AMA Steel Cage Bunkhouse Stampede Match

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Ricky Smarks

Jun 28, 2010
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Steel Cage Bunkhouse Stampede Match
Norman Namatjira v. Daniel Christian v. Marquise Bridges v. Cali Hayama v. Raging Redneck v. Maxwell Marquee v. Buffalo Jones

Remember that role-plays are to be received no later than 11:59 PM EST on Friday, January 21st, 2022.


Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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Ride 'Em Cowgirl!

It is morning in Tokyo.

We begin in a hotel room in the middle of the bustling city, its window outlooking the cityscape below. In view is one of the most famous stadiums in the world, the Tokyo Dome, with its egg shape breaking out in the background. The beautiful blue sky is vast with several small clouds in the distance. Contrasting the beautiful city is the mess the hotel room has been left in. Despite the white clean walls of the room, it has been put in disarray from the person staying there. The bed has yet to have been made this morning as the sheets are all over the place, and sitting on the bed is a Nintendo Switch with neon coloured joycons. It has a game open and it is the hit Metroid: Dread. Next to it is a cell phone that has a text message open saying “You’re in a Bunkhouse Stampede match, good luck, girl.” At the end of the bed is a championship belt with a pink strap and circular plate. At a desk near the window, a laptop is booted up to a Wikipedia page for the “Bunkhouse Stampede match,” along with other tabs including the AMA website, “Australian Aboriginal Fighting Techniques,” “Building Bridges: Community Outreach Organization,” “How to shave a bad mustache,” “,’ “Drama for Dummies,” and finally “The History of Cowboys (not the Football team).”

Pacing at the other end of the room we see a new AMA wrestler and young star in Cosmic Joshi Wrestling, Cali Hayama. Looking like she just got out of the shower not too long ago, her hair is in a ponytail and she has a plain gray shirt top on, jeans and sneakers. Her hand is on her forehead as she shakes her head.

“Bunkhouse…” she mutters to herself before saying much louder. “A fucking Bunkhouse Stampede match in 2022?! What? Did I fall back in time to the ol’ days of ‘rassslin?! Just…”

The MAYHEM member groans before looking at the camera. “Well, isn’t this just great!?” Cali gives a small ‘wave,’ to the camera. “Hi, Cali here. Cali Hayama, you know, new girl in AMA. Member in MAYHEM, Twitch streamer, Slayer-Queen, one-third of the CJW Trios Champions, all that. But now we got those pleasantries out of the way, let me say again…”

She raises her voice yet again. Who on Earth books this kind of match these days!? A match where we are all thrown in a cage and rather than eliminating people by pinfall or submission like a normal match, or God forbid throwing people over the top rope, instead you have to throw a bunch of people out of a freaking cage! Yeah, because that other stuff isn’t ‘manly’ enough. I swear to God if they force us to dress like Cowboys like they did in the original matches.”

Taking a deep breath, she calms herself and finally focuses. “Any who, so here I am, a girl who is just trying to get herself back to wrestling in North America again after using some time in Japan to improve, and I need to turn this chicken shit situation into chicken salad. The bright side of this is that something I learned is that less rules can be a blessing in disguise. A little pressure is nothing bad. Despite the fact I’m probably the most athletic in this match, on paper I’m one of the overlooked ones. You know, because how can a 130 pound woman throw out most of the guys in that match?”

Giving a small chuckle, Cali smirks at the camera. “But thinking about it, I like that challenge. I like the idea of coming into this match, few giving me a chance and turning everything on its head and throwing all of those noobs out of the ring and maybe we can put this match back into the 80’s, a time where this match was actually acceptable.”

Pausing for a second, the Asian-Canadian adds, “And maybe I’ll throw a couple of the guys in this match with it. Because if there are two guys that would actually fit in the old Bunkhouse matches in the 80’s, then the Raging Redneck and Buffalo Jones would be perfect.” Cali Hayama points to each side, “An alcoholic cowboy and a boomer with a pornstar mustache! Now frankly, I can just write off the Redneck now just by watching that awful performance he had against The Residence. I know first hand how tough they are, considering I am legit one of the only two people who have beat Princess Nova in over two years, look it up. But come on, you got your head kicked off! And while I’m at it, I might as well write off the Drama boy. He’s from an even farther time and he’s too busy focusing on Broadway to give a crap about this match. Even his performance last match showed it, tapping out instantly. So he’s just dead space here.”

