The Hour Of The Hounds - 2013 +

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Dec 3, 2020
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January 27, 2013

The Royal Rumble ... but Different


World Heavyweight Championship
Last Man Standing
Alberto Del Rio {c} def. Big Show after help from Ricardo Rodriguez {12:13}

Team Hell No def. The Rhodes Scholars after Daniel Bryan made Cody Rhodes tap out to a LeBell Lock {9:38}

The Royal Rumble Match
John Cena wins after Last Eliminating Ryback {55:05}

Main Event

WWE Championship
CM Punk (c) vs The Rock ends in a No Contest after The Shield interfered. The match was never restarted, meaning CM Punk had to Vacate the WWE Championship.


January 28, 2013


CM Punk speaks on relinquishing the WWE Championship. After The Shield interfered on his behalf at The Royal Rumble, Punk was forced to vacate the title. With nobody holding The Grand Prize and John Cena being the Royal Rumble Winner, the ideas and theories are interesting.
After his tremendous return at The Royal Rumble, Chris Jericho is set to take on Mr. Money In The Bank's personal Bodyguard, Big E Langston.
After eliminating and being eliminated by Wade Barrett, Bo Dallas makes his Main Roster Debut in a 1v1 match for Barrett's Intercontinental Championship.
Tag Team #1 Contenders Match:

Tons Of Funk {Brodus Clay and Tensai}
Team Rhodes Scholars {Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow}
3MB {Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal w/ Drew McIntyre}
The Usos {Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso}
John Cena teams up with Sheamus to take on Ryback and Mark Henry + Cena makes his choice on who he faces at Wrestlemania

Smackdown's Card So Far

Big Show vs Ricardo Rodriguez w/ Alberto Del Rio

Dolph Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston

Antonio Cesaro vs Sin Cara vs Santino Marella


Well, this is a BTB that will be active on 2 forums. Woohoo!

NXT will remain the same as it is in Real Life, with Callups, Title Changes, and Title Wins staying the same.

Not all matches on a Weekly Show will be revealed in my Preview. Signings will stay the same based on Smackdown Hotel.

I'll be working on a Proper Layout w/ Proper Headings later. The OP will be updated as time goes along to reflect Title Changes and PPV's.

The time

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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Excellent starting point, I'll be reading along
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Dec 3, 2020
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"Last Night, history was made"

We see John Cena last eliminate Ryback from The Royal Rumble.

"John Cena was a two-time Royal Rumble Winner! But not everyone's night was that good."

We see CM Punk vs The Rock's Final Moments.

CM Punk stands over a beaten, bloody Rock. Punk was brutalizing the Hollywood Star, stomping on him every chance he gets. Stomps to the chest, ribs, back, legs, arms, and head. Punk walked over to the Ropes and pulled himself up onto the Top Turnbuckle. He waits a bit before leaping off. He goes for an Elbow Drop onto The Rock, but he rolled out of the way before it connected. Rock pulled himself up and waited for Punk to get up. Punk stood up and was grabbed by Rock. Rock came straight down with a Rock Bottom, causing the crowd to rise to their feet.

Rock stood at CM Punk's head, kicking his leg beside his body. Rock took off his elbow pad in the most Electrifying Way and threw it at the crowd. He went to the left side of Punk and then the right. As soon as he hit the Right Ropes, the lights cut. And then the lights come back on to see the Referee through The Spanish Announce Table. The Rock is standing in the center of the ring, with The Shield standing in a Triangle around Rock. Ambrose enters the ring, leading to Rock rushing Ambrose. Ambrose attempted to tackle Rock to the floor, but he held himself up. That's when Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns enter the mix, attacking The Rock from behind. The Hounds Of Justice beat down on Rock, trading finishers. Ambrose hit a few Dirty Deeds, Seth Rollins hit a few Stomps, and Reigns hit a Spear. The three dragged Rock to the outside and sent him through the Announce Table. Then...

Vince McMahon's music hit. McMahon stormed down to the ring, before speaking.

"CM Punk! You remember the warning I told you? That if The Shield got involved at all, you would be forced to Vacate the Title? Well, guess what! 434 DAYS! YOUR HOUNDS OF JUSTICE'S SCREW UP COST YOU YOUR REIGN! ENJOY THE TITLE FOR TONIGHT! BECAUSE ON RAW, YOU'RE GIVING THAT BAD BOY UP!"

The final scene of the recap shows Punk staring down the Shield, hellbent on revenge.


Raw opens up to thousands of Fans inside of the Thomas and Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. After the review of the previous night's Main Event, which saw CM Punk and The Rock wrestle for Punk's WWE Championship, we hear from Michael Cole that The Rock will be on Next Weeks Raw to discuss CM Punk. But for now, we kick off with some words from CM Punk.

Punk comes down the ramp, with his music playing. He gets a mixed reaction from the crowd while he walks down. He has his title in his left hand and a Mic in his right. As Punk slides into the ring, he throws the WWE Title onto the middle of the ring.

"I have some things to say to some people. Some people who screwed me over. Let's count them! The Shield screwed me over, that's 3! The Rock screwed me over, that's 4! Vince McMahon screwed me over! That's 5 people that screwed me over last night! You know, I was close to making history. I beat the reigns of Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, JBL, John Cena! I am the longest reigning modern-day WWE Champ, and then my reign ends abruptly because a group of three "Hounds" don't know how to keep their Justice Ridden Hands off of my business."

While CM Punk was cutting a promo, he was being sounded out by boo's and even had JBL yelling at him from the Commentary Table.

"But now, what? What happens to this hunk of junk Title on the floor? Does SUPER CENA go to Wrestlemania to win the Vacant Title? With Vince McMahon in charge, most likely. But I! Yes I have a proposition. Vince, we all know your golden boy from the Attitude Era Dwayne Johnson will come out here next week, kiss some babies, smirk a bit, and then say "Listen here jabroni! I'm challenging Cena for the WWE Title At Wrestlemania." Well, I'm not gonna let that happen. What do you say, we do things a bit differently? Me versus Rock at Elimination Chamber for the Vacant WWE Title. What do you say?!"

The fans began to pop as Punk laid out his challenge. After about 10 seconds of waiting, Vince McMahon's music hit. McMahon came out being the one who got cheered for once.

"You know Punk, I'm agreeing with you for once. How about we do Rock vs Punk for the Vacant WWE Title at Elimination Chamber? And how about we make sure The Shield can't get involved? Because Punk, you will have an opportunity for the WWE Title at Elimination Chamber, as well as the Rock and four other Superstars in an Elimination Chamber Match?"

"Hold on Vince!? Don't you see how unfair that is? It should be a plain and simple 1v1, bec-"

Punk was cut off by the sirens of The Shield. Out from the stands came Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Dean Ambrose. Rollins was the first to speak with a Wired Microphone

"Welcome Punk to the night after Royal Rumble! And look at ya, already whining about something you wanted us to do. You wanted the Hounds to make sure Dwayne Johnson didn't walk out of Royal Rumble with your prized WWE Championship. And that is exactly what we did!"

Ambrose took the stage next, cracking his knuckles.

"But we don't take kindly to you badmouthing us. In fact, if it were up to me, I'd jump straight into the ring and knock your teeth out right now."

Before Roman Reigns could speak, Vince McMahon took to the mic.

"I think that's a wonderful idea. Tonight, to Main Event Raw, we will have CM Punk vs Dean Ambrose. And I'll add a stipulation as well. Dean Ambrose, if you can beat Punk with no interference from your brothers, you'll take Punk's spot in the Elimination Chamber Match."

The fans began to cheer, but Punk hushed them quickly.

"How is that fair Vince? I'm the former world champ, not some up and coming rookie. And if it comes to it, I will beat you up to get my way. But I'll accept your terms because I'll sure as hell will enjoy beating up Dean Ambrose."

Punk dropped his mic and left the ring, walking up the apron closer to Vince. As he got to Vince, he stared him down before heading backstage. An official took the WWE Title to Vince as we panned to our first commercial break.


Backstage, we see Dolph Ziggler, AJ Lee, and Big E Langston all walking backstage together, when Matt Striker appears.

Striker: Hello Dolph, so as you know, last night Chris Jericho returned by being Number 2 in the Royal Rumble. I want to get your thoughts on this.

Ziggler pauses for a moment, before snatching the mic from Striker.

Ziggler: Chris Jericho this, Chris Jericho that! That's all I've heard for the past 24 hours. So what if he returned? It doesn't matter anyway, I have something that he doesn't. A Championship Shot. This Money In The Bank is the key to success Chris wished he had. Tonight, I have no reason to worry about him. Because this big guy right here is gonna kick Jericho into the ground!

Ziggler hit Langston on the back, granting him to be fired up.

Ziggler: So this match is a matter of David vs Goliath. The big, strong, heaping hunk of an NXT Champion vs the small, scared, little mouse Chris Jericho. I know Jericho is here tonight, and I can't wait to see him squashed like the bug he is.

Ziggler and his group walked off from Matt Striker as we pan to the ring. Natalya is out there with a mic, as well as Kaitlyn, Aksana, Alicia Fox, Kharma, Layla, Naomi, Rosa Mendes, Cameron, and Tamina. Most of these women have different, less revealing outfits.

Natalya: I can understand your confusion. "Why aren't the divas wearing skimpy clothes and being appealing?" Because this ends today. Today ends WWE not caring enough about us to offer a spot on a PPV, or Raw. Most of these talented women are on Superstars every week, giving it their all! But all you guys see is appealing. Some of us are enemies, some of us are friends. But we will all be united by one thing, the fact that we are tired of being objectified. Kaitlyn has offered a Title Match for Elimination Chamber based on a series of matches. As of now, the Revolution will begin!

