The greatest seller in the world today...possible ever.

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Randy Orton.

You hear many words around the smark community to describe this man. You hear the word boring. You hear inconsistent. You hear arrogant, robotic, limited, overrated.

However, the one word that should be forever associated with him is seller. Selling is perhaps the most underrated, undervalued and one of the most important aspect of pro wrestling, especially if you are a heel. If you can make your opponent look like god, you become the most important person in the ring.

Now, some would consider selling to be a lost art, especially in today's wrestling world where wrestlers would much rather try to get themselves over through high risk maneuvers and constant no selling. Sure, you still have great sellers, HHH and HBK come to mind. But none are at the level Randy Orton is at.

In the ankle lock, Orton looks as though his ankle has legitimately been broken, and continues to sell it like the pain is unbearable. If you watch Orton take Sweet Chin Music you might think HBK fucked up and he was legitimately knocked out. Last night on Raw, you see Orton writhing in pain trying to escape the figure four. In the past, people have falsely reported that Orton had recieved concussions.

This is the main reason why Randy Orton is so valuable to the WWE. His moveset doesn't matter, nor do mic skills. He will always have a job because he can make the Cena's of the world look like the greatest wrestlers of all time. In my opinion Orton is the greatest seller of any generation.


Active Member
Jul 2, 2007
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Downtown Atlanta
oversold the FUCK out of that figure four last night, how many times did he fucking circle around the ring on his back?


oversold the FUCK out of that figure four last night, how many times did he fucking circle around the ring on his back?

If someone torqued your knee, would you just sit there and let them do it? Or would you move around at first and use all your enegery to try and get out of it before finally giving in?

Orton put over the figure four like noone has in years.

God forbid a wrestler act like he is in pain.

the dark knight


yea he can sell pretty well, which is why i dont really HATE him like i hate cena. but to say best ever? thats a bunch of shit. no one sells like HBK, HHH or flair to this day. if you wanna see good selling, go watch hbk vs hogan lol



yea he can sell pretty well, which is why i dont really HATE him like i hate cena. but to say best ever? thats a bunch of shit. no one sells like HBK, HHH or flair to this day. if you wanna see good selling, go watch hbk vs hogan lol

I know HBK is a great seller, but now I don't know if you are serious or not with the HBK/Hogan comment.

Also, I would put Flair at a close second behind Orton. Flair is much better all around which is why some people might mistakenly think he is better than Orton at selling. lol

the dark knight

I know HBK is a great seller, but now I don't know if you are serious or not with the HBK/Hogan comment.

Also, I would put Flair at a close second behind Orton. Flair is much better all around which is why some people might mistakenly think he is better than Orton at selling. lol
you should take my posts with LULZ less seriously..

again, saying orton is better than trips, hbk or flair at selling is over the line. hell, i'd even put jericho there.


you should take my posts with LULZ less seriously..

again, saying orton is better than trips, hbk or flair at selling is over the line. hell, i'd even put jericho there.

My next thread will be about how Cena has the most extensive moveset in the WWE. Stay tuned.

the dark knight

My next thread will be about how Cena has the most extensive moveset in the WWE. Stay tuned.
i think im gonna change my movement here...from giving you rep for almost all your posts to giving you neg rep :D. jk

btw, you cant be serious unless its in the street fight. remember why we had a cena thread in the first place? if i remember right, it was because of me and you arguing about him in almost every thread goin off topic...


i think im gonna change my movement here...from giving you rep for almost all your posts to giving you neg rep :D. jk

btw, you cant be serious unless its in the street fight. remember why we had a cena thread in the first place? if i remember right, it was because of me and you arguing about him in almost every thread goin off topic...

I have retired my Cena threads for a while. I have to wait until people really start hating him again.

the dark knight

I have retired my Cena threads for a while. I have to wait until people really start hating him again.
if bringing back my "cuck fena" avatar would help, say so. and if you really have faith that cena's winning at mania, you should start makin these threads right now.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2007
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Warren, Ohio
Dark Knight,
I was thinking the same thing about Y2J. He sold that punch from Big Show last week amazingly, he seriously looked like he got knocked out.

I agree with CenaMark that Orton can sell amazingly. Is he the greatest at it in this generation? I dunno if it would be fair to say that, but to say he's up there would be pretty fair I'd say.


Dark Knight,
I was thinking the same thing about Y2J. He sold that punch from Big Show last week amazingly, he seriously looked like he got knocked out.

I agree with CenaMark that Orton can sell amazingly. Is he the greatest at it in this generation? I dunno if it would be fair to say that, but to say he's up there would be pretty fair I'd say.

Y2J is very good. I think that might have been a legit punch to the face though. If not, great job by KYJ.

What about Santino's selling abilities? He looks like he is about to take a shit everytime someone touches him.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2007
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Warren, Ohio
^Hahaha that is very true. I'd like to see Santino actually like I dunno win a match against a real wrestler sometime soon. Not get beat up by girls and virtually never wrestle an actual match. Is he that bad in the ring that they don't trust him to wrestle real matches?

As far Y2J, he was on SD! the next night and I don't think he had a black eye or anything so I'm thinking that was just a great sell by him.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2007
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I agree with Dark Knight although Orton is really good at selling IMO id say HBK and HHH are just above Orton id say HBK HHH then Orton then flair. I also agree with Cena mark that Orton sold the fig 4 last night brilliantly but he isn't the only one in years to put it over HHH sold it pretty good if i remember rightly in his match against flair were trips lost his place in rumble

The Rated R CMStar

Orton is an awesome seller, for example when he takes Sweet Chin Music the way he spins after the impact, or how he takes the Pedigree like a man, not putting his hands on the way. Besides, not many would have let Botch Hardy to do a Swanton 20 feet up the air onto you.

Still, HBK is just better. His inside out thing when thrown to the corner is just amazing and makes a simple throw into a brutal Irish Whip that seems to almost kill him. He just bounces all over the ring selling punches and stuff