Walking around the room, Cali adds, “But Buffalo, I’ll give you your due, you’ve been paying them for twenty years, you have done pretty good in AMA. I joke about the look, but maybe in any other situation I’d look at you in the locker room, shake your hand, pick your brain a bit, and frame that advice in a way that fits me. You have put up a fight to even get to AMA. In theory, there is a chance you’ll be back in the title hunt… Well unless someone younger and hungrier comes by and beats you to it because wrestling is an industry that moves forward. Some people may pine for the days of sweaty hairy men wrestling in fair grounds and where…”

She takes a deep frustrated breath, “F-ing Bunkhouse matches were the norm, but that’s gone. Something I know that eats you up is the fact that your time may be coming up and wrestling is going to past by. You see the direction wrestling is heading and it comes all over the place. There it is in the independents in North America, all the way to Europe and especially you see it here in Japan. The girls I wrestle against, and the ones that I call my friends in MAYHEM, we’re on another level, gender and size be damned. I’m next level, something you’ll learn quickly. . .”

The Slayer-Queen takes a breath then adds, “And I’m the future. If there is a bright spot of this match is that not everyone is stuck in a bygone era. There is another person in this match who, like me, is young and has a bit of a social media presence. Just too bad it is a Vlogging channel which is a pretty low form of entertainment…” She points at herself, self-aware, “And that’s coming from the gamer girl who had pink hair at one point. That guy is Daniel Christian, and normally he’d be a decent kid, even though most ‘influencers,’ make me feel like crap. But what happens, I see you making your website with a crap name and saying that people are calling you ‘the future? Cali groans.

“Buddy, you have only just started and when the pandemic hit hard, you spent more time focusing on your vlog rather than wrestling. Me? Sure, I had a small stretch where I did some extra streaming but I itched and begged to get an opportunity to wrestle and the first chance I flew myself to Japan, was willing to self-isolate in a hotel room like this for a couple weeks. Then I went and busted my ass and I grew as a competitor and person. I still have a ways to go, but I’ve already learned some lessons you’ve only dreamed of. I have already done stuff to maybe, just maybe make an argument. Tapping out a drama kid who just wanted to get out as quickly as he could isn’t shit. You’re toothless while I’ve got a bite behind my flash. You haven’t been through shit. You want to be the future? You want me to show some respect and collab with you, prove it. Prove you can go through something like this or your next video will be titled "I GOT MY FACE KICKED IN BY A GIRL NOT CLICKBAIT, EMOTIONAL!”

Realizing some words she used, Cali hesitates a second before moving on. “Now, if we’re talking about someone who has at least been through hell in his journey out of the ring, that’s Marquise Bridges. I looked at his story and I respect it. The guy fought through poverty and addiction, a thing that can ruin anyone and now he’s giving back to his community. I can rant on about how he seems like a nice guy, but where is the fun in that? Because looking at how you are now, Marquise, why the hell are you in this match? Why are you wrestling? There are better ways of advertising your charity and getting funds than getting your face stomped in. Hell, if you want, I can do a charity stream where we play some games to support your charity.”

She pauses and winks. “, Cali_X, hit me up. That’ll be a whole lot safer than a Bunkhouse match! Then again, I can be wrong. Maybe deep down there is that hardened guy that had to survive gang life underneath your skin. But if you walk into this match with the mentality that you’ll smile against adversity, be the solution, not the problem, then I will eat you up. Because this girl is going to be a problem you won’t be able to handle.”

Cali Hayama claps her hands together and moves on to the biggest piece in this match. "But there is one problem in this match. A guy who is going to be the boss of this match. The big bad Bowser, Norman Namatjira. Even with the eye test, how the hell am I going to get his fat-ass up the cage? He’s also the guy coming into this match making the most noise, injuring Shinzo Omega after his title tournament match. He seems like a shoe-in for this match. But I’m not scared. I’m not intimidated by the Aboriginal garb and pageantry, the size. Because I know something about you.”

