The 2023 FWA Hall of Fame Ceremony.

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Sep 13, 2022
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the FANTASY WRESTLING ALLIANCE proudly presents…

The 2023 ‘Hall of Fame’ Ceremony.
Live on the WCNetwork.
From the Sandpiper Hotel in Holetown, Barbados. Saturday 2nd September.

After the show’s title-card, we open up in a lavishly decorated convention room inside the Sandpiper Hotel in Holetwon, Barbados. A simple stage is set up at one end of the room, currently empty but for the pulpit, microphone, and large screen that will provide a backdrop for tonight’s host. Sat upon small tables are past and current faces from the Fantasy Wrestling Alliance, dressed accordingly in their finest tuxedos and cocktail dresses and clapping to herald the start of the show. The lights dim in preparation for this impending beginning.

Kurt Harrington: "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome at this time your host for the 2023 FWA Hall of Fame ceremony… Anzu… KUROSAWA!!"

The Meltdown commentator walks out onto the stage to a round of applause from the assembled audience. She takes up her position at a podium that is set up on the stage.

Anzu Kurosawa: "Thank you, and welcome to this, the ceremony where we celebrate the careers of the three FWA legends chosen as part of the FWA Hall of Fame ‘Class of 2023’. We’re here in the Sandpiper Hotel in Holetown, Barbados, and I’m surrounded by familiar faces - both past and present - who have assembled in honour of Gabrielle Montgomery, Nova Diamond, and Randy Ramon. They join an elite group of FWA icons - thirty three in total - recognised as having careers deemed worthy of this accolade, who have reached the very top of this company and indeed this profession, and who have lingered in the hearts and minds of the FWA fans. We will hear from each of the inductees over the course of tonight, starting with the man they call 24K…"


The feed cuts to a montage of some of Nova Diamond’s career-defining moments, including him winning the Carnal Contendership in 2019 as well as the Golden Opportunity match in 2021. The footage culminates in clips from his successful cash-in on Meltdown XII, where Diamond overthrew Devin Golden to claim his FWA World Championship. Talking head footage from some of his most prominent allies and adversaries plays amidst his highlight reel.

Kevin Cromwell: "I ain't going to lie. Andy's a wanker. but we grew up in the same town, and we were trained in the same place. I Remember the first day I walked into training. It was just a bunch of kids who were only there for something to do; no one took it seriously, and I was about to walk out when I noticed the only other person in training gear, and I thought, ‘thank God, someone else whose not fucking around’. That was the first time I met Nova Diamond....Course he'll always be Andy to me. We fought together. We fought against each other. We ain't ever going to be best mates. Hell, he probably hates me, and sometimes the feeling is mutual, but even knowing that. If I called him up and said I needed backup, he'd be on the first plane, and I know he'll do the same for me. When you find a brother in this business. That's a bond for life. Even if you don't like the guy. I think if you want to talk about desire? About sheer force of will to win? No one tops Nova… Still a wanker though."

Saint Sully: “Nova Diamond? Let me tell you something about Nova Diamond. My historic FWA World Championship run, out of all the matches I had, do you know which one I came the closest to losing? Not Alyster Black, not Gabrielle, and definitely not Mike Garcia. No, it was my first the main event of Back in Business XIV. Here I was, a guy who took 7 years to win his first World Title, and this young Nova Diamond kid did what I never did, and wins the Carnal Contendership match to face me in the main event of the biggest show in the world. Even if you rewatch that match today, you'll have no idea how close I came to losing the title to Nova. When I tell you I had nothing left to give, I mean it. One split second is all it would've taken to have the King's reign usurped before it ever got off the ground running. That's how good Nova Diamond is."

Danny Toner: ”You know I can count on one hand the amount of friends I’ve made in this business. It ain’t a business for making friends. It’s a fucking business. There’s a pretty clear indicator of what it is to rise to the top of this business and really? It doesn’t matter a damn iota how you get there, once you get there. You know who taught me that? A guy that makes it onto that very short list of people I’d actually consider a friend in this business: Nova Diamond. Nova didn’t need to flaunt around and flash that friendship all over television, Nova didn’t need to flaunt or flash at all. There was no gimmick needed for Nova Diamond: he was just the best. I think very few, if any, can compare to Nova Diamond at his best. He just brings out greatness in people and then tops it himself. He brought out that greatness any time he stepped between those ropes. Name a bad Nova Diamond match? You can’t, can you? His performance in the Golden Opportunity in 2021 was hands down the single greatest performance in the history of professional wrestling. That’s the match all aspiring wrestlers should be watching. That’s how you do it. He’s a special talent, a once in a life time sort of guy, and it speaks volumes that he was able to come in, tear it up for three years, and then leave with a more glorious career than anybody could ever wish for. There ain’t ever been a natural-born talent like Nova Diamond in the FWA, and there won’t ever be another. At his best, he’s the best ever. And you got his best a hell of a lot of the time. You take this moment, brother, and you don’t downplay it. You deserve it more than anyone, pal. I love you."


We return to the Sandpiper Hotel as the audience claps, Anzu smiling behind her podium.

Anzu Kurosawa: "Please welcome to the stage: 2019 Carnal Contendership winner, 2021 Golden Opportunity winner, Back in Business XIV main eventer, former FWA World Champion, and FWA Hall of Fame ‘Class of 2023’ Inductee… ‘24K’ Nova Diamond!!"

