I was going to make this but I saw someone already made it so... eh. lol
Bet she opens the show with it.What's the bet Stephanie comes out for a pointless, time wasting,
momentum killing, "Everyone look at me!" promo during Evolution?
I'd say the odds would be pretty high.
Well...at least that would get it out of the way...Bet she opens the show with it.
she's gonna have to if she wants to defeat the creator of women's wrestling and best female performer on the planet. One way or another, it would definitely have to be a 1 match PPV called "Stephalution" which opens with video packages of her basically just humiliating the entire roster by slapping them one by one before telling them that they're just a bunch of nobodies. Then, after a 7.5 star barrier breaking match, the show ends with a heartwarming Stephanie McMahon tribute video to send us off with a bunch of fireworks while everyone’s giving both Stephanie’s a standing ovation. Later that night, WWE.com would make it official that Stephanie McMahon is indeed getting inducted into the HOF as their headliner! Would you believe it?! :steph:Would love to see Stef fight Stef.. She Would Still Cheat to Beat her Self :emoji_slight_smile: