Star Wars: The Last Jedi / The new trilogy Theory

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Patriot Pants

LDW Champion (855+ days)
Jan 23, 2017
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(If I am right anyway)

Whether you know or not, I am a die hard Star Wars fan and I love to speculate about what the future holds for the franchise's characters and story. One theory has taken the world by storm and that theory is ...

"Who is Rey's (the beautiful Daisy Ridley) father?"

Everyone has their theories and mine is just one of many ... but here it is.

Rey is Luke Skywalker's daughter.

Now here's the reason, it has been stated on many occasions that Star Wars (the main films) is a story about the Skywalker family and their adventures through the galaxy far far away. This is the main reason why I believe that Rey is a Skywalker ... like her father before her.

It wouldn't make sense for her not be Luke's daughter.

Now I hear what you're thinking "Then explain why she was left on Jakku and why Han, Leia, and Kylo don't know who she is? And why does she not know who Luke is when she hears his name or sees him?" I retort by saying ... I am getting to that just hold on.

The following is my explanation story wise, so enjoy the read!

After the events of Episode 6 and before the events of Episode 7, Luke had taken a wife and had a child. A girl which they named Rey. This child was born after Han and Leia had conceived Ben Solo (Kylo Ren) and the two saw her at a around 0-2. Around the time she was 6-7, Rey began her Jedi training under her father at the new Jedi Temple/Academy, this was around the time Ben Solo was taken their by his parents (I think it was around his teenage years, I am not sure). The two were strong in the force since they were descendants of the infamous Anakin Skywalker and being taught by his son Luke only made them stronger. They would train together along with the other padawans until Ben turned to the darkside in his early to mid 20's, making Rey around 9-11 years old when the Jedi under Luke were killed.

Now why was Luke not there to defend them?

I believe that he was aiding the Resistance/Republic in matters because Leia requested his assistance, leaving Ben in charge of protecting the other padawans ... a choice he would come to regret as Snoke had already used this to his advantage to allow the Knights of Ren to come in and slaughter them since Ben had joined them, becoming Kylo. This was like his inauguration into the order.

They killed all of them, including Luke's wife who tried to defend them. The only one they haven't killed yet, his cousin Rey. As a fellow Knight went to slay her, he was killed by Kylo, most likely wanting to do it himself. Kylo went in for the killing strike but only connected with a green blade. Luke had gotten back just in time

( The vision where he had been kneeling by Artoo was before this saving moment )

The Jedi Master confronted them, talking to Kylo, trying to get him back to the light .... to no avail. They fought, the other Knights joining in, but they were no match for a jedi like Skywalker. Realizing they were on the losing end, Kylo made a last ditch attempt to kill the young Rey, but only causes her to lose consciousness. Not wanting to fight Skywalker any longer, and believing they had succeeded in their mission they retreat to their ship, leaving Luke and his daughter to deal with the devastation.

Tears in both their eyes they hugged and he carried her to his ship, making the realization that he could not protect her, or anybody else for that matter, he decided to put her someplace the First Order would never find her ... a planet called Jakku. Making contact with Ukar Plott, believing that he would take care of her, the jedi brought his daughter there on a ship. He cried heavily as he embraced her and with the force put in false memories of her past and parents.

Luke went into exile because of his guilt of his student's deaths. his nephew joining the dark side, and his daughter being gone. Possibly even resenting the Resistance because it caused him not to be at the Temple before the attack happened. Maybe.

The events of the movies happen and Han and Leia only saw her when she was young and believed her to be dead. Which is why they did not recognize her. Same thing for Kylo.

Let us skip to the ending where we see Rey extend the Skywalker Family lightsaber to Luke, who stares with amazement and anticipation.

He had felt her presence as they came into orbit and knew it was his daughter.


Now ... here is how I would write the reveal in Episode 8.

Luke walks slowly towards her, his eyes fixed on her face. Rey just stands there, nervous. The Jedi Master gets close to her and looks her over before his eyes fill with water and he hugs her.

(Luke's strongest feature was his compassion, so like any father who hasn't seen his kid in forever a big hug ensues)

She slowly hugs back and hears him say "I'm so sorry for what I did. It wasn't right of me to just leave you."

Amazed, Rey's eyes widen and she responds "W-What do you ... what are y_-?"

"Rey ..." He faces her "I am your father."

And that's my theory and how I believe they should play out with it.
I hope you guys at least read this and maybe you thought it made sense too?

So tell me what you guys think!

May the Force be with you!

// The Phenomenal Finniis //​
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The Showoff
Apr 5, 2017
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Renfrew, Scotland, United Kingdom
This whole speculation just feels like a minefield but when the reveal comes I just hope we are not disappointed with the reality of who she is.

I think your theory would make the most sense, Luke was so torn up at his wife being murdered protecting her children and his students that he hid his daughter just like he was hidden until she comes of age. Luke found his own path by chance, so did Rey and she found her way home to be shown the true ways of the force and become a Grey Jedi like her father and grandfather before her. I hope this is the story we get but time will tell, the whole kenobi rumour and delay of a potential kenobi spinoff until after this trilogy throws a spanner in the works. Perhaps Old Ben had a daughter who turns out to be Luke's wife and Rey is Anakin and Ben's Granddaughter? Regardless of what is going to be revealed the one thing i can say is, december can't come quick enough

The Gipper

The Gipper
Jan 10, 2014
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I just hope we are not disappointed with the reality of who she is.

Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
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Townsville, Queensland, Australia
It doesn't really matter what theories you come up with now.

The Last Jedi was a terribly written film that basically took all the
solid foundations laid out by the Force Awakens and dropped a
huge, poorly written shit on them.

They killed off the 2 characters I was most interested in (Snoke
& Phasma) & completely ruined one of the greatest film heroes
of all time while shoving pointless minion-like creatures in my

I don't care who Rey's parents are because she's a Mary Sue
with no flaws what so ever & I personally can't relate to or care
about someone like that.

The Star Wars franchise is now completely & utterly broken & I
feel sorry for the fans who now try to defend & explain the horrible
writing in The Last Jedi.

I think its best if do I say this? Oh yeah...

Let the franchise die. Kill it if you have to.
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