The C-4 Story - Global Warming

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What do you think of Global Warming?

  • Yes, it will indeed affect our lives and we need to protect ourselves.

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  • It's totally fake, they need to stop getting cheap publicity.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • What's Global Warming? // I don't care.

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It's the second hottest issue after Islam and Terrorism. Many people think it's a joke but I personally think it's not. So let's have the C-4 Story of Global Warming. You can argue/debate do whatever you want but it must be regarding global warming. And the winner will be decided who posts the post logical argument.

The two rules of the "C-4 Story" are that swearing is not allowed in the arguments and posting from Wikipedia, other sources is allowed.

So what exactly is Global Warming? Alright everyone knows that it does something to the earth; and it's really really bad. But, many are unaware of what exactly Global Warming is and how it's harmful.

Global Warming in simple words is the sudden climate change of the earth due to various reasons some of them being pollution, green house gases, increased number of skyscrapers, plastic bags, toxic gases etc. Winters will get colder and summers will get hotter. Who expected that it would snow in Saudi Arabia? A desert of the middle east. Who expected a skyrocketing 57 C in the summers of Dubai? Rising sea levels, glacier retreat, Arctic shrinkage, and altered patterns of agriculture are cited as direct consequences, but predictions for secondary and regional effects include extreme weather events, an expansion of tropical diseases, changes in the timing of seasonal patterns in ecosystems, and drastic economic impact. Concerns have led to political activism advocating proposals to mitigate, eliminate, or adapt to it. Global Warming will definitely affect our lives in the future. There will be more hurricanes and earthquakes, more tornadoes and cyclones, thunderstorms. Go with it or go against it, the C-4 Story of Global Warming.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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The melting of the caps will happen, there really is no way to avoid it. I don't think it will happen as fast as the picture shows, but it's something that really there is no way to get out of.


Discussion goes on till 26th of April, the winner is he who posts the most logical argument on this topic.


Wrestling Station

There are so many theories about the global warming. Some scientists said that its because of the air pollution caused by the industrial wastes and vehicles exposing alot of the carbon monoxide. But on the other hand, i also heard that on Discovery Science something like 5 months ago, that the global warming is also happening do to the Solar 'birth'.. this is every 11 years, the Sun expells tons and tons of lava and solar radiation towards the universe and towards Earth. This causes alot of terminal problems and dysfunctions towards the electrical wires, systems and the satellites.
This actually happend few years ago in Canada, they had a large distinct of area with no power supply (i forgot about the name of the states) which was like half of Canada lol.. (Canadians please correct me on this), and that Solar busting was not only affecting the man-made power stations and satellites, but it actually caused interuption towards the temperatures of the Earth, thus caused ice meltdown in numerous amounts.

The global warming can also be understood amoung us as the Earth is getting warmer, now, just to talk in simple language here, that as a human or any living creator, we need water and cool (specific warm) for our body to live normally. So in that case, the global warming will cause so much diseases and disorders and if we look at the food chain, the human is at the top of the food chain. Food will be reduced and this will also cause another big problem.

Now as you said C4, we need to go for "environmental friendly" devices, this will not solve the problem, but it will give us more time to live "in good weather conditions".


Feb 8, 2007
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The 'Nati
Couldn't it just be another cycle? I mean, we had the ice age, and before that scientists think there was a warm period.

Besides, the ice is going to melt at some point most likely. Unless we somehow got fricken massive ice cubes and put them on the ice caps, they're going to melt. Don't blame the governmentor cars (although they're partially a cause) blame the sun. He's the one whos bringin' the heat. If we had started back in '55 to prevent global warming from happening, then we probably would have less of a problem than we do now. But it is too late now to do anything about it without the ice cubes or somehow strengthening the O-Zone layer.

One thing, people always talk about how oh the worlds hot and warming and such, yet where are those people when we get massive snow storms? when Kentucky (a generally mild climate state in the U.S) gets like i think we had 8-10 inches, where are the people? It's like everything else. There when they have a point, hiding when they don't.

If alll the ice melted, I think something like every major coastal city would be flooded and inhabitable because the water level of the oceans would raise like 50 feet or something.Well what are we going to do then, blame Bush and the U.S. and Blair and England or the other countries that "could have done something but didn't?"
1. We're doing something like a *****. I mean, listen to the news or the radio, and if they're not talking about political races or gas or Iraq, its global warming. Countries are doing all they can, but I don't think that there is anything they can really do but slow it down.
2. If the flooding happened, sure, it would devastate us, but We'd get over it eventually. We got over WW1 & 2. Got over the nukes. Got over multiple Civil Wars. We can get over the flooding. It will affect every nation. It will most likely change the climate and the geographical features, but eventually the world would right itself


Nov 29, 2007
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Ive heard stories of the world ending in 1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008 so on, and now 2012, and 2050.

