I just found and watched this interview with The Miz that i'm pretty sure was uploaded today. He talks about Daniel, Roman, His Family, all sorts of backstage stuff and tons more, it's a fantastic interview and you all definately should watch it.
Agree with the whole thing, except for the reigns Shit. “He’s gets a reaction...” well, lots of stars get a reaction. Honestly, if you watch Raw or Smackdown, several stars get “reactions;” I feel it’s dumb to even make that argument. AJ does, Dean does, Seth does, Miz does, Joe does, Bryan does, Jinder does, i could go on and on. And, to be fair, perhaps Romans reactions are more consistent than some stars, but the fact of that matter is that the dude sells merch and has good matches about 95% of the time. He can work. That’s it though. He sells merch because kids see him as a hero, much like Cena, because he was and has been put into the main event scene as the new face that runs the place, non stop. So, naturally, because of his look and constant lame ass face routine, of course lots of kids and horny moms buy his shit. No Shit!
Other than that, loved the video, but the Miz was too much in character. Would like to hear him just talk a little.