The Gaijin-Joshi taps her head. “You crack under pressure. Even a match with relaxed rules doesn’t change anything. You got beat by a psycho clown then when you couldn’t beat the count against Omega you snapped. You had all the extra incentive to win and you didn’t. You had to attack him after the match. But that wasn’t you collecting a check or following through on a promise. I saw it in your eyes. You were scared. You were scared of being made a fool. You act like a tribal chief but you failed your job and were embarrassed. Get used to it,” Cali spins her finger around, “because I’m going to run circles around you…” and then she points to the side, “and when you’re on your ass outside of that cage, you’ll look in and see me, outlasting you, and you’ll crack again.”

Walking around the room, she looks towards the camera. “Do I want to wrestle in this wack-ass stipulation? No. But I’ll be damned if I’m not going to make my debut for AMA count. At one time, maybe I’d be satisfied with a good performance, but that isn’t going to get me far. What I need to aim for is to outlast six others and show that any hurdle, even the most crazy, won’t hold me back. I’ll send Maxwell Marquee crying back to Broadway. I’ll send the Redneck into rehab. I’m going to earn my spot in front of Buffalo Jones. I’ll show the trend isn’t with Daniel Christian. Bridges will burn. The Dharawal Warrior will acknowledge that maybe he isn’t good enough.”

Putting on a bit of a fake southern accent for a second. “Ride ‘em cowgirl, come on down to the Bunkhouse Stampede where you’ll see the Gaijin-Joshi round up some varmint and huck ‘em outta a cage.” Dropping the fake accent, she chuckles and adds her final point. “See you soon, boys…”

Using her finger to do a small throat cutting gesture, she says… “Slay…” before dropping the “M” hand gesture associated with her group in Japan, “Queen…”

On that note, the camera fades away with Cali Hayama, though perplexed by the obscure match she is in, mentally ready for the challenge in her AMA debut.

Marty McFourth

My Strange Addiction
Feb 9, 2020
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I loved that promo, love how she reacted to the Bunkhouse match too :lol I like her feistiness. Dig the whole in to gaming thing.

Cali kinda gives me Dva vibes from Overwatch, I really do love it


Dreams are Endless
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Vlog 46: Backstage at AMA Rush Hour with a LEGEND!

Daniel Christian’s usual vlog intro plays before transitioning to Christian filming on his phone at what looks to be an airport.

Daniel Christian: “Hey guys, thanks for tuning in once again to a VERY special episode. As you can see, I’m not in my apartment this week, and here pretty soon I’ll be in San Francisco because it’s time for Daniel Christian to show the entire world who he is. But real talk, I’m running super late for this flight so if I make it in time, I’ll talk to you guys from the arena.


The video comes back to Christian, now dressed in his ring gear and at the arena. He’s with a rugged wrestler that looks to be well into his 40s and wears scars from previous battles all across his body.

Daniel Christian: “Hey guys welcome back. I only have a couple of minutes here because my match is coming up here pretty soon since I didn’t exactly get booked in the main event on my first night. But don’t worry! I’ll have plenty of time after I make short work of this Shakespeare wannabe coming up to show you all the happenings backstage at AMA. But first I wanted you guys to meet my new friend, the one, the only, the man, the man, the myth, the legend: JOHNNY LIGHTUBES!”
Christian sticks the camera in Johnny’s visibly annoyed face.

Johnny Lightubes: “What is this shit, kid?’

Daniel Christian: “It’s my vlog, man, I was just telling you about it. You know, the thing I do on YouTube? I’ve got almost 15k subscribers.”

Johnny Lightubes: “Talk to me when you’ve got 15,000 thumbtacks stuck to your back, I’m not wasting my time with this.”

Johnny gets up and leaves, leaving Christian sitting alone.

Daniel Christian: “Oooooohkay, well that wasn’t exactly what I was expecting but trust me he’s a great guy I swear. Go look up some of his matches from back in the day they were WILD! Anyway, my match is soon so I’ve got to go, see you guys after.”


The next few minutes of the video are showing Daniel Christian vs Maxwell Marquee from Rush Hour, filmed from high above the arena. We see both men making their entrance before Christian had the shocking upset in just a few minutes for his big AMA debut.


Backstage once again, Daniel Christian has a huge smile on his face stretching ear to ear.

Daniel Christian: “Did you guys see that!? That was insane, it’s gotta be the shortest match in AMA history. I told you guys I’d show the world who I was tonight! Johnny my man, did you see that match?”

