The John Report: The 25 Greatest WWE Summerslam Matches of All-Time (#25-11)

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The John Report: The 25 Greatest WWE Summerslam Matches of All-Time (#25-11)
By John Canton
Follow me on Twitter at @johnreport

Summerslam. The biggest party of the summer according to World Wrestling Entertainment. Since 1988, WWE has held the Summerslam pay-per-view event and it’s considered one of the company’s big four PPVs along with WrestleMania, Royal Rumble and Survivor Series. This year’s Summerslam will be the 24th version of the event and it’s sure to give us more memories. What I’m here to do is look back at the previous 23 years of Summerslam to pluck out the 25 greatest Summerslam matches of all time.

How did I do it? I looked at every Summerslam card on paper. I used my memory of these matches to jot down (or type in Notepad as it were) the ones that stood out to me. Then I used DVDs, tapes and youtube to re-watch them. Over the course of the last month I watched every match that could be considered a contender for this list. If I knew a match sucked, like Undertaker vs. Undertaker, then I wasn’t going to waste time watching it again. After watching them, I jotted down a star rating for the match along with some notes and from there I was able to come up with the list. By the way, we’re going with Summerslam as the spelling here rather than Summer Slam or SummerSlam. That’s the way I like it.

A couple of things to note:
- Obviously it has to take place at a Summerslam PPV. There have been 23 of them. Total number of matches: 187. From that total I’ve cut it down to 25.

- The write-ups of these matches won’t be play by play. They will be a synopsis. I’ll give some backstory in some cases while in other cases I’ll talk about the action more. I’ll try to touch on what made it great and what you might want to look out for if you’re watching the match.

- If the match happened before 2002 I’m saying WWF. If it’s 2002 or later I’ll call it WWE. My column, my rules.

- The match will be listed with the name of the winner of the match first. You’ll also see the year the match took place, what title was on the line if there was one and the match type (ladder, 2/3 falls, etc.). I’ll also do my best to list the time of the match rounded to the nearest minute.

- I will include Chris Benoit matches. They happened and I can write about them. Do I enjoy them as much as I did on my original viewing? No, but if the quality is there then it will make the list.

- I won’t be posting links to the matches. However, if you search any of the matches on YouTube by the names of the competitor and you put the year of their Summerslam match you’ll be able to find them if you’re curious about something. YouTube – I love you. That’s a whole other column.

- I use the five star scale to rate matches. It’s the same scale a lot of people use to rate a movie. Just like The Godfather is a five star film, I think a match like Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin at WrestleMania 13 is a five star wrestling match. I think there are probably 25-30 five star matches in WWE history. Some people have more. Some people have less. If you strongly disagree all I can ask is that you realize this is my column and I’m using these as a guideline for you the reader. I believe it’s an effective way to judge a wrestling match because saying “pretty good” is too vague. For further explanation I wrote this column about five years ago (sorry about all the question marks). Five stars is another way of saying 10/10 or A+. In the following column every match will be ***1/2 or better. In other words they are all worth your time.

- The two lowest ranked matches on the list are ***1/2 as I said. There were several other matches that I’d rank 3* or higher. Since I know I’ll be asked about some I’ll list them here in a quick fashion for you to see: Bulldogs/Rougeaus, Martel/Rougeaus vs. Rockers/Tito 1989 (fast paced action), Warrior/Rude 1989 (Warrior got tired so early), Steiners/Heavenly Bodies 1993, Mankind/Undertaker 1996 (too slow), BHart/Undertaker 1997 (they had much better matches), Test/Shane 1999 (more of a spotfest than a match), RVD/Benoit 2002, Lesnar/Rock 2002 (on paper sounds great but the chemistry wasn’t great), Orton/Benoit 2004 (call this one #26), Hogan/Michaels 2005 (basically Michaels bumping around in a comedic manner at times), Flair/Foley 2006, Cena/Orton 2007 (very average), Mysterio/Ziggler 2009 (call this one #27), Team WWE/Team Nexus 2010 (maybe if the heels went over). Also some of the worst matches ever like Undertaker/Undertaker 1994, Diesel/Mabel 1995 and Lawler/Roberts 1996 are not going to make it. Apologies also to “the greatest match ever” Melina vs. Alicia Fox from last year’s Summerslam, but isn’t going to make it either. Sorry to the woman from Tough Enough that felt it was great.