A round of applause blends in with the low tones of ‘Comfortably Numb’ as Nova Diamond takes the stage. The camera cuts to some figures like Kevin Cromwell and Chris Peacock as Nova walks up. He’s wearing a neat burgundy suit that is complemented with a black bowtie and he does seem … well, happy. He does a little shimmy as he approaches the stand and then, he’s facing the audience of his fellow workers, journalists, fans and many more.

Nova waits for the applause to die down a bit and after it does, he takes a moment to look at his Hall of Fame ring. After that, he leans into the microphone and off we go.

Nova Diamond: "Well, this is a thing that I’ll only have to show up once for my entire life so of course, here I am."

A little quip about his part-time nature to start things off in a humorous tone. There are laughs, some genuine, some out of courtesy. But the ambiance is very sufficient.

Nova Diamond: "And my Starfield streams will be starting next week on Friday, 8 PM BST. It’s ‘novaDiamoND’ at Twitch, no space, the initial D and the last two letters of ‘diamond’ are uppercase, the rest are lower case. Thank you very much."

After the quick plug of his Twitch channel, Nova starts coughing, indicating that he’s about to start taking this a bit more seriously now.

Nova Diamond: "More than one and less than two years ago … in Chicago, I told you to remember. I told you to remember … that I lived. I remember it vividly. I wanted all of you to remember me, who I was, what I’ve done and accomplished because I could never forget the reasons behind all of that. To make everything I put myself through both physically and mentally … mostly mentally … worth it, I needed to make sure to immortalize the results. I’ve won the Carnal Contendership, I main evented Back In Business, I won the Golden Opportunity and cashed it in on Devin to become the World Champion."

His resume, honestly, isn’t that impressive compared to, well, every other Hall of Famer that this company has to offer. But still, his list of accomplishments gets a light round of applause.

Nova Diamond: "But beyond all of that, I wanted all of you to remember me and my journey because the way they got imprinted on your minds now officially means that I’m able to stand here as a fellow Hall of Famer to the greats of the past and most importantly, my own friends."

He raises his hand, slightly raises his ring finger and taps his Hall of Fame ring a bunch of times to emphasise it.

Nova Diamond: "And this is the greatest token of remembrance that I could’ve ever gotten."

Yet another round of applause, a bigger and louder one than the one he’d just got.

Nova Diamond: "During that night in Chicago, I also said this one thing … that I wasn’t supposed to be there. I had a briefcase that granted me a title shot at literally any time and place I wanted … but still, I was more worried about if I could make it to tomorrow before worrying about getting back to the ring, let alone becoming the World Champion. I didn’t have the easiest time with myself, honestly, that was the case through my whole life. As a kid, as that cocky upstart who won the CC in his fifth match and even as the seemingly calm and composed man who had the golden briefcase. As a professional wrestler, you can come to this ring, have your match and eventually win or lose within an hour on most occasions. Wrestling with … depression … isn’t that simple. So yes, I was not supposed to win that battle. I was not supposed to stand there as the World Champion. But I did that. I was no-"

Nova’s speech grinds to a halt as there seems to be a weird expression on his face at the same time as there are sounds of commotion heard from the back of the crowd. The cameras do not cut to whatever chaos is going on, they remain on Nova, who is taking a sip from a bottle that he took from the HoF stand.

Nova Diamond: "Good to see you here, boys."

He laughs to himself, still waiting. Eventually, he raises his hand in a thumbs up, asking for permission if it’s good to continue. When he gets the confirmation, he nods and continues.

Nova Diamond: "And honestly … I wasn’t supposed to be here as a Hall of Famer either. My list of accomplishments definitely falters compared to everyone who had gotten here before. It’s not like I was a very respected workhorse either, I was flat-out a part timer for the more important part of my career."

His words put this speech in a very weird tone for sure. It’s not until he clarifies things a bit that this weird tone changes into a more proper one.

Nova Diamond: "Mine wasn’t a long and winding road, as much as I respect those who walk that road. I didn’t take many steps … but I made each and every single of those steps count. Everything that I did was impactful and important. I wasn’t here for a long time … but heh, for a goooood time."

He’s seemingly back in a cheerful and jovial mode for now.

Nova Diamond: "I still do feel a bit hurt that they didn’t see me fit to be inducted last year when all the boys were being inducted, but hey, a ring is a ring nonetheless."

Then back to a serious one, a tonal whiplash.

Nova Diamond: "This was one strange journey. One that … took its toll. But by paying that toll, I also got to be a member of this … beautiful family. And hey, can you really call that a family without receiving a little bit of emotional damage from them, eh?"

Yes, a tonal whiplash.

Nova Diamond: "I’ll keep this real as always. If you asked me if I’d change anything if I got to do this all over again … then yes, I probably would. Trust me, all wrestlers will have thoughts like that, from the most successful ones to the least. Sometimes, when I put my head into the pillow, I think about things that I could’ve done differently. I think about how I could’ve won more. But at the end of the day, I could only get here by doing what I did and I refuse to abuse myself about wouldas and couldas and shouldas anymore. When I look back, I don’t look at it with hatred or self-loathing or regrets anymore. For the first time in my life, I am … at peace."

Not only does that get another loud round of applause, but a small ‘NOVA-DIA-MOND’ chant breaks out while the camera once again shows some of the audience members that are chanting it, including Kevin Cromwell, of course.

