Stars Of X this Saturday will be live in Queens, New York at the Elks Lodge. One Night Before away from the anticipated 2nd Stars Of X Only PPV, Breakdown things look to heat up:
1st Ever Sirens Match
Stars Of X will have the 1st ever Sirens Match, Scarlette Rose will be in action making her in-ring debut. She is scheduled to face Angel CorpusIron Baba & Mike Silva vs ?
Mike Silva and Iron Baba will be in action this week against a tag team, in practice for their upcoming title match. Who will they face?
Wrestling Illustrated
Wesley Allen's interview show returns again, his guests are the Extreme Rumble winner Ryo Akita & his Breakdown Opponent Johnny Hernandez. What questions will be asked? As last show we saw that Wesley Allen tends to focus on the negative aspects of superstars career, what dirt will he drag up?
Alex Kidd in action
Alex Kidd will be punished for his attack on his opponent last week Vinnie Rose, so now he faces an opponent, a hometown hero on Stars Of X
Luis in Queens
Luis Boden has been spotted in Queens and looks to make an appearance on the show. What will the Federation X Champion have to say?
- Most posts on this thread by Friday will receive reputation
- Posts must be in relation to the content in this post. You may comment as your character's twitter on this.
- (This will be a weekly contest so rep will go out weekly)
Federation X History Student
- 1st One to post the answer to this question wins: When did Joey Saturn win the X-Championship?.
*Contests end Friday*
Prediction Contest: On Breakdown Preview Card, the official predictions will be need to be posted there
Write your own promos: Stars Of X are now allowing people to write promos for their characters, this will happen after Breakdown airs, This however will be for those avid readers.