- The last rule is the most important: My list, my order. Don’t take anything personal if you disagree. It’s just a list. I don’t write a lot of list columns even though I get asked to do them all the time. I think for special occasions like this they are warranted in order to relive, start debates and educate those that may not know some of the best matches in the history of WWE. I spent a lot of time on this. I’m proud of it and I hope you enjoy it.

I think that’s enough of the explanations. It’s Summerfest time. I mean Summerslam. I had a Jeremy Piven moment there. Let’s start off with #25 and wrap up this first part with #11.

25. WWF Intercontinental Title: Steve Austin vs. Owen Hart – 1997 (***1/2)
In terms of being a famous match, this one is very high up there because it’s the one where Steve Austin suffered the neck injury that nearly ended his wrestling career. Before that happened, though, we were treated to an awesome match between two technical wrestlers that were involved in a hot storyline. The stip was that if Austin won he’d get Hart’s Intercontinental Title. If Hart won then Austin had to kiss his ass. It’s freaky to re-watch it because Hart worked on Austin’s neck while the commentators talked about how Austin had neck issues in the past. At around the 15 minute mark, Owen hit a Tombstone Piledriver on Austin where he dropped to his ass instead of his knees (like Undertaker does it) and Austin’s head was driven into the math. Vince McMahon on commentary: “I’m afraid Austin is hurt and hurt badly.” Damn right he was afraid because Austin was getting a huge push. Austin ended up pinning Owen with a weak rollup because of the stipulation of the match. Austin was the new Intercontinental Champion although he wasn’t in the mood to celebrate. It was an incredible act of toughness. He probably should have laid there while EMTs tended to him. Instead, he finished the match. That’s the kind of competitor he was. The injury ended it early and prevented it from being a true classic, but it was still an exciting wrestling match.

24. WWF Tag Team Titles: The Hart Foundation vs. Demolition 2/3 Falls Match – 1990 (***1/2)
A confession to make: This is one of the favorite matches of ten year old John Canton. Twenty one years later do I still love it? You damn right. The Hart Foundation was my favorite team and this story was built up very well with Demolition being a dominant tag team ever since they won the tag titles at WrestleMania earlier in the year. The Hart Foundation were my team (biased Canadian), so I was rooting hard for them here. The Demolition team was Smash & Crush with Ax looming on the floor. They won the first fall with their finisher and the second fall was won by the Hart Foundation thanks to a DQ. That booking was lame, but it built to an exciting third fall in the final five. The Demos always cheated with their three guys, so the other top babyface tag team – the Legion of Doom – came out to prevent them from taking the advantage. That led to a huge pop with the crowd going absolutely crazy. Seriously, listen to that pop. Tag team wrestling can be so good. Neidhart ended up hitting a shoulderblock on Crush that led to Hart pinning him for the win and the tag team titles. Bret looked exhausted by the end of it probably because he had to carry bad workers like Demolition, but it was one of many great Summerslam matches in his career. Take that as a hint.

23. Kurt Angle vs. Eddie Guerrero – 2004 (***3/4)
In my original review of this show I gave this match a rating of ***1/4, but after watching it again for this column I liked it more than that. Guerrero had lost the WWE Title a few months prior to JBL while Angle wasn’t wrestling post WrestleMania to heal up from his various injuries, which led to him running the show. The idea was that Angle was so hurt that he had to be pushed around in a wheelchair by bodyguard Luther Reigns. Guerrero won at WrestleMania, so this was the rematch after Angle had cost Eddie the WWE Title during a match against JBL. The story of the match was Angle working on Eddie’s ankle the entire time while Eddie did a great job of selling it. Late in the match, Guerrero kicked out of the Angle Slam, which led to a frustrated Kurt taking off Eddie’s boot. That’s a nice way of referencing the WM20 match where Eddie won by taking off his own boot. Eddie ended up using the boot as a weapon, faked being hurt Eddie style, then he hit a Frog Splash and Angle kicked out. Great nearfall. I thought that was it. Angle recovered, slapped on the Ankle Lock, dropped down and Eddie tapped. What prevented this match from being better? It only went about 14 minutes. The pacing wasn’t what I would have liked to see, but they are still two of the best workers and they had great chemistry with one another.

