Who's going to be the next big face for TNA has been discussed a fair bit. Which one of the younger guys that is going to step it up and become the guy to carry the company on their shoulders and such. But for every good hero there needs to be a good villain. So let us discuss who will become TNA's next top villain.
Who on the current roster do you see as possibly the next grand villain? Bully isn't going to be around forever and Roode can always share the spotlight with another grand villain. Personally I'd like to see Crimson become a top villain. His general gimmick in OVW is obviously working well and he was always better as a heel than as a face. He has the look, the build and hopefully once he is done with his stint in OVW the skills and more to succeed.
Who do you think will be TNA's next big heel? (out of the current roster)