A lot of the fans cheered, some booed. Nonetheless, we had a match set for tonight
Team NatalyaTeam Aksana
"The Queen Of Harts"
The Unstoppable
"The Brute"
"The Funkadactlye"
Rosa Mendes
Alicia Fox"NXT's Very Own"

We go to a commercial break as the women break into their teams.

"Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?"

We get an advertisement for next Monday's Raw, where The Rock will appear live.


{Team Natalya vs Team Aksana}
| Non-Elimination |

We come back from our break to see Alicia Fox kicking things off with Aksana. Aksana gets the action going by grabbing ahold of Fox. Fox escaped the grasp of Aksana by rolling out of the move, before hitting her with a dropkick. Aksana stayed on her feet, quickly picking Fox up and slamming her down with a German Suplex. Aksana stood over Fox, proving her strength as a Bodybuilder. Aksana would then pick Fox over, and set her back first onto her shoulder. She stood around for a bit, before leaping up and dropping to her knees. This would have affected Alicia Fox if she didn't escape from the move, but her escape allowed her to hit Aksanawith a Boot to the side of the head, grounding her for now.

Alicia Fox tagged in Naomi, and the two hit Aksana with a Double DDT. Naomi covered Aksana, but only managed to get a one count. Aksana pushed herself up but went back down after Naomi hit a High Heel Kick to the side of her face, stunning Aksana. Naomi ran over to the ropes but was caught in the back by Layla with a Forearm. Naomi quickly turned towards Layla and took her out with a kick to the head. This got a pop from the Crowd as Naomi ran off the ropes against and take Aksana down with a Hurricanrana.

Aksana hit the floor back first but had no breathing room as Naomi hit a Moonsault onto Aksana, going knee first into her stomach. Naomi would follow this up by tagging in Kharma, who was on the roster on Smackdown Hotel so it counts, who entered the ring and immediately went after Aksana. She proceeded to stomp on the Bodybuilder, before picking her up into a Powerbomb Position. Aksana managed to escape though, nailing Kharma in the head with a few punches. Aksana escaped her grasp, before slamming her straight down with a Spinebuster. Aksana would tag in Layla, who had just gotten back on the apron.

Layla swiftly entered the ring, where she could hit Kharma with a Headscissors. Team Aksana finally got back on the offense as Layla began to stomp straight down onto the back and side of Kharma. She then scaled the middle rope and hit a frog splash onto Kharma. Layla hooked the leg, getting a two count. Kharma sat up, catching a breath. Layla would continue her assault, dropkicking her after getting momentum from the rope. Kharma fell onto her back as Layla picked her legs up. Layla would then go for a Boston Crab position, but Kharma kicked her off. Layla got sent over to her side, where Cameron would tag in.

Cameron hopped over the top rope and hammered Kharma in the back of the head before she could get a tag in. This would lead to Cameron then hitting Kharma with a Weak Stunner, before pulling herself up and over Kharma's head, hitting a Reverse DDT. This got the crowd on fire, as these women were finally able to show some skill. Cameron then pulled Kharma up to her feet and went for a Leaping DDT. Kharma would reverse this move into a Bear Hug, squeezing Cameron hard. Kharma then ran over to Layla, Cameron in her arms, and sent Cameron straight into Layla, sending them both to the floor.

Kharma looked at the two on the floor as Rosa Mendes began to yell at her. Rosa then tried to enter the ring but was quickly laid out with a Shoulder Tackle. That left Aksana on the apron, trying to lure Kharma to fight her. This became apparent when Aksana hopped down and threw Cameron under the ropes back into the ring. Aksana then pulled herself onto the apron and tagged herself in, entering the ring to stare down Kharma. Aksana recovered enough to get the first strike on Kharma, eventually taking her down to one knee. Aksana then grabbed Kharma's head and nailed her with a Knee. Natalya, Naomi, and Alicia Fox began to call for Kharma to get up, but Aksana continued to play with The Brute. Aksana would eventually go for a Samoan Drop, which Kharma escaped from. Kharma threw Aksana at her corner, before tagging in Natalya. While Natalya was being tagged, Rosa Mendes tagged herself in. Natalya entered the ring, but was distracted by a familiar EXCUSE ME!

Vickie Guerrero came down to the ring and began to argue with Natalya. Some words were picked up like

NL: Leading a revolution!

The two continued to argue before Rosa Mendes pulled Natalya into a Schoolboy Pin, getting a very close two fall. Natalya rolled up and hit Mendes with a Nattie By Nature, before grabbing her legs and locking in the Sharpshooter. Natalya didn't get it fully in because Vickie had gotten onto the ropes. Natalya let go of Rosa and tagged in Fox so she could finish the job. While Nattie and Vickie were arguing, Fox quickly hit Mendes with a Scissor Kick, while Naomi entered the ring and took both Cameron and Layla down with a Suicide Dive to the outside. Fox rolled Mendes onto her back and hooked the legs, getting a three count and the cheers of the fans.