22. WWF Title: Ultimate Warrior vs. Randy Savage – 1992 (***3/4)
Savage was the babyface WWF Champion taking on another babyface in the Warrior. This was a rematch of their classic match at WrestleMania VII a year earlier. The story was that one of the two guys had sold out (meaning turned heel) as an ally of Mr. Perfect and Ric Flair. The question was who? The UK crowd was really hot for both guys. There were dueling chants early and it made the match special. The first portion of the match, which got about 25 minutes by the way, was mostly a straight up contest between two of the top babyfaces in the company. Once Flair & Perfect came out it made things much more interesting. Basically what happened throughout the match is every time Flair & Perfect did something, the announcers would automatically claim that they were helping one of the guys. The ref bumps were aplenty, but it was part of the story, so it’s okay with me. Late in the match, Savage hit the top rope elbow and Warrior kicked out at two. You didn’t see guys kicking out of finishers too much in the 90s. Warrior powered up, went into his finishing sequence and Flair hit him with a chair. Savage didn’t see it. Ref didn’t see it. Savage got up looking confused as Vince McMahon told the viewers that Randy didn’t know who attacked him. Being the noble babyface that he was, instead of jumping on Warrior with the elbow he ended up leaping outside of the ring at Flair. Ric avoided it, though, and hit Savage in the knee with the chair. Warrior won by countout, so Macho Man kept his title. Post match, the heels went after Savage’s knee while Warrior recovered before saving Savage from a chair shot by Flair. Great heat, strong work and more proof that Savage was by far the best opponent that Warrior ever had.

21. Batista vs. John Cena – 2008 (***3/4)
The two faces of WWE from 2005 up until this match met for the “first time ever” here in a babyface vs. babyface clash. While both guys had held major championships over the previous three years, neither guy walked into the match holding a title. The match was a well built match that featured a lot of power offense, counter wrestling and great nearfalls. Batista even slapped on a Figure Four Leglock to the surprise of everybody. They really worked their asses off here. It followed the typical main event formula that saw Batista kicking out of what was then known as the FU (WWE had just become a PG company) while Cena was able to kick out of a Powerbomb that Batista used to counter a legdrop off the top. It was a move that led to Cena injuring his neck, which led to surgery that kept him out for a few months. Watching it again you can see he didn’t land safely. He’s a 270 pound guy jumping into the arms of another guy that is spiking him straight down, so it’s not an easy move to do. That kickout infuriated Batista, who picked up Cena for a Batista Bomb that ultimately led to his victory after 14 minutes. You should never confuse either guy for being a great worker, but they knew how to hit the high points and when. That’s what makes this match entertaining to watch.

20. Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero in a Ladder Match – 2005 (***3/4)
This was the culmination of a four month storyline that saw Guerrero turn heel while claiming that Mysterio’s son Dominick was actually his. It all led to this ladder match that had me very excited considering the talents of the two men involved. They did some great spots early on. There was Rey dropkicking the ladder to knock Eddie down, the springboard senton on the floor while Eddie was holding the ladder and the backdrop off the ladder onto the other ladder was just sick. Guerrero did botch a flip powerbomb spot when his hands slipped on Rey’s leather pants, but I think he can be forgiven considering how high he was up there while doing that. The athleticism, the hard bumps and the chemistry was all there. There was interference, though. Dominick trying to knock Eddie off was cool. The visual of that little boy trying to stop the crazy heel was perfect for the storyline. Eddie could have won, but didn’t because he was occupied by the kid. The end with Vickie Guerrero (who we didn’t know much about at this point) stopping Eddie was logical. I think the finish could have been something better than her holding Eddie down because if they at least ended it on a spot where Rey put him down it would have been cleaner. Instead, Rey basically won because Vickie held Eddie down. What’s interesting is that Vickie actually missed her spot and Eddie was furious about it, cursing very loudly. In the end it was a satisfying win for the babyface, which wrapped up this storyline.

