Kayfabe The Finish to Rogue vs Bull 4 @ UK Rampage

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First RWK Euro Champion
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
*Twenty minutes into the opening match of UK Rampage, Jack Rogue and Jordan Bull have littered the ring and its surroundings with weapons. A steel chair, bent out of shape almost beyond recognition, lays on the canvas and a near-snapped kendo stick can be seen on the floor next to the announce table. A tall ladder is leaned in one corner of ring, it and the table set up in the middle are the only undamaged weapons visible. The combatants are trading forearms while leaning on the table, Rogue with a bleeding cut between his eyebrows and Bull with multiple scarlet welts across his back and the wrap on his injured right arm torn half to shreds*

*The crowd cheer and boo loudly as Bull, the fan favourite and the psychotic Rogue swap blows. Jordan staggers Jack with an elbow to the temple to the delight of the audience, Rogue is out on his feet and leaning all his weight on the table. Bull steps forward, puts one arm behind Jack's head and the other under his leg then slowly and with difficulty lifts and pushes Rogue onto the top of the table. Jordan then pulls back and nails his vulnerable opponent with a right hand*

*As Ivy Hale screams at Jack in a seemingly futile effort to will him back to his feet, Jordan Bull turns his attention to the ladder, which with a surge of adrenaline he pulls out of the corner and sets up next to the table. The crowd build into a frenzy of anticipation as Bull climbs the rungs, eyes locked on his semi-conscious opponent. Their excitement is cut short however, as Hale clambers quickly but carefully onto the apron and begins to push at the ladder with one arm, the other on the top rope to support her with her injured leg. Jordan kicks at Ivy who jumps down from the apron in a desperate dodge, but Hale did enough as the ladder slowly begins to topple. Panicked, and losing his balance, Bull hurls himself from the ladder, extending his bad right arm in a desperate elbow drop*

*It is enough. The crowd goes wild as Jordan crashes through Jack Rogue and the table as the ladder falls into the ropes behind him. The bell rings and the ring announcer declares him the winner, tying the series 2-2, but agony is etched on his face. He grabs frantically at the right arm to which he appears to have done further damage, as the referee points at him instead of lifting either of his arms*

*Ivy gingerly pulls Rogue out of the ring under the bottom rope and drapes his left arm over her shoulders as his right clutches at his chest. Hale on a crutch and Jack leaning on her, the pair stagger up the ramp to the boos of the crowd. Bull isn't celebrating in the ring but being urgently checked by multiple doctors who are handling his arm with evident care. As the jubilation in the arena turns to quiet concern, Jordan exits the ring with the help of an official and also walks slowly towards the back, as the carnage in the ring is gradually cleared*

-End of segment-

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