Natalya had no time to celebrate, but Fox, Naomi, and Kharma did. With the win, Team Natalya would move onto the next part in the challenge for Kaitlyn, with a Tag Team Match scheduled for next week.
The Queen Of Harts
The Funkadactyl
Alicia FoxKharma

We cut to a commercial break, which also advertises Smackdown, as we see a new match surface

! Roman Reigns w/ Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose


The Miz!


We come back from commercial break and are alerted that Big E vs Chris Jericho will be an Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match. We also get the news that King Of The Ring will be returning to the WWE this year, and the winner will be crowned The King of WWE and will main event Summerslam against the Champion of their choosing.

But as of now, we see Natalya backstage as Matt Striker approaches her.

Striker: Hello Natalya, I would like to ask about what happened out there. Why did you do what you did?

Natalya took the mic and a short breather.

Natalya: I lead a revolution. For the last 5 years I've been wrestling here in the WWE, I've been treated like trash. I've been forced to stay on the low card and on Superstars. I haven't gotten my chance to shine yet. But you know what? I'm not a diva. I'm not someone for the audience to "Ooh' and "ahh" at. I am a real human being. I am a Woman! I'm sure most other women back here understand my stance.

Natalya took a short breath, before going again.

Natalya: We aren't all the best of friends. Some of us barely like each other. But there is one thing that makes us stand united. Our mistreatment. We will fight our oppression and start a new era of the WWE. Vickie Guerrero doesn't like that, however. What does she know, she had like 5 different boyfriends in the past 10 years.

Striker: I can see you are very passionate about this topic. But as you know, Vickie Guerrero is the general manager. And she has made a challenge for you this Friday on Smackdown. She said that "Natalya will face off against AJ Lee and Aksana to keep her spot in the Diva' Tag Team match next week"

Natalya: Well then, Vickie. You were gonna put me through some sort of pain. I accept, on the cost that you join our cause. You join the cause of us, standing united. Not as Divas, but as Women.

We get our next match right here, which is an Intercontinental Championship Match between Bo Dallas and Champion Wade Barrett. The peppy Bo Dallas was already in the ring, to a decent pop. Dallas posed for the crowd but was quickly shut down as Barrett's music hit. Barrett marched down to the ring, holding the glorious IC Title in his hands. As he handed the IC Title to the referee, both men got introduced. The bell was rung to begin this championship encounter.


Barrett immediately hit Dallas with a quick lariat, before picking him up and setting the BoLiever onto his shoulders. With a simple leaning back of the shoulders, Barrett propelled Dallas forward and hit him with a Wasteland. Barrett got onto his knees, covered Dallas, and got the 1 2 3 to stop all of Dallas' momentum.

Winner & still IC Champ: Wade Barrett [0:23]

Barrett's music was practically on mute compared to the Boo's in the arena. Barrett took his IC title, told the fans to screw themselves, and went backstage. Dallas rolled under the ropes, and solemnly walked backstage, holding his head. Despite having a good holding at the Royal Rumble, this rookie needed to improve. We cut to a backstage segment with Cena talking with Cena, as we get alerted that after the commercial break, we will have Tag Team Action.


As we return from our Commercial Break, Mark Henry's music hit. The Worlds Strongest Man came out to the ring, returning to WWE Programming after 9 months of being gone. Next came up his tag team partner, Ryback. Ryback was the runner up of the Royal Rumble, so he had a wave of momentum on his shoulders. We were alerted that the next Raw would feature an Elimination Chamber Qualifier between Drew McIntyre, Ryback, and Sheamus.

Then we had Sheamus come out to a huge pop. He placed 3rd place in the Royal Rumble, so you could tell he was out for revenge against Ryback. And then Super Cena came out. The Royal Rumble threw his hat and shirt into the crowd before dashing to the ring. Cena stood face to face with Ryback as Sheamus and Henry entered their sides of the ropes. The bell rang to get this contest underway.

Cena and Ryback waited about 9 seconds before grappling up. Cena attempted to scoop up Ryback, but Ryback clubbed Cena on the back. Ryback would then pick up Cena, and sat him in a Powerbomb position. Cena nailed Ryback in the head a few times before escaping his grasps. Cena grabbed Ryback's arm and whipped him into the ropes. Ryback came back as Cena looked to Clothesline him. Ryback would instead hit Cena with a Shoulder Tackle, flooring him. Ryback then ran to the ropes and used his momentum to hit a splash on Cena. With a quick 2 count, Cena kicked out with no effort.

Ryback stood up and lifted Cena off the ground, before laying him out with a Spinebuster. Ryback then covered Cena again to another 2 count. Despite being early in the match, Ryback started to get angry. Ryback picked Cena straight back up and went for another Spinebuster. This time, Cena was prepared. Cena locked his arms around Ryback's head, and as Ryback went down, Cena spiked him with a DDT. Cena would take advantage, moving Ryback over into a Lou Thesz Press Position. Cena began to strike Ryback's head, before getting off of him and pulling him up onto his feet. Cena went for a Back Drop Suplex, but Ryback managed to stand his ground.

