world that would've gotten frozen and removed like the whart you were. Your new life was built on the compassion of one man who had a clearer vision than yours and your injury was the red flag that you waved, as much as you tried not to, and it was your saving grace.

Now, Sunny might recover from you sabotaging her career, but that's on her now. I can see, or at least I'd like to think, you've made a u-turn and now you're a more developed human being. Kids and a wife are usually the signs of a man who wants to make a change for the better, and I'm hoping you're not an exception to the rule, but above all, remember that it was getting hurt that put you in a place where those who loved you gave you what you needed to rejuvinate your life.

So, we go back to the beginning. One door opened, another one closed. The asshole that was the Heartbreak got locked behind the door of your past and the new, improved person came into his own. It took pain, it took bad experience, to remold a man into a better shape. You paid the price for your wrongdoings with your own bones and now, you have all you enjoy because of a freak accident, which you made worse by not having the surgery you needed, so look back at 1998 as your wake-up call, the necessary bump you had to take to get your real life started. Weeks after your future wife was introduced to you, a whole new world was opened up to you, and like any smart guy, you stepped into it and you became the responsible man you are because you did. Your kids were born and you're happily retired, free of your addiction, free of your abuse of power and the heartbreak hotel's been closed to make way for a better establishment. All in all, what hurt you the most brought you the greatest glory in your life!

Paul Diaz-Berrio

The Artiste
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Catalonia, Spain
I'm going to pretend this is the year 2042, because today's promo is about the imaginary Birdie Joe diva who may swoop down on the WWE and snatch the Divas like like no other.

Birdie Joe, I have been waiting so long to meet you in person. You're gonna do a lot of things in your career and one of them is take bumps, only to come back stronger than before or to gain something you didn't previously know you could get.

Birdie Joe, you were born because your mom retired when your father took a brief hiatus from the world of professional wrestling. They both went home and then one night, you were concieved. It was your father's injury and your mom's compassion for him, that made you in the first place. If your dad hadn't gotten hurt, you'd have come later and you might not have been the tadpole that broke through the egg. If your mom hadn't retired, there'd have been no soil for the seed to be sown.

So, Birdie Joe, you owe your life to injury. Seeing as you were born because of a brief misfortune, imagine what would happen if you hurt someone else. In our day and age, new tech can heal the human body better than anything we had before and he best is yet to come. In our mixed matches and in your own singles, I'll make you a believer of gain through pain and when the smoke clears, we'll leave a trail of broken bodies that will mend in time like your dad and return to action better than before, or climb to new heights that they hadn't reached before.

Teller Tristan
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Paul Diaz-Berrio

The Artiste
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Catalonia, Spain
Hey everyone,

I edited my last post in this thread because I felt like it may have come accross as too negative and antagonistic. I have done my best to make it more subtle and manipulative, in a way that honors the master mind heels like Kevin Sullivan and Jake Roberts.

My apologies to anyone who felt that I showed cruelty towards Daniel Bryan or the hypothetical diva his daughter might become. That was certainly not my intention and it was done largely out of frustration with myself for various reasons. I respect both father and daughter very much and I wish the best for them both.

Please remember, feedback is always welcome. If anything, this forum is teaching me to rethink certain things that I post, which no other forum has done before. I am very fortunate to have found this place.

I'll See Ya Kia

Beautiful Palm Trees.
Mar 24, 2012
Reaction score
Hey everyone,

I edited my last post in this thread because I felt like it may have come accross as too negative and antagonistic. I have done my best to make it more subtle and manipulative, in a way that honors the master mind heels like Kevin Sullivan and Jake Roberts.

My apologies to anyone who felt that I showed cruelty towards Daniel Bryan or the hypothetical diva his daughter might become. That was certainly not my intention and it was done largely out of frustration with myself for various reasons. I respect both father and daughter very much and I wish the best for them both.

Please remember, feedback is always welcome. If anything, this forum is teaching me to rethink certain things that I post, which no other forum has done before. I am very fortunate to have found this place.
I think you may have a good heart. Some of it may have been a bit much. We all have our naughtier side, do we not? :)

Paul Diaz-Berrio

The Artiste
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Catalonia, Spain
I think you may have a good heart. Some of it may have been a bit much. We all have our naughtier side, do we not? :emoji_slight_smile:

We do indeed. We need to temper it, moderate it. If we do, we can have a good time without causing damage. I do my best to achieve that in my threads.

Thanks for your recognition. It means a lot to me.

I'll See Ya Kia

Beautiful Palm Trees.
Mar 24, 2012
Reaction score
We do indeed. We need to temper it, moderate it. If we do, we can have a good time without causing damage. I do my best to achieve that in my threads.

Thanks for your recognition. It means a lot to me.
You're welcome :D

Paul Diaz-Berrio

The Artiste
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Catalonia, Spain
Charlotte Flair, names are things that are carved in stone when they stand for something great. When the people who bear them carry out respectable feats, they can be remembered for all time. Yours, though, is built on a life of fast cars, fast women, and obviously, fast living. Your daddy took the fast lane, and he went to the top through his chops, his drops, his leg breakers and his figure four leg-lock, but seriously wrestle, he never did. His fame was built on those flashy dresses that made him look more like a peacock than a person and his ego stopped him from becoming a coach. Imagine all those people, Charlotte Flair, that your daddy could've touched, all those new faces he could've mentored. By wrestling well past his prime, he neglected all the young people that could've learned from his experiences.

Well, Charlotte, when I step in the ring with you, I'm gonna show you what you and your daddy have been missing. All those fancy colors, those loud cars and hotels are gonna look like children's toys and lego castles when we get it on and by the time I'm done with you, you're gonna want to break 'em down. Maybe then you'll see just how much time's been wasted by you and your old man and make a fresh, new start.

Teller Tristan