Submissions have been a part of wrestling for a long long time. Thesz invented the STF, Sting and Bret Hart made the Sharpshooter/Scorpion death lock famous and Daniel Bryan is currently making the Lebell lock famous. In short, submissions has almost always been around and a lot of wrestlers use them. But why are they not held in as high regard as a impact finisher?
Is it that they don't build as much excitement as say a powerbomb? But wouldn't a submission be just as exciting to see with the right build up throughout the match leading up to it? Is that a submission doesn't have as much visual flair? or is it something else all together?
Personally I like to see wrestlers who use submissions. I like impact finishers as well but I love seeing a well put together match leading up to a submission end with a good story going for it. This might be because I watch a lot of independent wrestling, where submission finishers are more common than on TV but anyways. Guys like Jericho, Benoit and Bryan have proven that you can win matches and make it exciting/good for TV, maybe it depends on the move itself? Bryan said he stopped using the Cattle mutilation when he came to the WWE because it didn't provide any good camera angles to help sell the move for the TV crowd so maybe there is something to that. Onto the discussion?
Why do you think that impact finishers are preferred to submissions in general?
What would you do to make submissions more "exciting"?
Are there certain submission moves that just aren't for TV?