First Hour Break Down
Q1: Impact opened with a 1.03 rating for Hulk Hogan calling out four top babyfaces to set up the TV main event. There was also a Bully Ray Explanation Video and half of a commercial.
Q2: Impact dipped to a show-low 0.96 rating for ring introductions and the first-half of a Tag Title match between Roode & Aries and Chavo & Hernandez, plus one-and-a-half commercials.
Q3: Impact rebounded to a first-hour-high 1.04 rating for the conclusion of the Tag Title match, a video on new X Division rules, one commercial, and the first-half of an X Division Title match.
Q4: Impact dipped to a 1.00 rating for the conclusion of the X Title match, the third Bully Ray Explanation Video, and two full commercials.
Second Hour Break Down
Q5: Impact got its usual top-of-the-second-hour bump to a 1.14 rating, which was one of the lowest Q5 ratings of the year. The segment featured the Knockouts talking, one commercial, and the fourth Bully Ray Explanation Video.
Q6: Impact increased to a show-high 1.16 rating for the second-half of Ray's explanation video, Matt Morgan vs. Joseph Park, and one commercial.
Q7: Impact returned to the Q5 rating for the latest A.J. Styles brooding segment, one commercial, the fifth Bully Ray Explanation Video, and ring introductions for the main event.
Q8: Impact dipped to a second-hour-low 1.12 rating for Jeff Hardy's #1 contender victory over Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, and Magnus.
Park vs. Morgan does it!