Ryback slung Cena onto the floor near Henry and decked him with a Lariet as Cena got to his feet. Ryback tagged in Henry, who would immediately yank Cena up. The 42-year-old got Cena into his grasps and locked him in a Bear Hug. Henry would then transition this move into a Powerslam, covering Cena. Another 2 count. Henry would then transition this into a Gator Roll, crushing Cena's stomach. Cena would nail Henry in the head a few times though, allowing the grip to be broken. Even though he was tired, he continued his fight, hitting Henry with a Famouser.

Cena made his way over to his corner to tag in Sheamus, who came in firing. He hit Henry with a Double Axehandle, before hitting Ryback with a boot. Sheamus continued his assault on Henry, beating his chest with Forearm Clubs. And then Sheamus hoisted Henry onto his shoulders and came down with a White Noise. Sheamus covered Henry, who managed to kick out at two. Sheamus didn't waste any time though and made his way to the corner. He tagged in Cena as Mark Henry stood up. Sheamus ran at Henry and caught him with a Brogue Kick, sending The Worlds Strongest Man over the ropes.

Cena went over to Henry and began to pick him up, but he was laid out with a Meathook from Ryback. Ryback threw Cena and Henry back into the ring as Sheamus made his way around. The two got into an argument before Ryback grabbed Sheamus and threw him over the barricade. Ryback would then walk up the ramp for some reason, leaving the match a 1 v 2, or a 1 v 1.

Cena got up to his feet First, catching Henry with a Back Drop Suplex. And then he would hit Henry with a "5 Knuckle Shuffle" before he motioned for Henry to get up. He sat Henry onto his shoulders, and sent him down with an "Attitude Adjustment", covering The Worlds Strongest Man for a 3 Count.

Winners: John Cena and Sheamus [9:22]

Cena celebrated his "well-deserved" win as Sheamus began to get up over the barricade. Cena was handed the Mic by a referee, as he began to speak.


Cena let the cheers sink in a bit before continuing.

"Last night, I was the winner of the Royal Rumble match! And I have two routes I can take. I can go for .... Alberto Del Rio. Or I could go for whoever wins the Elimination Chamber Match. The thing is, I am well known for helping people out. So, that ties into my decision. Big Show, you can keep focusing on Del Rio, because I am challenging the WWE Champion at Wrestlemania!"

The fans began to pop for the thought of a second Rock vs Cena match. This could also mean Punk vs Cena, which would also be a fun event.

"Now, I love giving some people opportunities. So next Raw, I'm giving anyone who wants a shot at me to come and get me!"

Cena left the ring as his music played, leaving Henry to stumble to the back and Sheamus to get to the back as well.


WWE Superstars! Fast Results

AJ Lee def. Cameron in [4 minutes 12 seconds] with a [Black Widow] submission move
Zack Ryder def. David Otunga in [2 minutes 58 seconds] with a [Rough Ryder]
Kofi Kingston def. Rey Mysterio in [12 minutes 11 seconds] with a [Double Foot Stomp to the Chest]


We come back from commercial break to see that a brawl has broken out backstage. It was a one-sided brawl as Ryback began to absolutely destroy Mark Henry. Officials managed to break things up as Ryback stood over Henry. One official even shouted "GET A MEDIC OVER HERE" as Ryback walked off from the scene.

He then went into a random unmarked room backstage as we cut back to the ring.

Out came Lord Tensai and Brodus Clay for Tons of Funk. Tensai still looked like an angry old man compared to Brodus Clay, who was a funk happy Dinosaur. (Yes, I typed those words, deal with it). Tensai and Clay slid in the ring, where The Usos and OMB were waiting. And then out came The Rhodes Scholars.

Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow came out to the ring, with Cody looking ticked off Sandow. We see a scene from last night's match.

In the ring was Cody Rhodes and Daniel Bryan. Kane was on the outside taking a breather after Cody 'Disaster Kicked' him. Rhodes stalked Bryan as he got up, and kneed him in the back. Bryan leaned back a bit, in prime position for a Cross Rhodes. Bryan was locked into the move as Cody began to turn to connect. Both men turned, but Bryan would keep his ground by landing on his feet. Bryan had the advantage over Cody as he forced him to the ground. Bryan would then Maneuver Cody into a 'No Lock' position, locking it in. Cody reached out to Sandow, hoping for a tag. Sandow however ignored Cody, by accident, after Kane came over to the area. Cody attempted to yell at Sandow, but Bryan tightened his grip, forcing Cody to tap out.

Cody got over it quick, hoping to focus on the match itself. Sandow hopped onto the ropes as Cody entered the ring. The rules were simple, 4 men start. And then they can tag in their partners.