Nova Diamond: "I am remembered. I am here. Despite everything. Despite myself. And that … ladies and gentlemen … is the greatest wrestling match I could ever win. Thank you."

He raises his fist and highlights the Hall of Fame ring before patting his chest to show his gratitude for all the applause and support.

And soon, he’s off the stage.

Anzu Kurosawa: "Now, moving on with proceedings to our second inductee as part of the FWA Hall of Fame ‘Class of 2023’. And, contrary to what was thought would be the case when this induction was first announced, he will be here - live and kicking - to acknowledge it in person. This year, the Hall of Fame adds a Rockstar to its ranks…"


We cut to a video package highlighting Randy Ramon’s greatest accomplishments within an FWA ring. First, we see clips from his five FWA World Tag Team Championship winning matches, as well as him with teammates Ayla El, Danny Toner, and Randy Ramon. We flash forward to November 2021, where the Rockstar triumphs over Danny Toner and then-champion Chris Kennedy in a triple threat match on Fallout 007. Again, talking heads discuss the Rockstar’s career whilst the clips play.

(Speaking in February 2021) Chris Peacock: ”Randy Ramon is the one that brought me to this dance in the first place. He set me off on the trajectory I am on by showing faith in me when no one else would. I fully believe that one day he will be recognised as one of the greats of this business and I truly hope that we get to share that distinction together."

Danny Toner: ”You gotta be fuckin’ kiddin’ me, right? You want me to say somethin’ about Randy Ramon? You seriously sit here and expect me to praise that motherfucker? What do you want me to freakin’ say? You want me to talk? Then I’ll talk. I’ve a six inch scar on my back from when he fucked me down a damn escalator at Back in Business XI. I’ve an FWA Tag Team Championship in the books from when he dragged me to them the very next night. I’ve a cut that never healed right across my damn chest from when he dipped his hands in shards of glass and lit me up at Back in Business XV and took my belts away. Belts that I only won because he stoked a fire under me by coming back and winnin’ em first. I’ve to live with sure-fire lifelong trauma from when he stole the FWA World Heavyweight Championship from under my nose at Fallout 007. But I also get to live with the fact that in doing so, he pushed me on to the best damn run of my life and my own World Heavyweight Championship. Scars and successes. They’re the two things that are synonymous with Rockstar. Would my career have been better without him? Fuck yeah. Would it have been bigger? Hell no. The kindest thing I can say about Randy is that that ain’t true just for me. Would it have been better for all those involved with the FWA if Randy never laced up them boots against Meth-Head Matt all those years ago? Obviously. Would the FWA have been bigger? Definitely not. Take that whatever way you want but don’t give that fucker a ring without lettin’ me last say that I wish you were still dead, dickhead. I hate you."

‘The Rotten Gold’ Devin Golden was unable to attend the Anniversary Show and ‘Rockstar’ Randy Ramon's Hall of Fame ceremony in person, but he was able to deliver a letter from ‘his world’ through the comatose channels into the FWA world. This hand-written letter is confirmed to be from the now-retired Golden, a three-time FWA Tag Team Champion with ‘Rockstar’ in a team that competed from 2020-2022.

Devin Golden: ”Randy Ramon always intrigued, even early on when he was inconsistent but exciting. But upon getting up close and learning more about him, and seeing him grow, I could tell there was something here -- something different and unique and more than almost anyone else. I've been around a bit, seen a lot of people come through with high ceilings and lots of potential yet flame out within three matches. I've seen people come in and hold their own for a bit before hitting their ceiling and deciding it ain't worth it. And I've seen very very good people come through, make a mark, become legitimate stars, and become names that people go, 'Oh, yeah, I remember him. He was good.'

Randy was better than all of those groups. I could see it. He had something that a very very very small percentage of people in the FWA have. That's why I loved being in Golden Rock -- because it was so damn easy. It was so easy to be successful, and it was so fun to watch Ramon go to the very top heights.

I'm happy for Randy. It's an honor you get in a comatose dream world, and some might not say it means much of anything, but it does mean something. Even in a dream world, these things are cool."


Back in the Sandpiper Hotel, the audience is clapping freely, although a brief shot of the current world champion shows him sitting with his hands clasped together, as Anzu introduces the second inductee.

Anzu Kurosawa: "Welcome to the stage: Back in Business XV main eventer, former five-time FWA World Tag Team Champion, former FWA World Champion, and FWA Hall of Fame ‘Class of 2023’ Inductee… ‘Rockstar’ Randy Ramon!!"

‘Rise’ plays as the Rockstar appears on stage, more applause raining down onto him from (most of) the audience as he approaches the podium and the microphone.

Randy Ramon: "Well, this is awkward, huh?"

Awkward pause.

Randy Ramon: "I mean, I don’t even know where to start. Do I start with the ‘thank yous’? Or the ‘holy shits’? I guess the smartest thing to do would be to start by addressing the elephants in the room.

First, yes, I am very much alive. You all deserve a valid explanation as to how that came to be, and you will get one, but not tonight. Because tonight is not about who did or did not drown.

Second, yes, it was me who kicked Chris Peacock’s mustache so hard that Krash’s mustache felt it, but that’s for another time. Because tonight is not about who is or isn’t a little bitch or a shit friend.

No, tonight is a celebration."

He surveys the audience.