My question is how do scientists know that this will happen, cause apparently they have been wrong atleast 20 times already. Yes, the icebergs, and crap is going to melt, and flood upper Canada, and all to the side of Canada, whitch is British Columbia, NWT, Nunavut, Yukon, and I wouldnt be suprised if Alberta and Saskatchewan went aswell. Global Warming in my mind is going to happen soon now, cause you can already see, there is a big impact on the climate change this year. In winter 2007, us ( winnipeg ) had a -61 degree drop, whitch has never happened before. I am thinking the whole world will be underwater within the next 200 years. But there is many ways that people could hit their fuckin mind, and help this situation, but people are dumb as a rat, and they wont do anything about it, and they wont give a shit, cause it wont happen when their still here.

As we speak, people are trying to make electric cars, so the carbon monoxide doesnt screw up the enviroment, and im 23, ive had so many talks about this shit in High school, and work. And you guys will all probaly remember this, but 9/11 put a big turn to this global warming, with the dust that was poluted into the air. I studied 9/11, and all that dust, made it worse. Now, the world will not end in 2012, I repeat, THE WORLD WILL NOT END IN 2012! It will end when we are all dead in like 2100. We have nothing to worry about, and if your a 14 or 13 year old on this site, listen up, cause your children will probaly have a problem with Global Warming. But we will all either be dead, or be like 100 years old, carrying out fuckin canes around, and tripping in the air. And if im wrong here, and it does happen in 2012, that will be scary as shit! cause where I live is all flat surface, so my town/city would flood easly.


Active Member
May 31, 2007
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C4 this is complete bullsit. It is a buch of crap like ur graphics


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
dysfunctions towards the electrical wires, systems and the satellites.
This actually happend few years ago in Canada, they had a large distinct of area with no power supply (i forgot about the name of the states) which was like half of Canada lol..

Well, we have provinces and territories not states. :) Anyway, if its the bit you're talking about, I know here in Ottawa the entire city was without power for 24 hours.

Couldn't it just be another cycle? I mean, we had the ice age, and before that scientists think there was a warm period.

This is correct. Global warming is a naturally occurring process of the earth. Perhaps we exacerbate its effects with our emissions and such, but the fact of the matter is that its going to happen whether we like it or not.


1. We're doing something like a *****. I mean, listen to the news or the radio, and if they're not talking about political races or gas or Iraq, its global warming. Countries are doing all they can, but I don't think that there is anything they can really do but slow it down.
2. If the flooding happened, sure, it would devastate us, but We'd get over it eventually. We got over WW1 & 2. Got over the nukes. Got over multiple Civil Wars. We can get over the flooding. It will affect every nation. It will most likely change the climate and the geographical features, but eventually the world would right itself

You're absolutely right, although everyone knows that it's wrong; Nothing too massive can be done to stop Global Warming in today's world. If people try to stop the greenhouse effect then firstly they have to shut down all nuclear plants which emit many gases that contribute to Global Warming. All the nuclear plants of this world are shut down and Uranium-235 isn't used as a fuel anywhere then about half of the world won't get supply of electricity, then what happens, Global Warming? No, but we have a bigger problem now!

If people start looking at Global Warming and take steps to stop it from ruining our lives then maybe we will have bigger problems like the electricity one. So technically Global warming is a problem but if you deal with it then you get another far more bigger problem. Nothing can be done until the World Health Organization puts restrictions on people disposing lead batteries and plastic bags, they can't possibly go on a higher scale and shut down Uranium Power plants.

C4 this is complete bullsit. It is a buch of crap like ur graphics

huh? why? :g:
Feb 8, 2007
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Madison WI
Global warming is undoubtedly affecting our lives. It is my personal opinion that global warming is part of a natural cycle of the earth, all we are doing is just speeding it up. We are heading towards another ice age, the polar ice caps will melt, flood a lot of land and that will cause the world to cool until the water freezes and thats how you get another ice age. Other things that are affecting the earth's climate are the magnetic reversal of the poles which by the way is happening right now, the north pole will slowly become the south pole, another thing is that the earth is actually decellerating around the sun. In the end, the planet will be fine, we on the other hand are not and there is nothing we can do about it.


Alright, now for the C-4 Story/ Debates we will have this as our first major debate. Anyone who wants to debate for or against this topic in the C-4 Story/ Debates post here with this form:

*How do you look at Global Warming? (short statement)
* Are you standing for or against the argument?