Balor, Kofi, Lars, Braun and Roman I consider locks. I just see no possible way any of these five lose their matches...
Undertaker vs. Goldberg is, in theory, one that can go either way but I'm pretty condifent Taker is winning...
Orton vs. HHH I feel is the hardest one to call. I really wouldn't bet against the RKO, one of the most protected moves in WWE, however on the other hand these type of matches I really have a hard time betting against HHH. In the grand scheme of the things, this is a nothing match that does no one any favors but for the sake of predictions, I'll go with HHH...
Rollins vs. Baron: In theory, there should be no doubt of the outcome, however with Brock looming, there's a few ways this can go:
a) The simple route, thus Rollins beats Baron in a 20+ minute effort and Brock cashes in post match,
b) Baron gets the upset win and Brock cashes in on Baron, which, if you think about it, achieves two things. One, Seth can still talk about how he never lost to Brock and two, it could actually add to Baron's shtick, by having the ring announcer add "former Universal champion" to the list of accolades...
c) Rollins simply wins and Brock cashes in on Kofi instead...
You know, WWE have us all talking about the Rollins, Lesnar, Baron triangle, yet this could easily be their way of setting up the swerve, in which Lesnar cashes in on Kofi instead. On a personal level, it would not surprise me one bit and, come to think of it, this would make Brock WWE champion, thus a Smackdown guy which I'm sure would please FOX executives for very obvious reasons. Besides, they still have the stupid wildcard rule so it's not like Brock can't appear on RAW anywway...
Last but not least, the 50-man Battle Royal. Initially, I had Drew McNtyre penciled in but giving it a bit more thought, I feel maybe Miz is owed a big win. Not that anyone really gives a shit but in WWE's eyes this is still a major thing and I feel they may want to give Miz a little something after the back to back losing efforts to Shane...