Randy Ramon: "Tonight, is a celebration of the road less travelled. Boy, I really took that one, didn’t I? I mean, I’ve got it all. You want random tag team partners? I’ve got ‘em…

Drafted into the Tag Team Carousel with Ayla El. Never met her before our first title match.

Forced to team with Danny Toner. I don’t think I need to remind any of you of that history.

Then I was blessed by the gods and destined to team with Devin Golden.

Sometimes the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Other times you are the lesser of the two parts, and you fly by the seat of your pants and try to keep up the whole time."

He lets a smile slip.

Randy Ramon: "Thank you, Ayla.

Thank you, Danny.

Thank you, Devin.

Without you three, there is no way I’m standing here today.

There is no Randy Ramon without Ayla El, Danny Toner, and Devin Golden."

He pantomimes applause, bringing the crowd to a standing ovation for the three parties mentioned.

Randy Ramon: "How about moments, are those important to you?

How about the TnT Trilogy and LITERALLY shutting the lights off?

How about winning the Elite Division Tournament?

How about Back in Business 2021, covered in blood and sweat at the top of the ladder, pulling the Tag Titles down?

How about pinning Chris Kennedy at Fallout 7 for the World Championship?

How about when I tried so hard to kick my own partner in the face that we accidentally won the Tag Team Titles?

Who can forget Osos Locos?

Oh, and crossing streams in Belgium?"

A 'GOLDEN SHOWERS' chant breaks out in the crowd.

Randy Ramon: "I couldn’t have done any of that without you all. Everyone in this crowd, everyone watching at home, everyone in the locker room. Thank you.

Thank you to Chris Palmer, my best friend, for always being there, every step of the way. I literally owe you my life, brother.

Thank you, Saint Sully, for setting an example for every wrestler to strive to be… and for that open challenge. That was the first time I truly felt like I not only belonged, but could keep up with the big boys, on my own.

Thank you, Reagan Cole, for setting an example for every wrestler to strive to not be. Occisor will have his revenge. One day.

Thank you, Krash, for pushing me to be my very best. I’m sure we’re not done with each other yet, since we’re apparently both alive and all, but every time our paths cross, I find another gear I didn’t know I had. It doesn’t usually end well for me, but it’s always an honor.

Except for that whole pipe-to-the-knee situation. That sucked balls. Can I say balls here? Oh well, I’ve said it twice now. Might as well make it three. Balls.

Thank you, Ryan Rondo, for… well, most of the same reasons I thanked Krash, except you didn’t actually try to kill me. So, thanks for that too, I guess?"

The crowd laughs.

Randy Ramon: "I know he won’t see this, but I also need to thank a guy who most of you don’t know and probably even fewer remember: Syn. Syn was a friend from the old world who convinced me to sign with FWA in the first place. He didn’t stick around long, but after tonight, his FWA legacy is set in stone. Applesauce, bitch!"

An 'SYN' chant follows the earlier, dirtier chant.

Randy Ramon: "If I didn’t thank you, please don’t think I forgot you. I’m just not very good at all of this emotional shit, at least not without a half a bottle of bourbon in me!"

He chuckles to himself, getting back on track.

Randy Ramon: "I’ve always done things the hard way. It’s never been easy. From childhood, to school, to my music career, to the FWA, and each and every stop along the way.

I’ve always taken the road less traveled, but each day I have sworn to Choose My Own Adventure, and I have scratched, and clawed, and fought tooth and nail to earn every single thing I’ve accomplished. You don’t learn that sort of resilience on your own. You don’t just wake up one day and have it all figured out.

No, that starts at home. And they say that your parents are your first teachers.

Well, I had the best first teacher."

Tears roll down his cheek as he looks upwards.

Randy Ramon: "I love you, Mom. Your boy did it. I did it for you, Mom, and they can never take it away!"

He wipes tears from his eyes and gathers himself.

Randy Ramon: "Thank you all. Truly. I cannot overstate how honored I am to be inducted in to the FWA Hall of Fame. This is the peak right here. It does not get better than this. Thank you all. Goodnight."

The Rockstar takes a bow on the stage to rapturous applause before vacating it, allowing Anzu to resume hosting duties.

Anzu Kurosawa: "Onto our third and final induction of the night, to a woman who truly has no equal in the Fantasy Wrestling Alliance, or in professional wrestling in general. She paved the way for many that followed, including myself, by forcing through the glass ceiling and becoming the first female tag champion and the first multiple-time female world champion in FWA history. I’m talking, of course, about the incomparable and irreplaceable Caramel Goddess…"


A video package plays introducing the third and final inductee of the evening, chronicling the career highlights of Gabrielle Montgomery. We see her victorious in two Back in Business main events, and then clips from her numerous championship wins. She is the first woman to lift the FWA Women’s Championship, and then does so for a second time over Jenny Ignito, before showcasing her two reigns as FWA World Tag Team Champion with this adversary. We see snippets of her lifting the same belts with Daniella Kennedy and Kayden Knox, and then extended footage of her two FWA World Championship victories. The first comes at the expense of Rocky Creed all the way back in November 2010, whilst the second sees her overcoming Phillip A. Jackson in September 2014. Whilst this montage plays, we hear interviews from some of the figures closest to her within the FWA.

Cyrus Truth: ”Love her or hate her, you can't deny that she believed she was something special. And she spend her entire career throwing herself into the fire to prove it."