19. Triple H & Shawn Michaels vs. Cody Rhodes & Ted Dibiase Jr. – 2009 (***3/4)
It’s DX vs. Legacy here with Michaels making a big return after not working since WrestleMania. It was the infamous “Shawn Michaels is working as a chef” angle. Remember the superkick on the girl? I wish I could forget that angle. Hunter and Shawn had an elaborate entrance involving cannons because I guess they felt the need to make dick jokes upon the return of DX. This was an example of how good tag team wrestling can be if you give it time. This match got 20 minutes. The problem with WWE is they don’t give tag matches a lot of time anymore, but in this case there was an exception because two main event level guys were in the match. I think a lot of people believed Legacy would go over because they were the younger guys. Didn’t happen. After a lot of great nearfalls by Legacy, Michaels ended up alone in the ring with Rhodes. The result? Sweet chin music. Match over. It was an emphatic end to an exciting match. Did the match and three month feud really elevate Legacy in the long run? Not really. However, all four guys deserve props for putting on a good match and delivering a hot finish here.

18. WWF Title: Mankind vs. Triple H vs. Steve Austin – 1999 (***3/4)
The big deal here was that Jesse Ventura was the special guest referee and this was back when he was the Governor of Minnesota instead of the crazy conspiracy guy that you may know him as now. This was back in the days when WWE didn’t do triple threat matches all the time. They had them once in a while, but not as often as you’d see today. Triple H wasn’t yet a World Champion while Austin was working a heavy schedule with his bad neck that would see him miss a year shortly after this. Originally it was going to be Austin vs. HHH. Why was it changed? The belief was that Austin didn’t want to put Triple H over. That’s why Mick Foley was inserted into the spot. Guess who won to the surprise of most? Foley. The action was good with a lot of nearfalls, some fun refereeing moments from Jesse and a really hot crowd that made the match a lot of fun. I’ll never forget Ventura throwing Shane McMahon out of the ring and saying “that’s for your old man you little bastard!” That generated a monster pop because there was a lot of interest in seeing if Ventura would get physical. The finish had a Stunner that got broken up, then a Pedigree that got broken up and then Foley pinned Austin with the double arm DDT. My reaction was huh? I thought for sure Triple H was winning. That’s when the “Austin won’t job for HHH” theory started while others thought that Foley was there to win because they wanted a babyface to have his hand raised by the Governor. What’s true? Up to you to decide. Keep in mind that Triple H won the title the next night from Foley and he had that singles match against Austin two months later at No Mercy. This was a fun triple threat match for 17 action packed minutes.

17. WWF Title: Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker – 1998 (****)
This wasn’t their first PPV singles match (they had one in 1997), but it was the first one where Austin was a main eventer. If you were watching during this era you’d know that this was called the “Highway to Hell” match because of all the promotional ads they ran with that slogan heavily involved. Austin was “the man” in the WWF at this point while Undertaker was still doing his babyface gimmick where he was more humanized than ever before. He had slowly become allies with Kane and we’d see the Big Red Machine show up here, but Undertaker told him to leave. We ended up with a very solid 21 minute wrestling match that turned into a fight at times. The most memorable spot was when Undertaker put Austin on the announce table and then jumped off the top rope with a legdrop. I had seen Undertaker do cool spots like a dive over the top rope before, but this was more impressive. For a near seven-footer to do that move…damn! If this match happened a few years later they would have likely done the sequence where they kick out of finishers. Instead, nobody hit a finisher until Austin countered Undertaker’s “old school” move with an uppercut to the balls (no DQ rules) and hit the Stunner for the win. Shortly after this Undertaker would turn heel and they would have many more matches against one another.

16. Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio – 2002 (****)
The shortest match on the list came in at under just ten minutes. Mysterio debuted in WWE a few weeks before this, so he was ridiculously over. It opened a great PPV. This was the perfect example of how you start off an excellent PPV with momentum by delivering with a strong opener. Mysterio got in his 619 and the West Coast Pop, but Angle kicked out. Angle turned up the aggressiveness and ended up winning via tapout with the Ankle Lock. The timing, the bumping, the counters – it was perfect stuff. Angle looked strong and so did Mysterio. Even though he lost in his PPV debut, there was no shame in losing to a former world champ like Angle. I’m sure somebody reading this is questioning why a match under ten minutes got the rating that I gave it. Simple. It’s Mysterio vs. Angle. They are both supremely talented performers. It was ten minutes of awesomeness. They had plenty of other matches against eachother on Smackdown in singles, triple threats and tags, but this one is remembered as Mysterio’s PPV debut. It’s a quickie, but a damn good one. With another five or ten minutes on it, this could have been an all-time great match. It’s still very good for what I’d consider a short match.

