Kayfabe The Main Event Of Viewers Choice

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The Game
Apr 14, 2016
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*Ryan Blake is in the ring with a fine dark suit as the Precision show opens. It was announced earlier tonight that the main event of Viewers Choice would be announced here tonight. Ryan Blake begins to speak as the audience listen on*

Ryan Blake: Wow, it feels different to be in fine dress once again. I seem to be happy with my trunks these days, but today we need to make an important announcement. I would like to make it myself, but Reginald is now the GM of Precision. That means he also has say in the decisions this company makes. So....I doubt everyone wants to wait for this. Reg, make your way down to the ring. Don't break a hip on your way down though, old buddy.

*Ryan Blake begins to wait for Reginald*



The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score

Patrick Young: Ah! Here he comes, the general manager of Precision.
Anthony Pederson: I'm curious by this announcement, Pat.
Patrick Young: Me too, hopefully our GM can shine some light on the situation.

*Reginald walks out onto the stage with a microphone in hand. He gets a couple of cheers as he waves to the audience and begins making his way to the ring.*

Patrick Young: You see this? Reginald is a changed man now. No longer does he need to look after that big oaf Buster, he's his own man.
Anthony Pederson: It's true. I'll admit, Reginald is looking happier than ever. Maybe the single life is suiting him well.
Patrick Young: Single life? People will think you're insinuating something there.
Anthony Pederson: You know what I mean... Buster is now with Hayley and Reginald is on his own. It's all worked out.

*Reginald enters the ring.*

Reginald: Hello everybody! Sorry to keep you waiting there, Ryan. These hips took some time to get moving, as you predicted... Anyway... The announcement. Do you want to start things off?


The Game
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score

Ryan Blake
: Of course I do. I was thinking how could we make the Viewers Choice main event great, and I did come up with a good idea for the main event. Reg and I spent the whole of last week working out the details, but we think we finally have what we want.

*Ryan Blake takes a second as the fans look on wanting to know what the main event of Viewers Choice is*

Ryan Blake: The main event of Viewers Choice will be a tag team match. You see, this won't be any tag team match. Both the World Heavyweight Champion and the Precision Champion will team up to face the challengers for both titles. If the champions win then they keep their titles, but if the challengers win then they will take the championships they challenged for. Let's say Mike Thunder and Scorpio teamed as champions to take on Jack Rogue and Buster Gates. If Jack Rogue and Buster Gates win then they will take the titles they challenged for. Jack Rogue walks out Precision champion while Buster Gates walks out World Heavyweight champion. You all understand now? And the best part is that you decide the challengers. We will have 5 voting options for the top 5 rankings, but only two people can be picked. You will vote for the challengers of that match. Well, it's Viewers Choice.

*Ryan Blake looks at Reginald*

Ryan Blake: Reg, we never did really see eye to eye, but I hope we can put everything in the past. I don't want my beef with Buster Gates to cause anything between us. How about we put everything in the past and have a good working partnership?

*Ryan Blake raises his hand for a hand shake. He waits for Reginald's reply*


The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
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Reginald: Ryan... I agree wholeheartedly. You gave me this job and I am forever grateful. As for Buster... You can have your beef and that's between you and him, and honestly... It doesn't effect me anymore.

*Reginald shakes Ryan's hand.*

Chicken McDouble

The Architect
Apr 15, 2016
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United Kingdom

*The second Reginald shakes Ryan's hand, "Wild Eyes" starts up and the crowd begin to boo loudly. After 16 seconds, Will Neilson comes out from the back, with his new ring gear on and a smirk on his face. Will walks down to the ring as Ryan stares him down closely with Reginald a bit unsure on why Neilson is out here. Will gets in the ring and immediately requests for a mic, which is complied.*

Will - First things first... *turns to Reginald* This is business between me and Ryan, I respect you Reg... but you need to get out of here, try not to break your hip walking back up the ramp.

*Reginald nods his head and climbs out of the ring slowly, walking up the ramp and to the back. As soon as he is gone, Will turns around and faces Ryan, the difference in height very clear.*

Will - I haven't really addressed my loss at Backlash in much detail, all I can say is that I wasn't ready... but, I've been training harder and harder and tonight... I want a re-match! Me and you, 1 on 1 again! No weapons... just a normal match. *Ryan smiles a bit and shakes his head, clearly not thinking Will is ready.* No? Are you scared of me? Used all your energy up at Backlash and last week against Golden Dragon? Heh, guess I right all along.

You're just a bitch.

*The crowd 'Ooooh' at this comment by Neilson, as Ryan just laughs it off and backs away a bit. After a few seconds, Ryan looks like he's about to speak again but is interrupted by a familiar and unexpected theme song.*