(Speaking in January 2023) Lizzie Rose: ”Look, I think it's fair to say that there are bad feelings between me and Gabby, and I'll be lying if I thought Gabby was a good person, but it would be criminal to deny her achievements and what she has done to change the game. Without her, you don't see all the great female wrestlers that has come in in the last ten years. It's as simple as that. I'm not the only one that owes her my career."

Saint Sully: ”Gabrielle Montgomery. How do I describe her? My kyptonite? My arch rival? A friend? She was one of the first people who talked to me back when I debuted in 2012. Maybe she just wanted to write my name in her little black book, or I don't know...maybe she has an eye for talent. She definitely has enough of it. Arguably the greatest female wrestler the FWA has ever seen. She has the longest FWA World Championship out of any woman with 363 days. And I mean, she was the first ever woman's champion. But I think we're probably going to hear about her vast list of accomplishments all night. I think what we're not going to hear enough her dedication. Her longevity. I mean, she has been the longest tenured FWA member that we've had. She came in two decades ago with Jack Severino, and the surpassed everything he ever did...and that guy is a Hall of Famer himself. She is one last connection we have to some of the most prehistoric times in FWA history. How many others can say they've wrestled with G-Rich, or Matt Boudreau, or Jenny Ignito? Gabrielle can. Most of us have short shelf lives, but the difference between most of us and Gabrielle is...Gabrielle will never be forgotten."


Anzu Kurosawa: "Please welcome to the stage: 2019 Golden Opportunity Winner, Back in Business VI and Back in Business X main eventer, former two-time FWA Women’s Champion, former four-time FWA World Tag Team Champion, former two-time FWA World Champion, and FWA Hall of Fame ‘Class of 2023’ Inductee… ‘the Caramel Goddess’... Gabrielle Montgomery!!"

‘Hard’ by Rihanna plays over the loudspeakers and the assembled crowd of Wrestlers past and present are on their feet applauding as Gabrielle Montgomery walks out on stage. A long flowing full length silver dress draped across her body and sparking under the lights as she reaches the podium and gazes out upon all the familiar faces with a huge smile upon her face as she collects herself and gathers her thoughts in this moment.

Gabrielle: "I…I don’t even know what to say…

This is a moment I’ve thought about for so very long. A moment that I’ve waited for, wondering what it would feel like to be able to call myself a Hall of Famer. A moment long overdue, and one that I’ve wondered at times if it would ever come.

The last few years of my life have been the most challenging years of my life full of so many lows and not nearly enough highs. I’ve had to roll with so many punches, and try and pick myself up time after time. I’ve done things I never wanted to think I’d ever do. And now standing on this stage surrounded by my peers it all feels worth it.

I know you’re all probably sick of hearing this story, but let me tell it one final time.

I left everything I knew with nothing but a dream in my heart of being just like Kerry Kennedy. Travelling to the other side of the World chasing that dream. I got to America and all anyone saw was just a pretty face, just another pretty face. I was told to my face I would never amount to anything.

But all the naysayers words did was light a fire under me to make me want to prove them wrong. I worked harder than everyone else around me. I came to the FWA when Women had no division and no real career prospects going forward. The great Jillian de Silva was an anomaly, the rest of us would have to be happy just having a match here and there. But then as the number of women signed to the FWA swelled, the number of World class female Wrestlers grew we got our own Championship, and I was the first to ever be FWA Women’s Champion.

I look back now, and that first Championship win might be my favourite. Its where everything changed, where everyone who had doubted me was proven wrong and where I knew that I was capable of great things. I remember holding that Title for the first time and wondering if I’d ever be a Hall of Famer.

Now…I can proudly say that yes, I am a Hall of Famer!"

Gabrielle wipes a solitary tear from her eye as she steps back from the podium and is handed her HOF plaque which she then proudly holds above her head as everyone cheers for her. As Gabrielle is presented with flowers to go with her plaque by Anzu on the stage, a wide-shot is shown of the Hotel, those in attendance - FWA wrestlers and staffers, past and present - on their feet again to show their admiration of the Goddess. We fade out on this shot, a vibrant and smiling Gabrielle joined on stage by the other 2023 inductees as the show goes off the air.


… the director thanks the writers for their work on what was a successful Hall of Fame ceremony, and indeed the planning that has gone into the Anniversary Show the next night. He tells them to get a good night’s rest, but reminds them that their presence is first required in the writer’s room for one final presentation.

Begrudgingly through their fatigue, the writers file into their office and find it already full with recognisable faces. Some of them are those responsible for handling the on-air talent that were currently winding down in their tuxedos and cocktail dresses following the lavish ceremony. Others are those that occupied this very writer’s office (or the adjacent one belonging to the director) in times gone by.

The current crop of writers file into the room, occupying whatever spots they can find, except for the one appointed with the task of introducing the meeting. They take up position at the head of the writer’s table, which forms a makeshift pulpit for their address.

SupineSnake said:
We heard during tonight’s ceremony that there are now thirty six esteemed FWA characters who have now taken their rightful place in the Fantasy Wrestling Alliance Hall of Fame. That’s the kayfabe number, of course. There are two other members of that illustrious club, separated from these thirty six competitors by a thin, metaphysical wall: Chris Stallings and Matthew Robinson. We come together today to celebrate a third addition to this elite group of handlers. For his work as a moderator, as a handler, and as a member of the FWA community, The Golden One is the third handler inductee into the Hall of Fame.

