The Italian rant.

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Italian Outsider

Active Member
Apr 19, 2007
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con chi ce l'ho oggi?
con il mondo intero!
odio le ipocrisie, quindi non nasconderò che vi considero tutti feccia,ignoranti, stupidi, religiosi malati di mente, nessuno di voi o quasi riesce ad andare oltre quello che gli è stato inculcato nelle mente come verità assoluta. mi disgustate, passate il tempo a lamentarvi del male del mondo, attribuendo al colpa a questo o a quello, in realtà la colpa è vostra, non singolare, ma collettiva.
feccia siete e feccia sempre rimarrete. la democrazia rappresentativa è una bufala, un'oligarchia elettiva, dove la folla elegge non il meglio, ma le bestie ignoranti, che per un motivo o per un altro, ma mai meritocratico, si trovano nella posizione di essere gli unici candidati.e poi... l'uguaglianza razziale... ma vaffanculo! mentre la filosofia greca nasceva, i negri vivevano nelle capanne di paglia; mentre la repubblica romana conquistava il mondo, i negri vivevano nelle capanne di paglia; mentre l'oscurantismo della chiesa cattolica bruciava si le streghe, ma costruiva anche cattedrali monumentali, i negri vivevano ancora nelle capanne di paglia. quando l'uomo bianco ha deciso di schiavizzarli e intanto mostrare a quelle scimmie ammaestrate un po di civiltà, quelle scimmie hanno smesso di vivere nelle capanne di paglia.per non parlare dei seguaci di quel pedofilo di maometto, ancora ancorati alla loro concezione medioevale dell'esistenza. e adesso vorrebbero essere trattati da eguali? ma vaffanculo! e vaffanculo anche a tutti quei bianchi che sputano su ciò che la civiltà occidentale a creato, con la sua supremazia storica che dovrebbe essere indiscutibile, ma che viene negata, da dei beoti indottrinati. di cosa poi? socialismo, comunismo, non ne conoscono neanche la differenza; non sanno nemmeno cosa siano. e non appena glielo fai notare cosa succede? ti censurano! sapete cosa vi dico, io non ho voglia di salvare queste cazzo di libertà che la nostra civiltà vi ha dato. voi state facendo di tutto per rovinarle, e allora che la civiltà occidentale sprofondi! non userò la mia intelligenza e la mia cultura per il bene comune, visto che con voi non si può cooperare, ma per il mio personale. mi godrò la vita, e anzi favorirò la distruzione di questa civiltà che ormai è irrimediabilmente rovinata.
grazie. tutti a cagare plz. addio

translation: fuck you to the whole world.
Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score
The Altar of Sacrifice
From a translator site: With who there I have it today? With the whole world! I hate the hypocrisies, therefore I will not hide that I consider yourselves all dreg, being unaware of, stupid, mentally ill monks, no of you or almost succeeds to go beyond what was inculcated him in the mind like absolute truth. disgusted me, passed the time to lamentarvi of the badly of the world, attributing to the fault to this or to that, in reality the fault is yours, not singular, but collective. dreg you are and dreg always rimarrete. the representative democracy is a buffalo, an elective oligarchy, where the crowd elects not the better one, but the ignorant animals, that for a motive or for another, but ever meritocratic, find themselves in the position of to be the sole candidates. and then... the racial equality... but vaffanculo! while the Greek philosophy was born, the black lived in the huts of straw; while the Roman republic gained they lived in the huts of straw; while the obscurantism of the catholic church burnt itself the witches, but built also monumental cathedrals, the black lived still in the huts of straw. when the white man decided to enslave them and meanwhile to show those monkeys taught a little of civility, those monkeys stop living in the huts of straw. in order not to talk about the followers of that pedophile of and now they would want to to be treated from equal? but vaffanculo! and vaffanculo also to those everything white that spit on what the west civility to create, with its historical supremacy that would have to be indisputable, but that comes denied, from of the Boeotian indoctrinated. of thing then? socialism, communism, do not know of it not even the difference; do not know not even thing be. and as soon as their you make note it what happens? censor you! know I tell yourselves, I have not these freedom of shit desire to save that our civility has yourselves given. you are doing of everything to ruin them, and then that the west civility sink! will not use my intelligence and my culture for the well commune, seen that with you cooperates not, but for my personnel. will enjoy me the life, and or rather favorirò the destruction of this civility That now fixable it is ruined. thanks. all to cagare plz. goodbye


From a translator site: With who there I have it today? With the whole world! I hate the hypocrisies, therefore I will not hide that I consider yourselves all dreg, being unaware of, stupid, mentally ill monks, no of you or almost succeeds to go beyond what was inculcated him in the mind like absolute truth. disgusted me, passed the time to lamentarvi of the badly of the world, attributing to the fault to this or to that, in reality the fault is yours, not singular, but collective. dreg you are and dreg always rimarrete. the representative democracy is a buffalo, an elective oligarchy, where the crowd elects not the better one, but the ignorant animals, that for a motive or for another, but ever meritocratic, find themselves in the position of to be the sole candidates. and then... the racial equality... but vaffanculo! while the Greek philosophy was born, the black lived in the huts of straw; while the Roman republic gained they lived in the huts of straw; while the obscurantism of the catholic church burnt itself the witches, but built also monumental cathedrals, the black lived still in the huts of straw. when the white man decided to enslave them and meanwhile to show those monkeys taught a little of civility, those monkeys stop living in the huts of straw. in order not to talk about the followers of that pedophile of and now they would want to to be treated from equal? but vaffanculo! and vaffanculo also to those everything white that spit on what the west civility to create, with its historical supremacy that would have to be indisputable, but that comes denied, from of the Boeotian indoctrinated. of thing then? socialism, communism, do not know of it not even the difference; do not know not even thing be. and as soon as their you make note it what happens? censor you! know I tell yourselves, I have not these freedom of shit desire to save that our civility has yourselves given. you are doing of everything to ruin them, and then that the west civility sink! will not use my intelligence and my culture for the well commune, seen that with you cooperates not, but for my personnel. will enjoy me the life, and or rather favorirò the destruction of this civility That now fixable it is ruined. thanks. all to cagare plz. goodbye

I was pretty right.