Kennedy lands two quick leg kicks before shooting for a takedown, which Lawler avoids. Tim Kennedy shoots a takedown and just narrowly avoids taking the full damage of Robbie Lawler's uppercut. Tim was bleeding pretty heavily from the top as he worked ground and pound from side control and guard. None of the shots were powerful but they scored points. Lawler was throwing elbows to the cut and Kennedy chose to punish the body of Lawler with hammer fists to the stomach. The round ended with Tim Kennedy in top position raining down punches.
The third and final round began with Lawler stalking forward. Robbie was unable to land anything and Kennedy was able to land a punch to the temple. Tim looked noticeably tired with less pep in his step. Lawler stayed low to avoid the takedown but didn't defend any leg kicks. Kennedy came forward with a knee but ate an uppercut from Lawler. Kennedy continued to score with his kicks and Lawler looked tentative for the full round. Kennedy was finally able to get the takedown and punished the Lawler for the final thirty seconds of the round.
All three judges scored the bout 30-27 for Tim Kennedy, who dominated Robbie Lawler for the full 15. After the fight Tim Kennedy shows his support for the troops during his post fight speech. He wants another shot at the middleweight belt. Kennedy is now 5-1 in Strikeforce with an overall record of 14-3. Robbie Lawler is now on a two fight losing streak and 2-4 in Strikeforce. His overall MMA record is 18-8-1