It is fitting to mention this thin, metaphysical wall when discussing The Golden One, with the story that defined his final year in the fed - and gathered him two FWA World Championships in this career swansong - traversing that boundary on numerous occasions. It’s this high level of creativity that has defined TGO’s time thus far in the FWA, both as a moderator and a handler, and is doubtlessly the primary reason that he has accumulated the incredible list of accolades as both Devin Golden and Shannon O’Neal. I won’t list them all here, except to say that - with this induction - TGO becomes the first ever three-time Hall of Famer.

Standing above his achievements as a handler are TGO’s contributions as a mod, and particularly as a head mod. It is true that this place simply wouldn’t exist right now if it wasn’t for TGO, who has been with the fed during all three of its forum incarnations and captained the ship through some of its best and hardest times. His unerring passion for the community and willingness to give up his time for the FWA to be the place it is for all of us fully justifies this induction, which comes at the end of his most recent spell on the mod team but at the start of a new phase for him as a handler.

Here’s to fourteen more years!

As one writer leaves their spot at the head of the table, another approaches to follow up with their own thoughts…

Man said:
From a personal perspective, I don't think I would be in the position that I am without TGO's influence and the belief that he showed in me from a very early stage. The FWA was his baby and he'd looked after it for a long time and he decided to take a chance and appoint a mod with only six months of efedding experience and then less than a year later hand the keys over to that same person. As a head mod through what has been a hectic period of time for the FWA with the forum move, being able to draw on the experience and wisdom that TGO is always willing to impart when requested is invaluable. There has never been a time when I have turned to TGO for advice and he has not tried to help to the best of his ability.

Not only did TGO entrust me with stewardship of the FWA once he decided to step down, he also gave me the honour of being the one to retire the Devin Golden character (which he made me work for in that promo). To be able to work with such an important character in the FWA is compliment enough, but for Devin to be willing to let arguably the greatest character in the FWA's history hang up his boots against a disco dancing idiot is testament to how giving he is as a handler to work with. He made a point of making sure I had things to work with in collaborations that would help set both of us up going forward. It is this kind of approach and knowledge that comes with the experience that he has and does not come naturally to most. That is just a small example of the things that I have learned through working closely with him.

None of this actually talks about his writing and the characters that he has crafted along the way. I was in a lucky position to join the fed just as Golden Rock were ascending to superstardom and then I had the pleasure of seeing the Devin Golden character develop into one of the most creative approaches to an efed character I can imagine. The way that Devin slowly built everything up and that annoying, solipsistic lunatic was the end result was fascinating to me. This is also omitting XYZ, which is a character I find very endearing and one that I am really enjoying seeing TGO put more effort and attention into.

I think that Devin will be surprised that he is receiving this distinction, but he really shouldn't be. Whether through being a mod, a handler, a writer or a friend, he definitely deserves this spot.

Sully said:
If you were to identify one person who's been crucial to the FWA's 18-year survival, ‘The Golden One’ is without a doubt one of the must list names, if not number one. His contributions as a handler go back as early as 2009, and his one character alone has won more championships than anyone else in FWA History. Together, his characters Devin Golden, Shannon O'Neal, and even Sauce Man all come together to make up a significant percentage of FWA's history. But two of those characters already have their own positions in FWA's prestigious Hall of Fame. Today, we recongize The Golden One for more than just his incredible accomplishments as an RPer. Today we recognize him as a match writer, promo grader, booker, mediator, leader, and mentor. His services for the FWA span across nearly it's entire two decades of existent. He helped ferry the FWA to new forum refuge not just once, but twice during two points of Fed crisis. His part in communicating to as many handlers as possible that the FWA was moving from PWS to WrestlingClique was vital for the fed's survival. He again joined the frontlines during the fed's move from WC to WrestlingSmarks in late 2022, and was a crucial part of the archival team that helped preserve the fed's history as best as could be done.

We do not recognize enough just how much dedication and commitment it takes to be a part of the FWA Staff. Match writing, booking, and grading could legitimately be a part-time job, if not full time on some weeks. The Golden One has put in more service years for us as an FWA Staff member than anyone, and his tenure as Head of Staff throughout different points of history stands out even more. I think if we were to count how many hours, just as creative, The Golden One has sacrificed for us to enjoy this fed as a whole over the last decade and a half, the number would be in the thousands. With it came a quality that is hard to match with great match write-ups, and some of the most interesting and fun storylines the fed has seen. But his passion as a leader is unmatched, and it's hard to even measure what The Golden One did behind the scenes to keep the fed together as a whole. His ability to manage the morale of the roster, make tough decisions in conflicts, and overall act as a voice of reason for the FWA is a skill that alone probably kept the fed alive and thriving. Not only was his judgment often wise, but fair and impartial in almost any situation.

With all that said, The Golden One's best role to many has been his role as a mentor and friend. Over his course, he has taken many under his wing, whether it's through promo feedback or just overall giving support with pep talks and encouragement. The list of those who consider The Golden One as someone who can be trusted as a coach, advisor, and confidant is surely longer than anyone would even know. When I think of a role model, I think of The Golden One. Not only in the sense of his writing style inspiring many current writers in the fed today but also in the sense of him being a role model as a member of the Fed.