Tag Team #1 Contendership

Tons of Funk vs 3MB vs The Usos vs Rhodes Scholars

Starting Members:
Brodus Clay
Heath Slater
Jimmy Uso
Cody Rhodes

The three smaller guys stared down Brodus Clay, who hulked over the three smaller men in mass. Slater and Jimmy leaped at Clay, beating down on his head and back. Cody backed into his corner to examine the action as Clay threw Slater and Jimmy off of him. Clay flattened Slater with a shoulder tackle and laid Jimmy out with a Crossbody. As Clay had his back turned to Cody, Cody ran over and leaped onto Clay's back. He began to lock in the sleeper hold, causing Clay to fade a bit. Clay wasn't done that easy though, backing Rhodes into the corner where Tensai awaited.

Tensai tagged in as he peeled Cody off of Clay's back. Tensai was still on the barricade, holding Cody's upper half as Clay help up his legs. Clay fell onto his rump, somehow affecting Cody's legs. Tensai entered the ring and immediately began to stomp on Cody. Tensai would get about 10 stomps in before being stopped by Jimmy. Jimmy hit Tensai with a Superkick, which stunned him for half a second. Tensai regained his ground though as Jimmy began to hit him with Knife Edge Chops. Tensai would look unfazed as he grabbed Jimmy by the head. Tensai would use this to pick Jimmy up and heave him over the top rope, taking him out for now.

Tensai turned around to face Cody before taking a knee to the face. Cody was up as he began to strike Tensai in the head. Clay attempted to grab Cody but was met with an Enzuigiri. Cody then hit Tensai in the stomach, going for a suplex. At first, Tensai was keeping his ground before Slater got back up. Slater joined Cody, helping him pick up Tensai and take him down with a Double Suplex. Slater would then turn to Cody before being kicked in the gut and DDT'd.

Now that Cody had the advantage, he threw Slater out of the ring. Cody then made the tag to SANDOW as the two made their way to Tensai. Sandow hit Tensai with a Neckbreaker as Cody caught Tensai with a Lionsault. The two began to celebrate before being taken out by JEY USO who tagged in from Jimmy. Jey hit a springboard crossbody onto the two, before tossing Cody through the ropes. Jey hit Sandow with a Hip Toss before transitioning it into a pin. The pin got to a count of two as Sandow managed to get up.

Jey didn't stop there though, picking up Sandow as he took him down with a Samoan Drop. Jey would then Roll Sandow into a Small Package, attempting another pinfall. This got to a two count as Slater pulled Jey off of Sandow, before hitting him with a German Suplex. Slater then got up and began to stomp on Sandow. Slater would then Irish Whip Sandow into his corner, before hitting a running splash. Slater tagged in MAHAL as the two team members hit Sandow with a 'Rockstars Club'*

Rockstars Club:
Mahal/McIntyre picks the opponent up into a Powerbomb Position. Slater then gets onto the top rope and leaps off. He hits the opponent with a Clothesline as Mahal/McIntyre come down with a Sit-Out Powerbomb

Jinder covered Sandow, but Tensai broke it up. Tensai and Jinder would begin to brawl, but Tensai got the advantage. After hitting Mahal with a Spinebuster, he tagged in CLAY to go for a 'Funky Train'. Tensai got Mahal back in a spinebuster position as Clay ran at the ropes. Then he ran straight into a Superkick from Jey Uso. Tensai dropped Slater as he ran at Jey. Jey pulled the ropes down, sending Tensai toppling over. He would then hit Mahal with a Samoan Drop. However, Sandow got to his corner and tagged in RHODES.

Rhodes waited for the opportunity as Jey tagged in Jimmy. They would hit a Double Superkick on Mahal, Clay, and Tensai, before turning into an assault from Sandow and Rhodes. Rhodes took out Jay and himself as Rhodes hit Jimmy with a Disaster Kick. He then hit Jimmy with a Cross Rhodes, looking for the pin. While this was happening, Mahal tagged in SLATER. Slater entered the ring and hit Rhodes with a leverage DDT. Sliding him out of the ring, Slater then turned towards Jimmy and hit him with a Reverse X-Factor, covering Jimmy. With no one able to help him, Slater got the 3 count and the victory!

Winners: 3MB {9:31}

Slater picked up Mahal as they celebrated their victory. Cody was on the outside, angry. He shoved Sandow to the floor as he went backstage. McIntyre came down and celebrated with his 3MB Mates. We cut to our Comercial Break.


"The Following contest is an Elimination Chamber Qualifier Match!"

Ziggler's music hit first as he came out to the ring with Big E and AJ Lee. He and Lee shared a kiss as Langston rushed down to the ring. Ziggler and Lee shortly joined him at Ringside before Jericho's music hit. Jericho came out with a mic.

Jericho: Ziggler! MAN! I don't understand your trash talk. I know your inner workings! You're scared! You're scared of me! That's why you sent your bodyguard after me instead of getting me yourself. I know this whole shtick. 10 minutes in you screw me over to give Big E a win. Well, that won't happen. Because I have help! My help ... well we have a rocky relationship. We have teamed. We have fought. But now, we are working together. PLEASE GIVE A WARM WELCOME TO!

The crowd began to pop as Christian came from the backstage area. He stood side to side with Jericho as Ziggler looked Dumbfounded. The two made their way to the ring as Jericho entered the ring. Christian walked over to the opposite corner of Ziggler, crossing his arms.