Christian once again points his camera towards Johnny Lightubes.

Johnny Lightubes: “Kid if you put this camera in my face one more time, I’ll make sure you won’t even get a second match.”

Christian quickly moves on through the backstage area.

Daniel Christian: “Such a warm person that Johnny Lightubes. I think he liked the match though. But now it’s time for me to celebrate. I’ll wrap this vlog up once I’m home and catch you guys up on everything.”


The video then transitions to the all-familiar bedroom/studio in Daniel Christian’s apartment where he has filmed the bulk of his vlogs as they continue to grow in viewership. Christian is seated in his usual seat in front of the camera, still with a huge smile across his face.

Daniel Christian: “Welcome back as I wrap up this episode. It’s now been a couple of days since I made my debut at Rush Hour, and the reaction from you guys has been amazing. I already know this is going to end up being my most view episode, I’ve gained 5,000 more subscribers since the show aired! So welcome to all the new viewers, now you know what all my long-time fans already knew, I’m here and I’m the real deal. And you won’t have to wait much longer because I’ve already been asked to come back. That’s right, at the next AMA show Manifest Destiny, these guys have booked me in a CAGE! If you thought watching me beat up on drama boy was fun, you haven’t seen anything yet, this will be my show to steal. I just feel sorry for those other poor schmucks locked in that cage with me. But for now, you guys know the drill. Like, subscribe, buy my merch, all that jazz. None of this would be possible without your love and support, and the future is bright!"

The ending credits with special thank yous to Daniel Christian’s Patreon subscribers play before the video ends, concluding this episode.


White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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An alarm clock sits atop a small
Table next to a bed. The clock reads:
5:59 AM and flips to 6:00 AM.




The jarring beeps begin going off
Until a rises from the bed, tapping
The top of the clock, turning the
Alarm off. Slowly getting to a seated position
Is Marquise Bridges, outstretching his arms
To greet the early hours of the morning.

“I should really get a new alarm clock, ha.
Well, let’s get this day started-
Oh, hey Bax, what’s up man, morning!”

Baxter, Marquise’s small white Bichon Frise, walks up to him
And begins licking his hand. Baxter walks in a small circle
Before doing a mighty leap into Marquise’s lap.

“Someone slept as well as I did.
All full of energy to take on the day. That’s good,
I could use a little extra inspiration to prepare for my
AMA debut, so thanks little guy.”

Marquise holds Baxter and stands from his bed.
A better view of his place reveals it to be a small apartment,
Just enough for one person and a small dog. His bedroom
Leads into his kitchen, with the door to the bathroom being
Directly to the right of that. One window near his front door
Lets light in as he opens his curtains.

“Let’s get you some food and set you up with a nice walk
So I can get to the Bronx. Don’t worry Bax, I’ll pick myself up
A little something on the way before I get to Mac.”

Baxter lets out a playful little bark, jumping from Marquise’s
Arms and doing a little dance once he lands on the floor.
Marquise sets off to do exactly as he said; take care of Baxter
And get on his way to the Bronx to meet his friend Mac.
6:00 AM turns into 7:30 AM and music slowly fades in.

Marquise Bridges jogs up some old stairs into what looks like
A dusty old gym out of a movie. Large barred windows high up
On the walls illuminate the room. Various tubes and pipes
Are seen on the ceiling, along with old school ceiling fans.
Heavy bags hand from wooden support beams, old model
Treadmills are on one side of the gym, a few prison-looking
Weight benches are on the other side. Littered around are
Pieces of boxing equipment. Dead center of the gym is a
Decrepit boxing ring held together by duct tape, plywood
And the prayers of those that train in it. In the center of this ring
Shadow boxing is an average height man wearing a matching color
sweatpants/hoody combo.

“Hey yo, Mac! What’s up! I dig the classic threads,
Haven’t seen them in a while.”

“Yeah, pink was always more my color. Setting trends and
Breaking records and chins, you know how it is.”

“When you gunna admit you stole your
whole schtick from that old video game?”

“Haha, fuck you man. Sound like that nerd chick
You gotta fight. Whatsername, Kelly?”

“Uh, Cali. Cali Hayama.”
“Sounds like a fuckin' motorcycle.
Change into your shit and get in the ring.
Talk and train, let’s go, multitask Mr. Smiles.”

