Normally I'd call this report absurd but given the lengths WWE have gone to get Roman Reigns over in these four plus years, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if indeed there was some truth behind it.
I maean, it's been a proven fact that Kevin Dunn will occasinally do his "magic" and mess up with the volume when it comes to the viewers at home, as in tone it down when the boos are really loud and vice versa when it comes to chears. Furthermore, there have been a couple of occasions with supposidly "plants" being placed at ringside and right across the hard cam for, well, obvious reasons. So, yeah, wouldn't put it past WWE...
Either way, the bottom line is they can't shut up the fans and more so when it comes to cities like New York, just like they couldn't in New Orleans when chants such as "boring", "this is awful" or "beat the traffic" amongst others broke. Honestly, I cannot wait till Summerslam when Brooklyn eats them alive (and there ain't shit that any Kevin Dunn will be able to do) in such a way that it probably forces WWE to use the only ace in their sleave available, thus Strowman cashing in...