Many within WWE see The Miz as their top social media representative, and because of this they are making a major social media push for SummerSlam this year, which is why Miz has been appointed as the “host” of the event.
As noted earlier today, Miz will be using Google Glass during the event. Google Glass is a computer linked up to a pair of glasses that transmits photos and videos through social media platforms.
WWE V.P. Perkins Miller spoke to, saying, “We can use social media as the glue that connects all of these things for our fans who can’t be in Los Angeles as well as the fans who are there. It creates a unified experience we weren’t able to have before.”
Miz will also be representing World Wrestling Entertainment for the Playstation launch of a live-event streaming App. SummerSlam will be available to order via the Playstation Network, providing another outlet for fans to watch the pay-per-view.
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