Marquise goes to a bench and puts down
A duffle bag he had been carrying. Inside of
The bag are his personal boxing gloves,
Left glove reading “Problem” and right glove
Reading “Solution” on the wrists,
A mouth guard that funnily reads “TEETH”,
And white hand wraps. Inside the ring, Mac
Has removed his hoody and put on a pair of
Very much used, but still viable, green gloves.
He’s a 39 year old man with black hair. Pretty
Normal looking, but with a bit of a grizzled,
Battle worn face. He’s been through a lot, professionally.
After getting prepared, Marquise gets in the ring.

“Alright, so same as usual then Mac?”
“Yessir. Headgear’s for bitches, I will tag your
Ass up in the corner, and the ropes don’t save you,
But your footwork will.”

“Ring the bell already then man.”

Mac rings an invisible bell in the air and says “Ding, ding”
Before throwing a sudden right hook towards Bridges,
Who steps back dodging it swiftly.

“So Smiles, tell me what you got going on in your debut
Before I knock your teeth out and you can’t.”

Mac throws a few jabs at Marquise that hit his gloves.
Marquise responds by faking a left, and throwing a right
To the body instead, connecting lightly.

“There’s six other people in the match and we’re in a cage.
You remember that old match type we saw
As kids, the Bunkhouse Stampede?”

“Yeah, I remember that.”

Marquise throws a quick combo; two to the body
And one to the head that only glances Mac.

“It’s one of those. I’m not going to lie Mac
Nobody in there’s a walk in the park,
But you can never be sure.”

“Yeah, ya gotta be alert.”

Saying that, Mac absolutely rocks Marquise near the hip,
But he doesn’t let it phase him as he manages to throw some quick
Shots that back Mac up to the ropes. He taps him on the chest
And goes back to the center of the ring.

“Yeah, I know, haha.”
“You got some big boys in there right? A fuckin’ cowboy
In the year of our lord, 2022, and whatever the Buffalo dude is. He an Indian?

“Ok first of all, it’s Indigenous People or Native American, second, no he isn’t.
As far as I know at least, I’ve heard the guy doesn’t talk much.
But from what I do know, we ain’t too different in some ways.”

Mac physically pushes Marquise back
And throws three strikes to the head,
One of which connects flush on the left cheek
Of The Solution, causing him to step back
And reevaluate the situation.

“He slow like ya, Smiles?”
“I let you get that one, haha. But no,
I mean that we both lost our pops, struggled for our moms,
Had it rough, albeit in different ways. Both loved wrestling
Since we were kids, but again, in different ways.
Allegedly some vague Cartel stuff, but I can’t really speak on that.
He might be, or have been, a bad guy but I don’t know man.
I really feel like I can connect with the guy. Honestly,
Buffalo Jones seems like someone that would slot great
Into the organization. He could help a lot of people.
And probably himself. A redemption story is always great.”

“Yeah maybe, but first you gotta kick his ass. Guy like him,
Go for the body. Birdy told me his cardio ain’t up to snuff,
Might have some lung thing, so tire him out, wind him, go for the kill.
Typical stuff, you know what to do, I gotta hold your hand?”

Mac throws a straight, Marquise ducks,
Throws a straight of his own dead center
Of the stomach, making Mac bend over slightly,
Giving Marquise the opening for an uppercut.
Mac sees it coming and moves out of the way,
Getting off a light tap on Marquise’s chin.

“Uh-uh, that’s my thing, Smiles.”
“Almost had you though. Anyway, yeah, Jones is definitely
Someone I’m prepared for. The other guy you mentioned-“

“The fuckin’ cowboy.”
“Raging Redneck, Mac. He might be from another time
In the way he carries himself, being a cowboy and all,
But can’t deny the fact that cowboys are tough. Dirty fighter, sure,
But can’t say I don’t respect it. Do what you have to do
To win in this world. I just hope he leaves the
Beer bottles backstage. I don’t feel like
Picking glass up out of my hair after I win.”

“Just make sure that when you knock his
Ten-gallon ass off his lil’ klippity-kloppity horse, he don’t get back up.
I want him hearing that old Will Smith song in his dreams
When you knock him out.”