15. WWF Title: Shawn Michaels Vader – 1996 (****)
One of my favorite wrestlers when I first started watching WCW in the early 1990s was Big Van Vader, who personified everything that a heel bully should be. He looked mean, he talked with a deep voice and when he wrestled he looked like he was really hurting the guy. Then you had Shawn Michaels, my favorite wrestler ever. He was arguably the best wrestler in the world in 1996 as the champion babyface. Perfect scenario for a great match, right? It was, but that’s not necessarily what happened. Obviously I liked it enough to give it a rating of four stars. However, it should have been better. It’s a 22 minute match with the first ten minutes telling a good story. Then the booking takes over. Vader wins via countout. Then the match gets restarted when his manager Jim Cornette gets it restarted by complaining to then WWF President Gorilla Monsoon. Then Vader wins via DQ. Guess what? Another restart. Michaels finally makes his comeback, he hits the Sweet Chin Music and Vader kicks out. That one shocked me because they weren’t doing the kick out of finishers spot very much in those days. Then they did a ref bump (Earl Hebner took a nasty fall to the floor on this one), Vader hit the Vader Bomb powerbomb and a new ref counted the two count. A missed moonsault by Vader led to Michaels getting back to his feet and he won the match with a moonsault press of his own to retain the WWF Title. I’ve read that the original finish was Vader winning the match. It got changed because Shawn didn’t want to lose and at that time what Shawn wanted he got. Is it true? Up to you to decide. He’s my favorite wrestler ever, but I won’t defend some of his actions during this time period when he was using substances. Even he admits his mistakes during this time.

14. Hardcore Title: Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy in a Ladder Match – 2001 (****)
This was a rematch from the month earlier when RVD defeated Hardy to win the Hardcore Title. The winner of this match had to climb a ladder to receive a bag full of drugs. Okay, so maybe that’s a joke, but at least those drugs have more value than the Hardcore Title. It’s not like the Hardcore Title was ever a valuable prize. At least in this match they cared about it a little bit because of the two guys involved. This was when RVD first showed up in WWE (as part of team ECW) and Jeff Hardy had a singles run, so there was a lot of freshness to it. I remember this match live and there was a suplex off the ladder that was perfectly done. Ten years later it holds up well. The sunset flip powerbomb by Hardy was also fairly new for ladder matches at this point although nowadays they are pretty common. Those spots preceded the finishing sequence where Hardy was hanging from the title; RVD knocked him down and went back up to grab the title for the win after Hardy took a nasty fall. It was a very good match in front of a hot crowd that was popping for everything that two likely stoned guys were doing. I bet they were like “dude I’m hearing things.” Or something. I’m not a stoner, but I’m assuming. Anyway it’s nice to remember how good RVD was before he went to TNA where he doesn’t care and how exciting Jeff Hardy was before the longest drug trial in the history of wrestling.

13. WWF Title: The Rock vs. Triple H vs. Kurt Angle – 2000 (****)
This was the second straight year with a triple threat main event for the WWF Title (remember Austin/HHH/Foley at #18) and one of many title matches featuring Rock and Triple H in 2000. Angle fit into the mix because he had a working relationship with Stephanie McMahon, Triple H’s on screen wife, that had a lot of potential to be romantic. It almost put Angle in a tweener role instead of the customary heel role that he was doing in these days. There was a scary moment early when Triple H gave Angle a Pedigree on the announce table and we later found out that Kurt suffered a legit concussion. It was a planned spot because they had Stephanie go to the back with him. While in the back, she convinced him to get back out there. The final five minutes were as exciting as any triple threat match I can ever remember. There was a lot going on with Stephanie taking a punch from Hunter (he was going for Kurt), Angle hitting Triple H with a sledgehammer and then Rock pinning Hunter with the People’s Elbow for the win. These were three guys with great chemistry that timed everything right, were super over with the crowd (they were really loud for the finish) and ended the show with a finish that left everybody happy as the top babyface won in convincing fashion. I remember going into the match not knowing who would win. Rock winning made sense, though. A month later Triple H beat Angle to basically win that feud while Rock would drop the title to Angle a month after that. If you miss the days when the crowd was really hot for everything in WWE you should re-watch this 20 minute title match.

12. Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho in a 2/3 Falls Match – 2000 (****)
The second straight match from the 2000 Summerslam event that will feature one more match on this list. Do you think that was an all-time great PPV? It sure was. At the time these were two of my favorite performers in the company and I loved the idea of them wrestling in what would be the first Summerslam for each guy. Benoit was the heel coming off a PPV main event loss to The Rock while Jericho was very over as a babyface that the fans wanted to see break through the glass ceiling. This was a two out of three falls match, which is a fancy way of saying each guy is going to get a win before one guy ultimately wins the match by getting the third fall. The first fall went to Benoit, who made Jericho tap to the Crippler Crossface. The second fall went to Jericho, who made Benoit tap to the Walls of Jericho. From there the action really picked up. I remember thinking how’s it going to end since each guy had won with their finishing move? Then I lost my train of thought because Benoit did the Dragon Suplex at one point and I marked out because you don’t see such a dangerous move in WWE. They went with a heel finish, which saw Benoit win by putting his hands on the ropes during a pinfall attempt. This wasn’t their best match (check out Royal Rumble 2001 for that), but it’s a hard hitting, fast paced 15 minute battle featuring two of the greatest in-ring competitors ever. It definitely holds up well all these years later.

11. WWF Intercontinental Title: Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect – 1991 (****1/4)
This is a personal favorite for me as far as matches that I remember as a kid because these were two guys that I really enjoyed watching. The Mr. Perfect gimmick was spectacular while Hart was the guy in the Hart Foundation team that I always wanted to see go at it alone. A year earlier he won the tag titles with the Anvil (see #24) and now he was getting that shot. This was a straight up wrestling match full of action for 18 minutes. In Bret’s book and DVD he talks about how hurt Mr. Perfect was with his back injury, yet he wanted to go out there to have this classic match with Bret because they were such great friends with a lot of respect for one another. Twenty years later it’s still a great match with a lot of awesome counter wrestling. The big moment in the match for me was when Perfect put on the Perfectplex (bridging suplex) and Bret kicked out of it. At that time nobody had ever kicked out of a Perfectplex. This was back in the day when kicking out of finishers almost never happened. I realize I wrote that a few times in this column, but it really wasn’t a common occurrence like it is today. Perfect sold it great. There were some great nearfalls that followed that, but the end came when Perfect went for a legdrop. While on his back, Bret caught the leg, got back up and slapped on the Sharpshooter for one of the best counters I’ve ever seen. It was the (excuse the pun) perfect way to end the match for the Excellence of Execution. His singles career gained a lot of momentum by beating Perfect because he was a dominant champion. This is how you put somebody over in a clean and effective manner. Two of the best ever on the big stage in MSG doing their thing. This is when the IC title mattered the most too. It was one of the most memorable matches in the careers of both of these legends.

That’s all for part one. Here’s a refresher for you if you want to see it listed.

25. Steve Austin vs. Owen Hart ***1/2 97
24. Hart Foundation vs. Demolition (2/3 Falls) ***1/2 90
23. Kurt Angle vs. Eddie Guerrero ***3/4 04
22. Warrior vs. Savage ***3/4 92
21. Batista vs. John Cena ***3/4 08
20. Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero (Ladder) ***3/4 05
19. HHH/Michaels vs. Dibiase/Orton ***3/4 09
18. Mankind vs. Steve Austin vs. Triple H ***3/4 99
17. Steve Austin vs. Undertaker **** 98
16. Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio **** 02
15. Shawn Michaels vs. Vader **** 96
14. Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy (Ladder) **** 01
13. Rock vs. HHH vs. Kurt Angle **** 00
12. Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho (2/3 Falls) ****1/4 00
11. Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect ****1/4 91

What’s #10? I’ll give you a tease by saying that it features a Straight Edge Superstar.

The plan is to post part two on Wednesday around 12pmET. The Raw Deal goes up on Tuesday, so you’ll have to wait until Wednesday for the top ten Summerslam matches on the list. Some of the names that you’ll see there: Razor Ramon, Kurt Angle, Steve Austin, Edge, Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels just to name a few. If you want to try to guess the remaining order you can try that too. You won’t see the final list until Wednesday, though.

Any questions or comments on the list? Contact me using the information below.

Thanks for reading.

John Canton –
Twitter @johnreport

Visit my 10+ year column archive at the Wrestling Oratory right HERE.