I think just one of these traits would make a Hall of Famer. The Golden One however encompasses all of them, and that itself is something that deserves true honor.

Cyrus Truth said:
There have been memorable characters and talented writers all throughout FWA’s history. Amazing feuds, stellar matches, iconic moments, the whole nine yards. There are only a handful of folks that have graced this federation, given their time, and have been an absolute stellar human being who balanced both creativity, storytelling, and been available and approachable to share ideas and thoughts with. All of those people? We measure them against The Golden One, one of the best of us.

Jimmy said:
I know it’s cliche but what else is there to say about TGO that probably hasn’t been said by anyone already? I remember one of my first chats with TGO, which was when FWA first came to Wrestling Clique around 10 years ago. He was cool with me and let me know about a storyline they were running with an evil Jimmy King character that was trying to take over FWA (I think that’s what that was, my memory is kind of foggy haha).

Over the years we got to know each other and developed a good rapport amongst us. We like to give each other a hard time and I like to pick on TGO, but it’s always harmless and in jest.

He’s had a few great characters in the time I’ve known him. The one I know him best for is the one who everyone knows him for, Devin Golden. I was always fascinated how TGO would find ways to change Golden, with his last run being the most fun and my favorite iteration. I love XYZ as well and Sauce Man when he was active. His character he had in CWA named Max was another good one.

If it wasn’t for TGO there wouldn’t be an FWA today. FWA wouldn’t be where it’s at today if it wasn’t for him. He’s a big reason for its success and I’m glad to have been here for the ride and watch TGO work his magic. Thank you TGO, and congratulations.

Smooth Jazz Wolf said:
The Golden One has been a fixture in FWA for, realistically, as far as I can remember. Admittedly, that isn't as far as some of the more tenured members of the fed, but as far back as my greying memories go, TGO has always been there, giving advice, offering feedback, putting together and managing shows, and just generally being the glue that holds things together. The guy is, genuinely, an amazingly dedicated man, and while I don't usually bother with 'Mount Rushmore'-type comparisons, I would have no hesitation in putting TGO right on top of that list.

I think, in terms of promos and character work, one of the things that TGO absolutely excels in, above all else, is making you feel for the characters. He's a creative mind, yes, with the kind of prose you would find in famously published works of literature, but it's his ability to draw you in and make you feel alongside his characters - whether it's a spiral of solipsism Devin Golden or a fractured yet hopeful XYZ, TGO has this wonderful, wonderful way of pulling you into the characters world, making you care about them and their struggles, their worries, their afflictions. He makes them feel real. He makes you feel for them. And that's one of the highest qualities an e-fedder can have.

And above all else? Maybe above that? He's a good person. He's kind, he's reliable, he's humble, he's funny as fuck, and he's a genuinely good person. The man hit a home run in terms of personality traits, and there is no-one better who deserves their flowers, more than The Golden One.

The dream will never die, as long as people continue to be inspired by the likes of The Golden One. As long as TGO's influence is still felt, and I'm absolutely certain it will be for years to come, then the dream will never die, indeed. In a way, he IS FWA. And everything that he's done for this place will always have a soft spot in my heart.

Siempre, Goldie. Siempre.

An Original Name said:
When you're running a creative project like a fed you have to be the beating heart of it, if you're not enthused likely no one else will. So TGO, being a driving force for so many years in FWA, and still having fun writing and promoing is nothing short of inspiring. I can not picture this place without him. He is helpful kind and thoughtful and if it wasn't for his endless encouragement and validation when I first got here, I wouldn't be here.

rawr said:
The Devin Golden coma angle is just about the best storyline I've ever had the pleasure of reading. To say it was ground-breaking is an understatement, character work like that is the reason why he belongs in the e-fed version of Mt. Rushmore. It's surreal that TGO has been able to reinvent and reinvigorate a character that has supposedly ‘done it all’ repeatedly. It's even more amazing that he's been able to find similar success with his other characters.

TGO is also incredibly forgiving and willing to work with just about anything thrown his way. He has a great mind for story telling and feud advancement, as well as for big moments. I'll always appreciate what he did for me with the carving angle. Moments like that, along with what he's done with other characters, for example the entirety of the Sunrise/Sunset angle, the KAIZEN X Championship angle, and the Osos Locos angle are a testament to the insane amount of creativity Devin has. Working with him was a joy, and I, along with anyone else that has had the pleasure of working with him are better off for the experience.

That's not to mention his behind the scenes work. Modding an e-fed is a thankless effort for the most part. Being head-mod is even more difficult. To TGO I say thank you, without you I doubt there'd even be an FWA right now.

Congratulations on your HOF induction. There isn't anyone who deserves an OOC induction more.

Shake said:
TGO is the single best thing that ever happened to the FWA and it wouldn't be what it is or where it is without him having been a part of it. Congratulations, man - nobody deserves it more.

Shawn said:
I’ve tried several times now to try to write this but kept stalling and/or not being able to find the right words. So now, in a twist that I’m sure Devin will find totally shocking (/sarcasm), I’m forcing something – anything – onto paper as we negotiate a fantasy baseball trade in my other browser window. When I take a minute to figure out why I’ve had so much trouble getting any thoughts down, I come up with two reasons:

First, no matter what combination of words I put down here, they’re not going to be enough. They won’t be enough to express what Devin has meant to the FWA, and they won’t be enough to truly encapsulate what he has meant to me and my time in FWA. Hell, I LITERALLY would not be here if it wasn’t for Devin. I was completely burnt out after my run in 2014-2016. I tried again in 2018 and decided at that time that I was done with e-fedding. It just wasn’t for me anymore. A few different people reached out to me over the next couple of years asking about a comeback, and I told them as much.