Mac throws a four-piece combo,
But Marquise is able to block three and dodge one,
Letting off a shot to Mac’s forehead that catches him
A bit off-guard.

“And what about the motorcycle?”
“Cali Hayama.”
“Yeah, Digital Vroom-Vroom.”
“I kind of want her to do her thing and collab for a charity stream! Haha”
“She cute? Hook me up?”

Marquise drops his hands and places them on his hips.
Mac also drops his hands.
Marquise laughs and shakes his head.

“Ok, no, I will not, haha. Although that girl has some sharp wit,
She’d make you look like a little b-i-itch.”

“There ain’t two I’s in bitch.”
“I added one special for you, that’s how bad she’d get you.”
“Whatever Smiles. You worried about her?”
“Just a bit. She’s probably one of the better fighters in this.
Very experienced at her young age. Limited experience, but it’s a lot of a little bit,
You get me?”

“Yeah I get it. Digital Vroom-Vroom’s a lil ‘firecracker.”
“Sure, that works. She’s definitely one to throw caution to the wind.
That can be used to my advantage, don’t you think? All her parkour, risk-taking,
High-flying and intensity. I could probably turn it around on her.”

“Ah yeah, I heard of parkour, that flippy shit the kids do to look cool on YouTube
Back In 2006. Didn’t know people still did that, I thought she was
Supposed to be the hip and cool young chick?”

“I mean yeah it’s old stuff, but you couldn’t do it.
And I couldn’t do it like she can.”

“Fair enough.”
“So what do you think about her?”
“Take her legs from her, capitalize when she’s in the air or moving fast,
Hit her so hard her brain resets like a Nintendo.”

“You know she’s going to destroy you on twitter.”
“I don’t care, she can blow me like a cartridge.”

Mac puts his hands back up, as does Marquise.
They tap gloves, back up and circle around the ring.
They meet back up and get into the clinch.
Trading light taps around the head and body,
Marquise gets a good short uppercut to the rib,
Making Mac wince and stumble. Bridges follows it up
With a two-hit combo, making Mac stumble into the corner.

“Better, Smiles. Better. That was power.
Not a lot, but it was better. You’ll need that.”

“Think I know what you’re about to say.”
“Norman Namatjira. They call him The Dharawal Warrior.
I’ve heard of him. Big, tough, strong Australian bastard.
There’s a reason he’s gotten the accolades he has.
I mean I got some shit to my name too, but I’d take my time with this one.
He might not be fast, but he’s got power. Speed does beat power, any day.
But you gotta be awake to use that speed. Gotta be careful.”

“Yeah this guy could probably crush most of the people in the match. And he’s mean.
Great combination there. Temper and strength.”

“That’s right, and you know what that means?”
“What, I’m not following here.”
“You can annoy him to death! Man, you’re charismatic, sarcastic
And annoying when you want to be. That, with your speed edge over him,
That’s your ticket. Piss him off, he can’t handle his emotions.
He might be a brawler, but so are you! You can brawl with the best of them.
What you lack in power, you evenly make up for almost everywhere else.
And you’re fucking annoying. Use that.”

“I learned the annoying from the best, thanks Mac, your training works."
“Fuck you, you’re welcome.
Oh, and remember that big boys fall hard.
Add him to the list of legs to take, just like Digital Vroom-Vroom.”

Mac goes back to the center of the ring
To meet Marquise. They trade a few jabs
Until Mac does a little foot shuffle, throwing off
Marquise, and hits a killer uppercut to the chin of Bridges.
He doesn’t fall, but he backs up to take a breather and get his bearings.

“Hurt your glass jaw, drama queen?.”
“Nah, I’m good. My beard just itched, felt like I got tickled with a feather.
But uh, speaking of drama queen,
You just reminded me of Maxwell Marquee.”

“Hamilton ain’t nothin’. Streets talk. We both know who he is, he’s from here and he’s soft.
Complete disgrace to New York. He doesn’t even want to be in this business,
You’re gunna beat his fragile ass onto, and then off, Broadway.”

“I’ll admit, he might not be the most…tolerable. But hey, I would
Love to have some kind of performing arts instructor in the organization.
Maybe he’d be down for that after I beat him.
He’s definitely at least an amazing fit for that type of position.”