Big E Langston vs Chris Jericho

The bell rang as Jericho and Langston locked up. Langston quickly threw Jericho off of him, causing Jericho to roll to the corner. Langston ran at Jericho, but he got his knees up, causing the big guy to bounce off them. Jericho then climbed onto the middle rope and leaped off. Jericho went for an Axehandle to Langston, but Langston caught and hit Jericho with a Hard-Hitting Belly-to-Belly suplex.

Jericho hit the floor hard and quickly moved to the bottom rope. He pulled himself to his feet as Langston ran at Jericho. Jericho would elbow Langston in the head as he ran at Jericho, allowing Y2J to hop on his back and lock in a sleeper hold. Langston held his ground though, running towards the corner with Jericho on his back. As he went to turn, Jericho hopped off of Langston and threw him into the corner hard.

Langston bounced off the corner as Jericho took him to the ground with a neckbreaker. Jericho would then pick up Langston and Irish Whipped him into the ropes. As Langston came back, Jericho went for a back body drop. Langston stood his ground though and didn't move. Langston wrapped his arms around Jericho and heaved him into the air, before dropping him down with a Powerbomb.

Langston would then run off to the ropes and came back before crushing Jericho with a Splash. Langston covered Jericho but to no avail. Langston instead resorted to picking up Jericho and placing him onto his shoulders. Langston went for a Big Ending, but Jericho managed to scurry out of it. Falling behind the big guy, Jericho went for a roll-up on Langston. He only got a 2 count for his efforts, before being thrown over the top rope by Langston.

Jericho hit the floor beside Christian, being helped up by him. However, this didn't happen for long as Ziggler superkicked Christian out of nowhere. This caused Jericho to stumble a bit as Ziggler began to beat down on Christian. Jericho attempted to stop the offense, but Langston came out to the side and speared Jericho through the barricade. Langston then tossed Jericho back into the ring like a ragdoll.

Langston entered the ring behind Jericho and went for a shoulder tackle. Instead, Jericho managed to hit a Codebreaker out of nowhere. Langston was down and Jericho seemed out of it. Before he could make a cover, AJ Lee came onto the apron to distract the referee. On the outside, Ziggler threw Christian into the steel steps before entering the ring. With the referee distracted, Ziggler superkicked Jericho and hit him with a Zig-Zag. Ziggler rolled out of the ring as Langston got up, picked Jericho up, and came down with a Big Ending for the 3-Count!


Langston stood over Jericho as AJ Lee and Ziggler entered the ring. Ziggler stomped on Jericho a few times before the 3 exited the ring. Big E was the second confirmed Elimination Chamber entrant. Jericho got up in the ring, with Christian joining him. The two stared down the trio as we cut to Commercial Break.


And we come back to raw as CM Punk's music hit. The boos rang out from the crowd as the champ of 435 days entered the ramp and went into the ring. Punk kneeled in the center of the ring as the sirens of the Hounds hollered. Dean Ambrose came out alone this time as the Lunatic walked down through the crowd. He walked through the broken barricade, staring down Punk. Ambrose took his vest off and slid into the ring, staring down Punk. The bell rang to kick off our Main Event.

CM Punk vs Dean Ambrose

The two stars locked up in a collar-ad-elbow tie-up, with Ambrose getting ahold and wrenching the arm. Punk would retaliate with a closed fist punch to the jaw of Ambrose, allowing him to grab the hip and hit a back suplex. Punk would then roll the move into a headlock, sticking his knee into the spine of Ambrose. Ambrose would move his arms around for something to stop the assault, opting to grab Punk's free leg. He snatched it down, causing Punk to release Ambrose. Ambrose then stood up, right leg still in his grasp, and twisted it, causing Punk to grit his teeth in pain. Ambrose would then try to transition this into a Boston Crab, but Punk kicked him off.

As Ambrose held his jaw for a bit, Punk got to his feet and nailed Ambrose in the stomach with a stiff knee. Ambrose held his gut as Punk began to beat on his back with forearms and knees until Ambrose fell to the floor. Punk then proceeded to stomp on Ambrose until the referee pulled Punk off of him. Ambrose rolled over to the corner, holding his back as Punk ran straight at him and nailed him with a knee to the head.

Ambrose looked out of it as Punk backed off to do his Go To Sleep taunt. Ambrose however pulled himself up and ran right back at Punk. Punk didn't expect it, giving Ambrose the upper hand. Ambrose tackled Punk to the ground before nailing him in the head a dozen times with closed-fist punches. Punk would catch the 13th punch, and transitioned Ambrose into an anaconda vice. It was locked in, with Ambrose flailing around like a fish outta water. Punk tightened the lock, but Ambrose managed to wrap his legs around Punk's head, snapping it back to force Punk's grip off.