Then Devin reached out in 2020, offering the chance to work with him in the Elite Division Tag Team Tournament. I didn’t even need to think about it. I knew that if anything was going to bring me back, that would be it. Every subsequent match was like a Master Class in Effective Promo Writing and How to Have Fun While Doing It. Zero chance that anything I accomplished from then on happens without Devin, and I wouldn’t trade a minute of it for an FWA-lifetime of anything else. Anyone who knows what I mean will agree: there’s a whole lot more like me than there are like Devin.

Second, it might not make sense to anyone but me, but it feels like some weird, twisted admission of the end of Golden Rock. Like, I know in FWA canon it ended 18 months ago, and it REALLY ended when Randy drowned in Brazil (or, 9 months ago if Tig ever gets the damn warehouse posted) but there’s definitely been some part of me clinging on to our time together and not wanting to let go. That’s the kicker with Devin, isn’t it? Working with him is the most fun you’ll ever have in this ‘business’. Anyone who has spent time working with him will tell you the same. The ideas, the creativity, the support, the passion – he's going to make you the best version of yourself – whether you want it or not – even if it kills him. Even if you don’t deserve it. So, the concept that our time together is done is a bitter pill to swallow.

But time marches on, and all we can do it make the best of it. Thank you, Devin, for everything. If anyone has ever deserved this honor, it’s you. You have been the heart and soul of this place for longer than anyone else can remember, and even if you remove the FWA accolades from the equation, we all leave the FWA as better people than when we came – and that’s all because of you. Love ya buddy.

The Black Parade is dead. Long live the Black Parade!

Congratulations, and thank you, to the 39th inductee to the FWA Hall of Fame, and the 3rd ‘handler inductee’, The Golden One!


Sep 30, 2022
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Big fucking congrats to all inducted. Even with a short-time in FWA, I can tell your influence on here just with how everyone has held you and your characters in high regard. Then TGO, big congrats on the handler induction!


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Sep 14, 2022
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Congratulations to my fellow characters that made it. I loved Randy's speech and Danny's marking out for Nova.

Also, FWA is the house that TGO built and everything he has done in this fed is Hall of Fame worthy on his own. Much congratulations to him.

The Golden One

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Sep 13, 2022
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A major, huge, massive congratulations to the three newest inductees of the HOF: Nova Diamond, my tag team partner "Rockstar" Randy Ramon, and one of the GOATs, Gabrielle. Each induction is deserved. You could not find a better combination of character work, creativity, and overall writing chops from these three. They all deserve the light.

I said a variation of this in Discord and will say it here.

The FWA is one of my favorite things in the world, and it has been in that group since I joined 15 years ago. Even when I stop being a mod (I've stopped 3 times), I cannot give it up. Even when I actually do give it up as a promo'er, I can't completely quit it as a reader or reviewer. It is truly one of my greatest loves, and it's difficult to explain to anyone who isn't in this coma escape from the real world with us, but that's OK because we all get it and that's why this is a community that has built and persisted and survived and thrived for 18 years.

Side note: My best friend of 19 years understands it. My wife sort of understands.

So when I read the honor, I got choked up, and as I've read more and more of what people have said, I just got more and more choked up. I had to stop twice. I'm an emotional person, so it's par the course, but it hits home in the most immense of ways. This is a place with people whom I've invited to my wedding (lost invites are still on their way, Shake and Kai), a place where I announced the coming of me and my wife's first child before I announced it on any other public forum, and a place of people who would make me feel immensely honored in my cremated ashy form if they came to my funeral.

So I just want you all to know that I really appreciate this. It is an honor to be in a group with Matty Rob and Chris Stallings. That alone moves me in a way I have a difficult time explaining.

However, you all in the e-fed currently should not sell yourselves short. It is an honor to continue to be in the fed with all of you, and I mean that. There are a lot of new people, and I just want to fit in with the lot of you and continue to be part of the community, this comatose dream world that gives us an escape from the pitfalls of real life, the work, school, bills, broken relationships, family issues, arguments, headaches, physical illnesses, mental illnesses, lost loved ones, etc. It has always been that for me, a place I can turn to when I need something to distract me, or a place I can simply enjoy no matter what else is happening.

But it is a comatose dream world we all have built. For some, it might mean 5 hours a day. For others, it might mean 5 minutes a day. But we all play a role in helping it survive and thrive. We are all pillars, blocks, and stones, and I am immensely happy and proud to be one of those with the rest of you. If that means 15 more years, then nothing would make me happier, and I mean that. There are many Goldensiblings who can come through the FWA.

I'll be speaking 1v1 with everyone who wrote something, but thank you to the e-fed for this recognition. I have a difficult time putting into words what this means. Just know it is the greatest achievement of mine in this e-fed, greater than any of the 14 title reigns or any of the character HOF inductions, because it means that the work I did for you all was successful and purposeful in making this place something you would want to be in and something you would be proud of. This is a coma world we all had a part in building. I just love everything I've done in it, everyone who I've met in it, and that I get to continue to do more. Thank you all. Siempre, and the dream never dies.
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