“If you become friends with him, I’m going to shoot you, and then myself.
I don’t care what happens to him after your match, he can go join The Wiggles World Tour
For all I care, but if I see him at Building Bridges, you lose me as a friend.”

“Aw, what’ll I do without you, Mac?”
“Get ya ass kicked.”
“I literally just took your best shot and had a coherent
Conversation with you afterwards.”

“Shut up.”

Mac throws a huge punch, Marquise sidesteps
And answers with a thunderous haymaker.
Mac gets floored and sits on the mat, looking up
At Marquise and chuckling.

“You’re right, maybe I can annoy Norman to death.”

Marquise removes his gloves and tosses
Them out of the ring. Mac removes his gloves
And places them next to him. Marquise helps his
Friend up to his feet and they show respect with a
Fist bump.

“Hey uh Smiles, that last guy, the vlogger. Daniel Christian.”
“What about him?”
“For a kid with a decent following, I know jack shit about him.
And I don’t mean that on an ‘oh he’s a wildcard, he’s the dangerous unknown’
Level. I mean it like he’s nothing, he’s a bitch. A nobody trying to be a somebody.
And who the fuck has an actual first name and then a first name as a last name.”

“I mean…I didn’t say that…but I won’t disagree with you.
This’ll be a good look for him, all the publicity from the selfies
Of a bruised up face? He’ll get more followers from the sympathy
And the extra bit of toughness for surviving.
So I guess that’s the positive outcome for him.”

“Marquise Bridges, you got this. And we know why you’re doin’ this.
You’re doin’ it for the kids. Doin’ it for the community.
Doin’ it for those that have half a chance.
Ya doin’ it to be better, right?”

“Correct, my man.”
“Who are ya!?”
“Marquise Bridges!”
“And that match, your opponents,
They a problem, so what ya gunna do!?”

“Be The Solution!”
“I said why ya gunna solve that problem!?”
“Because I am The Solution!”
“Fuck yeah you are!”

Marquise Bridges and Mac run the ropes a few times,
Tapping each other on the back each time they pass.
After a few times they stop in the center of the ring
And jump up for a big high-five.

“Woo, hell yeah!”
“Alright Mac, it’s time to get to the Org.
You have a class to teach, and I have some kids to counsel.”

"The Solution"


Tiffy Time
Dec 7, 2019
Reaction score
Penrith, NSW, Australia
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A bleak, foggy stretch of bushland is shown at sunrise. Dew drops off the eucalyptus leaves, trickling down into the stagnant creek. The gentle croaking of frogs, the chirping of crickets, the buzzing of flies.

[Highlights play from the ending of a match on Rush Hour]

Still spent for energy, Shinzo slowly heads up to the top rope to join his opponent. What is he planning now? Putting his head under his opponent’s arm, he uses all his remaining energy to slowly pick him up just enough…

TO HIT A TOP ROPE OLYMPIC SLAM! ENDLESS VORTEX OFF THE TOP ROPE! Both wrestlers bounce off the mat as the impact shakes the entire ring and Norman Namatjira’s momentum forces him to roll out of the ring! The crowd has become unglued as Shinzo Omega, who has been forced to rely on strikes and speed throughout this entire match, finally breaks out one big power move, but now Norman is out of the ring and Shinzo is too tired to grab him.

Pierce Donovan: What! THE! HELL! ENDLESS VORTEX off the top rope onto the floor on the outside! Did you hear that thud! Shinzo has lost his mind. Both men are out!

Jasper Phoenix: I can’t believe what I just saw....What power by Shinzo!

The referee begins his count.




Norman isn’t moving as Shinzo slowly rolls to his stomach.




Shinzo Omega crawls towards the ropes and finally pulls himself up, leaning on the ropes to keep him up. He glances to the outside and sees Norman out and the count continuing…

Pierce Donovan: Shinzo is in the ring! Shinzo is in the ring! Can Norman make it back to his feet too though?


Finally Norman Namatjira begins to move and grabs the apron.



Finally, Norman Namatjira grabs the bottom rope and he shakes as the official reaches…

Ten! Norman can’t beat the count!

