The Possibility of Losing Loved Ones

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THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

This is kinda just a way for me to vent, though I thought I may as well make a topic on it.

So for the second time in close to a year my dad has been told it's likely he has cancer. First it was bowel cancer, but lucily they nipped it before it got anywhere. This time his prostrate gland has grown considerably, and it is extremely likely he has prostrate cancer. A 90% chance is what the specialist said. I can't honestly imagine losing my dad. I went through a shit time with this nearing the end of last year, and this time it's come up again. Only this time it's more likely he will in fact have cancer and that he will end up dying. Prostate cancer is the biggest killer of men in the world, yet I never thought my own father would be struck down with it. He always seemed basically invincible. I know he's not, as his knees are completely torn about and his back is wrecked, but I never thought he could die. At this stage it looks likely though.

Why am I venting here? Simple. My dad dfidn't want me to tell my mum I knew, so I can't talk to her. I've talked with a few mates, but I still need somewhere to vent. Yeah.

So, anyone else gone through anything like this, or possibly going through it? Vent if you wish.

Solid Stinger the Big Boss

My brother is going to work himself to death and all that smoking he does doesn't help. He recently fucked up his knee and he got surgery last week. I usually keep the thoughts to myself, but he won't last too long.

I always thought my father was invincible as well, he could basically do everything. He was awesome I never imagined that he'd die. Then it suddenly happened on Sunday morning. Its strane because the day before that on Saturday night, I had a bad feeling something was going to happen. I just didn't know who it would happen to. My mother said she had the same feeling.

Whats really fucked up is my father's brothers all were smokers, and heavy drinkers. They all died early. My father avoided all of that bullshit and yet he still died around the same time as his brothers(my uncles). Really unfair if you ask me.

Stress is going to kill my mother. I'm predicting late 2009, or early 2010.

Evil Austin

Both my parents are broke; and I live with my grandparents. If it werent for my grandparents I would be living on the street with my mother. And I mean that. I am very close to them and very thankful; and the only thing I fear in life is the fact that in the next five to ten years or even closer one of them might die as they aren't young anymore. It just really gets to me; I try not to think about it cause it gets me all emotional.

★Chuck Zombie★

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Feb 8, 2007
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St. Bernard/Cincinnati, Ohio
When my brother was in Iraq, there were a few times that I cried at the thought of the possibility of him not coming home. It didn't help that since he figured I was the strongest person emotionally in my family, at least with this situation that after he called our parents and his wife, he would call me and tell me all the shit he couldn't tell them. He did some brutal stuff, and something bad could have easily happened to him. We're all glad he's home now.


So for the second time in close to a year my dad has been told it's likely he has cancer. First it was bowel cancer, but lucily they nipped it before it got anywhere. This time his prostrate gland has grown considerably, and it is extremely likely he has prostrate cancer. A 90% chance is what the specialist said. I can't honestly imagine losing my dad. I went through a shit time with this nearing the end of last year, and this time it's come up again. Only this time it's more likely he will in fact have cancer and that he will end up dying. Prostate cancer is the biggest killer of men in the world, yet I never thought my own father would be struck down with it. He always seemed basically invincible. I know he's not, as his knees are completely torn about and his back is wrecked, but I never thought he could die. At this stage it looks likely though.

I seriously feel very sorry for your situation James. Don't think of the negative sides and don't predict the future like this, be optimistic about the situation and move on positively and inshallah everything will turn out absolutely fine for your father.

Also be kind to yourself, don't think about it too much because the more you think of it, the more depressed you're going to feel. Deal with the problem positively James, spend time with your father, treat him to something special and help him fight against the disease. Don't worry, inshallah everything will turn out fine.

Stress is going to kill my mother. I'm predicting late 2009, or early 2010.

Don't say that, hopefully everything is normal by then.


Firstly, I feel sorry for you man, and hope you and your family pull through all that. Good luck.

But as for this, I've never had anything quite like you.
My grandparents (on one side) died when I was young, but alot of people go through that.
The closest thing to your situation would be that there was a possibility my mom had cancer, which, obviously, was pretty scary, but it turned out not to be.
Feb 8, 2007
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Australia... and no, I do not ride around on a Kan
At times i worry about my Dad, espcially lately. Lately there has been alot of heart problems in Dads side of the family, last year my Uncle almost died via heart attack ended up having a quadriple bypass. My Aunt (That Uncles wife) had one this year and one of my Dads cousin and Aunty both have had a heart attack recently but survived. My Dad keeps saying he will have to get his heart checked and I hope he does it soon cause it is possible that he may have heart problems as he isn't exactly healthy and it runs in the family


I have a similiar situation with my mother. She has an illness that could develop into cancer anytime soon, and it's got me really scared. My mum is really close to me, and tears well in my eyes when I think of her passing. However, recovery is still possible and I got her to quit smoking so all may be well. I don't know, I'm just praying for the best.

Also, my heart goes out to others with similiar stories.


Feb 8, 2008
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Yeh, I worry for almost every member of my family. Both of my maternal grandparents passed away before I was born, my grandmother two years before my brother and my grandfather two years before me. My paternal grandmother is in hospital pretty much once evey month, and we feared for my grandfather's life when he had a heart attack earlier this year, but thankfully he is fine. I worry for my dad as I barely see him with all of his smoking (something around 25 a day) and all of his work, but hopefully he will cut down after the birth of a new daughter with my stepmum. And to top that all off, I always thought of my mum as pretty much unbreakable, she would never back down and was somewhat of an inspiration, before she told me and my brother that she was diagnosed with breast cancer. This fucking sucks :(.


My mother died last year and it was hard for me. Emotionally, mentally and physically. Its not a nice thing to happen to anyone, i thought she was my rock my only person i can tell my feelings to. Now i cant tell anyone anything cause my mum was my big sister and nothing can replace her. its hard living now cause sometimes i think i cant cope without her, but i must be strong and try to live my life like i know she wanted me to.


Mar 31, 2007
Reaction score
My grandma had cancer fro about two years before she died, first it was breast cancer, which everyone knows kills alot of women, well than that went into remission and she ended up getting bone cancer, the hardest cancer to cure, I went to see her and she was laying there in a coma like state, I cried. It was the hardest thing I ever had to see, she made the best out of everything and I loved her alot. To see her like that was impossible. Than a day later I got called down to the office at school, I already knew why. My uncle was there crieing and he told me and my cousin, first time I ever hugged her. I just could not believe this situation. Than I decided to go home and when I got there my mom opened the door and hugged me for the longest time. I just remember saying its finally over.

Hardest thing I ever went through.


I've been blessed to not have to go through losing a loved one yet. BKB, I feel bad for you and I hope everything turns out fine. I'd spend as much time with your dad as possible, try and stay optimistic thats the only way you're going to get through this. To everyone else, I'm sorry you guys had to deal with something as horrible as losing a loved one. The truth is, its something we're all going to deal with some day and its easily the most unfortunate part of life