Kayfabe The Contract Signing - Tag Title match.

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Chicken McDouble

The Architect
Apr 15, 2016
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United Kingdom
*We come back from a commercial break to see a contract signing table in the middle of the ring with 4 chairs scattered around it, the new Precision Tag Team Championships on the table and a referee standing by it aswell. And then... *

*Anarchy Inc's music plays and after 20 seconds, Yuri Williamson and Gabriel Kirkshaw emerge from behind the curtain, with their usual cocky attitude and walk. They look at each other and nod before walking down the ramp, ignoring the constant jeering and booing coming from the crowd in attendance. Kirkshaw enters the ring, followed swiftly by Williamson, they both take a seat at the far right chairs and Yuri picks up the microphone.*

Yuri - All of you don't get it do you? You really don't.... just because we may not be the greatest superstars in terms of our Wins and Losses so far, it doesn't mean that we aren't good. Reagan's advice and experience, he has applied it to making us the greatest tag team not only in Precision... but in the entire world! The universe! Making history once again! It's like Precision needs a team like Anarchy Inc to succeed. No one can stop us, not the "New World Order", not Ryan Blake and especially not Lance Dondelinger and Aaron Le-

*Yuri is interrupted by an all too familiar theme and he puts the mic down, before laying back in his chair awaiting his opponents at Backlash.*

@Gino Bambino @CiV

Ginothony Bamtano

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Apr 16, 2016
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Williamson's rant is quickly cut off by the theme of the duo's competitors, Lance Dondelinger and Aaron Leon. The pair makes their way out to the arena to a faint, but positive reaction. They both are decked out in colorfully formal attire, Lance wearing a bright Green suit with a black undershirt, and Leon wearing a Blue Blazer and a pair of sunglasses. Lance is filled with energy, but Leon seems a bit more tentative to show the same enthusiasm, still healing up from the prior month's beatdown. Nonetheless, he still follows his tag team partner into the ring, and they both stand opposite their competitors. Leon begins to raise his microphone.

Leon: Allow me to-

Dondelinger: You jerks better stop it right now!

To much of Leon's annoyance, he is cut off almost instantly by Lance's shrill voice.

Dondelinger: What you did to my friend and me at TLC was nothing but unfair. You knew that we were ready to have a nice, fair match in that ring, but you two bullies chose instead to attack me and my friend from behind. And then, last week, after my friend beat you in the ring, you tried to attack him again! But I wasn't going to let you two bullies do it again. No, I had to stoop down to your level and use a weapon just to stop you from hurting my friend...That doesn't matter, though, on Sunday. Because it will be a fair match. You two won't be able to sneak attack us, and you won't be able to use a weapon against us. Because if you do, we will be the ones holding the Precision Tag Team Championships.

This statement is followed by cheers from the audience, who are becoming more excited for this eventual clash. As the crowd murmurs excitedly, Dondelinger and Leon step up toward the table to sign the contracts. First is Leon, who pulls a pen out of his suitcoat and aggressively signs the contract. After he does this, he slides it over to Dondelinger, who signs it with a much less stern look than his partner. After both men put their names on the dotted line, Leon raises his microphone back to his mouth to say what he had intended earlier.

Leon: You two should be-

Once again, Leon is cut off, but this time it is a member of Anarchy Inc.
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Chicken McDouble

The Architect
Apr 15, 2016
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United Kingdom
Yuri - Really? No stipulation matters in this match, we are more superior than both of you... in every single way! Lance, this isn't school little boy, this is the real world.

Leon - As I was saying...

Yuri - Quiet Leon! It's our time to talk, your "friend" has already spouted enough bullshit already, I don't need to hear anything from you.

*Leon is extremely annoyed, he goes to punch Yuri but Kirkshaw grabs the contract and shows it to Aaron Leon, Gabe with a smug grin on his face, and Williamson pretending to be scared at Aaron's sudden outburst.*

Gabriel - See what it says right at the bottom? "No contact is allowed between either team from now until the bell rings at Backlash." If you even slightly touch one of us, then we will be handed the Tag Team Championships right in front of you, so Aaron I think you might want to step back and cool off a bit, or the "bullies" will run the yard and be the heads of the Tag Division.

*Leon is still annoyed but steps back and Lance looks at him and pats him on the shoulder, trying to calm him down. Williamson pulls out a pen from his pocket and signs the contract he passes the pen to Kirkshaw who also signs his name.*

Yuri - Happy Holidays to both of you... it's just unfortunate that at Backlash, you'll be getting no presents.

*Yuri drops the mic and both him and Gabriel climb out the ring and walk up the ramp, the two teams stare down each other, Anarchy Inc at the ramp and Leon/Dondelinger in the ring. The camera fades to black and to a commercial break.*

End of Segment