Punk's head hit the floor hard as Ambrose took advantage of the situation, hitting Punk with a Double Underhook Suplex. Ambrose then rolled this move to a Double Underhook DDT, covering the Straight-Edge Superstar. But Punk kicked out at 2, stunning Ambrose. Ambrose would continue to beat down on Punk with strikes until Punk locked him in the Anaconda Vice again. Ambrose had nowhere to go as Punk moved himself to where Ambrose couldn't get his legs around. After 30 seconds in the hold, Punk let Ambrose go and began calling for him to get up.

Ambrose got to his knees and was picked up by Punk, and put onto Punk's shoulders. It was a matter of time before Punk went for the GTS. But Ambrose caught the knee. The crowd began to cheer as Ambrose slung Punk's knee down and hit a Dirty Deeds. The crowd rose to their feet as Ambrose hooked Punk's leg.




Punk kicked out at the last moment, stunning everyone, including himself. Ambrose didn't decide to wait and picked up Punk. He went for another Dirty Deeds, but Punk picked up before he could connect. Punk threw Ambrose into the corner and hit him with a Shining Wizard. Ambrose stumbled around for a bit before being picked up by Punk. This time, Punk successfully hit the GTS for the




WINNER: CM Punk {14:37}

Punk stood over Ambrose, before staring at the WrestleMania time. Now, he was one step closer to the Main Event. The show closed off to a counter telling us

69 Days Left until WrestleMania

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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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I only had time to skim this rn but good show. Bo not even making it a minute with Barrett tho :lmao
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Dec 3, 2020
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Raw Matchcard For Next Week

Alicia Fox and {Natalya, AJ Lee, or Aksana} vs Kharma and Naomi

Elimination Chamber Qualifier
Ryback vs Sheamus vs Drew McIntyre

CM Punk vs Seth Rollins w/ The Shield

Christian and Chris Jericho vs Big E Langston and Dolph Ziggler

+ more


Dec 3, 2020
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>>>>>> Smackdown Match Card


'Mr Money In The Bank' Dolph Ziggler takes on a fierce rival in Kofi Kingston. He hasn't shook Jericho or Christian off his back yet though. Will his paranoia get the best of him with his rival or will he continue a streak of dominance?


'United States Champion' Antonio Cesaro will defend his US title against the 'Milan Miracle' Santino Marella and Sin Cara in a Triple Threat.


'The Big Dog' Roman Reigns will be accompanied by his Shield Brethren as he takes on The Miz.


Big Show takes on the manager of Alberto Del Rio, Ricardo Rodriguez in an I Quit match.


Natalya has accepted Vickie Guerrero's challenge, and puts her spot in the Women's Tag Match on the line against Aksana and AJ Lee.


Daniel Bryan and Kane address 3MB

Cody Rhodes in action

and more.

Current Elimination Chamber Card!

Elimination Chamber Match
WWE Championship

The Rock
Rock was slotted into this match after Vince McMahon made this match official. Reports are saying that like CM Punk, Rock will have a match to keep his spot in the match.


CM Punk
CM Punk helped make this match official by complaining on Raw this past week. He was slotted into a match against Dean Ambrose by Vince McMahon for this shot. Punk would prevail in the match, giving him this spot.


Big E Langston
In a match against Chris Jericho, which was originally a Normal Match, Langston would win not by clean terms. Dolph Ziggler got involved and helped Langston out. His motivations for this may be because Dolph Ziggler is Mr. Money In The Bank.






Tag Team Championship
Team Hell No {c} vs 3MB {Jinder Mahal and Heath Slater}
After 3MB won a Number 1 Contenders match against Tons of Funk, Rhodes Scholars, and The Usos, this match was set for the Event.
Speculated Matches {/}

Christian/Chris Jericho vs Dolph Ziggler
| After Ziggler attacked both men in the Elimination Chamber Qualifier, it isn't out of the picture that both men could be the first in line for a match. |

Diva's Title
Kaitlyn {C} vs Naomi/Alicia Fox/Natlaya/Aksana/AJ Lee/Kharma
This is only Speculation as we don't know who is facing off against Kaitlyn. Based off what we saw in the 4v4, all four of these women have a Credible shot at the Title + with the Triple Threat on Smackdown shoots in 2 more women into this mix. WWE seems to be high on the Diva's division currently, so we can go any way.

World Title
Big Show vs Alberto Del Rio {c}
This feud clearly isn't over, and is likely to continue onto Wrestlemania 29. This is the final detour before Wrestlemania, so this makes the most sense to happen.


The Power Rankings

1) CM Punk
2) The Rock
3) John Cena
4) Ryback
5) Dolph Ziggler
6) Chris Jericho
7) Sheamus
8) Daniel Bryan
9) Alberto Del Rio
10) Big E Langston
11) Wade Barrett
12) Roman Reigns
13) Dean Ambrose
14) Kane
15) Big Show
16) Seth Rollins
17) Christian
18) The Miz
19) Cody Rhodes
20) Kofi Kingston
21) Rey Mysterio
22) Heath Slater
23) Antonio Cesaro
24) Alicia Fox
25) Santino Marella

{Report by ....


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