Norman is crouched down, tracing his finger in the water. "In my grasp. I had it. It was mine." Norman continues to trace his finger. "The world as my oyster, and the temptation of a vile fiend clouded my ways." Suddenly Norman punches the water, driving his fist down into its murky depths. He pulls his hand back up, it's now caked in mud. "Hamad....Hamad you are a piece of work. You got me. You seduced me at my weakest and poisoned me with the worst thing imaginable...temptation. Temptation is the root of all evil." Norman reminisces on the wad of money that was paid to him backstage at Rush Hour.

Norman stands up, smearing the mud on his shorts. He flashes a smirk, then the camera pans up to show a golden trinket worn around his neck. It's adorned with tribal emblems and his totem animal as the figure head. "But Hamad, your temptatious evil was able to provide me with sustenance. With inspiration. With desire." The camera zooms in to show that there is text etched onto the front - the words appear in distinct italics - Shinzo Omega. "That's right. Shinzo Omega, I am not done with you by a long shot. At Rush Hour, you were fortunate enough to land inside the ring. You gave me your best shot and you could STILL not put me down. The only reason you move on for the championship is due to an archaic rule set that counted me out. Shinzo, we are going to meet again. When we meet again, my post-match actions pale in comparison to the wretched depths that I will sink to in order to break you, destroy you, and end you." Norman stares intensely into the camera. He opens a little nozzle atop the trinket, and begins to pour a red liquid from it. He extends his tongue to take a few drops, then wipes some of the liquid on his forehead. "For when the blood of thy enemy flows through you, you become them, in order to conquer them." Norman then sees a solid tree branch on the ground. He picks it up, and snaps it over his knee, breaking it in half. He throws the shattered, splintered fragments into the creek.

{camera fades to black}

Norman is now shown sitting a corner, somewhere backstage. His eyes are closed as he spins the trinket in his right hand. He seems to be gently chanting in a soft voice. The intensity and focus on his face is clear, as the chanting become more amplified. Norman stops twirling the trinket, and proceeds to slap his chest, then stomach, then legs. Finally, he slaps his face three times in succession. Quiet footsteps are head approaching him...

Mona Darling: Nor...Nor...Norman, if I could have a moment

Norman stops and turns rigid. His intense solace begins to waiver, replaced by a look of annoyance and bother

Mona: Norman I...

Norman thuds the concrete with clenched fists. He opens his eyes and sees Mona Darling standing near him, microphone in hand. He looks at her with pure disgust, then closes his eyes once more.

Mona: Norman, tonight you compete in a Steel Cage Bunkhou....

Norman jumps to his feet

Norman: I know what I am doing tonight. I do not need a patrinising reminder. I would appreciate if you would not seek to insult my intelligence

Mona: Nor...

Norman: Do not interrupt me. Please.

Mona stands there, unsure of what to do. She seems a bit shaken

Norman: Proceed

Mona: Norman, this is a first for us in AMA as we have never really had the chance to interact before. Tonight, you are faced off with six opponents inside a Steel Cage, under Bunkhouse Stampede rules. After your setback at Rush Hour, how do you...

Norman: Setback? SETBACK? Of course it was a setback. I said it before - Hamad's money gave me a moment of weakness and tempted me to lose my focus. I fell on my own sword. But rest assured, my story with Shinzo has only just begun.

Mona: Judging by Shinzo's comments earlier tonight, I think the consensus is shared

Norman: Good. It shows Shinzo has a backbone and isn't all talk. But he is not my focus tonight. Tonight, six victims lay before me in a match that I have never heard of, never competed in, and don't completely understand the rules. Tonight, the Dharawal Warrior enters a steel cage and gets to feast on six souls who dare stand before him. Carnage, bruised and broken bodies await. This match is my paradise. From the ancient times, my people have looked to their warriors to lead them into battle

Norman ushers for a video to be played - Tribal War Cry

Norman: Like those who have walked before me, tonight I embrace my solemn duty. Pain will be inflicted. Bones will bend and break. Skin will be ripped open by the soothing jaggedness of cold steel. My opponents tonight have caught me in a pissed off mood and will enter the snake pit with the most dangerous predator walking this Earth. I guarantee victory, and next up - I dine on Omega

Norman throws the mic down from Mona's grasp, then walks off down the corridor. He sees a side panel of the steel cage propped up. Norman then headbutts the cage repeatedly, and now blood emerges from a gash on his forehead. Norman wipes the blood over his face, and down his torso.

Norman: My paradise!